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The entire team from The Software House has invested an incredible amount of time to truly understand our business, our users and their needs. </p> <div class="flex"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div id="carousel-item-contact2" class="bg-white duration-700 !z-0 ease-in-out flex items-center justify-center" data-carousel-item> <div class="flex flex-col "> <div class="flex items-start lg:items-center justify-between"> <div class="flex"> <img src="../../../images/contact-us-img.png" /> <div class="flex flex-col ml-4"> <h3 class="text-blackColor font-bold uppercase">Eyass Shakrah</h3> <p class="text-sm text-gray">Co-founder of Pet Media Group</p> </div> </div> <img class=" bg-white hidden sm:block lg:hidden w-11 lazyload" data-src="../../../images/quote.png" /> </div> <p class="text-font-sm my-5 text-grayCase"> We regard the TSH team as co-founders in our business. The entire team from The Software House has invested an incredible amount of time to truly understand our business, our users and their needs. </p> <div class="flex"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div id="carousel-item-contact3" class="bg-white duration-700 !z-0 ease-in-out flex items-center justify-center" data-carousel-item> <div class="flex flex-col "> <div class="flex items-start lg:items-center justify-between"> <div class="flex"> <img src="../../../images/contact-us-img.png" /> <div class="flex flex-col ml-4"> <h3 class="text-blackColor font-bold uppercase">Eyass Shakrah</h3> <p class="text-sm text-gray">Co-founder of Pet Media Group</p> </div> </div> <img class="bg-white hidden sm:block lg:hidden w-11 lazyload" data-src="../../../images/quote.png" /> </div> <p class="text-font-sm my-5 text-grayCase"> We regard the TSH team as co-founders in our business. The entire team from The Software House has invested an incredible amount of time to truly understand our business, our users and their needs. </p> <div class="flex"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> <div id="carousel-item-contact4" class="bg-white duration-700 !z-0 ease-in-out flex items-center justify-center" data-carousel-item> <div class="flex flex-col "> <div class="flex items-start lg:items-center justify-between"> <div class="flex"> <img src="../../../images/contact-us-img.png" /> <div class="flex flex-col ml-4"> <h3 class="text-blackColor font-bold uppercase">Eyass Shakrah</h3> <p class="text-sm text-gray">Co-founder of Pet Media Group</p> </div> </div> <img class="bg-white hidden sm:block lg:hidden w-11 lazyload" data-src="../../../images/quote.png" /> </div> <p class="text-font-sm my-5 text-grayCase"> We regard the TSH team as co-founders in our business. The entire team from The Software House has invested an incredible amount of time to truly understand our business, our users and their needs. </p> <div class="flex"> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="18" height="18" viewBox="0 0 18 18" fill="none"> <path d="M15.9613 6.20694L11.4983 5.55831L9.50314 1.51358C9.44864 1.40284 9.359 1.31319 9.24825 1.2587C8.97052 1.12159 8.63302 1.23585 8.49415 1.51358L6.49903 5.55831L2.03595 6.20694C1.9129 6.22452 1.8004 6.28253 1.71427 6.37042C1.61014 6.47744 1.55276 6.62143 1.55474 6.77074C1.55671 6.92006 1.61789 7.06247 1.72482 7.16671L4.95392 10.3149L4.19103 14.7605C4.17314 14.8639 4.18458 14.9702 4.22406 15.0675C4.26354 15.1647 4.32947 15.2489 4.41439 15.3106C4.4993 15.3723 4.5998 15.4089 4.70448 15.4164C4.80917 15.4239 4.91385 15.4018 5.00665 15.3528L8.99864 13.254L12.9906 15.3528C13.0996 15.4108 13.2262 15.4302 13.3475 15.4091C13.6533 15.3564 13.859 15.0663 13.8063 14.7605L13.0434 10.3149L16.2725 7.16671C16.3604 7.08057 16.4184 6.96807 16.4359 6.84503C16.4834 6.53741 16.269 6.25264 15.9613 6.20694Z" fill="#FD833F" /> </svg> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="flex items-center justify-between sm:justify-center mt-6 sm:mt-0 lg:mt-5 mr-8"> <img class="bg-white block sm:hidden w-11 lazyload" data-src="../../../images/quote.png" /> <div class="flex flex-row sm:flex-col lg:flex-row gap-4 items-center justify-center"> <button id="carousel-indicator-contact1" class="slider-indicator" aria-current="true" aria-label="Slide 1" data-carousel-slide-to="0"></button> <button id="carousel-indicator-contact2" class="slider-indicator" aria-current="false" aria-label="Slide 2" data-carousel-slide-to="1"></button> <button id="carousel-indicator-contact3" class="slider-indicator" aria-current="false" aria-label="Slide 3" data-carousel-slide-to="2"></button> <button id="carousel-indicator-contact4" class="slider-indicator" aria-current="false" aria-label="Slide 4" data-carousel-slide-to="3"></button> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <script> import axios from "axios"; export default { name: "ContactForm", data() { return { form: { name: "", email: "", phone: "", message: "", attachment: null, value: 0, selectedSolution: null, selectedOption: 'How did you hear about us?', 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