2 years ago
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Select AC.Warehouse,AC.COMPANY, AC.ZONE Zone,AC.AISLE, AC.BAY, AC.LEVEL, AC.Assignment_Zone AssignmentZone, CASE WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%SM' THEN 'Small' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%MD' THEN 'Medium' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%LG' THEN 'Large' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%XL' THEN 'Extra Large' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%LN' THEN 'Extra Long' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%HG' THEN 'Huge' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%GY' THEN 'Gaylord' WHEN AC.Assignment_Zone LIKE '%PL' THEN 'Pallet' end Size, AC.MAX_VOLUME MaxVolume, AC.Location_Barcode as CONT, count(distinct AC.Location_Barcode) TotalLocations, --Sum(Case when AC.Actual_Inventory > 0 then 1 else 0 end) as LocationsWithInventory, Case when Sum(AC.Actual_Inventory) > 0 then 1 else 0 end as LocationsWithInventory, Sum(Case when AC.Actual_Inventory = 0 then 1 else 0 end) as EmptyLocations, cast(DIV0(Sum(Case when AC.Actual_Inventory > 0 then 1 else 0 end),cast(count(distinct AC.Location_Barcode) as decimal(10,2))) as decimal(10,2)) PercentOccupiedByLocation, Cast(Sum(AC.Location_Length * AC.Location_Width * AC.Location_Height) as int) as LocationCapacityByVolume, Cast(Sum(AC.Actual_Inventory * ST.UNIT_VOLUME) as int) as VolumeOccupied, Cast(DIV0(Sum(AC.Actual_Inventory * ST.UNIT_VOLUME), Sum(AC.Location_Length * AC.Location_Width * AC.Location_Height)) as Decimal(10,2)) as PercentOccupiedByVolume, Cast(Sum(AC.Actual_Inventory) as int) as Units , AC.PICK_DETERMINATION_ZONE DETERMINATION_ZONE from "TL2"."BI_DATA"."ACTIVE_LOCATION" AC left outer join "TL2"."BI_DATA"."ITEM_MASTER_DETAIL" ST on ST.COMPANY = AC.COMPANY and ST.DIVISION = AC.DIVISION and ST.SKU_SEASON = AC.SKU_Season and ST.SKU_SEASON_YEAR = AC.SKU_Season_Year and ST.SKU_STYLE = AC.SKU_Style and ST.SKU_STYLE_SUFFIX = AC.SKU_Style_Suffix and ST.SKU_COLOR = AC.SKU_Color and ST.SKU_COLOR_SUFFIX = AC.SKU_Color_Suffix and ST.SKU_SEC_DIMENSION = AC.SKU_SEC_DIMENSION and ST.QUALITY = AC.SKU_Quality and ST.SKU_SIZE_RNGE_CODE = AC.SKU_Size_Range_Code and ST.SKU_SIZE_RELATIVE_POSITION_IN_TABLE = AC.SKU_Size_Relaive_Posn_In_Table and CASE WHEN ST.WMI_DATE_TIME_LAST_MODIFIED IS NULL THEN 'PKMS' ELSE 'WMI' END = CASE WHEN AC.WMI_DATE_TIME_LAST_MODIFIED IS NULL THEN 'PKMS' ELSE 'WMI' END where AC.WAREHOUSE = 'CRT' and AC.ZONE = 'G' AND AC.AISLE = 'RD' AND AC.BAY = '47' Group by AC.Warehouse, AC.Zone,AC.AISLE, AC.BAY, AC.LEVEL, AC.Assignment_Zone,AC.MAX_VOLUME,AC.COMPANY,AC.PICK_DETERMINATION_ZONE, AC.Location_Barcode;