def ensure_nonzero_diagonal(matrix, size, index): """ Ensures that the diagonal element matrix[index, index] is non-zero. If zero, swaps rows and columns with another non-zero element in the same row. """ # If the diagonal element is already non-zero, return the matrix unchanged. if matrix[index][index] != 0: return matrix, np.eye(size) col = index + 1 # Search for a non-zero element in the row. while col < size and matrix[index][col] == 0: col += 1 # Construct an identity matrix to perform the swap. transform = np.eye(size) transform[col][index] = 1 # Apply row and column swaps. matrix = transform.T @ matrix @ transform return matrix, transform def create_transformation(matrix, size, index): """ Creates a transformation matrix to eliminate off-diagonal elements in the row. """ transform = np.eye(size) diag_element = matrix[index][index] # Compute transformation values for off-diagonal elements in the row. for col in range(index + 1, size): transform[index][col] = -matrix[index][col] / diag_element return transform def symmetric_diagonalization(matrix): """ Diagonalizes a symmetric matrix by sequentially eliminating off-diagonal entries. """ # Validate symmetry of the matrix. if not np.array_equal(matrix, matrix.T): return "Error: Input matrix is not symmetric." size = len(matrix) combined_transform = np.eye(size) # Iterate through rows to diagonalize the matrix. for row in range(size - 1): matrix, temp_transform = ensure_nonzero_diagonal(matrix, size, row) combined_transform = combined_transform @ temp_transform row_transform = create_transformation(matrix, size, row) combined_transform = combined_transform @ row_transform matrix = row_transform.T @ matrix @ row_transform return matrix, combined_transform # Example input matrix and function call input_matrix = np.array([ [1, 0, 0, 0], [0, -4, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, -1/2], [0, 0, -0.5, 16] ]) diagonalized, transformation_matrix = symmetric_diagonalization(input_matrix) print("Original matrix: \n", input_matrix) print("Diagonalized matrix: \n", diagonalized) print("Transformation matrix: \n", transformation_matrix)
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