Lab3 java
16 days ago
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//CSE 2200 //Advanced Programming //Batch: 2K21 //Lab Task 02: Group 1 //We all know that java is an object-oriented programming language. Suppose you are //assigned to develop a banking system using the basic concepts of OOP in java. The //system consists of a class named BankAccount which has the following private //attributes (depositorName, typeOfAccount, AccountNumber and Balance) and //public methods (constructor, depositAmmount, withdrawAmmount, //displayNameAndBalance). There will be two types of account for 3 banks (Agrani, //Sonali, Janata) in consideration: Savings and FixedDeposit. The interest rate for //savings is 1% for all banks. Whereas, the interest rate for Fixed Deposit account is 3% //for Agrani Bank, 2.5% for Janata Bank and 2% for Sonali Bank class BankAccount{ private String name; private String type; private String accountNum; private double Balance; //constructor public BankAccount(String name, String type,String accountNum, double Balance) { name; this.type=type; this.accountNum=accountNum; this.Balance=Balance; } //deposit ammount public void depositAmmount(double ammount){ if(ammount<0){ System.out.println("Your ammount is Invalid!!!!"); } else{ Balance+=ammount; System.out.println("Deposit ammount = "+ammount+" is successful"); } } //withdrawAmmount public void withdrawAmmount(double ammount){ if(Balance>=ammount && ammount>0){ Balance-=ammount; System.out.println("Successfully withdraw "+ammount+" taka. Now your current balance is: "+Balance); } else if(ammount<0){ System.out.println("You are trying to withdraw invalid ammount"); } else{ System.out.println("You do not have sufficient Balance"); } } //displayNameAndBalance public void displayNameAndBalance(){ System.out.println("Account Holder: "+name); System.out.println("Account Number is: "+accountNum); System.out.println("Current Balance = "+Balance); } public double getInterest(){ return 0; } } class SavingsAccount extends BankAccount{ private static final double ir = 0.01; public SavingsAccount(String name, String accountNum, double balance){ super(name,"saving",accountNum,balance); } } /*class FixedDeposit extends BankAccount{ }*/ public class lab2 { public static void main(String[] args) { SavingsAccount savings = new SavingsAccount("abul", "2107000", 0); savings.displayNameAndBalance(); savings.depositAmmount(500); savings.withdrawAmmount(200); System.out.println("Interest earned on Savings: " + savings.getInterest()); savings.displayNameAndBalance(); } }
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