7 months ago
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import pygame from pygame.constants import K_w, K_SPACE from pygame.constants import K_a from pygame.constants import K_s from pygame.constants import K_d from pygame.constants import K_o import pygame.rect import random import sys import time pygame.init() DISPLAYSURF = pygame.display.set_mode((750, 550)) pygame.display.set_caption("Submarine game") shieldangle = "behind" currentposition = "Outersea" blockcount = 0 oxygen = 100 Breach = True hit = False tpassed = 0 move = False goal = 100 - blockcount radar = pygame.image.load("Assets//radar.png") enemy = pygame.image.load("Assets//enemy.png") enemy = pygame.image exterior = pygame.image.load("Assets//outsidecamera.jpg") interior_top = pygame.image.load("Assets//topinterior.jpg") interior_behind = pygame.image.load("Assets//behindinterior.jpg") interior_below = pygame.image.load("Assets//belowinterior.jpg") running = False Close = 20 Attack = 40 Dist = 60 shield = pygame.image.load("Assets//shield-removebg-preview.png") def display_position(currentposition): if currentposition == hitbehind or currentposition == hittop or currentposition == hitfront or currentposition == hitbelow: DISPLAYSURF.fill(100,100,100) else: DISPLAYSURF.blit(radar,(125,125)) if currentposition == behinddistant: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125-Dist,125)) elif currentposition == behindclose: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125-Close,125)) elif currentposition == behindattack: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125-Attack,125)) elif currentposition == topdistant: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125 + Dist)) elif currentposition == topclose: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125 + Close)) elif currentposition == topattack: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125 + Attack)) elif currentposition == frontdistant: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125+Dist,125)) elif currentposition == frontclose: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125+Close,125)) elif currentposition == frontattack: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125+Attack,125)) elif currentposition == belowdistant: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125-Dist)) elif currentposition == belowclose: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125-CLose)) elif currentposition == belowdistant: DISPLAYSURF.blit(enemy,(125,125-Attack)) pygame.display.update def shield_controls(): keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_a]: shieldangle = "behind" move_position(currentposition) DISPLAYSURF.blit(shield,(125,125)) elif keys[K_d]: shieldangle = "front" move_position(currentposition) shield = pygame.transform.rotate(shield,(180)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(shield,(125,125)) elif keys[K_w]: shieldangle = "top" move_position(currentposition) shield = pygame.transform.rotate(shield,(90)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(shield,(125,125)) elif keys[K_s]: shieldangle = "below" move_position(currentposition) shield = pygame.transform.rotate(shield,(270)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(shield,(125,125)) pygame.display.update pygame.event.pump() shield = pygame.image.load("Assets//shield-removebg-preview.png") def draw_start_menu(): DISPLAYSURF.fill((50, 50, 250)) font = pygame.font.SysFont('arial', 40) Title = font.render('Submarine security game', True, (255, 255, 255)) start_button = font.render('Start', True, (255, 255, 255)) GameOver = font.render('game over',True,(255,0,0)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(Title,(375 - Title.get_width()/2, 425 - Title.get_height()*7)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(start_button, (375 - 255 / 4, 425 - 255 )) pygame.display.update() def start_pressed(): currentposition = "Outersea" blockcount = 0 shieldangle = "behind" oxygen = 100 Breach = False tpassed = pygame.time.get_ticks() running = True DISPLAYSURF.fill((100,100,100)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(radar,(125,125)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(shield,(150,70)) pygame.display.update pygame.transform.rotate(shield,(180)) def moveposition(currentposition): text_file = open("Mapping_layout/" + currentposition + ".txt", "r") x = random.randrange(0, 75) if x <= 25: L1 = text_file.readline(1) if L1 == "hitbehind" or L1 == "hittop" or L1 == "hitbehind" or L1 == "hitbelow": hit = True else: currentposition = text_file.readline(1) print(currentposition) display_position(currentposition) elif x > 25 and x <= 50: currentposition = text_file.readline(2) print(currentposition) display_position(currentposition) elif x > 50 and x <= 65: currentposition = text_file.readline(3) print(currentposition) display_position(currentposition) elif x > 65: currentposition = text_file.readline(4) print(currentposition) display_position(currentposition) def check_hit(): while currentposition == "hitbehind": if shieldangle == "behind": blockcount =+ 1000 currentposition = "Outerseas" DISPLAYSURF.blit(exterior,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) else: y = random.randint(10, 20) oxygen = oxygen - y currentposition = "behindclose" DISPLAYSURF.blit(interior_behind,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) while currentposition == "hittop": if shieldangle == "top": blockcount =+ 1000 currentposition = "Outerseas" DISPLAYSURF.blit(exterior,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) else: y = random.randint(10, 20) oxygen = oxygen - y currentposition = "topclose" DISPLAYSURF.blit(interior_top,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) while currentposition == "hitbelow": if shieldangle == "below": blockcount =+ 1000 currentposition = "Outerseas" DISPLAYSURF.blit(exterior,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) else: y = random.randint(10, 20) oxygen = oxygen - y currentposition = "belowclose" DISPLAYSURF.blit(interior_below,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) while currentposition == "hitfront": if shieldangle == "front": blockcount =+ 1000 currentposition = "Outerseas" DISPLAYSURF.blit(exterior,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) else: y = random.randint(10, 20) oxygen = oxygen - y currentposition = "frontclose" DISPLAYSURF.blit(exterior,(125,125)) pygame.time.wait(5000) display_position(currentposition) while True: keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: pygame.quit() sys.exit() pygame.display.update() if not running: draw_start_menu() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_SPACE]: running = True start_pressed() shield_controls() keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[K_SPACE]: running = True start_pressed() while running == True: shield_controls() pygame.event.pump() if hit == True: check_hit() if oxygen <= 0: breach = true DISPLAYSURF.fill(0,0,0) DISPLAYSURF.blit(GameOver,(125,125)) if keys[K_o]: font2 = pygame.font.SysFont('Arial', 14) oxygenread = "Current oxygen level is: " + str(oxygen) oxygen_level = font2.render(oxygenread,True,(0,0,255)) DISPLAYSURF.blit(oxygen_level, (20,0))
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