2 years ago
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library(ggplot2) library(patchwork) # This library is for calculating ROC-curves, AUC and # confidence interval for AUc: library(pROC) # Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness of fit test: library(ResourceSelection) weather <- read.csv("Data/weather.csv") weather$location <- relevel(as.factor(weather$location), "Katterjåkk") weather$monthnr <- as.factor(substr(weather$month, 6, 7)) weather$drymonth <- as.numeric(weather$rain < 0.5) n = length(weather$drymonth) Y = sum(weather$drymonth) p = Y/n p odds = p/(1-p) odds log(odds) my.model <- glm(drymonth ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = weather) summary(my.model) p + 1.96*sqrt(p*(1-p)/n) p - 1.96*sqrt(p*(1-p)/n) upper <- exp( log(odds) + 1.96*sqrt(1/Y + 1/(n-Y)) ) (upperCi <- upper/(1+upper)) upperl<- exp( log(odds) - 1.96*sqrt(1/Y + 1/(n-Y)) ) (upperlCi <- upperl/(1+upperl)) exp(log(odds) - 1.96*sqrt(1/Y + 1/(n-Y))) exp(confint(my.model)) ##### 1b ##### Q1 <- quantile(weather$rain, 0.25) weather$lowrain <- as.numeric(weather$rain < Q1) weather$low_cat <- factor(weather$lowrain, levels = c(0, 1), labels = c("high", "low")) ggplot(data = weather, aes(x = month, y = lowrain, color = low_cat)) + geom_point(size = 0.1) + labs(title = "") table(weather$location, weather$low_cat) pk = 102/(498+102) pl = 117/(333+117) pu = 155/(291+155) oneminusprobs = rbind(1- pk, 1- pl,1- pu) probs = rbind( pk, pl, pu) odds = rbind( pk/(1-pk), pl/(1-pl), pu/(1-pu)) oddsrat = rbind( (pk/(1-pk))/(pk/(1-pk)), (pl/(1-pl))/(pk/(1-pk)), (pu/(1-pu))/(pk/(1-pk))) cbind(table(weather$location, weather$low_cat), oneminusprobs, probs, odds, oddsrat) ##### 1c ##### Loc.model <- glm(low_cat ~ location, family = "binomial", data = weather) summary(Loc.model) confint(Loc.model) # Lägg till e^beta estimates! ##### 1d ##### Press.model <- glm(low_cat ~ pressure, family = "binomial", data = weather) summary(Press.model) confint(Press.model) ggplot(data = weather, aes(x = pressure, y = lowrain)) + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_smooth() + labs(title = "") ## mer att lägga till ; test och annat e^beta estimates ##### 1e ##### n = length(weather$lowrain) Y = sum(weather$lowrain) p = Y/n ggplot(data = weather, aes(x = pressure, y = influence(Press.model)$hat)) + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_line(aes(y = 1/n)) + geom_line(aes(y = 2*(p+1)/n)) + labs(title = "") + ylim(-0.0001, 0.006) ##### 1f ##### aic <- AIC(Press.model, Loc.model) bic <- BIC(Press.model, Loc.model) (collect.AIC <- data.frame(aic, bic)) null.model <- glm(low_cat ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = weather) logLik(null.model) (lnL0 <- logLik(null.model)[1]) (R2CS.max <- 1 - (exp(lnL0))^(2/n)) # Collect the log likelihoods L(betahat) logliks <- c(logLik(Press.model)[1], logLik(Loc.model)[1]) ##R2_McF### (R2s <- 1 - logliks/lnL0) ##R2_McF,adj.### # Note that p+1 = df (and df.1): (R2s.adj <- 1 - (logliks - (collect.AIC$df - 1)/2)/lnL0) ##### 2a ##### null.model <- glm(low_cat ~ 1, family = "binomial", data = weather) full.model <- glm(low_cat ~ pressure*location*speed*temp*monthnr, family = "binomial", data = weather) StepNull <- step(null.model, scope = list(lower = null.model, upper = full.model), direction = "both", k = log(nrow(weather))) StepFull <- step(full.model, scope = list(lower = null.model, upper = full.model), direction = "both", k = log(nrow(weather))) BIC(StepNull) BIC(StepFull) AIC(StepNull) AIC(StepFull) aic <- AIC(StepNull, StepFull) bic <- BIC(StepNull, StepFull) (collect.AIC <- data.frame(aic, bic)) logLik(null.model) (lnL0 <- logLik(null.model)[1]) (R2CS.max <- 1 - (exp(lnL0))^(2/n)) # Collect the log likelihoods L(betahat) logliks <- c(logLik(StepNull)[1], logLik(StepFull)[1]) ##R2_McF### (R2s <- 1 - logliks/lnL0) ##R2_McF,adj.### # Note that p+1 = df (and df.1): (R2s.adj <- 1 - (logliks - (collect.AIC$df - 1)/2)/lnL0) ##### 2b ##### lst <- sort(cooks.distance(StepFull), index.return=TRUE, decreasing=TRUE) coksD <- lapply(lst, `[`, lst$x %in% head(unique(lst$x),6)) weather$lowrain[1107] weather$lowrain[664] ggplot(data = weather, aes(x = StepFull$fitted.values, y = cooks.distance(StepFull), col = lowrain)) + geom_point(size = 1) + geom_line(aes(y = 0.01), colour = "black") + geom_point(aes(x = StepFull$fitted.values[1107], y = cooks.distance(StepFull)[1107]), size = 2, colour = 'magenta') + geom_point(aes(x = StepFull$fitted.values[664], y = cooks.distance(StepFull)[664]), size = 2, colour = 'red') + labs(title = "") #magenta highest cooks D with 1 lowrain, red highest cooks D with 0 lowrain ##### 3a ##### pred.phat <- cbind( weather, p.0 = predict(StepFull, type = "response")) pred.phat$yhat <- as.numeric(pred.phat$p.0 > 0.5) (row.01 <- table(weather$low_cat)) (col.01.StepFull <- table(pred.phat$yhat)) (confusion.StepFull <- table(pred.phat$low_cat, pred.phat$yhat)) (spec.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[1, 1] / row.01[1]) (sens.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[2, 2] / row.01[2]) (accu.StepFull <- sum(diag(confusion.StepFull)) / sum(confusion.StepFull)) (prec.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[2, 2] / col.01.StepFull[2]) ##### 3b ##### pred.phat <- cbind( weather, p.0 = predict(Press.model, type = "response"), p.1 = predict(Loc.model, type = "response"), p.2 = predict(null.model, type = "response"), p.3 = predict(full.model, type = "response"), p.4 = predict(StepNull, type = "response"), p.5 = predict(StepFull, type = "response")) head(pred.phat) # ROC-curves for all models## roc.0 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.0, data = pred.phat) roc.df.0 <- coords(roc.0, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.0$model <- "Pressure" roc.1 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.1, data = pred.phat) roc.df.1 <- coords(roc.1, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.1$model <- "Location" roc.2 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.2, data = pred.phat) roc.df.2 <- coords(roc.2, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.2$model <- "Null" roc.3 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.3, data = pred.phat) roc.df.3 <- coords(roc.3, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.3$model <- "Full" roc.4 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.4, data = pred.phat) roc.df.4 <- coords(roc.4, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.4$model <- "Stepwise Fw" roc.5 <- roc(low_cat ~ p.5, data = pred.phat) roc.df.5 <- coords(roc.5, transpose = FALSE) roc.df.5$model <- "Stepwise Bw" roc.df <- rbind(roc.df.0, roc.df.1, roc.df.2, roc.df.3, roc.df.4, roc.df.5) ## Plot all the curves, in different colors## ggplot(roc.df, aes(specificity, sensitivity, color = model)) + geom_path(size = 1) + coord_fixed() + # square plotting area scale_x_reverse() + # Reverse scale on the x-axis! labs(title = "ROC-curves for all the models") + theme(text = element_text(size = 14)) # AUC## (aucs <- data.frame( model = c("Pressure", "Location", "Null", "Full", "Stepwise Fw", "Stepwise Bw"), auc = c(auc(roc.0), auc(roc.1), auc(roc.2), auc(roc.3), auc(roc.4), auc(roc.5)), lwr = c(ci(roc.0)[1], ci(roc.1)[1], ci(roc.2)[1], ci(roc.3)[1], ci(roc.4)[1], ci(roc.5)[1]), upr = c(ci(auc(roc.0))[3], ci(auc(roc.1))[3], ci(auc(roc.2))[3], ci(auc(roc.3))[3], ci(auc(roc.4))[3], ci(auc(roc.5))[3]))) ## Compare AUC for the models# roc.test(roc.0, roc.5) roc.test(roc.1, roc.5) roc.test(roc.2, roc.5) roc.test(roc.3, roc.5) roc.test(roc.4, roc.5) ##### 3c ##### ##Find best sens-spec# ### Experiment with different values# # of levels for sens and spec, level.ss, to find # the one that gives the optimal combination of sens and spec. level.ss <- 0.75935 roc.df.5[roc.df.5$sensitivity > level.ss & roc.df.5$specificity > level.ss, ] ##find the rownumber: (I_max.5 <- which(roc.df.5$sensitivity > level.ss & roc.df.5$specificity > level.ss)) roc.df.5[I_max.5, ] ### Pick out the corresponding threshold for p# roc.df.5[I_max.5, "threshold"] ggplot(roc.df, aes(specificity, sensitivity, color = model)) + geom_path(size = 1) + geom_point(data = roc.df.5[I_max.5, ], color = "black", size = 3) + coord_fixed() + # square plotting area scale_x_reverse() + # Reverse scale on the x-axis! labs(title = "ROC-curves for all the models") + theme(text = element_text(size = 14)) pred.phat2 <- cbind( weather, p.0 = predict(StepFull, type = "response")) pred.phat2$yhat <- as.numeric(pred.phat$p.0 > 0.25) (row.01 <- table(weather$low_cat)) (col.01.StepFull <- table(pred.phat2$yhat)) (confusion.StepFull <- table(pred.phat2$low_cat, pred.phat$yhat)) (spec.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[1, 1] / row.01[1]) (sens.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[2, 2] / row.01[2]) (accu.StepFull <- sum(diag(confusion.StepFull)) / sum(confusion.StepFull)) (prec.StepFull <- confusion.StepFull[2, 2] / col.01.StepFull[2]) ##### 3d ##### ## HL using hoslem.test# ###Model 3## # p+1: length(StepFull$coefficients) # so we need g > 3 # while the smallest expected value is at least approx 5: # Allowing 4 here and have experimented with g: pred.sort <- pred.phat[order(pred.phat$p.5), ] pred.sort$rank <- seq(1, nrow(pred.sort)) head(pred.sort) (HL.3 <- hoslem.test(pred.sort$lowrain, pred.sort$p.5, g = 30)) HL.3$expected HL.3$observed # All yhat0- and yhat1-values should be at least approx 5. # Collect the data in a useful form for plotting: (HL.df.3 <- data.frame(group = seq(1, 30), Obs0 = HL.3$observed[, 1], Obs1 = HL.3$observed[, 2], Exp0 = HL.3$expected[, 1], Exp1 = HL.3$expected[, 2])) ggplot(HL.df.3, aes(x = group)) + geom_line(aes(y = Obs0, linetype = "observed", color = "Y = 0"), size = 1) + geom_line(aes(y = Obs1, linetype = "observed", color = "Y = 1"), size = 1) + geom_line(aes(y = Exp0, linetype = "expected", color = "Y = 0"), size = 1) + geom_line(aes(y = Exp1, linetype = "expected", color = "Y = 1"), size = 1) + labs(title = "Model 3: Observed and expected in each group", y = "number of observations") + scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(1, 30)) + theme(text = element_text(size = 14))