25 days ago
2.8 kB
void cleanETL() { // Get the current Scintilla handle int which = -1; ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_GETCURRENTSCINTILLA, 0, (LPARAM)&which); if (which == -1) return; HWND curScintilla = (which == 0) ? nppData._scintillaMainHandle : nppData._scintillaSecondHandle; // Get the current document text Sci_Position textLength = (Sci_Position)::SendMessage(curScintilla, SCI_GETLENGTH, 0, 0); if (textLength == 0) { ::MessageBoxA(NULL, "The document is empty.", "ETL Cleaning", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); return; } std::string cleanedContent; const Sci_Position bufferSize = 4096; char* buffer = new char[bufferSize]; std::string currentLine; bool inLogEntry = false; for (Sci_Position i = 0; i < textLength; i += bufferSize - 1) { Sci_Position bytesToRead = (std::min)(bufferSize - 1, textLength - i); Sci_TextRangeFull textRange; textRange.chrg.cpMin = i; textRange.chrg.cpMax = i + bytesToRead; textRange.lpstrText = buffer; ::SendMessage(curScintilla, SCI_GETTEXTRANGEFULL, 0, (LPARAM)&textRange); buffer[bytesToRead] = '\0'; for (Sci_Position j = 0; j < bytesToRead; ++j) { char c = buffer[j]; if (c >= 32 || c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') { currentLine += c; if (c == '\n') { // Check if this line is likely a log entry if (!currentLine.empty() && currentLine.find_first_not_of(" \t\r\n") != std::string::npos) { cleanedContent += currentLine; inLogEntry = true; } currentLine.clear(); } } else { // If we encounter a non-printable character, clear the current line currentLine.clear(); inLogEntry = false; } } } // Add any remaining content if (!currentLine.empty() && inLogEntry) { cleanedContent += currentLine + "\n"; } delete[] buffer; // Create a new document and set the cleaned content ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_MENUCOMMAND, 0, IDM_FILE_NEW); int newWhich = -1; ::SendMessage(nppData._nppHandle, NPPM_GETCURRENTSCINTILLA, 0, (LPARAM)&newWhich); HWND newScintilla = (newWhich == 0) ? nppData._scintillaMainHandle : nppData._scintillaSecondHandle; ::SendMessage(newScintilla, SCI_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)cleanedContent.c_str()); ::MessageBoxA(NULL, "ETL file has been cleaned and results written to a new document.", "ETL Cleaning", MB_OK | MB_ICONINFORMATION); }
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