8 months ago
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DROP TABLE IF EXISTS public_test.testing_result; CREATE TABLE public_test.testing_result ( id int4 GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY( INCREMENT BY 1 MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 2147483647 START 1 CACHE 1 NO CYCLE) NOT NULL, test_date_time timestamp NOT NULL, test_name text NOT NULL, test_result bool NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT testing_result_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id) ); INSERT INTO public_test.testing_result (test_date_time, test_name, test_result) SELECT current_timestamp as test_date_time, 'test_01' AS test_name, count(*) = 0 AS test_result from ( select * from public_test.dm_settlement_report_expected as ex full join public_test.dm_settlement_report_actual as ac on ex.id = ac.id and ex.restaurant_id = ac.restaurant_id and ex.settlement_year = ac.settlement_year and ex.settlement_month = ac.settlement_month and ex.orders_count = ac.orders_count and ex.orders_total_sum = ac.orders_total_sum and ex.orders_bonus_payment_sum = ac.orders_bonus_payment_sum and ex.orders_bonus_granted_sum = ac.orders_bonus_granted_sum and ex.order_processing_fee = ac.order_processing_fee and ex.restaurant_reward_sum = ac.restaurant_reward_sum where ex.id is null or ac.id is null) as T; select test_date_time, test_name, test_result from public_test.testing_result ;
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