a year ago
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{% comment %} Accepts: - product: {Object} Product (required) - show_variant_options: {Boolean} Show variant swatches at the bottom (optional) - hide_title: {String} Hide product title (optional) - image_ratio: {String} Product media ratio (optional) - show_vendor: {Boolean} Show product vendor (optional) - show_cart_button: {Boolean} Show Add to cart button (optional) - show_quickview_button: {Boolean} Show Quickview button (optional) - show_wishlist_button: {Boolean} Show Wishlist button (optional) - column_wrapper: {Boolean} Wrap product card (optional) Usage: {% render 'product-card-4', product: product %} {% endcomment %} {% liquid if show_variant_options == nil assign show_variant_options = settings.show_swatch_option endif assign show_title = true if hide_title == true assign show_title = false endif if image_ratio == nil or image_ratio == blank assign image_ratio = settings.pcard_image_ratio | default: '1/1' endif if image_ratio == 'original' assign image_ratio = product.featured_image.aspect_ratio | default: '1/1' endif if show_vendor == nil assign show_vendor = settings.show_vendor endif assign sold_out = false if product.available == false assign sold_out = true endif assign discount = '' assign compare_at_price = product.compare_at_price assign price = product.price assign on_sale = false if compare_at_price > price assign on_sale = true assign discount = compare_at_price | minus: price | times: 100 | divided_by: compare_at_price endif assign show_on_sale_badge = false if settings.on_sale_badge != 'hide' and on_sale assign show_on_sale_badge = true endif assign quick_add_text = 'products.product.quick_add' | t unless product.has_only_default_variant capture quick_add_text render 'new-locale', key: 'products.product.select_options' endcapture endunless assign sold_number = product.metafields.foxkit.sold_number if product.available assign variant_id = product.first_available_variant.id else assign variant_id = product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id endif assign selected_variant_id = '' if section.settings.change_product_variant_on_fitlering assign variant_id = product.selected_or_first_available_variant.id assign selected_variant_id = product.selected_variant.id endif if pcard_alignment == nil assign pcard_alignment = settings.pcard_alignment endif assign pcard_default_image = settings.pcard_default_image if image_ratio == nil or image_ratio == blank assign image_ratio = settings.pcard_image_ratio | default: '1/1' endif if show_cart_button == nil assign show_cart_button = settings.show_cart_button endif if show_quickview_button == nil assign show_quickview_button = settings.show_quickview_button endif if show_wishlist_button == nil assign show_wishlist_button = settings.show_wishlist_button endif if show_compare_button == nil assign show_compare_button = settings.show_compare_button endif assign preview_image = product.media[0].preview_image if section.settings.change_product_variant_on_fitlering == true and product.selected_variant.image != nil assign preview_image = product.selected_variant.image endif if image_ratio == 'original' assign image_ratio = product.media[0].aspect_ratio | default: '1/1' endif assign second_image = '' if settings.show_second_img and product.images.size > 1 and product.images[1] != blank assign second_image = product.images[1] endif assign product_card_classes = 'm-product-card m-product-card--style-4' if sold_out assign product_card_classes = product_card_classes | append: ' m-product-card--soldout' endif if on_sale assign product_card_classes = product_card_classes | append: ' m-product-card--onsale' endif if settings.show_second_img and second_image != blank assign product_card_classes = product_card_classes | append: ' m-product-card--show-second-img' endif %} {%- if column_wrapper -%}<div class="m:column">{%- endif -%} <div class="{{ product_card_classes }}{% if animated %} m-scroll-trigger animate--{{ animation_effect }}{% endif %}" data-view="card" {% if sold_number != blank %} data-sold-number="{{ sold_number }}" {% endif %} data-product-id="{{ product.id }}" {% if animated %} data-cascade style="--animation-order: {{ index }};" {% endif %} > <div class="m-product-card__media"> <a class="m-product-card__link m:block m:w-full" href="{{ product.url }}"> {% if preview_image != blank %} <div class="m-product-card__main-image"> {%- liquid assign asp_rat = image_ratio | default: preview_image.aspect_ratio if asp_rat == 'original' assign asp_rat = preview_image.aspect_ratio endif assign alt = alt | default: preview_image.alt | escape -%} {%- capture sizes -%}(min-width: {{ settings.container_width }}px) {{ settings.container_width | minus: 130 | divided_by: 4 }}px, (min-width: 990px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 4), (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 120px) / 3), calc((100vw - 35px) / 2){%- endcapture -%} <responsive-image class="m-image" style="--aspect-ratio: {{ asp_rat }}"> {{ preview_image | image_url: width: 1100 | image_tag: loading: 'lazy', class: 'm:w-full m:h-full', alt: alt, sizes: sizes, widths: '165, 360, 535, 750, 940, 1100' }} </responsive-image> </div> {%- if second_image != blank -%} <div class="m-product-card__hover-image"> {%- liquid assign asp_rat = image_ratio | default: second_image.aspect_ratio if asp_rat == 'original' assign asp_rat = second_image.aspect_ratio endif assign alt = alt | default: second_image.alt | escape -%} {%- capture sizes -%}(min-width: {{ settings.container_width }}px) {{ settings.container_width | minus: 130 | divided_by: 4 }}px, (min-width: 990px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 4), (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 120px) / 3), calc((100vw - 35px) / 2){%- endcapture -%} <responsive-image class="m-image" style="--aspect-ratio: {{ asp_rat }}"> {{ second_image | image_url: width: 1100 | image_tag: loading: 'lazy', class: 'm:w-full m:h-full', alt: alt, sizes: sizes, widths: '165, 360, 535, 750, 940, 1100' }} </responsive-image> </div> {%- endif -%} {% else %} {% if pcard_default_image != blank %} {%- liquid assign asp_rat = image_ratio | default: pcard_default_image.aspect_ratio if asp_rat == 'original' assign asp_rat = pcard_default_image.aspect_ratio endif assign alt = alt | default: pcard_default_image.alt | escape -%} {%- capture sizes -%}(min-width: {{ settings.container_width }}px) {{ settings.container_width | minus: 130 | divided_by: 4 }}px, (min-width: 990px) calc((100vw - 130px) / 4), (min-width: 750px) calc((100vw - 120px) / 3), calc((100vw - 35px) / 2){%- endcapture -%} <responsive-image class="m-image" style="--aspect-ratio: {{ asp_rat }}"> {{ pcard_default_image | image_url: width: 1100 | image_tag: loading: 'lazy', class: 'm:w-full m:h-full', alt: alt, sizes: sizes, widths: '165, 360, 535, 750, 940, 1100' }} </responsive-image> {% else %} <div style="--aspect-ratio: {{ image_ratio }}"> {{ 'product-1' | placeholder_svg_tag: 'm-placeholder-svg' }} </div> {% endif %} {% endif %} </a> <div class="m-product-card__tags"> {% if settings.show_badge_sale %} {% for tag in product.tags %} {% if tag contains 'tag__' %} {%- liquid assign tag_content = tag | split: '__' | last assign type = tag_content | split: '_' | first assign tag_name = tag_content | split: '_' | last -%} <span class="m-product-card__tag-name m-product-tag m-product-tag--{{ type }}">{{ tag_name }}</span> {% endif %} {% endfor %} {% endif %} <span class="m-product-card__tag-name m-product-tag m-product-tag--preorder" data-foxkit-preorder-badge="{{ product.id }}"></span> {% if show_on_sale_badge %} {%- liquid if settings.on_sale_badge == 'show_percentage' assign sale_class = 'm-product-tag--discounted' else assign sale_class = 'm-product-tag--sale' endif -%} <span class="m-product-card__tag-name m-product-tag {{ sale_class }}"> {%- if settings.on_sale_badge == 'show_text' -%} {{ 'products.product.on_sale' | t }} {%- elsif settings.on_sale_badge == 'show_percentage' -%} {{ discount | append: '%' | prepend: '-' }} {%- endif -%} </span> {% endif %} </div> {%- if settings.show_badge_soldout -%} <span class="m-product-tag m-product-tag--soldout"{% unless sold_out %} style="display: none;"{% endunless %}>{{ 'products.product.sold_out' | t }}</span> {%- endif -%} {%- if show_quickview_button or show_wishlist_button or show_compare_button -%} <div class="m-product-card__action m:hidden md:m:flex"> {% liquid assign tooltips = 'compare,quickview' assign tooltip_items = tooltips | split: ',' %} {%- if show_wishlist_button -%} {% assign wishlist_app = settings.wishlist_app %} {% if wishlist_app == 'growave' %} <div class="m-tooltip m-wishlist-button m-button--icon m-tooltip--style-1 m-tooltip--top"> <span class="m-tooltip-icon m:block"> {% capture the_snippet_fave_icon %}{% render 'ssw-widget-faveicon' with product.id %}{% endcapture %} {% unless the_snippet_fave_icon contains 'Liquid error' %} {{ the_snippet_fave_icon }} {% else %} {% render 'mm-ssw-widget-faveicon' with product.id %} {% endunless %} </span> <div class="m-tooltip__content " data-revert-text=""> {{ 'products.product.add_to_wishlist' | t }} </div> </div> {% else %} {% liquid render 'tooltip', type: 'wishlist', product: product, class_name: 'm-tooltip--top' %} {% endif %} {%- endif -%} {%- for tooltip in tooltip_items -%} {%- assign settings_key = 'show_' | append: tooltip | append: '_button' | replace: 'add-to-cart', 'cart' -%} {%- if [settings_key] -%} {% render 'tooltip', type: tooltip, section: section, product: product, class_name: 'm-tooltip--top' %} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} </div> {%- endif -%} {% liquid assign metafields_time = product.metafields.global['minimog_countdown'] if settings.show_countdown and metafields_time != blank render 'countdown-timer', time: metafields_time, separator: false, short_label: true, extra_classes: 'm-product-card__countdown m:hidden' endif %} </div> <div class="m-product-card__content m:text-{{ pcard_alignment }}"> <div class="m-product-card__info"> {%- if show_vendor -%} <span class="m-product-card__vendor">{{ product.vendor }}</span> {%- endif -%} {% if show_title == true %} <h3 class="m-product-card__title"> <a href="{{ product.url }}" class="m-product-card__name{% if settings.uppercase_prd_name %} m:uppercase{% endif %}"> {{ product.title }} </a> </h3> {% endif %} {% if settings.show_review_badge %} <div class="m-product-card__reviews m:text-color-body"> {% render 'product-reviews-app__badge', product: product %} </div> {% endif %} <div class="m-product-card__price"> {% render 'product-prices', product: product, is_product_card: true %} </div> {% if product.has_only_default_variant == false and show_variant_options %} {% render 'product-card-option', product: product, show_variant_options: show_variant_options, pcard_alignment: pcard_alignment %} {% endif %} </div> {%- if sold_out == false and show_cart_button -%} {% render 'product-card-quick-add-btn', product: product, quick_add_text: quick_add_text, section: section %} {%- endif -%} <div class="m-product-card__content-footer"> <div class="m-product-card__description"> {{ product.description | strip_html | truncatewords: 15, '...' }} </div> <div class="m-product-card__action"> {% render 'product-card-quick-add-btn', product: product, quick_add_text: quick_add_text, section: section %} <div class="m-product-card__action-icons"> {% liquid assign tooltips = 'compare,quickview,' assign tooltip_items = tooltips | split: ',' if show_cart_button render 'tooltip', type: 'add-to-cart', section: section, product: product, class_name: 'm-tooltip--top m-product-card__atc-button' endif %} {%- if show_wishlist_button -%} {% assign wishlist_app = settings.wishlist_app %} {% if wishlist_app == 'growave' %} <div class="m-tooltip m-wishlist-button m-button--icon m-tooltip--style-1 m-tooltip--top"> <span class="m-tooltip-icon m:block"> {% capture the_snippet_fave_icon %}{% render 'ssw-widget-faveicon' with product.id %}{% endcapture %} {% unless the_snippet_fave_icon contains 'Liquid error' %} {{ the_snippet_fave_icon }} {% else %} {% render 'mm-ssw-widget-faveicon' with product.id %} {% endunless %} </span> <div class="m-tooltip__content " data-revert-text=""> {{ 'products.product.add_to_wishlist' | t }} </div> </div> {% else %} {% liquid render 'tooltip', type: 'wishlist', product: product, class_name: 'm-tooltip--top' %} {% endif %} {%- endif -%} {%- for tooltip in tooltip_items -%} {%- assign settings_key = 'show_' | append: tooltip | append: '_button' | replace: 'add-to-cart', 'cart' -%} {%- if [settings_key] -%} {% render 'tooltip', type: tooltip, section: section, product: product, class_name: 'm-tooltip--top' %} {%- endif -%} {%- endfor -%} </div> </div> </div> </div> <input hidden name="id" required value="{{ variant_id }}" data-selected-variant="{{ selected_variant_id }}"> </div> <!-- .m-product-card --> {%- if column_wrapper -%}</div><!-- .m:column -->{%- endif -%}
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