2 years ago
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command /ctest [<text>] [<text>]: trigger: send "&##%arg-1%%arg-2%" #----------------------Warden Armor----------------------# command /givearmor:warden [<text>]: permission: givearmor.admin trigger: if arg-1 is "chest", "plate" or "chestplate": set {_wardenchestplate} to netherite chestplate of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Chestplate" give player {_wardenchestplate} if arg-1 is "leggings" or "pants": set {_wardenleggings} to netherite leggings of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Leggings" give player {_wardenleggings} if arg-1 is "boots": set {_wardenboots} to netherite boots of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Boots" give player {_wardenboots} if arg-1 is "helmet": set {_wardenhelmet} to netherite helmet of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Helmet" give player {_wardenhelmet} if arg-1 is "wardencore": set {_wardencore} to sea lantern of infinity 10 named "&bWarden Core" give player {_wardencore} command /giveshard: permission: givearmor.admin trigger: set {_wardenshard} to echo shard of infinity 10 named "&9Warden Shard" give player {_wardenshard} command /givereshard: permission: givearmor.admin trigger: set {_reinforcedwardenshard} to echo shard of infinity 10 named "&3Reinforced Warden Shard" give player {_reinforcedwardenshard} on load: #----------------------Variables----------------------# set {_wardenhelmet} to netherite helmet of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Helmet" set {_wardenchestplate} to netherite chestplate of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Chestplate" set {_wardenleggings} to netherite leggings of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Leggings" set {_wardenboots} to netherite boots of protection 10 and unbreaking 10 named "<##2267FF>Warden Boots" set {_wardenshard} to echo shard of infinity 10 named "&9Warden Shard" set {_reinforcedwardenshard} to echo shard of infinity 10 named "&3Reinforced Warden Shard" set {_wardencore} to sea lantern of infinity 10 named "&bWarden Core" #----------------------Crafting Recipes----------------------# register new shaped recipe for {_wardencore} named "&bWarden Core" using diamond, netherite scrap, diamond, netherite scrap, sculk block, netherite scrap, diamond, netherite scrap and diamond with id "warden_core" register new shaped recipe for {_wardenshard} named "&9Warden Shard" using diamond block, echo shard, air, echo shard, sculk block, echo shard, air, echo shard and diamond block with id "warden_shard" register new shaped recipe for {_reinforcedwardenshard} named "&3Reinforced Warden Shard" using diamond block, {_wardenshard}, air, {_wardenshard}, {_wardencore}, {_wardenshard}, air, {_wardenshard} and diamond block with id "reinforced_warden_shard" register new shaped recipe for {_wardenhelmet} named "<##2267FF>Warden Helmet" using {_reinforcedwardenshard}, netherite helmet, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_wardencore}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, air, air and air with id "warden_helmet" register new shaped recipe for {_wardenchestplate} named "<##2267FF>Warden Chestplate" using {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_wardencore}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, netherite chestplate, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard} and {_reinforcedwardenshard} with id "warden_chestplate" register new shaped recipe for {_wardenleggings} named "<##2267FF>Warden Leggings" using {_reinforcedwardenshard}, netherite leggings, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_wardencore}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, air and {_reinforcedwardenshard} with id "warden_leggings" register new shaped recipe for {_wardenboots} named "<##2267FF>Warden Boots" using {_reinforcedwardenshard}, netherite boots, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, {_wardencore}, {_reinforcedwardenshard}, air, air and air with id "warden_boots" #----------------------Mining Helmet----------------------# on load: set {mining_helmet} to gold helmet of unbreaking 10 named "&e&lMining Helmet" register new shaped recipe for {mining_helmet} named "&e&lMining Helmet" using obsidian, lantern, obsidian, gold block, air, gold block, air, air and air with id "mining_helmet" every 1 second: loop all players: if loop-player is wearing a gold helmet of unbreaking 10 named "&e&lMining Helmet": if loop-player's y coordinate is between -64 and 32: apply haste 1 to the loop-player apply night vision 1 to the loop-player else: execute console command "effect clear %loop-player%" else: stop