3 years ago
1.6 kB
/*#################################*/ /* Include-Files */ /*#################################*/ #include <stdio.h> #include <avr/io.h> #include <stddef.h> /*#################################*/ /* Global defines */ /*#################################*/ /*#################################*/ /* Global data types */ /*#################################*/ /*#################################*/ /* Global ROM data */ /*#################################*/ /*#################################*/ /* Global RAM data */ /*#################################*/ /*#################################*/ /* Global function implementation */ /*#################################*/ /* Function name: Description: Function parameters: param_name - description */ void Request() /* Microcontroller send start pulse/request */ { DDRD |= (1<<DHT11_PIN); PORTD &= ~(1<<DHT11_PIN); /* set to low pin */ _delay_ms(20); /* wait for 20ms */ PORTD |= (1<<DHT11_PIN); /* set to high pin */ } void Response() /* receive response from DHT11 */ { DDRD &= ~(1<<DHT11_PIN); while(PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN)); while((PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN))==0); while(PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN)); } uint8_t Receive_data() /* receive data */ { for (int q=0; q<8; q++) { while((PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN)) == 0); /* check received bit 0 or 1 */ _delay_us(30); if(PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN))/* if high pulse is greater than 30ms */ c = (c<<1)|(0x01); /* then its logic HIGH */ else /* otherwise its logic LOW */ c = (c<<1); while(PIND & (1<<DHT11_PIN)); } return c; }
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