a month ago
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import 'dart:io'; class ATM { String pin = "1234"; // Default PIN double balance = 1000.0; void runATM() { if (!enterPin()) { print("Too many failed attempts. Exiting..."); return; } while (true) { print("\nATM Menu:"); print("1. Balance Inquiry"); print("2. Withdraw Cash"); print("3. Deposit Money"); print("4. Transfer Money"); print("5. Change PIN"); print("6. Pay Bills"); print("7. Exit"); stdout.write("Select an option: "); String? choice = stdin.readLineSync(); switch (choice) { case '1': balanceInquiry(); break; case '2': withdrawCash(); break; case '3': depositMoney(); break; case '4': transferMoney(); break; case '5': changePin(); break; case '6': payBills(); break; case '7': print("Exiting..."); return; default: print("Invalid option. Please try again."); } } } bool enterPin() { int attempts = 0; while (attempts < 3) { stdout.write("Enter your PIN: "); String? enteredPin = stdin.readLineSync(); if (enteredPin == pin) { print("PIN accepted."); return true; } else { attempts++; print("Incorrect PIN. Attempts remaining: ${3 - attempts}"); } } return false; } void balanceInquiry() { print("Your current balance is: \$${balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}"); } void withdrawCash() { stdout.write("Enter amount to withdraw: "); double? amount = double.tryParse(stdin.readLineSync() ?? ""); if (amount != null && amount > 0 && amount <= balance) { balance -= amount; print("Withdrawal successful. New balance: \$${balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}"); } else { print("Invalid amount or insufficient funds."); } } void depositMoney() { stdout.write("Enter amount to deposit: "); double? amount = double.tryParse(stdin.readLineSync() ?? ""); if (amount != null && amount > 0) { balance += amount; print("Deposit successful. New balance: \$${balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}"); } else { print("Invalid amount."); } } void transferMoney() { stdout.write("Enter recipient account number: "); String? accountNumber = stdin.readLineSync(); stdout.write("Enter amount to transfer: "); double? amount = double.tryParse(stdin.readLineSync() ?? ""); if (accountNumber != null && accountNumber.isNotEmpty && amount != null && amount > 0 && amount <= balance) { balance -= amount; print("Transfer successful. New balance: \$${balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}"); } else { print("Invalid account number or amount."); } } void changePin() { stdout.write("Enter your current PIN: "); String? currentPin = stdin.readLineSync(); if (currentPin == pin) { stdout.write("Enter new PIN: "); String? newPin = stdin.readLineSync(); if (newPin != null && newPin.length == 4) { pin = newPin; print("PIN successfully changed."); } else { print("Invalid PIN format. PIN must be 4 digits."); } } else { print("Incorrect current PIN."); } } void payBills() { stdout.write("Enter biller name: "); String? biller = stdin.readLineSync(); stdout.write("Enter amount to pay: "); double? amount = double.tryParse(stdin.readLineSync() ?? ""); if (biller != null && biller.isNotEmpty && amount != null && amount > 0 && amount <= balance) { balance -= amount; print("Payment successful to $biller. New balance: \$${balance.toStringAsFixed(2)}"); } else { print("Invalid biller or amount."); } } } void main() { ATM atm = ATM(); atm.runATM(); }
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