a year ago
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#include<stdio.h> #include<conio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct Tree { int data; struct Tree *left; struct Tree *right; }; Tree *root = NULL; Tree *createNode(int key){ Tree *temp; temp = new Tree; temp->data=key; temp->left=temp->right=NULL; return temp; } Tree *insert(Tree *ptr, int key){ if(ptr==NULL) return createNode(key); if(key<ptr->data) ptr->left=insert(ptr->left,key); else ptr->right=insert(ptr->right, key); return ptr; } void traverse(Tree *ptr){ if(ptr!=NULL){ traverse(ptr->left); printf("%d ",ptr->data); traverse(ptr->right); } } Tree *minval(Tree *temp){ Tree *current=temp; while(current->left!=NULL) current=current->left; return current; } Tree *deleteNode(Tree *root, int key){ Tree *temp; if(root == NULL) return root; if(key<root->data) root->left=deleteNode(root->left,key); else if(key>root->data) root->right=deleteNode(root->right, key); else{ if(root->left==NULL){ temp=root->right; free(root); return temp; } else if(root->right==NULL){ temp=root->left; free(root); return temp; } temp=minval(root->right); root->data=temp->data; root->right=deleteNode(root->right, temp->data); } return root; } void main(){ int ch,num; clrscr(); x: printf("\n1. Insert\n2. Delete\n3. Traverse\nEnter the choice:"); scanf("%d", &ch); if(ch==1){ printf("Enter the element: "); scanf("%d", &num); root=insert(root,num); goto x; } else if(ch==2){ printf("Enter the element: "); scanf("%d", &num); root=deleteNode(root, num); goto x; } else if(ch==3){ traverse(root); goto x; } else printf("Wrong entry"); }
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