3 years ago
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//John Matthew G. Malabag //Jeremiah Valenciado //Apple Mae Bugtay //GROUP NAME: Hackerman #include <iostream> #include "Data.h" using namespace std; int menu(); int main() { MovieList list; Movie num; int choice; do { choice = menu(); system("clear"); if (choice == 1) { cout << "Enter Code : "; cin >> num.code; cout << "Input Movie Title: "; cin>>num.name; cout << "Input Released Year: "; cin >> num.year; if((num.year >=1900)&&(num.year<=2030)) { cout<<"Input Movie Genre: "; cin >> num.genre; list.insertNode(num); //INSERT }else{ cout<<"Invalid Year!"<<endl; cout<<"Please enter again: "; } } else if (choice == 2) { cout << " << Rent a Movie >> " << endl << endl; cout << "Enter Code : "; cin >> num.code; list.deleteNode(num); //RENT TO REMOVE FROM THE LIST } else if (choice == 3) { cout << " << Return a Movie >> " << endl << endl; cout << "Enter Movie Code : "; cin >> num.code; cout << "Enter Movie Title: "; cin >> num.name; cout << "Enter Year Released: "; cin >> num.year; if((num.year >=1900)&&(num.year<=2030)) { cout<<"Enter Genre: "; cin >> num.genre; list.appendNode(num); //RETURN CHOICE TO ADD TO LIST }else{ cout<<"Invalid Year!"<<endl; cout<<"Please enter again: "; } } else if (choice == 4) { cout << " << Show Movie Details >> " << endl << endl; list.showDetails(num); system("sleep 1"); } else if (choice == 5) { cout << "<< Show Available Movies >>" << endl<<endl; list.displayList(); system("sleep 3s"); } else if (choice == 6) { cout <<"Thank you come again!" <<endl; list.~MovieList(); exit(0); } else { cout << "Invalid Input!" << endl << endl; system("sleep 1"); break; } cout << endl; system("sleep 1"); } while (choice >= 1 && choice <= 6); } int menu() { int choice; system("clear"); cout << " -***- Movie Rental Service -***- " << endl << endl; cout << "[1] Insert a Movie" << endl; cout << "[2] Rent a Movie" << endl; //Rent to remove from the Movie List cout << "[3] Return a Movie" << endl; //Return to add to the Movie list cout << "[4] Show Movie Details" << endl; cout << "[5] Print Movie List" << endl << endl; cout << "[6] Quit Program" << endl << endl; cout << "Enter Choice: "; cin >> choice; return(choice); }