createUser backend
import json import logging import boto3 from botocore.exceptions import ClientError from decimal import Decimal from utils.dynamodb_utils import initializeDynamodb, getTableName from utils.constants import EMOTIONS from utils.validation_utils import validate_user_id from utils.logging_utils import setup_logger # Initialize DynamoDB resource dynamodb = initializeDynamodb() # Get the appropriate table names USER_TABLE_NAME = getTableName('User') ORG_TABLE_NAME = getTableName('Org') BATCH_ANALYTICS_TABLE_NAME = getTableName('BatchAnalytics') USER_ANALYTICS_TABLE_NAME = getTableName('UserAnalytics') INVITE_TABLE_NAME = getTableName('PendingInvite') # Configure logging logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) def get_org_id_from_join_code(join_code): """ Retrieve org_id using the join_code from the PendingInvite table. Mark the invite as 'used' if valid. """ invite_table = dynamodb.Table(INVITE_TABLE_NAME) try:{"message": "Querying join_code", "join_code": join_code}) response = invite_table.query( IndexName='CodeIndex', KeyConditionExpression='join_code = :join_code', FilterExpression='#type = :user_type', ExpressionAttributeNames={'#type': 'type'}, ExpressionAttributeValues={':join_code': join_code, ':user_type': 'user'} ) if response['Items'] and not response['Items'][0].get('used'): item = response['Items'][0] org_id = item.get('org_id') email = item['email'] # Mark invite as used invite_table.update_item( Key={'email': email}, UpdateExpression="SET used = :used", ExpressionAttributeValues={':used': True} ){"message": "Join code validated and marked as used", "org_id": org_id, "email": email}) return org_id else: logger.warning({"message": "Invalid or already used join code", "join_code": join_code}) return None except ClientError as e: logger.error({"message": "Error querying join_code", "error": str(e), "join_code": join_code}) raise def lambda_handler(event, context): """Main Lambda function handler.""" setup_logger( logger, aws_request_id=context.aws_request_id, function_name=context.function_name, ){"message": "Lambda function invoked", "event": event}) try: body = json.loads(event['body']) user_id = body['user_id'] first_name = body.get('first_name') last_name = body.get('last_name') phone_number = body.get('phone_number') join_code = body.get('join_code') # Access the Cognito sub from the event context cognito_sub = event['requestContext']['authorizer']['claims']['sub'] validate_user_id(user_id, cognito_sub){"message": "User ID validated", "user_id": user_id, "cognito_sub": cognito_sub}) # Reference to the User table user_table = dynamodb.Table(USER_TABLE_NAME) # Define additional fields for the User item update_fields = { 'first_name': first_name, 'last_name': last_name, 'phone_number': phone_number, 'is_paid_user': False } # Handle join_code if provided if join_code: org_id = get_org_id_from_join_code(join_code) if not org_id: logger.warning({"message": "Invalid join code", "join_code": join_code}) return { 'statusCode': 400, 'body': json.dumps({'error': 'Invalid join code'}) } else: org_id = "CarthaUsers" update_fields['org_id'] = org_id update_fields['join_code'] = join_code # Update the org table to increment num_users org_table = dynamodb.Table(ORG_TABLE_NAME) org_table.update_item( Key={'org_id': org_id}, UpdateExpression='ADD num_users :val', ExpressionAttributeValues={':val': 1} ){"message": "Org table updated", "org_id": org_id}) # Update the user item in the User table update_expression = "SET " + ", ".join(f"{k} = :{k}" for k in update_fields) expression_attribute_values = {f":{k}": v for k, v in update_fields.items()} user_table.update_item( Key={'user_id': user_id}, UpdateExpression=update_expression, ExpressionAttributeValues=expression_attribute_values ){"message": "User table updated", "user_id": user_id, "update_fields": update_fields}) # Prepare BatchAnalytics item batch_analytics_item = { 'user_id': user_id, 'user_message_count': 0, 'prompt_responses': 0, 'delayed_responses': 0, 'satisfied_responses': 0, 'unsatisfied_responses': 0, 'total_response_time': Decimal(0), 'total_sentiment_score': Decimal(0), 'total_session_time': Decimal(0), 'total_active_session_time': Decimal(0), 'number_of_sessions': 1, 'weekly_active_session_time_count': [0] * 7, 'weekly_session_time_count': [0] * 7, 'status': 'Normal' } batch_analytics_item.update({emotion: 0 for emotion in EMOTIONS}) if 'org_id' in update_fields: batch_analytics_item['org_id'] = update_fields['org_id'] batch_analytics_table = dynamodb.Table(BATCH_ANALYTICS_TABLE_NAME) batch_analytics_table.put_item(Item=batch_analytics_item){"message": "Batch analytics item saved", "user_id": user_id}) # Prepare UserAnalytics item user_analytics_item = { 'user_id': user_id, 'active_session_time': [], 'total_session_time': [], 'avg_response_times': [], 'weekly_message_count': [0] * 7 } user_analytics_table = dynamodb.Table(USER_ANALYTICS_TABLE_NAME) user_analytics_table.put_item(Item=user_analytics_item){"message": "User analytics item saved", "user_id": user_id}) return { 'statusCode': 200, 'body': json.dumps({'message': 'User info added successfully'}) } except ClientError as e: logger.error({"message": "DynamoDB ClientError occurred", "error": str(e)}) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps({'error': str(e)}) } except Exception as e: logger.exception({"message": "Unexpected error occurred", "error": str(e)}) return { 'statusCode': 500, 'body': json.dumps({'error': f'Unexpected error: {str(e)}'}) }
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