3 years ago
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[17/12, 3:35 pm] cute boy: 1#include <stdio.h> 2 #include <stdlib.h> 3 struct node 4 { 5 int coeff; int exp; 6 struct node *next; 8 typedef node; 10 node *insert (node *head, int co, int ex); 12 node *create(node *head) 13 ( int n, i, coef, expo; printf("\nEnter the number of berns: ") scanf("%d",&n); for(i=0; i<n; i++) { printf("\nEnter the coefficient for term %d: ",i+1); scanf("%d",&coef); printf("\nEnter the exponent for term %d: ",i+1); 23 scanf("%d",&expo); head insert (head, coef, expo): 24 } 25 return head; 26} 27 28 node *insert(node head, int co. int ex) 29 [ 30 node *temp: 31 node *newP = (node)malloc(sizeof(node)); 32 newp->coeff = co; newp->exp = ex; 33 34 35 newp->next = NULL; if(head == NULL || ex> head->exp) [17/12, 3:36 pm] cute boy: 37 38 newp->next = head; head = newP; potyAddn.c -/ds_070 40 41 } else temp = head; 43 44 while (temp->next != NULL. && temp->next->exp >ex) 46 47 temp temp->next; newp->next = temp->next; temp->next = newP: 49 return head; 50 } 52 void print (node *head) 53 ( if(head= NULL) printf("\nEmpty polynomial. "); else { node *temp = head; while(temp 1= NULL) 56 57 71 ( if(temp->coeff == 0) temp = temp->next; continue; } else { if (temp = NULL) 72 73 else C - if(temp->coeff=head->coeff || temp->next == NULL) printf(""); [17/12, 3:37 pm] cute boy: 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 87 88 89 98 91 92 93 94 95 96 07 97 98 99 100 181 102 103 104 105 186 107 108 109 110 111 112} 113 114 void 115 ( 116 117 回 HIT/I Fri 15:24 polyAddn.c -Ids_070 printf("\n"); if(temp->exp != 8) if(temp->coeff !=1) if(temp->coeff == -1) printf(" "); else printf("%d", temp->coeff); } printf("x"); if(temp->exp != 1) printf("d". temp->exp); if(temp->coeff == B) printf(""); else if(temp->coeff <B) printf("%d",temp->coeff); printf("+%d", temp->coeff); else } else ( } temp = temp->next; printf("\n"); polyAdd(node headl, node *head2) node *ptrl = headl; node *ptr2 - head2; [17/12, 3:38 pm] cute boy: 117 119 128 121 121 122 123 124 125 125 126 127 128 129 129 130 138 131 132 1932 131 133 134 135 136 137 } while (ptrl != NULL && ptr2 != NULL) if(ptrl->exp=== ptr2->exp) = head3= insert (head3, ptrl->coeff + ptr2->coeff, ptrl->exp); ptrl= ptrl->next; ptr2 = ptr2->next; ( HIT / IC polyAddn.c -/ids_070 } else if (ptrl->exp > ptr2->exp) head3= insert (head3, ptr1->coeff, ptrl->exp); ptr1= ptrl->next; } else if(ptri->exp < ptr2->exp) head3= insert (head3, ptr2->coeff, ptr2->exp); ptr2 = ptr2->next; } 138 while (ptrl !=NULL) 139 { 148 141 142 } head3= insert(head3, ptrl->coeff, ptrl->exp); ptr1= ptri->next; 143 while (ptr2 !=NULL) 144 { 145 146 147 } 148 149 150 } 151 head3= insert (head3, ptr2->coeff, ptr2->exp); ptr2= ptr2->next; printf("\nThe final polynomial after Addition is: "); print (head3); 152 int main() [17/12, 3:38 pm] cute boy: 138 131 132 133 133 134 135 136 137 } 11 Text Editor 回 } HIT/ICT FU 15:23 polyAddn.c -Ids_070 ptrl= ptri->next; else if(ptrl->exp < ptr2->exp) head3= insert (head3, ptr2->coeff, ptr2->exp); ptr2 = ptr2->next; } while(ptrl !=NULL) 139 { 138 140 148 141 191 142 142 } 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 158) 151 head3= insert(head3, ptri->coeff, ptrl->exp); ptr1= ptrl->next; while(ptr2 !=NULL) ( } head3= insert (head3, ptr2->coeff, ptr2->exp); ptr2 = ptr2->next; printf("\nThe final polynomial after Addition is: "); print (head3); 152 int main() 153 ( 154 155 node *head1 = NULL; node head2 = NULL; 156 printf("\nEnter the first polynomial: "); 157 158 headl= create (head1); printf("\nEnter the second polynomial: "); head2 = create (head2); 159 160 162 printf("\nThe first polynomial is: "); printf("\nThe second polynomial as: "); 161 print (head1); 163 print (head2); 164 165 166) polyAdd (head, head2); return 8: