
mail@pastecode.io avatar
2 years ago
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// EA Studio Expert Advisor
// Created with: Expert Advisor Studio
// Website: https://eas.forexsb.com
// Copyright 2023, Forex Software Ltd.
// Risk Disclosure
// Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor.
// An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initial investment.
// Risk capital is money that can be lost without jeopardizing ones’ financial security or life style.
// Only risk capital should be used for trading and only those with sufficient risk capital should consider trading.

#property copyright "Forex Software Ltd."
#property version   "3.3"
#property strict

extern double MONTO = 1000; // Saldo inicial de la cuenta
extern int Maxima_Perdida_Diaria = 5; // Porcentaje máximo de pérdida diaria permitido

static input string _Properties_ = "------"; // --- Expert Properties ---
static input double Entry_Amount =     0.47; // Entry lots
       input int    Stop_Loss    =        5; // Stop Loss   (pips)
       input int    Take_Profit  =        0; // Take Profit (pips)

static input string ___0______   = "------"; // --- Bollinger Bands ---
       input int    Ind0Param0   =        5; // Period
       input double Ind0Param1   =     2.92; // Deviation

static input string ___1______   = "------"; // --- Moving Averages Crossover ---
       input int    Ind1Param0   =       14; // Fast MA period
       input int    Ind1Param1   =       31; // Slow MA period

static input string _Settings___ = "------"; // --- Expert Settings ---
static input int    Magic_Number = 53832080; // Magic Number

#define TRADE_RETRY_WAIT  100
#define OP_FLAT            -1

// Session time is set in seconds from 00:00
int  sessionSundayOpen          =     0; // 00:00
int  sessionSundayClose         = 86400; // 24:00
int  sessionMondayThursdayOpen  =  3600; // 01:00
int  sessionMondayThursdayClose = 79200; // 22:00
int  sessionFridayOpen          =  3600; // 01:00
int  sessionFridayClose         = 79200; // 22:00
bool sessionIgnoreSunday        = false;
bool sessionCloseAtSessionClose = false;
bool sessionCloseAtFridayClose  = true;

const double sigma        = 0.000001;
const int    requiredBars = 33;

double posType       = OP_FLAT;
int    posTicket     = 0;
double posLots       = 0;
double posStopLoss   = 0;
double posTakeProfit = 0;

datetime barTime;
double   pip;
double   stopLevel;
bool     isTrailingStop          = true;
bool     setProtectionSeparately = false;
//|                                                                  |
int OnInit()
   barTime        = Time[0];
   stopLevel      = MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_STOPLEVEL);
   pip            = GetPipValue();
   isTrailingStop = isTrailingStop && Stop_Loss > 0;

   return ValidateInit();
//|                                                                  |
void OnTick()
   if (ArraySize(Time) < requiredBars)

   if (Time[0] > barTime)
      barTime = Time[0];
//|                                                                  |
void OnBar()

   if (posType != OP_FLAT && IsForceSessionClose())

   if ( IsOutOfSession() )

   if (posType != OP_FLAT)

   if (posType != OP_FLAT && isTrailingStop)
      double trailingStop = GetTrailingStopPrice();

   int entrySignal = GetEntrySignal();

   if ((posType == OP_BUY  && entrySignal == OP_SELL) ||
       (posType == OP_SELL && entrySignal == OP_BUY ))

      // Hack to prevent MT bug https://forexsb.com/forum/post/73434/#p73434
      int repeatCount = 80;
      int delay       = 50;
      for (int i = 0; i < repeatCount; i++)
         if (posType == OP_FLAT) break;

   if (posType == OP_FLAT && entrySignal != OP_FLAT)
//|                                                                  |
void UpdatePosition()
   posType   = OP_FLAT;
   posTicket = 0;
   posLots   = 0;
   int total = OrdersTotal();

   for (int pos = total - 1; pos >= 0; pos--)
      if (OrderSelect(pos, SELECT_BY_POS) &&
          OrderSymbol()      == _Symbol   &&
          OrderMagicNumber() == Magic_Number)
         posType       = OrderType();
         posLots       = OrderLots();
         posTicket     = OrderTicket();
         posStopLoss   = OrderStopLoss();
         posTakeProfit = OrderTakeProfit();
//|                                                                  |
int GetEntrySignal()
   // Bollinger Bands (Close, 5, 2.92)
   double ind0upBand1 = iBands(NULL, 0, Ind0Param0, Ind0Param1, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, 1);
   double ind0dnBand1 = iBands(NULL, 0, Ind0Param0, Ind0Param1, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, 1);
   double ind0upBand2 = iBands(NULL, 0, Ind0Param0, Ind0Param1, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_UPPER, 2);
   double ind0dnBand2 = iBands(NULL, 0, Ind0Param0, Ind0Param1, 0, PRICE_CLOSE, MODE_LOWER, 2);
   bool   ind0long    = Open(0) < ind0dnBand1 - sigma && Open(1) > ind0dnBand2 + sigma;
   bool   ind0short   = Open(0) > ind0upBand1 + sigma && Open(1) < ind0upBand2 - sigma;

   bool canOpenLong  = ind0long;
   bool canOpenShort = false;

   return canOpenLong  && !canOpenShort ? OP_BUY
        : canOpenShort && !canOpenLong  ? OP_SELL
        : OP_FLAT;
//|                                                                  |
void ManageClose()
   // Moving Averages Crossover (Smoothed, Simple, 14, 31)
   double ind1val1  = iMA(NULL, 0, Ind1Param0, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
   double ind1val2  = iMA(NULL, 0, Ind1Param1, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 1);
   double ind1val3  = iMA(NULL, 0, Ind1Param0, 0, MODE_SMMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 2);
   double ind1val4  = iMA(NULL, 0, Ind1Param1, 0, MODE_SMA, PRICE_CLOSE, 2);
   bool   ind1long  = ind1val1 > ind1val2 + sigma && ind1val3 < ind1val4 - sigma;
   bool   ind1short = ind1val1 < ind1val2 - sigma && ind1val3 > ind1val4 + sigma;

   if ( (posType == OP_BUY  && ind1long) ||
        (posType == OP_SELL && ind1short) )
//|                                                                  |

void OpenPosition(int command)
   double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY); // Get the equity value of the account
   double max_loss = (AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE) * Maxima_Perdida_Diaria / 100); // Calculate the maximum daily loss

   if (equity < max_loss) // Check if equity loss is greater than the maximum daily loss
      CloseAllOrders(); // Close all open orders

   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < TRADE_RETRY_COUNT; attempt++)
      int    ticket     = 0;
      int    lastError  = 0;
      bool   modified   = false;
      string comment    = IntegerToString(Magic_Number);
      color  arrowColor = command == OP_BUY ? clrGreen : clrRed;

      if (IsTradeContextFree())
         double price      = command == OP_BUY ? Ask() : Bid();
         double stopLoss   = GetStopLossPrice(command);
         double takeProfit = GetTakeProfitPrice(command);

         if (setProtectionSeparately)
            // Send an entry order without SL and TP
            ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol, command, Entry_Amount, price, 10, 0, 0, comment, Magic_Number, 0, arrowColor);

            // If the order is successful, modify the position with the corresponding SL and TP
            if (ticket > 0 && (Stop_Loss > 0 || Take_Profit > 0))
               modified = OrderModify(ticket, 0, stopLoss, takeProfit, 0, clrBlue);
            // Send an entry order with SL and TP
            ticket    = OrderSend(_Symbol, command, Entry_Amount, price, 10, stopLoss, takeProfit, comment, Magic_Number, 0, arrowColor);
            lastError = GetLastError();

            // If order fails, check if it is because inability to set SL or TP
            if (ticket <= 0 && lastError == 130)
               // Send an entry order without SL and TP
               ticket = OrderSend(_Symbol, command, Entry_Amount, price, 10, 0, 0, comment, Magic_Number, 0, arrowColor);

               // Try setting SL and TP
               if (ticket > 0 && (Stop_Loss > 0 || Take_Profit > 0))
                  modified = OrderModify(ticket, 0, stopLoss, takeProfit, 0, clrBlue);

               // Mark the expert to set SL and TP with a separate order
               if (ticket > 0 && modified)
                  setProtectionSeparately = true;
                  Print("Detected ECN type position protection.");

      if (ticket > 0)

      lastError = GetLastError();
      if (lastError != 135 && lastError != 136 && lastError != 137 && lastError != 138)

      Print("Open Position retry no: " + IntegerToString(attempt + 2));

//|                                                                  |
void ClosePosition()
   for(int attempt = 0; attempt < TRADE_RETRY_COUNT; attempt++)
      bool closed;
      int lastError = 0;

      if ( IsTradeContextFree() )
         double price = posType == OP_BUY ? Bid() : Ask();
         closed    = OrderClose(posTicket, posLots, price, 10, clrYellow);
         lastError = GetLastError();

      if (closed)

      if (lastError == 4108)

      Print("Close Position retry no: " + IntegerToString(attempt + 2));
//|                                                                  |
void ModifyPosition()
   for (int attempt = 0; attempt < TRADE_RETRY_COUNT; attempt++)
      bool modified;
      int lastError = 0;

      if ( IsTradeContextFree() )
         modified  = OrderModify(posTicket, 0, posStopLoss, posTakeProfit, 0, clrBlue);
         lastError = GetLastError();

      if (modified)

      if (lastError == 4108)

      Print("Modify Position retry no: " + IntegerToString(attempt + 2));
//|                                                                  |
double GetStopLossPrice(int command)
   if (Stop_Loss == 0)
      return 0;

   double delta    = MathMax(pip * Stop_Loss, _Point * stopLevel);
   double stopLoss = command == OP_BUY ? Bid() - delta : Ask() + delta;

   return NormalizeDouble(stopLoss, _Digits);
//|                                                                  |
double GetTakeProfitPrice(int command)
   if (Take_Profit == 0)
      return 0;

   double delta      = MathMax(pip * Take_Profit, _Point * stopLevel);
   double takeProfit = command == OP_BUY ? Bid() + delta : Ask() - delta;

   return NormalizeDouble(takeProfit, _Digits);
//|                                                                  |
double GetTrailingStopPrice()
   double bid = Bid();
   double ask = Ask();
   double spread = ask - bid;
   double stopLevelPoints = _Point * stopLevel;
   double stopLossPoints  = pip * Stop_Loss;

   if (posType == OP_BUY)
      double newStopLoss = High(1) - stopLossPoints;
      if (posStopLoss <= newStopLoss - pip)
         return newStopLoss < bid
                 ? newStopLoss >= bid - stopLevelPoints
                    ? bid - stopLevelPoints
                    : newStopLoss
                 : bid;

   if (posType == OP_SELL)
      double newStopLoss = Low(1) + spread + stopLossPoints;
      if (posStopLoss >= newStopLoss + pip)
         return newStopLoss > ask
                 ? newStopLoss <= ask + stopLevelPoints
                    ? ask + stopLevelPoints
                    : newStopLoss
                 : ask;

   return posStopLoss;
//|                                                                  |
void ManageTrailingStop(double trailingStop)
   if ( (posType == OP_BUY  && MathAbs(trailingStop - Bid()) < _Point) ||
        (posType == OP_SELL && MathAbs(trailingStop - Ask()) < _Point) )

   if ( MathAbs(trailingStop - posStopLoss) > _Point )
      posStopLoss = NormalizeDouble(trailingStop, _Digits);
//|                                                                  |
double Bid()
   return MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_BID);
//|                                                                  |
double Ask()
   return MarketInfo(_Symbol, MODE_ASK);
//|                                                                  |
datetime Time(int bar)
   return Time[bar];
//|                                                                  |
double Open(int bar)
   return Open[bar];
//|                                                                  |
double High(int bar)
   return High[bar];
//|                                                                  |
double Low(int bar)
   return Low[bar];
//|                                                                  |
double Close(int bar)
   return Close[bar];
//|                                                                  |
double GetPipValue()
   return _Digits == 4 || _Digits == 5 ? 0.0001
        : _Digits == 2 || _Digits == 3 ? 0.01
                        : _Digits == 1 ? 0.1 : 1;
//|                                                                  |
bool IsTradeContextFree()
   if ( IsTradeAllowed() )
      return true;

   uint startWait = GetTickCount();
   Print("Trade context is busy! Waiting...");

   while (true)
      if (IsStopped())
         return false;

      uint diff = GetTickCount() - startWait;
      if (diff > 30 * 1000)
         Print("The waiting limit exceeded!");
         return false;

      if ( IsTradeAllowed() )
         return true;


   return true;
//|                                                                  |
bool IsOutOfSession()
   int dayOfWeek    = DayOfWeek();
   int periodStart  = int(Time(0) % 86400);
   int periodLength = PeriodSeconds(_Period);
   int periodFix    = periodStart + (sessionCloseAtSessionClose ? periodLength : 0);
   int friBarFix    = periodStart + (sessionCloseAtFridayClose || sessionCloseAtSessionClose ? periodLength : 0);

   return dayOfWeek == 0 && sessionIgnoreSunday ? true
        : dayOfWeek == 0 ? periodStart < sessionSundayOpen         || periodFix > sessionSundayClose
        : dayOfWeek  < 5 ? periodStart < sessionMondayThursdayOpen || periodFix > sessionMondayThursdayClose
                         : periodStart < sessionFridayOpen         || friBarFix > sessionFridayClose;
//|                                                                  |
bool IsForceSessionClose()
   if (!sessionCloseAtFridayClose && !sessionCloseAtSessionClose)
      return false;

   int dayOfWeek = DayOfWeek();
   int periodEnd = int(Time(0) % 86400) + PeriodSeconds(_Period);

   return dayOfWeek == 0 && sessionCloseAtSessionClose ? periodEnd > sessionSundayClose
        : dayOfWeek  < 5 && sessionCloseAtSessionClose ? periodEnd > sessionMondayThursdayClose
        : dayOfWeek == 5 ? periodEnd > sessionFridayClose : false;
//|                                                                  |
/*STRATEGY CODE {"properties":{"entryLots":0.47,"tradeDirectionMode":1,"oppositeEntrySignal":1,"stopLoss":5,"takeProfit":100,"useStopLoss":true,"useTakeProfit":false,"isTrailingStop":true},"openFilters":[{"name":"Bollinger Bands","listIndexes":[4,3,0,0,0],"numValues":[5,2.92,0,0,0,0]}],"closeFilters":[{"name":"Moving Averages Crossover","listIndexes":[0,3,0,0,0],"numValues":[14,31,0,0,0,0]}]} */

void CloseAllOrders() {
    int total = OrdersTotal();
    if (total == 0) return; // No hay órdenes abiertas, salir
    for (int i = total - 1; i >= 0; i--) { // iterar desde el final hacia el inicio
        if (OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS, MODE_TRADES)) {
            if (OrderType() == OP_BUY || OrderType() == OP_SELL) {
               bool close_success = OrderClose(OrderTicket(), OrderLots(), Bid, 0, clrRed); // Cerrar la orden y almacenar el valor de retorno en una variable

   if(!close_success) // Si la orden no se ha cerrado correctamente
      Print("Error al cerrar la orden: ", GetLastError()); // Imprimir el código de error

void CheckEquity() {
    double balance = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_BALANCE);
    double equity = AccountInfoDouble(ACCOUNT_EQUITY);
    double max_loss = (MONTO * Maxima_Perdida_Diaria / 100);
    if (equity < max_loss) {
        int count = 0;
        while (OrdersTotal() > 0 && count < 60) { // revisar durante 60 segundos
            Sleep(1000); // esperar 1 segundo antes de volver a revisar