3 years ago
5.6 kB
#include<stdio.h> #include<stdlib.h> struct node { int x; struct node *next; }; typedef struct node node; node *insert_beg(node *); node *insert_end(node *); node *insert_before(node *); node *insert_after(node *); void display(node *); node *dlt_beg(node *); node *dlt_end(node *); node *dlt_target(node *); void search(node *); int count(node *); int main() { int n,c; node *start=NULL; do{ printf("\n 1)Insert Node\n 2)Delete Node\n 3)Searching Node\n 4)count number of nodes\n 5)Display\n 6)Exit"); printf("\n Enter your choice (1-6) :"); scanf("%d",&n); switch(n) { case 1:printf("\n 1)Insert at begining\n 2)Insert at End\n 3)Insert before a node"); printf("\n 4)Insert after a node"); printf("\n Enter your choice (1-4) :"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1:start=insert_beg(start); break; case 2:start=insert_end(start); break; case 3:start=insert_before(start); break; case 4:start=insert_after(start); break; default :printf("\n inavlid option"); } break; case 2:printf("\n 1)Deletion from start\n 2)Deletion from End\n 3)Deletion of a target node"); printf("\n Enter your choice (1-3) :"); scanf("%d",&c); switch(c) { case 1:start=dlt_beg(start); break; case 2:start=dlt_end(start); break; case 3:start=dlt_target(start); break; default :printf("\n Invalid option"); } break; case 3:search(start); break; case 4:printf("\n Number of node=%d",count(start)); break; case 5:display(start); break; case 6:printf("\n ...Thankyou!..."); break; default :printf("\n Invalid choice"); } }while(n!=6); return 0; } node *insert_beg(node *start) { node *ptr; int n; ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\n Enter node value="); scanf("%d",&n); if(start==NULL) { ptr->x=n; start=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; return start; } ptr->x=n; ptr->next=start; start=ptr; return start; } node *insert_end(node *start) { node *ptr,*fpt=start; int n; ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); printf("\n Enter node value="); scanf("%d",&n); if(start==NULL) { ptr->x=n; start=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; return start; } while(fpt->next!=NULL) fpt=fpt->next; ptr->x=n; fpt->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; return start; } node *insert_before(node *start) { node *fpt=start,*ptr,*p=start; int n,t,flag=0; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is Empty. Insertion before a target node is not possible"); return NULL; } printf("\n Enter target node value="); scanf("%d",&t); while(fpt!=NULL) { if(fpt->x==t) { printf("\n target node found. Enter node value="); scanf("%d",&n); flag=1; break; } else { p=fpt; fpt=fpt->next; } } if(flag==0) { printf("\n target node not found"); return start; } ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(fpt==start) { ptr->x=n; ptr->next=p; start=ptr; return start; } ptr->x=n; ptr->next=p->next; p->next=ptr; return start; } node *insert_after(node *start) { node *ptr,*fpt=start,*p; int n,t,flag=0; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is Empty. Insertion after a target is not possible"); return NULL; } printf("\n Enter target node value="); scanf("%d",&t); while(fpt!=NULL) { if(fpt->x==t) { printf("\n target node found. Enter node value="); scanf("%d",&n); flag=1; break; } else fpt=fpt->next; } if(flag==0) { printf("\n target node not found"); return start; } ptr=(node *)malloc(sizeof(node)); if(fpt->next==NULL) { ptr->x=n; fpt->next=ptr; ptr->next=NULL; return start; } ptr->x=n; ptr->next=fpt->next; fpt->next=ptr; return start; } void display(node *start) { node *ptr=start; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is Empty"); return; } printf("\n List is :"); while(ptr!=NULL) { printf("%d ",ptr->x); ptr=ptr->next; } return ; } int count(node *start) { node *ptr=start; int c=0; while(ptr!=NULL) { c++; ptr=ptr->next; } return c; } void search(node *start) { node *ptr=start; int n,flag=0; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is empty"); return; } printf("\n Enter searching node value="); scanf("%d",&n); while(ptr!=NULL) { if(ptr->x==n) { flag=1; break; } else ptr=ptr->next; } if(flag==1) printf("\n %d node is found",n); else if(flag==0) printf("\n node not found"); return ; } node *dlt_beg(node *start) { if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is empty"); return NULL; } node *ptr=start; start=ptr->next; free(ptr); printf("\n first node is deleted"); return start; } node *dlt_end(node *start) { node *fpt,*ptr=start; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is empty"); return NULL; } if(ptr->next==NULL) { free(ptr); return NULL; } while(ptr->next!=NULL) { fpt=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } fpt->next=NULL; free(ptr); printf("\n last node is deleted"); return start; } node *dlt_target(node *start) { node *fpt=start,*ptr=start; int n,flag=0; if(start==NULL) { printf("\n List is empty"); return NULL; } printf("\n enter node that you want to delete="); scanf("%d",&n); while(ptr!=NULL) { if(ptr->x==n) { flag=1; if(fpt==start) start=ptr->next; else if(ptr->next==NULL) fpt->next=NULL; else fpt->next=ptr->next; free(ptr); break; } fpt=ptr; ptr=ptr->next; } if(flag==0) printf("\n target node is not found"); else if(flag==1) printf("\n %d node is deleted",n); return start; }
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