
a year ago
288 kB
09-07 10:35:29.142 19694 19694 D CellBroadcastReceiver: update supported roaming operator as
09-07 10:35:29.143  4801  5792 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = android, isGrant = true
09-07 10:35:29.144  4721  4721 I QImsService: OplusPhoneStateTracker : onServiceStateChanged
09-07 10:35:29.148  4801 32156 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = android, isGrant = true
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: E msg.what=4
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: NetworkSearchingState
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: SimReadyState
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: DefaultState
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 E cellularState[0]:  - unhandledMessage: msg.what=4
09-07 10:35:29.149  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: X
09-07 10:35:29.150  4721  4721 I QImsService: OplusPhoneStateTracker : onServiceStateChanged
09-07 10:35:29.153  4801 32156 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = android, isGrant = true
09-07 10:35:29.156  4108  4514 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onMobileStatusChanged= updateTelephony=true mobileStatus=[activityIn=true,activityOut=true,dataSim=true,carrierNetworkChangeMode=false,dataState=2,serviceState=mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),signalStrength=3,telephonyDisplayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=LTE_CA}]
09-07 10:35:29.157 19676 19728 D libcrashlytics: Initializing native crash handling successful.
09-07 10:35:29.160  1787 13838 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1208 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2971 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1614 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226
09-07 10:35:29.163  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.168  1787 13838 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1258 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2974 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1614 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226
09-07 10:35:29.168  1787  2128 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6d70eb2 4108:com.android.systemui/u0a104} (pid=4108, uid=10104) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
09-07 10:35:29.169 25655 25701 D QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: onServiceStateChanged: dataState: 2 DDS:1 Notify service state update
09-07 10:35:29.174  1787  2128 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
09-07 10:35:29.175  1787  2128 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to ProcessRecord{6d70eb2 4108:com.android.systemui/u0a104} (pid=4108, uid=10104) requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
09-07 10:35:29.176  1787 13838 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1258 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2983 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1614 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226
09-07 10:35:29.179  1787  2128 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION due to sender android (uid 1001)
09-07 10:35:29.181 19676 19733 I FA      : App measurement initialized, version: 31000
09-07 10:35:29.181 19676 19733 I FA      : To enable debug logging run: adb shell setprop log.tag.FA VERBOSE
09-07 10:35:29.181 19676 19733 I FA      : To enable faster debug mode event logging run:
09-07 10:35:29.181 19676 19733 I FA      :   adb shell setprop debug.firebase.analytics.app com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:29.185  1787 13838 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcastMultiplePermissions:1258 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.broadcastServiceStateChanged:2986 com.android.server.TelephonyRegistry.notifyServiceStateForPhoneId:1614 com.android.internal.telephony.ITelephonyRegistry$Stub.onTransact:455 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226
09-07 10:35:29.188  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: slot id:0 subId:1
09-07 10:35:29.188  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is emergency: false
09-07 10:35:29.188  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: voice state: 0
09-07 10:35:29.189  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is Emergency supported: false
09-07 10:35:29.189  1787  2128 W BroadcastQueue: Permission Denial: receiving Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 (has extras) } to com.google.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver requires android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE due to sender android (uid 1001)
09-07 10:35:29.190  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: slot id:0 subId:1
09-07 10:35:29.190  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is emergency: false
09-07 10:35:29.190  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: voice state: 0
09-07 10:35:29.191  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is Emergency supported: false
09-07 10:35:29.191  4801  4801 D ServiceStateProvider: subId=1
09-07 10:35:29.205 19676 19748 W m.avito.androi: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.205 19676 19748 W m.avito.androi: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;-><init>(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.205 19676 19746 W m.avito.androi: Class com.yandex.metrica.CounterConfiguration failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:29.205 19676 19746 W m.avito.androi: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code
09-07 10:35:29.205 19676 19746 W m.avito.androi: and incorrect proguard optimizations.
09-07 10:35:29.206 19676 19748 W m.avito.androi: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;-><init>(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.206 19694 19694 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onReceive Intent { act=android.intent.action.SERVICE_STATE flg=0x1000010 cmp=com.google.android.cellbroadcastreceiver/com.android.cellbroadcastreceiver.CellBroadcastReceiver (has extras) }
09-07 10:35:29.206 19694 19694 D CellBroadcastReceiver: onServiceStateChanged, ss: 0
09-07 10:35:29.206 19694 19694 D CellBroadcastReceiver: networkOperator: 25002
09-07 10:35:29.207 19694 19694 D CellBroadcastReceiver: update supported roaming operator as
09-07 10:35:29.207  1787 11598 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.208  1787 11598 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.208  1787 11598 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.209  1787 13805 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.209  1787 13805 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.213  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.213  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: [492 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to CONNECTED
09-07 10:35:29.216  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: slot:0, lock state:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=56]
09-07 10:35:29.217  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.218  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.226  1787 13805 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.226  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: slot:1, lock state:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=56]
09-07 10:35:29.226  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: needDisableMenu: slot1State=-1; slot2State=-1
09-07 10:35:29.226  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: needDisableMenu:false
09-07 10:35:29.226  1787 13805 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.227  1787 13779 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.228 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START dat=chimera-action:com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsApiService }
09-07 10:35:29.229 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START dat=chimera-action:com.google.android.gms.appset.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsApiService }
09-07 10:35:29.229  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: slot id:0 subId:1
09-07 10:35:29.229  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is emergency: false
09-07 10:35:29.230  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: voice state: 0
09-07 10:35:29.238  1787 13838 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.238  1787 13838 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.239  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is Emergency supported: false
09-07 10:35:29.242  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: slot id:0 subId:1
09-07 10:35:29.242  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is emergency: false
09-07 10:35:29.243  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: voice state: 0
09-07 10:35:29.243  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.243  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.244  4108  4108 D KeyguardUpdateMonitor: is Emergency supported: false
09-07 10:35:29.245  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.252  1195  1195 D vendor.oplus.hardware.charger@1.0-service: wireless adapter power -3
09-07 10:35:29.253  4801  4801 D Telephony: onServiceStateChanged  newState = 0 mServiceState = 0
09-07 10:35:29.257  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: slot:0, lock state:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=56]
09-07 10:35:29.266  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: slot:1, lock state:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=56]
09-07 10:35:29.266  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: needDisableMenu: slot1State=-1; slot2State=-1
09-07 10:35:29.266  4108  4427 D SimStateHelper: needDisableMenu:false
09-07 10:35:29.270  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:29.273 19676 19742 D OplusInputMethodUtil: init DEBUG to false, update DEBUG_IME to false
09-07 10:35:29.274 19676 19742 D OplusInputMethodUtil: init DEBUG to false, update DEBUG_IME to false
09-07 10:35:29.275 19676 19749 W m.avito.androi: Class com.yandex.metrica.impl.ob.qi failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:29.279  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony: isRttCurrentlySupported -- regular acct, hasVoiceAvailability: true
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony:  isRttSupported: false
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony:  isUserRttSettingOn: false
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony:  alwaysAllowWhileRoaming: false
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony:  isRoaming: false
09-07 10:35:29.279  4801  4801 I Telephony:  isOnWfc: false
09-07 10:35:29.287  1787 13838 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.287  1787 13838 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.288  1787 13838 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.291  1787 13816 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.291  1787 13816 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.295  4801  5136 D PhoneInterfaceManager: [PhoneIntfMgr] QueryTelephonyChecker-getDataNetworkTypeForSubscriber: packageName = com.android.phone, isGrant = true
09-07 10:35:29.305 29554 29567 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.306  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.306  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.307 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-07 10:35:29.307 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-07 10:35:29.311  1787 13811 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.311  1787 13811 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.312  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: [488 CELLULAR] EVENT_NETWORK_INFO_CHANGED, going from CONNECTED to CONNECTED
09-07 10:35:29.313  1787  3904 D WN_S    : onLinkPropertiesChanged for 492
09-07 10:35:29.313  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.314  1787  5244 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.315 25655 25701 D QCNEJ/DataCallAgent: onLinkPropertiesChanged: 492 mSubId: 1 mSlotId: 1
09-07 10:35:29.316  1787 11597 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.316  1787 11597 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.322  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.322  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.333  1787 13838 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.333  1787 13838 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.334  1787  5244 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.334  1787  5244 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.334  1787  5244 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.336  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.336  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.338  1787 11598 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.338  1787 11598 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManagerService: getMobileDataMode error :s == null
09-07 10:35:29.339  1787  5244 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.339  1787  5244 I OplusCustomizeService: pkg:com.android.providers.telephony isPlatformSigned, return true drectly
09-07 10:35:29.339  1787  5244 D OplusCustomizeSecurityManagerService: we can't find the BLOCK
09-07 10:35:29.341  4801  4801 D Telephony: mCanCheckRoamForSecondSlot = true
09-07 10:35:29.341  4801  4801 D Telephony: getPrimarySlot primarySlotId = 0
09-07 10:35:29.343  1787 13805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:29.344  1787 13805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:29.344  1787 13805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:29.348  1787 13805 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10369; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:29.352  1787  2066 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10369; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:29.363  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.364 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.people.contactssync.service.START dat=chimera-action:com.google.android.gms.people.contactssync.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService }
09-07 10:35:29.364 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.people.contactssync.service.START dat=chimera-action:com.google.android.gms.people.contactssync.service.START cmp=com.google.android.gms/.chimera.GmsBoundBrokerService }
09-07 10:35:29.372  1787  3904 D WN_S    : onLinkPropertiesChanged for 488
09-07 10:35:29.373 25655 25701 D QCNEJ/WwanInfoRelay: onLinkPropertiesChanged: 488{InterfaceName: rmnet_data3 LinkAddresses: [ ] DnsAddresses: [ /,/ ] Domains: null MTU: 1500 TcpBufferSizes: 4096,6291456,12582912,4096,1048576,2097152 Routes: [ -> rmnet_data3 mtu 0, -> rmnet_data3 mtu 0 ]}
09-07 10:35:29.384 16200 17176 W UnityAds: com.unity3d.services.core.connectivity.ConnectivityMonitor.connectionStatusChanged() (line:173) :: Unity Ads was not able to get current network type due to missing permission
09-07 10:35:29.395  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.398  1012  1012 D Zygote  : Forked child process 19777
09-07 10:35:29.398  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 57ms so far, now at startProcess: returned from zygote!
09-07 10:35:29.400  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 59ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating battery stats
09-07 10:35:29.401  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: building log message
09-07 10:35:29.401  1787  2066 I ActivityManager: Start proc 19777:com.avito.android:Metrica/u0a369 for service {com.avito.android/com.yandex.metrica.MetricaService}
09-07 10:35:29.401  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 60ms so far, now at startProcess: starting to update pids map
09-07 10:35:29.402  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 61ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
09-07 10:35:29.412 29554 29681 I PeopleChimeraService: onService. callbacks = antk@ea808d1, request = com.google.android.gms.common.internal.GetServiceRequest@2e19f36
09-07 10:35:29.421 19777 19777 E android:Metric: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000
09-07 10:35:29.427 19777 19777 E android:Metric: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
09-07 10:35:29.428  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.429  1787  3849 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
09-07 10:35:29.429 19777 19777 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
09-07 10:35:29.429  1787  3849 W OplusNPMS: updateNotificationAndNetworkEnableForDailyAlert not handle mobile type
09-07 10:35:29.438 19777 19777 I OneTrace: Mark active for pid=19777? true
09-07 10:35:29.438 19777 19777 D cutils-dev: otrace_set_tracing_enabled? true
09-07 10:35:29.461  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.468  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:29.468  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:29.468  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
09-07 10:35:29.468  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
09-07 10:35:29.482 19777 19805 D cutils-dev: properties changed in otrace_seq_number_changed!
09-07 10:35:29.489 19777 19777 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:29.489 19777 19777 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusAutoResolutionFeature
09-07 10:35:29.489 19777 19777 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: getOplusAutoResolutionFeature
09-07 10:35:29.491 19777 19777 D CompactWindowAppManager: initCompactApplicationInfo
09-07 10:35:29.494  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.498  1787  3849 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
09-07 10:35:29.498  1787  3849 W OplusNPMS: updateNotificationAndNetworkEnableForDailyAlert not handle mobile type
09-07 10:35:29.503 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.519  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:29.520  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:29.520  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
09-07 10:35:29.520  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
09-07 10:35:29.527  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.541 19777 19777 I OplusFeatureCache: Milliseconds spent on init(): 15
09-07 10:35:29.546 19777 19777 D LoadedApk: mApplicationInfo overrideDisplayId:null
09-07 10:35:29.559  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.593  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.627  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.631  1787  1869 I system_server: Background concurrent copying GC freed 689445(28MB) AllocSpace objects, 124(2660KB) LOS objects, 16% free, 117MB/141MB, paused 453us,967us total 885.085ms
09-07 10:35:29.642  1787 13838 W ServiceManager: Permission failure: android.permission.HIGH_SAMPLING_RATE_SENSORS from uid=10369 pid=19676
09-07 10:35:29.645 11131 11314 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.659 29554 29567 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.659  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.676  1787  1871 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
09-07 10:35:29.679  1787  1871 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
09-07 10:35:29.686 29554 22870 I ContactsLogger: Nothing to upload! [CONTEXT service_id=135 ]
09-07 10:35:29.693 19777 19777 W android:Metric: Entry not found
09-07 10:35:29.694 19777 19777 W android:Metric: Entry not found
09-07 10:35:29.700 19777 19777 W android:Metric: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
09-07 10:35:29.700 19777 19777 W android:Metric: JIT profile information will not be recorded: profile file does not exist.
09-07 10:35:29.708  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.712 11131 19408 I NetworkScheduler.Stats: Task com.google.android.gms/com.google.android.gms.romanesco.ContactsLoggerUploadService finished executing. cause:3 result: 1 elapsed_millis: 1113 uptime_millis: 1113 exec_start_elapsed_seconds: 626782 [CONTEXT service_id=218 ]
09-07 10:35:29.714 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1278,100,8.508388,22
09-07 10:35:29.717 19777 19777 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'com.avito.android' set to: 'default'
09-07 10:35:29.717 19777 19777 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
09-07 10:35:29.720 19777 19777 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
09-07 10:35:29.722 19777 19777 D NetworkSecurityConfig: Using Network Security Config from resource network_security_config debugBuild: false
09-07 10:35:29.727 19777 19777 W android:Metric: Accessing hidden field Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.727 19777 19777 W android:Metric: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedSet;-><init>(Ljava/util/Set;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.728 19777 19777 W android:Metric: Accessing hidden method Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;-><init>(Ljava/util/Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (max-target-o, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:29.729  1787  4418 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19777 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:29.733  1787  4418 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemjob.SystemJobService, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:29.734 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.741  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.755  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
09-07 10:35:29.774  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.788 19676 19815 W JobConfig: setApiEnabled - GCM, false
09-07 10:35:29.808  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.824 19676 19863 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 160794467; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:29.841  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.863 19777 19887 W android:Metric: Class com.yandex.metrica.CounterConfiguration failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:29.863 19777 19887 W android:Metric: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code
09-07 10:35:29.863 19777 19887 W android:Metric: and incorrect proguard optimizations.
09-07 10:35:29.874  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.875  1787 13779 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:29.891 19777 19916 W android:Metric: Class com.yandex.metrica.impl.ob.qi failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:29.907  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.912  1787 13838 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10369/19676 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 28783 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28784, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
09-07 10:35:29.913  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [28784 : null → 488]
09-07 10:35:29.927  1787  3851 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28784, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:29.933  1787  3851 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28784, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:29.933  1787  3851 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28784, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:29.936  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:29.939  1787 13805 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:29.942  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:29.944  1787 13779 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:29.956  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.964  1787 13805 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:29.965 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.990  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:29.996 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:29.997  1787 13838 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:30.022  1787 11597 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:30.022  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.024 19777 19907 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 10369; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:30.040  1787 13779 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:30.055  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.066 19676 19676 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 147600208; UID 10369; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:30.069  1787 13811 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 157233955; UID 10369; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:30.088  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.088  1787 13811 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:30.122  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.123  1787  1787 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=android, index=0, streamType=5
09-07 10:35:30.126  1787  1787 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceExtImpl:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
09-07 10:35:30.127  1787  1787 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceExtImpl:  getTopIsFullscreen mTopIsFullscreen: true
09-07 10:35:30.129  1787  1787 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=android, index=0, streamType=5
09-07 10:35:30.129  1787  1787 D NotificationService: vibrateLinearmotorIfNeed, content://media/internal/audio/media/1373
09-07 10:35:30.132  1787  1787 W NotificationHistory: Attempted to add notif for locked/gone/disabled user 0
09-07 10:35:30.133  1787 13811 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:30.150  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:30.155  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.164 19676 19970 D PlatformWorker: Run job, request{id=7269, tag=send_data_size, transient=false}, waited 00:00:00, start 00:00:00, end 00:01:30
09-07 10:35:30.169 19676 19958 D PlatformWorker: Run job, request{id=7271, tag=send_statsd_events, transient=false}, waited 00:00:00, start 00:00:00, end 00:01:30
09-07 10:35:30.170  4108  4108 D InterruptionStateProvider: No bubble up: not allowed to bubble: 0|com.avito.android|-2033583238|tag_channel|10369
09-07 10:35:30.170  4108  6460 D OpUtils : color code -654311424
09-07 10:35:30.185  4108  6460 D OpUtils : color code -654311424
09-07 10:35:30.186 19676 19958 I JobExecutor: Executing request{id=7271, tag=send_statsd_events, transient=false}, context AvitoApp
09-07 10:35:30.187  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.189 19676 19970 I JobExecutor: Executing request{id=7269, tag=send_data_size, transient=false}, context AvitoApp
09-07 10:35:30.189  4108  4427 D PeopleSpaceWidgetMgr: Sbn doesn't contain valid PeopleTileKey: null/0/com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:30.198 10997 11020 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: false, type: 2006, appID: 20082, logTag: 20082, eventID: notification_post
09-07 10:35:30.198 10997 11020 W [0]DCS  : Record event failed. DCS reject event: [appId=20082,logTag=20082,eventId=notification_post] . Pls check server config.
09-07 10:35:30.198 10997 11020 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: false, type: 2006, appID: 20082, logTag: 20082, eventID: notification_show
09-07 10:35:30.198 10997 11020 W [0]DCS  : Record event failed. DCS reject event: [appId=20082,logTag=20082,eventId=notification_show] . Pls check server config.
09-07 10:35:30.201 19676 19906 I JobExecutor: Finished job{id=7269, finished=true, result=SUCCESS, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=t, tag=send_data_size}
09-07 10:35:30.203 19676 19970 D PlatformWorker: Finished job, request{id=7269, tag=send_data_size, transient=false} SUCCESS
09-07 10:35:30.204 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.203 0(0) DownloadHandlerFileExt CompleteContent
09-07 10:35:30.204 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.204 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.204 0(0) DownloadHandlerFileExt file closed
09-07 10:35:30.204 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.221  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.242 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.242 0(0) File http://rpggpstatic.gohero.es/rpggp/dlc/android/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d.gz successfully downloaded and saved to temp path /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d.gz~
09-07 10:35:30.242 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.242 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.242 0(0) Moving /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d.gz~ to /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d.gz
09-07 10:35:30.242 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.247 19676 19676 W androidx.work-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:516941): avc: granted { execute } for path="/data/data/com.avito.android/app_outdex/libdexprotector.1igvvdp.19676.so" dev="dm-30" ino=188684 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c113,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c113,c257,c512,c768 tclass=file app=com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:30.270 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.270 0(0) DoUngzip gz_size:4725562 gz_hash:2576157693 [/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d.gz] to [/storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d]
09-07 10:35:30.270 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.271 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:30.275  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:30.309 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:30.320  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.326  4108  4108 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
09-07 10:35:30.330  4108  4108 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
09-07 10:35:30.336  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.350  4108  4108 V TextView: notifyAutoFillManagerAfterTextChanged
09-07 10:35:30.350  4108  4108 V AutofillManager: notifyValueChanged(2026): ignoring on state UNKNOWN
09-07 10:35:30.375 12763 12775 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCVed message body: type = 4, port = 86870, caller_pid = -1, caller_uid = -1, target_pid = -1, target_uid = 10369, pkg_cmd = -1
09-07 10:35:30.387  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.388  4108  4108 V TextView: notifyAutoFillManagerAfterTextChanged
09-07 10:35:30.389  4108  4108 V AutofillManager: notifyValueChanged(2027): ignoring on state UNKNOWN
09-07 10:35:30.393  4108  4108 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
09-07 10:35:30.393  4108  4108 W Settings: Setting notification_bubbles has moved from android.provider.Settings.Global to android.provider.Settings.Secure, returning read-only value.
09-07 10:35:30.436  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.443  4108  4108 V TextView: notifyAutoFillManagerAfterTextChanged
09-07 10:35:30.443  4108  4108 V AutofillManager: notifyValueChanged(2028): ignoring on state UNKNOWN
09-07 10:35:30.443  4108  4108 V TextView: notifyAutoFillManagerAfterTextChanged
09-07 10:35:30.443  4108  4108 V AutofillManager: notifyValueChanged(2028): ignoring on state UNKNOWN
09-07 10:35:30.456  4108  4108 V TextView: notifyAutoFillManagerAfterTextChanged
09-07 10:35:30.456  4108  4108 V AutofillManager: notifyValueChanged(2028): ignoring on state UNKNOWN
09-07 10:35:30.485  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.489  4108  4108 D WindowManager: Add to mViews: android.widget.LinearLayout{1988a3e V.E...... ......I. 0,0-0,0},pkg= null
09-07 10:35:30.497  1787  4418 D OplusDisplayPolicy: com.android.systemui, change system app cutoutMode: oplus always
09-07 10:35:30.505  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:30.506   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.507  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.508   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.510 19676 19964 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.boot.warranty_bit"
09-07 10:35:30.510 19676 19964 W libc    : Access denied finding property "ro.vendor.warranty_bit"
09-07 10:35:30.519  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:30.520  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.555  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.569  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.573  1787  4418 D OplusDisplayPolicy: com.android.systemui, change system app cutoutMode: oplus always
09-07 10:35:30.587  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:30.588  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.592 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.591 0(0) Ungzip OK /storage/emulated/0/Android/data/com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/files/dlc/location/labyrinth@hd_2752822833.unity3d
09-07 10:35:30.592 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.593 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:30.592 0(0) DLC.Download  [location/labyrinth] ended
09-07 10:35:30.593 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:30.602  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:30.603  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.618  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.622   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.622   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.623   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.623   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.625   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.627   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.628   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.629   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.629   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.630   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.630   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.631   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.635  1787 19963 D SystemVibratorExtImpl: is not PrebakedSegment
09-07 10:35:30.635  1787 19963 I SystemVibratorExtImpl: SystemVibrator vibrate is uid= 1000,opPkg =android,duration=300,effect=Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.0, frequency=0.0, duration=0}, Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0, duration=100}, Step{amplitude=0.0, frequency=0.0, duration=200}, Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0, duration=0}], repeat=-1},Binder.getCallingPid()=1787
09-07 10:35:30.635  1787 19963 D SystemVibratorExtImpl: convertToLinearVibration uid = 1000, opPkg = android, effect = Composed{segments=[Step{amplitude=0.0, frequency=0.0, duration=0}, Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0, duration=100}, Step{amplitude=0.0, frequency=0.0, duration=200}, Step{amplitude=-1.0, frequency=0.0, duration=0}], repeat=-1}, attributes = VibrationAttributes: Usage=NOTIFICATION Audio Usage= USAGE_NOTIFICATION Flags=0
09-07 10:35:30.635  1787 19963 D SystemVibratorExtImpl: no vibrator_lmvibrator or CTS vibration, do not convert
09-07 10:35:30.635  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.636  1787 19963 W VibrationScaler: Got unexpected vibration intensity: 1800
09-07 10:35:30.636  1787 19963 E VibrationScaler: No configured scaling level! (current=1800, default= 2)
09-07 10:35:30.636  1787 19963 D VibratorManagerServiceExtImpl: startCustomizeVibratorLocked id= 0,size=1
09-07 10:35:30.636  1787 19963 D VibratorManagerServiceExtImpl: startCustomizeVibratorLocked withCallback=true
09-07 10:35:30.639   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.641   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.643   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.644   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.644   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.649  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: setBuffer sequence=68026, name=Simple Banner Window#0
09-07 10:35:30.649  1239  1239 I OplusLayer: VRR [FRTC] update from -1 to 0
09-07 10:35:30.649  4108  5449 D SurfaceComposerClient: VRR [FRTC] client handle [bufferId:18446744073709551615 framenumber:0] [ffffffff, ffffffff]
09-07 10:35:30.654  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:30.657  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.661  1787 20005 D VibrationThread: startVibrating: vibratorCount = 1
09-07 10:35:30.661  1787 20005 D VibrationThread: startVibrating: index = 0, effectMapping.size() = 1
09-07 10:35:30.668  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.667 19676 19676 W androidx.work-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:516942): avc: denied { read } for name="drivers" dev="proc" ino=4026531853 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c113,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_tty_drivers:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:30.671 19676 19676 W androidx.work-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:516943): avc: denied { read } for name="modules" dev="proc" ino=4026532193 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c113,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_modules:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:30.671 19676 19676 W androidx.work-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:516944): avc: denied { read } for name="devices" dev="proc" ino=4026532055 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app:s0:c113,c257,c512,c768 tcontext=u:object_r:proc_usb_devices:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 app=com.avito.android
09-07 10:35:30.689  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.695  1189  1189 D vendor.qti.vibrator: Vibrator on for timeoutMs: 100
09-07 10:35:30.701  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.702  1189 20006 D vendor.qti.vibrator: Starting on on another thread
09-07 10:35:30.714 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1227,92,14.888387,22
09-07 10:35:30.719  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.736  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.752  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.754 19676 19908 I JobExecutor: Finished job{id=7271, finished=true, result=SUCCESS, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=t, tag=send_statsd_events}
09-07 10:35:30.757 19676 19958 D PlatformWorker: Finished job, request{id=7271, tag=send_statsd_events, transient=false} SUCCESS
09-07 10:35:30.759   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.761   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.761 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1227,89,15.598064,22
09-07 10:35:30.762  1189  1189 D vendor.qti.vibrator: QTI Vibrator off
09-07 10:35:30.765   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.766  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.767   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.769   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.772   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.779   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.784   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.784   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.785  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.788   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.793   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.793   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.794   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.794   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.795   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.795   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.795   703   703 E Parcel  : Expecting header 0x53595354 but found 0x6e0061. Mixing copies of libbinder?
09-07 10:35:30.802  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.802  1189 20006 D vendor.qti.vibrator: Notifying on complete
09-07 10:35:30.805 19676 19964 I m.avito.androi: Waiting for a blocking GC ClassLinker
09-07 10:35:30.819  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.833  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.852  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.867  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.885  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.887  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI]: handleIdle from 0 to 1
09-07 10:35:30.888  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: isStateReady 0
09-07 10:35:30.888  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: rate range: min {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0} cur {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0} max {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0}
09-07 10:35:30.888  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: keep rate.
09-07 10:35:30.900  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.913 19676 19964 I m.avito.androi: WaitForGcToComplete blocked ClassLinker on Background for 108.269ms
09-07 10:35:30.918  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.933  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.951  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.962  1189  1189 D vendor.qti.vibrator: QTI Vibrator off
09-07 10:35:30.966  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.984  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:30.999  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.017  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.031  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.050  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.051  1787 13779 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10369/19676 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 28785 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28786, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
09-07 10:35:31.052  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [28786 : null → 488]
09-07 10:35:31.057  1787 11597 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:31.063  1787  3851 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28786, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.065  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.067  1787  3851 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28786, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.067  1787  3851 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28786, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.069  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:31.069  1787  4418 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:31.070  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:31.070  1787 11597 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:31.083  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.092 19676 19969 D PlatformWorker: Run job, request{id=7270, tag=check_request_task, transient=false}, waited 00:00:01, start 00:00:01, end 00:00:30
09-07 10:35:31.096 19676 19969 I JobExecutor: Executing request{id=7270, tag=check_request_task, transient=false}, context AvitoApp
09-07 10:35:31.098  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.116  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.131  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.136  1787  3849 D OplusNPMS: clearDelRecord subId1 type=daily
09-07 10:35:31.136  1787  3849 W OplusNPMS: updateNotificationAndNetworkEnableForDailyAlert not handle mobile type
09-07 10:35:31.148  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:31.148  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getWarningNotification numWarningNotificaion10
09-07 10:35:31.148  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState subID=1
09-07 10:35:31.148  1787  3849 V OplusNPMS: getLimitNotificationState mSubidToIccId != null
09-07 10:35:31.149  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.165  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.183  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.197  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.216  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.226 19676 19908 I JobExecutor: Finished job{id=7270, finished=true, result=SUCCESS, canceled=false, periodic=false, class=t, tag=check_request_task}
09-07 10:35:31.229 19676 19969 D PlatformWorker: Finished job, request{id=7270, tag=check_request_task, transient=false} SUCCESS
09-07 10:35:31.232  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.250  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.263  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.276  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:31.283  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.297  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.315  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.329  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.339  1787  4418 W PackageManager: package unknown uid 10369 pid 19676 call SetEnabledSetting(com.avito.android component = androidx.work.impl.background.systemalarm.RescheduleReceiver, 1, 0x1, 0)
09-07 10:35:31.347  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.373  1787  4418 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10369/19676 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 28787 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28788, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
09-07 10:35:31.374  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [28788 : null → 488]
09-07 10:35:31.380  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.387  1787  3851 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28788, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.389  1787  3851 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28788, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.389  1787  3851 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28788, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:31.391  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:31.391  1787 13838 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:31.392  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:31.393  1787 13779 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:31.411  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.447  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.477  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.510  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.524 19777 19791 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
09-07 10:35:31.525 19777 19791 W System  : A resource failed to call close.
09-07 10:35:31.562  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.594  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.614  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:31.615  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:31.615  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:31.615  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:31.615  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:31.617  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:31.618  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:31.627  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.660  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.695  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.728  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.761  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.762  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:31.762  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:31.762  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:31.763  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:31.763 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1247,103,21.360645,22
09-07 10:35:31.763  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:31.764  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:31.766  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:31.793  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.827  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.854  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:31.854  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:31.854  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:31.854  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:31.855  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:31.858  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:31.859  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:31.860  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.892  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:31.892  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:31.893  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:31.893  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:31.894  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:31.895  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.895  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:31.896  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:31.928  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.961  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:31.994  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.029  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.062  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.090  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.090  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.090  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.091  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.093  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.095  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.097  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.097  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.125  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.158  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.192  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.223  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.254  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.254  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.254  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.254  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.255  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.255  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.256  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.257  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.278  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:32.305  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.323  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:32.338  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.371  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.373  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.373  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.373  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.374  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.374  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.374  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.375  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.406  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.437  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.471  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.493  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.493  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.493  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.494  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.494  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.495  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.496  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.503  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.539  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.572  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.602  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.636  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.653  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.653  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.653  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.653  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.654  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.654  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.655  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.669  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.694  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.694  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.694  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.695  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.695  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.696  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.697  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.704  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.727  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.727  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.727  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.728  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.728  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.730  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.731  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.737  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.769  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.802  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.835  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.868  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.893  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:32.893  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:32.893  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:32.896  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:32.897  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:32.898  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:32.898  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:32.901  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.934  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.951  1195  1195 D vendor.oplus.hardware.charger@1.0-service: wireless adapter power -3
09-07 10:35:32.966  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:32.999  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.042  1547  1636 D SwtpMonitorThread: read swtp_status_buf: 0,255,255,255
09-07 10:35:33.047  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.053  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.053  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.053  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.053  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.053  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.054  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.054  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.056 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1245,102,12.483226,22
09-07 10:35:33.064  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.114  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.147  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.174  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.174  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.174  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.175  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.175  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.176  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.176  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.180  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.213  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.246  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.279  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.281  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:33.293  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.293  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.293  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.294  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.294  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.295  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.296  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.312  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.345  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.380  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.414  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.425  4108  4514 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onMobileStatusChanged= updateTelephony=false mobileStatus=[activityIn=false,activityOut=true,dataSim=true,carrierNetworkChangeMode=false,dataState=2,serviceState=mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),signalStrength=3,telephonyDisplayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=LTE_CA}]
09-07 10:35:33.444  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.453  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.454  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.454  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.454  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.454  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.455  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.457  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.477  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.513  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.544  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.573  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.574  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.574  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.582  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.582  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.582  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.583  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.584  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.613  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.618  1554  3251 D QmiClient: qmiServiceEventCallback recv msg id 74
09-07 10:35:33.618  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClient: enter - onQmiServiceEventCallback msgId 74
09-07 10:35:33.618  1554  3251 D QmiDsdClientEvent: qmiDsdClientNotifyLteCellInfoChangeEvent - RADIO_EVENT_LTE_CELL_INFO_CHANGE_IND
09-07 10:35:33.618  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleMessage msg is 2201
09-07 10:35:33.618  1554  1554 D DsdProxy: handleLteCellInfoChangeInd for instance 0
09-07 10:35:33.619  4822  4922 D SubsysRadioIndication: radioLteCAInfoInd
09-07 10:35:33.619  4822  4822 D QtiCellularNetwork: handleLteCaInfoChanged 0
09-07 10:35:33.625  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:33.646  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.679  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.710  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.744  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.777  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.810  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.842  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.874  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.925  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.959  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:33.990  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.026  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.060  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.063 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1253,105,12.107097,22
09-07 10:35:34.092  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.124  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.158  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.192  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.224  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.257  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.283  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:34.290  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.323  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.340  1787  3926 D OplusNecService: updateOrgDnsEvent: latencyMs = 5079
09-07 10:35:34.340  1787  3926 D OplusNecService: updateOrgDnsEvent: latencyMs = 5078
09-07 10:35:34.345 16200 16200 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:34.348 16200 16200 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:34.353 19788 19881 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:34.355 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:34.356 19788 19900 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:34.358 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:34.366  4801  5792 D OplusCellularNetworkConfig: getDnsQueryPriority value=
09-07 10:35:34.369  4801  5792 D OplusCellularNetworkConfig: getDnsQueryPriority value=
09-07 10:35:34.371  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.405  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.437  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.446  4108  4514 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onMobileStatusChanged= updateTelephony=false mobileStatus=[activityIn=true,activityOut=true,dataSim=true,carrierNetworkChangeMode=false,dataState=2,serviceState=mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),signalStrength=3,telephonyDisplayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=LTE_CA}]
09-07 10:35:34.459 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:34.469  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.502  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.519  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.536  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.569  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.577 18592 18659 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing distribution data: ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids=null, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids=null, source=APP)])
09-07 10:35:34.601  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.635  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.670  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.702  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.736  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.768  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.791 18592 18659 I AppMetrica-Attribution: Choosing distribution data: ClidsInfo(chosen=Candidate(clids=null, source=APP), candidates=[Candidate(clids=null, source=APP)])
09-07 10:35:34.802  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.836  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.868  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.901  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.932  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:34.934  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:34.966  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.001  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.033  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.066  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.099  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.148  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.181  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.215  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.247  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.282  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.284  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:35.314  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.349  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.381  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.415  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.427  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI]: handleIdle from 1 to 0
09-07 10:35:35.428  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: isStateReady 0
09-07 10:35:35.428  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: rate range: min {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0} cur {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0} max {id=0, hwcId=0, fps=61.00, width=1080, height=2400 group=0}
09-07 10:35:35.428  1239  1417 D VRR [OTI-HW]: keep rate.
09-07 10:35:35.428 16200 16200 V AutofillManager: requestHideFillUi(null): anchor = null
09-07 10:35:35.429  1787  3960 D OGG_Detector: D:done mCurrStatus: 0
09-07 10:35:35.446  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.482  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.512  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.549  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.565  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.579  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.548 0(0) Can't find indicator with name 'labyrinth', see all indicators list:
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.591 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.596  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.595 0(0) arena
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.597 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.597 0(0) smith
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.598 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.598 0(0) healer
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.599 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.599 0(0) ranger
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.601 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.601 0(0) mage
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.602 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.602 0(0) jewel
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.603 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.603 0(0) guild_councilor
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.604 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.604 0(0) guild_armorer
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.605 0(0) runemaster
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.605 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.606 0(0) tower
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.606 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.606 0(0) altar
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.607 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.607 0(0) guild_war_master
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.608 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.608 0(0) treasury
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.609 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.609 0(0) event_board
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.610 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.610 0(0) mercenary
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.611 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.611 0(0) beastmaster
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.612 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.612  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.612 0(0) champ
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.613 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.613 0(0) gremlin
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.614 0(0) bard
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.614 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.615 0(0) dwarf
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.615 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:35.616 0(0) trader
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.NPCIndicators:FocusOnIndicator(String)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Activity:OnDLCDownloaded()
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : System.Action:Invoke()
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.DownloadUI:OnDone(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : VoidDelegate:Invoke(GameObject)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:Notify(GameObject, String, Object)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessRelease(Boolean, Single)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouch(Boolean, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessTouches()
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : UICamera:ProcessEvents()
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:35.616 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:35.628  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.644  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.661  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.678  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.694  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.711  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.727  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.744  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.760  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.763  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -137.00 996.00 -1.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.776  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.777  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -145.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.794  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.796  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -151.00 996.00 -18.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.809  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.811  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -154.00 996.00 -24.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.826  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.829  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -155.00 996.00 -27.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.843  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.845  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -156.00 996.00 -28.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.860  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.862  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -156.00 996.00 -29.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.874  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.875  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -156.00 996.00 -28.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.890  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.897  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -155.00 996.00 -27.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.907  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.908  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -154.00 996.00 -25.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.924  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.925  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -152.00 996.00 -22.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.940  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.946  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -149.00 996.00 -19.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.957  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.959  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -146.00 996.00 -16.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.972 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1259,93,7.8206453,22
09-07 10:35:35.974  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.978  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -143.00 996.00 -14.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:35.991  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:35.993  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -141.00 996.00 -13.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.010  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.013  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -140.00 996.00 -12.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.024  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.026  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -139.00 996.00 -11.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.040  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.042  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -138.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.056  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.057  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -137.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.073  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.075  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -137.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.089  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.090  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -137.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.106  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.107  4108  4770 W OpenGLRenderer: Dirty  0.00 -137.00 996.00 -10.00 doesn't intersect with 0 0 996 378 ?
09-07 10:35:36.122  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.124  4108  4770 E BLASTBufferQueue: BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect()
09-07 10:35:36.132  4108  4108 V OplusZoomWindowDecorViewHelper: removeZoomView
09-07 10:35:36.132  4108  4108 E BLASTBufferQueue: BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect()
09-07 10:35:36.133  1787  4418 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '1fbaf5c Simple Banner Window (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
09-07 10:35:36.142  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.145  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.155  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68024, name=WindowToken{3949cf android.os.BinderProxy@269ca2e}#0 0xb400007e6ed47380
09-07 10:35:36.155  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68025, name=1fbaf5c Simple Banner Window#0 0xb400007e6e07a080
09-07 10:35:36.159  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.160  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.170  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68026, name=Simple Banner Window#0 0xb400007e6ed880c0
09-07 10:35:36.176  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.178  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.181 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 24,1269,89,8.48129,22
09-07 10:35:36.230  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:36.285  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:36.382 0(0) ====== [EXCEPTION] ======
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:HandleUnityLog(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.LogCallback:Invoke(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.Application:CallLogCallback(String, String, LogType, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:36.387 0(0) log: NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:HandleUnityLog(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.LogCallback:Invoke(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.Application:CallLogCallback(String, String, LogType, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:36.387 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:36.387 0(0) stack: game.labyrinth.LabyrinthUI.SetupMain () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.labyrinth.LabyrinthUI.Start () (at <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:HandleUnityLog(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.LogCallback:Invoke(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.Application:CallLogCallback(String, String, LogType, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:36.388 0(0) =========================
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:HandleUnityLog(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.LogCallback:Invoke(String, String, LogType)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : UnityEngine.Application:CallLogCallback(String, String, LogType, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:36.388 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.389 16200 16345 I Unity   : 10:35:36.389 0(0) Android memory: threads_count=169 java_heap_size=43343359 java_heap_allocated=29536936 java_heap_free=13806423 java_heap_max_size=536870912 java_heap_available_size=507333976 native_heap_allocated=143243312 native_heap_free=49694672 native_heap_size=192937984
09-07 10:35:36.389 16200 16345 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.391 16200 16345 I Unity   : AN: Using proxy for class: com.mnp.popups.NativePopupsManager method:ShowMessage
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   : NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.labyrinth.LabyrinthUI.SetupMain () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.labyrinth.LabyrinthUI.Start () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   : (Filename: currently not available on il2cpp Line: -1)
09-07 10:35:36.396 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:36.412  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.416 19788 19877 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:36.417 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:36.418 19788 19901 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:36.418 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:36.419 16200 16200 D AndroidNative: ShowMessage: Опаньки!Похоже, местные орки опять что-то сломали. Перезапустите игру.
09-07 10:35:36.419 16200 16200 D AndroidNative:
09-07 10:35:36.419 16200 16200 D AndroidNative: Если эта ошибка повторится, обратитесь в службу технической поддержки из игры или по адресу https://support.my.games/gh с указанием своего ID.
09-07 10:35:36.419 16200 16200 D AndroidNative:
09-07 10:35:36.419 16200 16200 D AndroidNative: ID: 29852072 - 1.139.7 (148)Выйти
09-07 10:35:36.434  1787 13779 W OplusNavigationBarUtil: color navigation bar util isn't init.
09-07 10:35:36.456 16200 16200 E OplusCustomizeRestrictionManager: sInstance is null, start a new sInstance
09-07 10:35:36.469  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.475 16200 16200 D ScrollOptimizationHelper: can't find the config file for optimizaiton
09-07 10:35:36.475 16200 16200 D ScrollOptimizationHelper: will not debug for debug is false
09-07 10:35:36.479 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.480 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.480 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.482 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.482 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.482 16200 16200 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusDynamicVsyncFeature
09-07 10:35:36.496 16200 16200 D WindowManager: Add to mViews: DecorView@3c013a8[UnityPlayerActivity],pkg= com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:36.501  1787 13779 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10532; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:36.502  1787 13779 D OplusDisplayPolicy: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, no change cutoutMode: 0
09-07 10:35:36.502  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.508 16200 16200 I Quality : Skipped: false 6 cost 107.42605 refreshRate 0 processName com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:36.530  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.535  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.538 19777 19789 W android:Metric: Suspending all threads took: 12.099ms
09-07 10:35:36.546  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.548  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.560  1787 13779 D OplusDisplayPolicy: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, no change cutoutMode: 0
09-07 10:35:36.571  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.572  1787 13779 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{175356b u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} to Window{2c5ef62 u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity},diplayid=0
09-07 10:35:36.572  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.575  1787 13779 D WindowManager: BarWindow--setVisible: id=2, oldState=2, state=0
09-07 10:35:36.576  1787 13779 D Theia.NoFocusWindow: FocusWindowErrorScene cancelCheckFreezeScreen
09-07 10:35:36.580  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=2 new=0
09-07 10:35:36.580  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=0
09-07 10:35:36.581 16200 16200 V OplusZoomWindowDecorViewHelper: setLastReportedMergedConfiguration mZoomDisplayHeight: 1080 getDecorView.62919592
09-07 10:35:36.582  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:36.586  4108  4108 D NavigationBar: Navigation bar WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING
09-07 10:35:36.587  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.589  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.591  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=0 new=131072
09-07 10:35:36.591  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=131072
09-07 10:35:36.592  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:36.604  1787 13805 I FocusResolver: updateFocusedWindow,  on display 0, reason: Waiting for window because NOT_VISIBLE, result:   FocusedWindows: <none>
09-07 10:35:36.605  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.608  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.618  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.620  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.622  1239  1384 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
09-07 10:35:36.636  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.648 16200 16200 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:36.649  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: setBuffer sequence=68028, name=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity#1
09-07 10:35:36.649  1239  1239 I OplusLayer: VRR [FRTC] update from -1 to 0
09-07 10:35:36.650 16200 16304 D SurfaceComposerClient: VRR [FRTC] client handle [bufferId:18446744073709551615 framenumber:0] [ffffffff, ffffffff]
09-07 10:35:36.651 16200 16200 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:36.653 16200 16200 I Quality : Skipped: false 8 cost 137.11365 refreshRate 0 processName com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:36.653  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.656  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.658  1787 13838 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 16200 tid 16473 enable false
09-07 10:35:36.668  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68015, name=Surface(name=8776876 NavigationBar0)/@0xa102106 - animation-leash of insets_animation#0 0xb400007e6eca2c00
09-07 10:35:36.672  1787 13779 I FocusResolver: updateFocusedWindow, 2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity on display 0, reason: Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE, result:   FocusedWindows:
09-07 10:35:36.672  1787 13779 I FocusResolver:     displayId=0, name='2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity'
09-07 10:35:36.673  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.676  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.685  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.687  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.703  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.706  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.719  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.722  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.735  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.738  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.740  1787 13779 D ConnectivityService: requestNetwork for uid/pid:10369/19676 activeRequest: null callbackRequest: 28789 [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28790, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]] callback flags: 0 order: 2147483647
09-07 10:35:36.742  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [28790 : null → 488]
09-07 10:35:36.752  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.754  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.761  1787  3851 D WifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28790, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:36.763  1787  3851 D UntrustedWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28790, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:36.764  1787  3851 D OemPaidWifiNetworkFactory: got request NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28790, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10369 RequestorUid: 10369 RequestorPkg: com.avito.android UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]
09-07 10:35:36.766  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:36.766  1787 13779 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:36.767  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:36.767  1787 13779 D WifiService: getWifiEnabledState primaryClientMode is mDefaultClientModeManager
09-07 10:35:36.768  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.770  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.785  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.787  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.800  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.802  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.819  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.822  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.836  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.839  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.852  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68030, name=Surface(name=2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity)/@0x9c208ba - animation-leash of window_animation#0 0xb400007e72f3d280
09-07 10:35:36.852  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68032, name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=9716)/@0xe6eeb61 - animation-leash of dimmer#0 0xb400007e6ed474c0
09-07 10:35:36.859  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.862  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.869  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.879  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.886  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.895  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.901  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.912  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.920  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.928  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.934  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.945  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.952  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.961  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.967  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.978  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:36.987  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:36.995  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.000  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.011  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.015  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.028  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.035  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.044  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.053 13989 14068 E HQSession.cpp: Peer closed with error err=Connect failed msg=connect timeout proto=, client CID=, server CID=00000000, local=<uninitialized address>, <uninitialized address>=upstream, drain=none
09-07 10:35:37.055  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.061  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.066  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.077  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.083  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.093  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.097  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.110  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.117 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1239,91,9.439355,22
09-07 10:35:37.118  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.127  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.132  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.143  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.149  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.160  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.164  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.176  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.181  1787 13838 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 16200 tid 16473 enable false
09-07 10:35:37.182  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.193  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.197  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:37.209  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.221 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 24,1241,96,10.2348385,22
09-07 10:35:37.226  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.249  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.281  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.286  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:37.312  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.347  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.380  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.382 16200 16345 W Unity   : 10:35:37.382 0(0) net answer: ok
09-07 10:35:37.382 16200 16345 W Unity   :
09-07 10:35:37.382 16200 16345 W Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:37.382 16200 16345 W Unity   :
09-07 10:35:37.412  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.438  1195  1195 D vendor.oplus.hardware.charger@1.0-service: wireless adapter power -3
09-07 10:35:37.446  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.479  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.513  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.547  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.579  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.628  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.663  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.694  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.727  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.752  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:37.776  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.809  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.843  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.876  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10294, pkg=ru.sberbankmobile can transition from M to F
09-07 10:35:37.876  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10294, pkg=ru.sberbankmobile F enter()
09-07 10:35:37.877  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.882  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : freeze uid: 10294 ru.sberbankmobile pids: [12962, 12397] scene: LcdOn
09-07 10:35:37.910  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.943  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:37.978  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.008  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.042  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.074  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.078  1195  1195 D vendor.oplus.hardware.charger@1.0-service: wireless adapter power -3
09-07 10:35:38.109  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.156  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.190  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.223 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 0,1241,95,17.218065,22
09-07 10:35:38.223  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.256  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.287  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:38.290  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.323  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.356  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.388  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.422  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.455  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.487  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.521  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.555  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.586  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.622  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.669  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.702  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.735  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.767  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.800  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.834  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.872  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.901  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.933  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:38.967  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.000  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.034  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.054  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:39.067  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.100  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.132  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.183  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.214  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.248  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.284  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.288  1787  2055 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:39.314  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.348  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.380  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.414  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.447  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.495  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.498  4108  4514 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onMobileStatusChanged= updateTelephony=false mobileStatus=[activityIn=false,activityOut=false,dataSim=true,carrierNetworkChangeMode=false,dataState=2,serviceState=mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),signalStrength=3,telephonyDisplayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=LTE_CA}]
09-07 10:35:39.499  1787  3960 D OGG_Detector: D:done mCurrStatus: 0
09-07 10:35:39.499 16200 16200 V AutofillManager: requestHideFillUi(null): anchor = null
09-07 10:35:39.527  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.561  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.594  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.627  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.660  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.694  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.720 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: onUnbind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-07 10:35:39.727  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.761  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.764 16200 16200 V OplusZoomWindowDecorViewHelper: removeZoomView
09-07 10:35:39.767 16200 16289 E BLASTBufferQueue: BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect()
09-07 10:35:39.767 16200 16289 D OpenGLRenderer: endAllActiveAnimators on 0xb400006fdf8e2400 (RippleDrawable) with handle 0xb400007001495100
09-07 10:35:39.768  1787 11597 W InputManager-JNI: Input channel object '2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity (client)' was disposed without first being removed with the input manager!
09-07 10:35:39.770  1787 11597 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{2c5ef62 u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity EXITING} to Window{175356b u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity},diplayid=0
09-07 10:35:39.772  1787 11597 D WindowManager: BarWindow--setVisible: id=2, oldState=0, state=2
09-07 10:35:39.772  1787 11597 D Theia.NoFocusWindow: FocusWindowErrorScene cancelCheckFreezeScreen
09-07 10:35:39.775  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=131072 new=131074
09-07 10:35:39.775  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=131074
09-07 10:35:39.776  4108  4108 D NavigationBar: Navigation bar WINDOW_STATE_HIDDEN
09-07 10:35:39.776  1239  1448 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
09-07 10:35:39.778  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.779  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:39.780  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=131074 new=2
09-07 10:35:39.780  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=2
09-07 10:35:39.781  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.781 16200 16200 I Quality : Skipped: true 9 cost 157.7161 refreshRate 0 processName com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:39.783  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:39.785  1787 13805 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 16200 tid 16473 enable false
09-07 10:35:39.788  1787 13779 I FocusResolver: updateFocusedWindow,  on display 0, reason: NO_WINDOW, result:   FocusedWindows: <none>
09-07 10:35:39.790  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:39.792  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68029, name=Surface(name=8776876 NavigationBar0)/@0xa102106 - animation-leash of insets_animation#1 0xb400007e72eb0640
09-07 10:35:39.795  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.798  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:39.798  1787 13838 I InputDispatcher: setFocusedApplication displayId=0 ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource SPECIAL_NODE - cpubw_hwmon_hyst_opt not supported
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 3]
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/max_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:39.798  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 6]
09-07 10:35:39.799  1787 13838 V WindowManager: Changing focus from Window{175356b u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity} to null,diplayid=0
09-07 10:35:39.799  1787 13838 D CompactWindowManagerService: notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{9dd2559 #9716 type=standard A=10532:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}; hasFocus: false
09-07 10:35:39.800  1787 13838 D Theia.NoFocusWindow: FocusWindowErrorScene CheckFreezeScreen
09-07 10:35:39.800  1787 13838 V OplusZoomWindowManagerService: prepareZoomTransition: curStack=Task{9dd2559 #9716 type=standard A=10532:com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes U=0 visible=false mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}   nextStackTask{483b687 #1 type=undefined ?? U=0 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=true sz=1}
09-07 10:35:39.801  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:39.801  1787 13838 D ActivityTrigger: ActivityTrigger activityPauseTrigger
09-07 10:35:39.801  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:39.807  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpu-cpu-llcc-bw/bw_hwmon/hyst_trigger_count failed(Permission denied)
09-07 10:35:39.811  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:39.812  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:39.813  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.826  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.828  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.837 16200 16345 W Unity   : [637981437398379010] Err [WebSocket]: Request Aborted!
09-07 10:35:39.837 16200 16345 W Unity   : (Filename: ./Runtime/Export/Debug/Debug.bindings.h Line: 39)
09-07 10:35:39.837 16200 16345 W Unity   :
09-07 10:35:39.842  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.844  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.849  1787 13779 D OplusKeepAliveManager: TOP_APP is ProcessRecord{c3468f1 4476:com.android.launcher/u0a94} uid is 10094
09-07 10:35:39.847  1787  1787 W Binder:1787_1C: type=1400 audit(0.0:516945): avc: denied { write } for name="fg_uids" dev="proc" ino=4026532202 scontext=u:r:system_server:s0 tcontext=u:object_r:oplus_fg_uid_proc:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
09-07 10:35:39.858  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : 10:35:39.859 0(0) Exception when calling UIWindowBase OnRelease: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.labyrinth.LabyrinthUI.OnRelease () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.EntityComponent.Destruct[T] (T c) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.Entity.Destruct[T] (T c) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.UI.CloseAll () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.G.CloseAllUI (System.UInt32 new_location_id) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.G.LeaveLocation (System.UInt32 new_location_id, System.Boolean release_player) [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :   at game.G.OnApplicationQuit () [0x00000] in <00000000000000000000000000000000>:0
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   :
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Log:Error(Object)
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.EntityComponent:Destruct(T)
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.Entity:Destruct(T)
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.UI:CloseAll()
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:CloseAllUI(UInt32)
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:LeaveLocation(UInt32, Boolean)
09-07 10:35:39.859 16200 16345 E Unity   : game.G:OnApplicationQuit()
09-07 10:35:39.860  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.874 11977 13077 V DeepThinker: ProcessManager: onForegroundActivitiesChanged pid:4476, uid:10094, foregroundActivities:true
09-07 10:35:39.875 23487 23507 D OplusAtlas.OplusAtlasEventDispatch: setEvent:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed info:pid:4476,uid:10094,hasForegroundActivities:1
09-07 10:35:39.875  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.876 23487 23533 D OplusAtlas.OplusAudioScene: callback success event:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed eventInfo:pid:4476,uid:10094,hasForegroundActivities:1
09-07 10:35:39.876 23487 23557 D OplusAtlas.OplusMessageHandler: handleMessage: Msg { when=0 what=2 obj=com.oplus.atlas.OplusAtlasEvent@b74803d target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler }
09-07 10:35:39.878  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.881 29554 29729 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:39.881 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: onBind: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-07 10:35:39.881 29554 29554 D BoundBrokerSvc: Loading bound service for intent: Intent { act=com.google.android.gms.measurement.START pkg=com.google.android.gms }
09-07 10:35:39.887 12763 22665 D IHansComunication: HansComunication::configCheckedUid-- 10294, type = 0
09-07 10:35:39.887 12763 22665 D IHansComunication: HANS sendMessageToKernel: threadId = 510387440816, netLinkSetup = 1, type = FROZEN_TRANS, targetUid = 10294, pkgCmd = PKG_CMD_MAX
09-07 10:35:39.891  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.893  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.907  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.909  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.914  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10317, pkg=ru.yandex.weatherplugin cannot transition from R to M, importance=widget
09-07 10:35:39.916 16200 16345 W Unity   : Mesh staff requires Read/Write Enabled to be set in the importer to work on the particle system shape module
09-07 10:35:39.916 16200 16345 W Unity   : (Filename:  Line: 2031)
09-07 10:35:39.916 16200 16345 W Unity   :
09-07 10:35:39.924  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.926  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.941  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.944  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.953  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.955  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.958  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68028, name=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity#1 0xb400007e6ed31080
09-07 10:35:39.959  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68033, name=Surface(name=2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity)/@0x9c208ba - animation-leash of window_animation#0 0xb400007e6eca24c0
09-07 10:35:39.959  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68027, name=2c5ef62 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity#0 0xb400007e6ed2cdc0
09-07 10:35:39.963  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.969  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.972  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:39.986  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:39.990  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68035, name=Surface(name=Dim Layer for - Task=9716)/@0xe6eeb61 - animation-leash of dimmer#0 0xb400007e72f3d640
09-07 10:35:39.990  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68031, name=Dim Layer for - Task=9716#0 0xb400007e72f53300
09-07 10:35:39.993  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.003  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.007  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.019  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.024  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.036  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.041  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.052  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.057  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.069  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.074  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.085  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.091  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.102  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.107  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.111 16200 16680 I Unity   : 10:35:40.111 0(0) ~DownloadHandlerFileExt
09-07 10:35:40.111 16200 16680 I Unity   :
09-07 10:35:40.118  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.123  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.135  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.138  1787 13779 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 16200 tid 16473 enable false
09-07 10:35:40.139  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.152  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.156  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.168  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.184  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.201  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.217  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.234  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.250  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.267  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.283  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.290  1787  2055 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135634846; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:40.290  1787  2055 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 177438394; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:40.290  1787  2055 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135772972; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:40.290  1787  2055 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 135754954; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:40.291  1787  2066 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 143937733; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:40.300  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.302  1787  2021 W ActivityTaskManager: Activity pause timeout for ActivityRecord{60351e u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t9716 f}}
09-07 10:35:40.305  1012  1012 D Zygote  : Forked child process 20061
09-07 10:35:40.305  1787  2066 I ActivityManager: Start proc 20061:com.coloros.weather.service/u0a194 for service {com.coloros.weather.service/com.coloros.weather.external.WeatherCommonService}
09-07 10:35:40.306  1182  1182 E vendor.qti.hardware.perf@2.2-service: Unknown params
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  2021 V SensorManager: call sensorServiceCommonInterface name: setScreenShotDisable
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  2021 D SensorService: SensorService sensorServiceCommonInterface = setScreenShotDisable
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  2021 D SensorServiceImpl: SensorServiceExtImpl sensorServiceCommonInterface funcName= setScreenShotDisable , flag =0, status =0
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  2021 I OplusHansManager : front pkg: com.android.launcher, uid: 10094, prev pkg: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, prev uid: 10532
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  5480 I OplusHansManager : notifyAppGoForeground, uid=10094
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  5480 I OplusHansManager : notifyAppGoBackground, uid=10532
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10532, pkg=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes enter SM
09-07 10:35:40.307  1787  4109 I Osense-DecisionMaker: notifySceneToPolicy...SCENE_LAUNCHER
09-07 10:35:40.308  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10532, pkg=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes R enter()
09-07 10:35:40.308  1787  4109 D Osense-DecisionMaker: getCurrentSysStats, memMb: 1247
09-07 10:35:40.310  1787  4109 I Osense-DecisionMaker: scene: SCENE_LAUNCHER, excutingPolicy: clear
09-07 10:35:40.310  1787  4109 D Osense-DecisionMaker: executeClearPolicy -- topp:com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.310  1787  4109 D Osense-DecisionMaker: invoke clear policy,type: smart-force
09-07 10:35:40.310  1787  4109 E AthenaService: AthenaLocalService: requestId:3087purposeMemory:1500,appcareThreshold:39,adj:-2147483648, type:smart-force
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  2021 I OplusJoystickManager: handleApplicationSwitch deprecated!
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  4690 I OplusResourcePreloadManager: resume pkg: com.android.launcher, uid:10094, prev pkg: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, prev uid: 10532
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  4951 D OplusEapManager: mTargetExitName :com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  4951 V DCSEX-AppSwitchManager: OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppExit, resuming = com.android.launcher, target = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, is ResumingFirstStart =  false, is ResumingMultiApp =  false, extensionInfo =  Bundle[{taskId=5, uid=10094}]
09-07 10:35:40.312  1205  1205 E PerformanceService: Failed to open /proc/sys/kernel/sched_impt_tgid (2): No such file or directory, Linux version 4.14.180
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: 10 release memory begin, purposeMemory 1500
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  4951 D VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager]: OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppExit , info.targetName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  4951 D VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager]: packageName: null
09-07 10:35:40.312  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: [START] clear_type=392[10], 1247MB, 1500MB, appcare=39, fast=false
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787 15843 D DCSEX-AppLaunchEventRecorder: onAppSwitch from = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes to = com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787 15843 D DCSEX-AppLaunchEventRecorder: recordExitApp = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: round:1, available memory:1247
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  4951 D OplusEapManager: mTargetEnterName :com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  4951 V DCSEX-AppSwitchManager: OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppEnter, launchedFrom =  null, target =  com.android.launcher, is firstStart =  false, is multiApp =  false, extensionInfo =  Bundle[{taskId=5, pid=4476, uid=10094}]
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  4951 D VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager]: OnAppSwitchObserver: onAppEnter , info.targetName = com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  4951 D VRR [OPlusFrontAppManager]: packageName: com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  2267 D VRR [OPlusRefreshRateService]: handleFrontAppChange pkgName: com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.313  1787  2267 D VRR [OPlusExternalRefreshRateManager]: setFrontPackageName pkgName: com.android.launcher CurPkgName: com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.313  4539 21976 D AppSwitchListener: onAppExit() called !
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 I AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] onBecameBackground
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 I AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] callStatsBackground background call
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 I AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] app went to background
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 D AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] Stats call is disabled, ignore ...
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 D AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] RD status is OFF
09-07 10:35:40.314 16200 20056 V AppsFlyer_6.5.2: (551076) [Timer-16] shut downing executor ...
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 E OplusTrack-ApkInfoUtil: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object android.os.Bundle.get(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: java.lang.NullPointerException: Attempt to invoke virtual method 'java.lang.Object android.os.Bundle.get(java.lang.String)' on a null object reference
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.h.b.d(ApkInfoUtil.java:136)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.b.b.a(TrackEvent.java:141)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.b.b.<init>(TrackEvent.java:47)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.b.a.<init>(CommonBean.java:37)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.a(OplusTrack.java:223)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.e.a.a$a.a(AppLaunchEventRecorder.java:116)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.e.a.a$a.a(AppLaunchEventRecorder.java:75)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.e.a.-$$Lambda$2fHLmT8JZlr5OzkT2xnqiCVdLEk.onAppSwitch(Unknown Source:2)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.b.a(AppSwitchMonitor.java:96)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.b.lambda$yF2sSrETF4wpk07pjuI1ubPVnB8(Unknown Source:0)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.-$$Lambda$b$yF2sSrETF4wpk07pjuI1ubPVnB8.accept(Unknown Source:4)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList.forEach(CopyOnWriteArrayList.java:832)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.b.b(AppSwitchMonitor.java:96)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.b.lambda$fX4Hi7f3z5t3AW9aa0q-E6iGF5w(Unknown Source:0)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.-$$Lambda$b$fX4Hi7f3z5t3AW9aa0q-E6iGF5w.run(Unknown Source:4)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1167)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:641)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:920)
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787 15843 W OplusTrack-TrackEvent: appId is empty
09-07 10:35:40.315  1787  3568 E AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: handleAppChange
09-07 10:35:40.316 12445 12461 D ZoomAppController: ignore onAppEnter: mCurrentZoomInfo is null
09-07 10:35:40.316  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.321  4539 22435 W Battery : ThermalControlUtils: mForegroundPkg=com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.333  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.339  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.341 20061 20061 E weather.servic: Unknown bits set in runtime_flags: 0x40000000
09-07 10:35:40.346 20061 20061 E weather.servic: Not starting debugger since process cannot load the jdwp agent.
09-07 10:35:40.349  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.351 20061 20061 D ProcessState: Binder ioctl to enable oneway spam detection failed: Invalid argument
09-07 10:35:40.354  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.355 20061 20061 I OneTrace: Mark active for pid=20061? true
09-07 10:35:40.355 20061 20061 D cutils-dev: otrace_set_tracing_enabled? true
09-07 10:35:40.356  4539 22435 W Battery : ThermalControllHandler: tempLevel=3,userMode=2,gameUserMode=-1,appType=-1,envTempType=0,appStates=[]
09-07 10:35:40.356  4539 22435 W Battery : ThermalControllerCenter: mSafetyState=10000
09-07 10:35:40.357  1787  2258 D OplusFeatureBrightnessBarController: mDarkLevel: 0
09-07 10:35:40.357  4539 22435 W Battery : ThermalControllHandler: tempGear=3,configItemName=common_config
09-07 10:35:40.357  4539 12373 W Battery : ThermalControllHandler: MSG_THERMAL_CONTROL_CATEGORY_CHANGED
09-07 10:35:40.358 20061 20079 D cutils-dev: properties changed in otrace_seq_number_changed!
09-07 10:35:40.366  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.367  1787  2021 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.367  1787  2021 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1540 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1477 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.DisplayArea.onDescendantOrientationChanged:163 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.DisplayArea.onDescendantOrientationChanged:163 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.DisplayArea.onDescendantOrientationChanged:163 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.DisplayArea.onDescendantOrientationChanged:163 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.DisplayArea.onDescendantOrientationChanged:163 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.Task.onDescendantOrientationChanged:3519 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214 com.android.server.wm.Task.onDescendantOrientationChanged:3519 com.android.server.wm.WindowContainer.onDescendantOrientationChanged:1214
09-07 10:35:40.368  1787  2021 D TaskExtImpl: addColorModeOnResume resume=true pkg = com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.370  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.374  1787  2066 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 84ms so far, now at startProcess: done updating pids map
09-07 10:35:40.378 16222 17528 D FeatureService: got request-> doWhat:1
09-07 10:35:40.378  1787 13779 D OplusGameRotationService: lockRotationInGame: change state to 0
09-07 10:35:40.383  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.387 16217 16262 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:1
09-07 10:35:40.389  1239  1385 D SurfaceFlinger: Layer stat START
09-07 10:35:40.390  1239  1385 D SurfaceFlinger: Layer stat STOP
09-07 10:35:40.391  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.391  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:40.392  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:40.395  5501  5501 E oiface  : Unknown decision exitGame
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:40.398  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:40.399  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.401  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: gameOptimizeExit...
09-07 10:35:40.402  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 26,data = high_frame_rate 0,len = 17
09-07 10:35:40.402  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: write 17 bytes
09-07 10:35:40.402  1787 11598 D ColorTouchNodeManagerService: isTouchNodeSupport, nodeFlag: 26, dId:1, result:-1
09-07 10:35:40.402  1787 11598 E ColorTouchNodeManagerService: writeNodeFile failed, extradevice is not support touch node, extraDId:1
09-07 10:35:40.403  1204  1204 E ORMS_HAL: open /sys/devices/platform/soc/soc:oplus-omrg/oplus-omrg0/ruler_enable failed(No such file or directory)
09-07 10:35:40.404  1787 13816 D OplusWifiTransactionHelper: Get notifyGameModeState: state = false pkgName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.404  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.404  1787 13805 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.404  1787 13805 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.405 16217 16262 I GameOpt->OplusGameManager: setScreenMode, decisionScreenMode ->screen_refresh_rate, pkgName ->com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, screenModeType ->2, mode ->0
09-07 10:35:40.406  1787 13816 D OplusWifiCoexManager: setGameModeState: gameStateIn=false pkgName=com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes uid=10532
09-07 10:35:40.406  1787 13816 D OplusWifiTransactionHelper: get mOplusWifiSmartAntenna
09-07 10:35:40.407  1787 13816 E OplusSupplicantStaIfaceHal: Can't call doStringCommand, IOplusSupplicantStaIface is null
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:40.407  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:40.408  1787 11333 D OplusWifiTransactionHelper: notifyGameInfoJsonStr: gameInfo = {"PKG_NAME":"com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes","APP_BACKGROUND":true}
09-07 10:35:40.410  1787  4418 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168419799; UID 10194; state: DISABLED
09-07 10:35:40.410  5501 27726 E oiface  : unable to get oplusscreenmode service
09-07 10:35:40.411  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 26,data = 0,len = 1
09-07 10:35:40.411  1787 11333 D OplusWifiTransactionHelper: notifyGameInfoJsonStr recv unkown key = APP_BACKGROUND
09-07 10:35:40.412  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: write 1 bytes
09-07 10:35:40.416  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.416 16222 16433 I Quality : 17001301:16200 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes GAME_PAUSE
09-07 10:35:40.420  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.428  5501  5556 E oiface  : client  not found, skipped
09-07 10:35:40.429  1787  4418 W ActivityManager: Slow operation: 54ms so far, now at attachApplicationLocked: after mServices.attachApplicationLocked
09-07 10:35:40.431 20061 20080 W OplusExSystemServiceHelper: checkOplusExSystemService intent getComponent is null
09-07 10:35:40.431  4476  4476 D IconConfigParser: parseConfig::icon config =: IconConfig = [ isForeign : true,theme : 4,iconSize : 5000,iconShape : 0,foregroundSize : 5600,artPlusOn : 1,iconRadius :75,darkModeIcon:1,localSpecial:false ]
09-07 10:35:40.432  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:40.434  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:40.437 20061 20061 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 171979766; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:40.437 20061 20061 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: get feature:IOplusAutoResolutionFeature
09-07 10:35:40.437 20061 20061 I oplus.android.OplusFrameworkFactoryImpl: getOplusAutoResolutionFeature
09-07 10:35:40.437  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.438 20061 20061 D CompactWindowAppManager: initCompactApplicationInfo
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : Outgoing transactions from this process must be FLAG_ONEWAY
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : java.lang.Throwable
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:567)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentProviderProxy.insert(ContentProviderNative.java:555)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentProviderClient.insert(ContentProviderClient.java:347)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.content.ContentProviderClient.insert(ContentProviderClient.java:336)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.d.b.a(ContentProviderRecorder.java:81)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.d.b.a(ContentProviderRecorder.java:29)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.d.d.a(ProxyRecorder.java:28)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.a.c.a(CommonAgent.java:14)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.c(OplusTrack.java:264)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.c.lambda$PPWtKXWI0DlTcxUrOHoqM4tRcIQ(Unknown Source:0)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at com.oplus.statistics.-$$Lambda$c$PPWtKXWI0DlTcxUrOHoqM4tRcIQ.run(Unknown Source:2)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:233)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:344)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787 21734 W Binder  : 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
09-07 10:35:40.442  1787  4418 D VRR [OPlusRefreshRateService]:  setFrameRateTargetControl [ -1.0 , com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes , false , com.oplus.cosa ]
09-07 10:35:40.443  1787  4418 D VRR [OPlusExternalRefreshRateManager]:  [FRTC] FrameRate : -1 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes false com.oplus.cosa
09-07 10:35:40.443  1787  2267 D VRR [OPlusSurfaceFlingerController]:  add frtc FrameRate : -1 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes false com.oplus.cosa
09-07 10:35:40.443  1239  3609 I VRR [FRTC]: setFrameRateTarget with [-1, com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, 0, com.oplus.cosa]
09-07 10:35:40.443  1239  3609 W VRR [FRTC]: invalid param { fps -1, proc_name com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes, strict_mode 0, description com.oplus.cosa, rate_status 0, backend Surface, enable at 2022-09-07 10:35:40, disable waiting } for current status.
09-07 10:35:40.443  1239  3609 W VRR [FRTC]: CurrentTarget size 0:
09-07 10:35:40.443 10997 11020 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type: 1, appID: 0, logTag: , eventID:
09-07 10:35:40.446 16217 16686 D OifaceService: got request-> doWhat:33
09-07 10:35:40.447  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: sendBroadcast oplus.intent.action.EXIT_GAME_SPACE_OPTIMIZE
09-07 10:35:40.447  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: LevelReturns status:0,effectiveUplink:1,effectiveDownlink:1
09-07 10:35:40.448  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: getPackageUid:10532
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/io_percent not supported
09-07 10:35:40.448  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: disablePrioritizedApps enter
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 2]
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/bw_hwmon/sample_ms not supported
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 8]
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-OPTSHANDLER: Perflock resource /sys/class/devfreq/soc:qcom,cpubw/min_freq not supported
09-07 10:35:40.448  1182  1274 E ANDR-PERF-RESOURCEQS: Failed to apply optimization [6, 0]
09-07 10:35:40.448  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: disablePrioritizedApps interfaceName :rmnet_data3:uid:10532
09-07 10:35:40.449  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.449  1011  6187 E netd    : dispachCmd:oplusclearuidtoscmd
09-07 10:35:40.449   704   704 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
09-07 10:35:40.450  1011  6187 E netd    : oplusClearUidTos uid:10532, tos:184, ifaceName:rmnet_data3, ret:0
09-07 10:35:40.450  1011  6187 E netd    : dispachCmd cmd:oplusclearuidtoscmd  result:success
09-07 10:35:40.450  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: disablePrioritizedApps exit
09-07 10:35:40.450  4801 32156 D OplusLinkLatencyManagerService: gameOptimizeExit priorityddsResult:0
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: E msg.what=14
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: NetworkSearchingState
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: SimReadyState
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: processMsg: DefaultState
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 E cellularState[0]:  - unhandledMessage: msg.what=14
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[0]: handleMessage: X
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[1]: handleMessage: E msg.what=14
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: SimLoadState
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[1]: processMsg: DefaultState
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 E cellularState[1]:  - unhandledMessage: msg.what=14
09-07 10:35:40.451  4822  5005 D cellularState[1]: handleMessage: X
09-07 10:35:40.453  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.454  1787 19413 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.454  1787 19413 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.454  4083  5290 E bt_btm  : Illegal params: scan_interval = 1024 scan_window = 204scan_phy = 5
09-07 10:35:40.454  4083  5290 E bt_btm  : Illegal params: scan_interval = 0 scan_window = 0scan_phy = 5
09-07 10:35:40.456  1162  1162 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: SerialClockVote: vote for UART CLK ON
09-07 10:35:40.460  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.460  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.464  1162  1162 D vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-wake_lock: Acquire wakelock is acquired
09-07 10:35:40.464  1162  1162 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: DeviceWakeUp: Writing IBS_WAKE_IND
09-07 10:35:40.465  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.468 10997 11020 I [0]DCS-StrategyManager: isNeedUpload: true, type: 2006, appID: 20239, logTag: gamespace, eventID: gamespace_pkg_used_time
09-07 10:35:40.468  1787 19459 E ANDR-PERF-JNI: UXEngine Trigger - Returning null
09-07 10:35:40.468  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.468  1162  5287 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_ACK: 0xFC
09-07 10:35:40.470  1162  5287 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_WAKE_IND: 0xFD
09-07 10:35:40.470  1162  5287 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Writing IBS_WAKE_ACK
09-07 10:35:40.482  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.485 20061 20061 I OplusFeatureCache: Milliseconds spent on init(): 19
09-07 10:35:40.486  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.488 20061 20061 D LoadedApk: mApplicationInfo overrideDisplayId:null
09-07 10:35:40.491  1787  2021 D DisplayManagerService: mIsGameModeOn: 0
09-07 10:35:40.496  4539 22906 D Quality-PerformanceUtils: cpuAllInfo[0] = cur_cpuloading: 100
09-07 10:35:40.496  4539 22906 D Quality-PerformanceUtils: cpuAllInfo[1] = cur_cpu_ctrl: true
09-07 10:35:40.496  4539 22906 D Quality-PerformanceUtils: cpuAllInfo[2] = cur_cpu_logon: false
09-07 10:35:40.496  4539 22906 D Quality-PerformanceUtils: cpuAllInfo[3] = cur_cpu_trig: false
09-07 10:35:40.497 16284 16284 D FloatWindowManagerService: handleIntentAction, action:GAME_STOP
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: android.os.PerformanceManager.getHISchedMiniTask []
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:2103)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Class.getMethod(Class.java:1724)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.e.d.d(Unknown Source:28)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.e.d.k(Unknown Source:2)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.p.a(Unknown Source:322)
09-07 10:35:40.497 16284 16284 D GamesGameHqvUtils: unregisterGameColorPlus packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.l.a(Unknown Source:9)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.l.c(Unknown Source:66)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.a.a(Unknown Source:2)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.a.a(Unknown Source:19)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.a.a(Unknown Source:0)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.run(Unknown Source:109)
09-07 10:35:40.497  4539 22906 W System.err: 	at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:920)
09-07 10:35:40.497 16284 16284 D GamesGameHqvProvider: query
09-07 10:35:40.498 16284 16284 D GamesGameHqvProvider: CODE_ID_LIST
09-07 10:35:40.498  4476  4476 I Quality : Skipped: false 4 cost 81.1942 refreshRate 0 processName com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.498  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.499 16284 16284 D GamesGameHqvProvider: cursor = android.database.sqlite.SQLiteCursor@b4fb70c
09-07 10:35:40.502  4083  5160 I BtGatt.ScanManager: msg.what = 6
09-07 10:35:40.503  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.505 16284 16284 D GamesGameHqvUtils: getGameHqvState cursor is null!
09-07 10:35:40.515  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.517  1162  5287 I vendor.qti.bluetooth@1.0-ibs_handler: ProcessIbsCmd: Received IBS_SLEEP_IND: 0xFE
09-07 10:35:40.519  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.531  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.548  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.549 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 22,1254,93,5.927742,22
09-07 10:35:40.555  1787  2021 D OplusZoomSettingsObserver: GameStateObserver onChange mInGameState:false
09-07 10:35:40.560  4108  4514 D NetworkController.MobileSignalController(1): onMobileStatusChanged= updateTelephony=false mobileStatus=[activityIn=true,activityOut=true,dataSim=true,carrierNetworkChangeMode=false,dataState=2,serviceState=mVoiceRegState=0(IN_SERVICE), mDataRegState=0(IN_SERVICE),signalStrength=3,telephonyDisplayInfo=TelephonyDisplayInfo {network=LTE, override=LTE_CA}]
09-07 10:35:40.560  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.560  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.564  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.565 16284 16284 D AppListDao: updateProGamingModeState update count:1, isOn: false
09-07 10:35:40.569  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.581  1787 11597 V WindowManager: Changing focus from null to Window{c7bf7cb u0 com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher},diplayid=0
09-07 10:35:40.581  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.581  1787 11597 D CompactWindowManagerService: notifyCompactWindowState task: Task{dbb8259 #5 type=undefined I=com.android.launcher/.Launcher U=0 rootTaskId=1 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1}; hasFocus: true
09-07 10:35:40.581  1787 11597 D ActivityTaskManager: onWindowFocusChanged Task{dbb8259 #5 type=undefined I=com.android.launcher/.Launcher U=0 rootTaskId=1 visible=true mode=fullscreen translucent=false sz=1} would transfer to compact
09-07 10:35:40.588  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.589  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: com.oplus.games:B0A9BBFC05EEE5E7D0A2C97C030586E15BB3301152078F54473BB82DF6D8C818
09-07 10:35:40.589  4856  4874 D OplusProvider: call PUT_nonpersist name:disable_gestures args:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=64]
09-07 10:35:40.589  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: insertNonpersistSetting(disable_gestures, com.oplus.games 0, false)
09-07 10:35:40.589  1787  3483 D OplusConfineModeManagerService: notifyConfineModeChanged, oldMode: 0, newMode: 0, userId: 0
09-07 10:35:40.589  1787 11597 D WindowManager: BarWindow--setVisible: id=1, oldState=2, state=0
09-07 10:35:40.589 12445 12461 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer: oldMode: 0, newMode: 0, userId: 0
09-07 10:35:40.590  1787 11597 I OplusStatusBarManagerServiceExtImpl:  topIsFullscreen fullscreen: false
09-07 10:35:40.590 16284 16284 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.heytap.appplatform.settings
09-07 10:35:40.590 16284 16284 W EponaSettings: Can't get provider for content://com.heytap.appplatform.settings/nonpersist
09-07 10:35:40.591  1787 11597 D WindowManager: BarWindow--setVisible: id=2, oldState=2, state=0
09-07 10:35:40.593  4108  4108 D StatusBar: Status bar WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING
09-07 10:35:40.596  1787 11597 D Theia.NoFocusWindow: FocusWindowErrorScene cancelCheckFreezeScreen
09-07 10:35:40.596  1787 11597 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.596  1787 11597 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.598  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.598  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=2 new=0
09-07 10:35:40.598  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=0
09-07 10:35:40.598  4108  4108 D NavigationBar: Navigation bar WINDOW_STATE_SHOWING
09-07 10:35:40.604  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.606  1787  5431 D AudioServiceExtImpl: oplusGetParameters() keyValuePairs:OPLUS_AUDIO_GET_FOCUS_STACKUid: 1000
09-07 10:35:40.606  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.606  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.611  4108  4108 D SysUiState: SysUiState changed: old=0 new=131072
09-07 10:35:40.612  4108  4108 D OverviewProxyService: Notifying sysui state change to overview service: proxy=com.android.systemui.shared.recents.IOverviewProxy$Stub$Proxy@9a3441c flags=131072
09-07 10:35:40.614  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.615  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = ru.sberbankmobile
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = org.telegram.messenger
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.whatsapp
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.616  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.Slack
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.vk.im
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.contacts
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.vending
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.smallgiantgames.empires
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = ru.litres.android
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.dml.dmlbiblequote
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.chrome
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAthena: com.instagram.android in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.617  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.instagram.android
09-07 10:35:40.618  1787  5431 D OplusAthena: com.viber.voip in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.618  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.618  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.viber.voip
09-07 10:35:40.619  4539 22906 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1190 android.content.ContextWrapper.sendBroadcast:494 com.oplus.qualityprotect.p.a:92 com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.l.a:41 com.oplus.qualityprotect.b.l.c:66
09-07 10:35:40.621  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.622  4539 22906 I QualityProtectUtils: OneTraceJankInfoEnd
09-07 10:35:40.624  1787 13811 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.624  1787 13811 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.624  1787  5431 W AthenaService: BaseAppCare: high priority do not take effect on this memory machine
09-07 10:35:40.628 20061 20061 D nativeloader: classloader namespace configured for unbundled product apk. library_path=/product/app/OppoWeatherService/lib/arm64:/product/lib64:/system/product/lib64
09-07 10:35:40.628  1239  3609 I BpBinder: onLastStrongRef automatically unlinking death recipients: <uncached descriptor>
09-07 10:35:40.631  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.631 12445 12461 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer: updateService, tempServiceNeedStart:true, mThreePointersScreenshot:true, mThreePointersAreaScreenshot:true, mThreePointersSplitScreen:true, mSplitScreenEnable:true, mTalkBackEnable:false, mSuperPowerEnter: false, mInUnFoldMode: true, accessibilityEnabled:false, myUserId:0, currentUserid:0
09-07 10:35:40.633  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.639 12445 12461 E OplusFeatureCache: invalid oplus feature oplus.software.exserviceui_fold_screen_mode
09-07 10:35:40.639 16284 16284 D AppListDao: updateExitTimeByPackageName update count:1
09-07 10:35:40.640  1787  5244 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.640  1787  5244 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.641  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.642 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: onStartCommand...0|232
09-07 10:35:40.642  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: AudioFlingerExtImpl oplusSetParameters: keyvalue clearMagicVoiceInfo=true
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282640382us
09-07 10:35:40.644  1618 21979 D MMListService: getPackageNameByUid uid:10420, procName:com.oplus.games
09-07 10:35:40.644  1618 21979 D MMListService: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282640610
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282640760us
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420 cost 377us return 1
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: MagicVoiceSetParameters clearMagicVoiceInfo
09-07 10:35:40.644 23335 23357 I COMMON  : 2022-09-07 10:35:40.645 [VoiceEngineImpl.cpp:273 524363062448][COMMON:INFO] SlpVC clearSlpParamsInfo
09-07 10:35:40.645 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: clearMagicVoiceInfo=true
09-07 10:35:40.645 23336 23336 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter
09-07 10:35:40.645 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: set dual headphone enable: 0x0
09-07 10:35:40.645 23336 23336 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
09-07 10:35:40.645 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: exit with code(0)
09-07 10:35:40.647  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.652  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.653  1787  5431 W AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: current is in launcher, no support to remove mini program
09-07 10:35:40.661 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: updateGlobalGestureObserver, gesture = 0x2, sPhoneMode=1, threeScreenshotEnable = true, threeAreaScreenshotEnable = true, threeSplitScreenEnable = true, supportTwoFingerSplit = false
09-07 10:35:40.661 12445 12445 D OMG_Policy: registerGlobalGesture, return:10000002 has already registered!
09-07 10:35:40.661 23335 23357 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: AudioFlingerExtImpl oplusSetParameters: keyvalue magicvoiceloopbackpackage=
09-07 10:35:40.661 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282658059us
09-07 10:35:40.661  1618 21979 D MMListService: getPackageNameByUid uid:10420, procName:com.oplus.games
09-07 10:35:40.662  1618 21979 D MMListService: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282658193
09-07 10:35:40.662  1787  5244 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.662  1787  5244 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.663  4476  4476 D AllAppsContainerView: onDraw at = 1662536140663
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.664  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = ru.sberbankmobile
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = org.telegram.messenger
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.664  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.whatsapp
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.Slack
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.vk.im
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.contacts
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.vending
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.665  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.smallgiantgames.empires
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = ru.litres.android
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.dml.dmlbiblequote
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.android.chrome
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAthena: com.instagram.android in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.instagram.android
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAthena: com.viber.voip in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.666  1787  5431 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.viber.voip
09-07 10:35:40.669  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.673 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282669537us
09-07 10:35:40.673 23335 23357 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420 cost 11477us return 1
09-07 10:35:40.673 23335 23357 E ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420 cost 11477us return 1
09-07 10:35:40.673 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: magicvoiceloopbackpackage=
09-07 10:35:40.673 23336 23336 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter
09-07 10:35:40.673 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: set dual headphone enable: 0x0
09-07 10:35:40.673 23336 23336 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
09-07 10:35:40.673 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: exit with code(0)
09-07 10:35:40.674 23335 23357 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: AudioFlingerExtImpl oplusSetParameters: keyvalue magicvoiceloopbackenable=0
09-07 10:35:40.675 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282671173us
09-07 10:35:40.675  1618 21979 D MMListService: getPackageNameByUid uid:10420, procName:com.oplus.games
09-07 10:35:40.675  1618 21979 D MMListService: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282671273
09-07 10:35:40.675 23335 23357 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420  time 448282671323us
09-07 10:35:40.675 23335 23357 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:set-magicvoice-parameters uid:10420 cost 149us return 1
09-07 10:35:40.675 23335 23357 D AudioFlingerExtImpl: MagicVoiceSetParameters mMagicVoiceLoopbackEnable 0
09-07 10:35:40.675 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: enter: magicvoiceloopbackenable=0
09-07 10:35:40.675 23336 23336 D audio_hw_hfp: hfp_set_parameters: enter
09-07 10:35:40.675 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: set dual headphone enable: 0x0
09-07 10:35:40.675 23336 23336 D audio_hw_extn: audio_extn_fm_set_parameters: Enter
09-07 10:35:40.675 23336 23336 D audio_hw_primary: adev_set_parameters: exit with code(0)
09-07 10:35:40.680 16284 16488 W Touch   : setTouchSensibility enter
09-07 10:35:40.680  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.682 16284 16484 W Touch   : setTouchSmoothly enter
09-07 10:35:40.682  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: com.oplus.games:B0A9BBFC05EEE5E7D0A2C97C030586E15BB3301152078F54473BB82DF6D8C818
09-07 10:35:40.683  4856  4874 D OplusProvider: call PUT_nonpersist name:disable_gestures args:Bundle[mParcelledData.dataSize=64]
09-07 10:35:40.683  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: insertNonpersistSetting(disable_gestures, com.oplus.games 0, false)
09-07 10:35:40.684 16284 16284 E ActivityThread: Failed to find provider info for com.heytap.appplatform.settings
09-07 10:35:40.684 16284 16284 W EponaSettings: Can't get provider for content://com.heytap.appplatform.settings/nonpersist
09-07 10:35:40.685  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.686  1787 12299 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = false; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}};
09-07 10:35:40.686  1787 12299 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.686  4856 11051 V OplusProvider: com.oplus.games:B0A9BBFC05EEE5E7D0A2C97C030586E15BB3301152078F54473BB82DF6D8C818
09-07 10:35:40.686  4856 11051 D OplusProvider: call GET_system name:key_com_oplus_cosa args:Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]
09-07 10:35:40.686  4856 11051 V OplusProvider: getSystemSetting(key_com_oplus_cosa, 10420)
09-07 10:35:40.687 16284 16484 W COSASDK : get cosa switch no value
09-07 10:35:40.687 16284 16484 W COSASDK : COSA switch value 1
09-07 10:35:40.688  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.688  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.689  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 24,data = 5,len = 1
09-07 10:35:40.690  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: write 1 bytes
09-07 10:35:40.696 16284 16484 W COSASDKImpl: response error for execute setTouchSmoothly success
09-07 10:35:40.697  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.699  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.709  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: com.oplus.games:B0A9BBFC05EEE5E7D0A2C97C030586E15BB3301152078F54473BB82DF6D8C818
09-07 10:35:40.709  4856  4874 D OplusProvider: call GET_system name:key_com_oplus_cosa args:Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL]
09-07 10:35:40.709  4856  4874 V OplusProvider: getSystemSetting(key_com_oplus_cosa, 10420)
09-07 10:35:40.709 16284 16488 W COSASDK : get cosa switch no value
09-07 10:35:40.709 16284 16488 W COSASDK : COSA switch value 1
09-07 10:35:40.710  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: deviceId = 0,nodeFlag = 25,data = 1,len = 1
09-07 10:35:40.710  1213  1213 D vendor.oplus.hardware.touch@1.0-service: write 1 bytes
09-07 10:35:40.713  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.715 16284 16488 W COSASDKImpl: response  setTouchSensibility success
09-07 10:35:40.718  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.730  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.732 16284 16284 V SystemSensorManagerExtImpl: unRegisterListener by android.view.OrientationEventListener$SensorEventListenerImpl
09-07 10:35:40.732  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: setBuffer sequence=68038, name=com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher#0
09-07 10:35:40.732  1239  1239 I OplusLayer: VRR [FRTC] update from -1 to 0
09-07 10:35:40.733  1787 13779 W SensorService: SensorEventConnection sensor handle=11, package = android.view.OrientationEventListener disable
09-07 10:35:40.733  1787  2022 D CompactWindowManagerService: updateBackgroundSurface openingApp: ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}
09-07 10:35:40.734  1787 13779 D SensorService: SensorDevice::activate: ident=0xb4000071fc6ad900, handle=0x0000000b, enabled=0, count=3
09-07 10:35:40.734  1787 13779 D SensorService: disable index=1
09-07 10:35:40.734  1787 13779 D SensorService: 	>>> actuating h/w batch 0x0000000b 20000000 0
09-07 10:35:40.734  4476  4476 I Quality : Skipped: false 14 cost 234.83853 refreshRate 0 processName com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.734  1173  1173 I sensors-hal: batch:273, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0
09-07 10:35:40.734  1173  1173 I sensors-hal: batch:295, android.sensor.accelerometer/11, period=20000000, max_latency=0 request completed
09-07 10:35:40.735  1787 13779 D SensorService: activateHardware = 0
09-07 10:35:40.735  1787  2022 D OplusSplitScreenManagerService: isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return!
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787  2022 D OplusSplitScreenManagerService: isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return!
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787  2022 D OplusSplitScreenManagerService: isDragToSplitState mOplusSpiltScreenDnDUI is null, just return!
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: ~SensorEventConnection(0xb4000071fc6ad900)
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: 8 active sensors
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[0].handle=0x0000000b
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[1].handle=0x000000ac
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[2].handle=0x000000bf
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[3].handle=0x00000110
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[4].handle=0x000003e9
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[5].handle=0x0000053e
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[6].handle=0x00000552
09-07 10:35:40.736  1787 12299 D SensorService: removing connection 0xb4000071fc6ad900 for sensor[7].handle=0x0000055c
09-07 10:35:40.736  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.737  4476  4495 D SurfaceComposerClient: VRR [FRTC] client handle [bufferId:18446744073709551615 framenumber:0] [ffffffff, ffffffff]
09-07 10:35:40.739  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:40.739 16284 16284 D GameServiceProxyGameTool: reportExitGameModeFinish enter
09-07 10:35:40.739  1787 13779 I GameManagerServiceExt: re: 1, Bundle[EMPTY_PARCEL] .
09-07 10:35:40.739  1787 13779 E GameManagerServiceExt: param error: no key listener
09-07 10:35:40.740  4476  4476 D TouchInteractionService: Stopping tracing. Dumping to file=/data/user_de/0/com.android.launcher/files/launcher_trace.pb
09-07 10:35:40.742  1787 13779 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 4476 tid 6336 enable false
09-07 10:35:40.742 16284 16284 D FloatWindowManagerService: handleIntentAction, action:oplus.intent.action.GAME_FLOAT_MANAGER_EXIT_GAME_MODE
09-07 10:35:40.745 16284 16284 D FloatWindowManagerService: handleIntentAction, action:oplus.intent.action.REMOVE_FEEL_ADJUST_FLOAT_WINDOW
09-07 10:35:40.746  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.753  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.763  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.767  1239  1239 D OplusLayer: ~Layer() sequence=68044, name=Screenshot Parent 0xb400007e6e06cbc0
09-07 10:35:40.772  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.777  4108  4108 D OplusWallpaperServiceHelper: isNightMode is false
09-07 10:35:40.777  4108  4108 I OplusWallpaperServiceHelper: getDarkModeWallpaperWindowAlpha. nightMode = false
09-07 10:35:40.778 20061 20061 V GraphicsEnvironment: ANGLE Developer option for 'com.coloros.weather.service' set to: 'default'
09-07 10:35:40.779 20061 20061 V GraphicsEnvironment: Neither updatable production driver nor prerelease driver is supported.
09-07 10:35:40.779  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.785  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.785 20061 20061 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
09-07 10:35:40.786 20061 20061 D NetworkSecurityConfig: No Network Security Config specified, using platform default
09-07 10:35:40.788  1787  2022 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = true; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {};
09-07 10:35:40.788  1787  2022 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.applySurfaceChangesTransaction:4654 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.applySurfaceChangesTransaction:1137 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacementNoTrace:877 com.android.server.wm.RootWindowContainer.performSurfacePlacement:830 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacementLoop:177 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:126 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer.performSurfacePlacement:115 com.android.server.wm.WindowSurfacePlacer$Traverser.run:57 android.os.Handler.handleCallback:938 android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage:99 android.os.Looper.loopOnce:233 android.os.Looper.loop:344 android.os.HandlerThread.run:67 com.android.server.ServiceThread.run:44 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.796  1787  1869 I system_server: Background young concurrent copying GC freed 754084(25MB) AllocSpace objects, 265(6964KB) LOS objects, 17% free, 110MB/134MB, paused 292us,209us total 294.256ms
09-07 10:35:40.796  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.799  1787 13811 I FocusResolver: updateFocusedWindow, c7bf7cb com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher on display 0, reason: Window became focusable. Previous reason: NOT_VISIBLE, result:   FocusedWindows:
09-07 10:35:40.799  1787 13811 I FocusResolver:     displayId=0, name='c7bf7cb com.android.launcher/com.android.launcher.Launcher'
09-07 10:35:40.799  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.800  1787 13779 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = true; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {};
09-07 10:35:40.800  1787 13779 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.803  4476  4639 E BLASTBufferQueue: BLASTBufferItemConsumer::onDisconnect()
09-07 10:35:40.812  1787 11333 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = true; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {};
09-07 10:35:40.812  1787 11333 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.812  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.813  1787  2258 D CameraDelegate: handleMessage:200
09-07 10:35:40.815  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.818  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.818  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.818  4476  4476 I Quality : Skipped: false 3 cost 54.63134 refreshRate 0 processName com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.829  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.833  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: purposeMemory 1500, need to release 204MB
09-07 10:35:40.834  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.837  1787  5431 I AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : K [19777][10369][com.avito.android:Metrica], reason: 392, notes: Pair{0 0}, 19MB, 126MB
09-07 10:35:40.837  1787  5431 W AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : Killing 19777 com.avito.android:Metrica(0), o-kill(392) Pair{0 0}, 19MB, 126MB
09-07 10:35:40.838  1787  5431 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19777 SIG: 9
09-07 10:35:40.838  1787  5431 I AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : K [19676][10369][com.avito.android], reason: 392, notes: Pair{0 0}, 16MB, 155MB
09-07 10:35:40.839  1787  5431 W AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : Killing 19676 com.avito.android(0), o-kill(392) Pair{0 0}, 16MB, 155MB
09-07 10:35:40.839  1787  5431 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19676 SIG: 9
09-07 10:35:40.843  4108  4108 D OplusWallpaperServiceHelper: isNightMode is false
09-07 10:35:40.843  4108  4108 I OplusWallpaperServiceHelper: getDarkModeWallpaperWindowAlpha. nightMode = false
09-07 10:35:40.845  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.847  4476  4476 E SimulationInteractor: tryGetAnimationPainterInstance error:com.oplus.painteranimationpanel.api.AnimPainterInstance
09-07 10:35:40.850  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.856  1787 11333 D CompactWindowManagerService: shouldExitFixedRotation r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5};getRequestedOrientation = 5; isVisible = true; Diff rotation = 0; rotation = 1; displaycontent.orientation = 2; mOpeningApps = {};
09-07 10:35:40.856  1787 11333 D CompactWindowManagerService:  callers:com.android.server.wm.DisplayContentExtImpl.shouldExitFixedRotation:562 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.handleTopActivityLaunchingInDifferentOrientation:1695 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1608 com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateOrientation:1517 com.android.server.wm.WindowManagerService.relayoutWindow:2605 com.android.server.wm.Session.relayout:247 android.view.IWindowSession$Stub.onTransact:735 com.android.server.wm.Session.onTransact:177 android.os.Binder.execTransactInternal:1226 android.os.Binder.execTransact:1163 <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack> <bottom of call stack>
09-07 10:35:40.857 11659 12315 I Athena  : CommonAction: 24,1298,106,5.7935486,22
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 I AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : K [19545][10143][com.android.vending:background], reason: 392, notes: Pair{0 0}, 23MB, 130MB
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 W AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : Killing 19545 com.android.vending:background(0), o-kill(392) Pair{0 0}, 23MB, 130MB
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19545 SIG: 9
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 I AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : K [19414][10143][com.android.vending], reason: 392, notes: Pair{0 0}, 52MB, 135MB
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 W AthenaService: OplusClearSystemService : Killing 19414 com.android.vending(0), o-kill(392) Pair{0 0}, 52MB, 135MB
09-07 10:35:40.859  1787  5431 I Process : Sending signal. PID: 19414 SIG: 9
09-07 10:35:40.862  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.862  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.863  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.864  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.867 10939 10957 W d.process.acor: Reducing the number of considered missed Gc histogram windows from 114 to 100
09-07 10:35:40.867  4476  4476 D IconConfigParser: parseConfig::icon config =: IconConfig = [ isForeign : true,theme : 4,iconSize : 5000,iconShape : 0,foregroundSize : 5600,artPlusOn : 1,iconRadius :75,darkModeIcon:1,localSpecial:false ]
09-07 10:35:40.868  4476  4476 D IconConfigParser: parseConfig::icon config =: IconConfig = [ isForeign : true,theme : 4,iconSize : 5000,iconShape : 0,foregroundSize : 5600,artPlusOn : 1,iconRadius :75,darkModeIcon:1,localSpecial:false ]
09-07 10:35:40.872  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(0.0, 0.0), currentWindowRect = [0.0,0.0][2400.0,1080.0]
09-07 10:35:40.873  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(0.0, 0.0), currentWindowRect = [0.0,0.0][2400.0,1080.0]
09-07 10:35:40.879  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.881  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.885  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.885  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.886 20061 20061 E WeatherS_AccuUtilsExp: exp -> true
09-07 10:35:40.889 20061 20061 W weather.servic: Class a.a.a.a.b failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:40.889 20061 20061 W weather.servic: Common causes for lock verification issues are non-optimized dex code
09-07 10:35:40.889 20061 20061 W weather.servic: and incorrect proguard optimizations.
09-07 10:35:40.891  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge start
09-07 10:35:40.891  1787 20083 I DeepThinkerSDK: [APP] ClientConnection: getDeepThinkerBridge end
09-07 10:35:40.893 20061 20061 W weather.servic: Class com.oplus.d.a.c failed lock verification and will run slower.
09-07 10:35:40.895  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.897  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: [10] there are no more processes to release memory with appcare 39, fast=false, ScanAdjAndCoreAppMinAppCare=59
09-07 10:35:40.897  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction:  killed 4, reclaimed 110MB(546MB), target 204MB
09-07 10:35:40.897  1787  5431 W AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: completed max clear round
09-07 10:35:40.897  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: check & kill orphan process...
09-07 10:35:40.897  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: none orphan process found.
09-07 10:35:40.898  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.903 20061 20061 I WeatherS_WeatherApplication: registerWeatherUIAppChangedReceiver
09-07 10:35:40.904  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: NetReassign [no changes]
09-07 10:35:40.905  1787  5431 I AthenaService: MemoryGuardAction: [FINISH] type: 392[10], 1312MB, 1500MB, 65MB, appcare=39, fast=false, 586ms
09-07 10:35:40.905 20061 20061 I WeatherS_WeatherApplication: registerExternalUpdateWeatherReceiver
09-07 10:35:40.912  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.914  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.916  1787 13811 D InputMethodManagerService: isSecurity: attribute.packageName=com.android.launcher mCurMethodId=com.google.android.inputmethod.latin/com.android.inputmethod.latin.LatinIME
09-07 10:35:40.916  1787 13811 D InputMethodManagerService: isSecurity= false (  enable=false needShow=false inBlackList=false isExist=true )
09-07 10:35:40.916  1787  1787 W Looper  : Slow dispatch took 464ms main h=android.os.Handler c=android.database.ContentObserver$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@368752e m=0
09-07 10:35:40.916  1787  1787 D OplusNotificationManagerHelper: Notification--OplusSettingsObserver onChange content://settings/global/debug_gamemode_value
09-07 10:35:40.916  1787  1787 W Looper  : Slow delivery took 465ms main h=com.android.server.notification.NotificationManagerService$WorkerHandler c=android.database.ContentObserver$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0@6c218cf m=0
09-07 10:35:40.921  1787  2021 D TaskChangeNotificationControllerExtImpl: Skip pass Snapshot to listener:android.app.ITaskStackListener$Stub$Proxy@1d403a4
09-07 10:35:40.922  4476  4476 I Quality : Skipped: false 5 cost 92.19087 refreshRate 0 processName com.android.launcher
09-07 10:35:40.922  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(126.96826, 104.16675), currentWindowRect = [126.96826,104.16675][2256.9507,1072.5596]
09-07 10:35:40.925 12763 12775 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCVed message body: type = 0, port = 86870, caller_pid = 1787, caller_uid = 1000, target_pid = 12397, target_uid = 10294, pkg_cmd = -1
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = ru.sberbankmobile
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = org.telegram.messenger
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask
09-07 10:35:40.926  1787 13811 D OplusAppListInterceptManager: shouldFilterTask::packageName = com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.927  1787 13811 D OplusAthena: com.instagram.android in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.927  1787 13811 D OplusAthena: com.viber.voip in recent lock list
09-07 10:35:40.927 12763 12775 E IHansComunication: HANS printMessageBody: RCVed message body: type = 0, port = 86870, caller_pid = 1787, caller_uid = 1000, target_pid = 12397, target_uid = 10294, pkg_cmd = -1
09-07 10:35:40.927 12445  7829 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer:  onChange uri = content://settings/system/oplus_customize_smart_apperceive_screen_capture
09-07 10:35:40.928  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.928 20061 20091 E WeatherS_OppoUtils: startAutoGetLocalCity bg location permission:true
09-07 10:35:40.930  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(230.65442, 189.23254), currentWindowRect = [230.65442,189.23254][2140.1323,1066.4834]
09-07 10:35:40.930 11748 11748 I WeatherS_WeatherServiceManager: onServiceConnected
09-07 10:35:40.931  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.931  1787  4685 I OplusHansManager : unfreeze uid: 10294 ru.sberbankmobile pids: [12962, 12397] reason: AsyncBinder scene: LcdOn
09-07 10:35:40.931  1787 12299 V AutofillInlineSuggestionsRequestSession: onInputMethodFinishInput() received
09-07 10:35:40.931 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onFinishInput():3273
09-07 10:35:40.936  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10294, pkg=ru.sberbankmobile, transition from Frozen to Middle, reason=AsyncBinder
09-07 10:35:40.936  1787  4669 I OplusHansManager : uid=10294, pkg=ru.sberbankmobile F exit(), reason=AsyncBinder
09-07 10:35:40.936  1787  5480 D OplusProxyWakeLock: remove uid: 10294 wiht all pids from wakelockUidInfo list
09-07 10:35:40.937  1787  4685 I OplusHansManager : forceUnfreezeByPid pid= 12397 reason= unfreezeForKernel: AsyncBinder
09-07 10:35:40.939 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2165 repeatCheckTimes = 0, unlocked = true
09-07 10:35:40.940  1787  1787 W Looper  : Drained
09-07 10:35:40.940 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onStartInput():1956 onStartInput(EditorInfo{inputType=0x0(NULL) imeOptions=0x0 privateImeOptions=null actionName=UNSPECIFIED actionLabel=null actionId=0 initialSelStart=-1 initialSelEnd=-1 initialCapsMode=0x0 hintText=null label=null packageName=com.android.launcher fieldId=-1 fieldName=null extras=null}, false)
09-07 10:35:40.940  1787  4418 V AutofillInlineSuggestionsRequestSession: onInputMethodStartInput() received on 0
09-07 10:35:40.940 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.shouldHideHeaderOnInitialState():4081 ShouldHideHeaderOnInitialState = false
09-07 10:35:40.943 12445  7829 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer: updateService, tempServiceNeedStart:true, mThreePointersScreenshot:false, mThreePointersAreaScreenshot:false, mThreePointersSplitScreen:true, mSplitScreenEnable:true, mTalkBackEnable:false, mSuperPowerEnter: false, mInUnFoldMode: true, accessibilityEnabled:false, myUserId:0, currentUserid:0
09-07 10:35:40.944 19788 19894 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:40.944 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.945 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.updateDeviceLockedStatus():2165 repeatCheckTimes = 2, unlocked = true
09-07 10:35:40.945  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.947  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(369.1073, 302.82153), currentWindowRect = [369.1073,302.82153][1984.1437,1058.3699]
09-07 10:35:40.949 19788 19891 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:40.949 19788 19879 D AudioManagerExtImpl: getStreamVolume packageName=com.vkontakte.android, index=0, streamType=3
09-07 10:35:40.950 23487 23507 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.950 23487  1612 D OplusAtlasService: getAttributeByAppName module:oplus-getStreamMaxVolume packageName:com.vkontakte.android
09-07 10:35:40.951  1239  1239 D DispPerfService: VRR [OTI] Fool-Proof Reset !
09-07 10:35:40.951  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.958 12445  7829 E OplusFeatureCache: invalid oplus feature oplus.software.exserviceui_fold_screen_mode
09-07 10:35:40.958 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: onStartCommand...0|233
09-07 10:35:40.958 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: updateGlobalGestureObserver, gesture = 0x2, sPhoneMode=1, threeScreenshotEnable = false, threeAreaScreenshotEnable = false, threeSplitScreenEnable = true, supportTwoFingerSplit = false
09-07 10:35:40.958 12445  7829 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer:  onChange uri = content://settings/system/oplus_customize_screenshot_enable_area_screenshot
09-07 10:35:40.958 12445 12445 D OMG_Policy: registerGlobalGesture, return:10000002 has already registered!
09-07 10:35:40.959 12445  7829 V OplusMiniProgram: OMG_Observer: updateService, tempServiceNeedStart:true, mThreePointersScreenshot:false, mThreePointersAreaScreenshot:false, mThreePointersSplitScreen:true, mSplitScreenEnable:true, mTalkBackEnable:false, mSuperPowerEnter: false, mInUnFoldMode: true, accessibilityEnabled:false, myUserId:0, currentUserid:0
09-07 10:35:40.961  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.962 20061 20061 I WeatherS_SAutoGetLocation: onStartCommand
09-07 10:35:40.963  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(538.49243, 441.78772), currentWindowRect = [538.49243,441.78772][1793.3054,1048.4437]
09-07 10:35:40.964  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.962 20061 20097 E WeatherS_AccuUtilsExp: exp -> true
09-07 10:35:40.970 20061 20097 E WeatherS_AccuUtilsExp: exp -> true
09-07 10:35:40.970 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: onStartCommand...0|234
09-07 10:35:40.970 12445 12445 I OMG_Service: updateGlobalGestureObserver, gesture = 0x2, sPhoneMode=1, threeScreenshotEnable = false, threeAreaScreenshotEnable = false, threeSplitScreenEnable = true, supportTwoFingerSplit = false
09-07 10:35:40.970 12445 12445 D OMG_Policy: registerGlobalGesture, return:10000002 has already registered!
09-07 10:35:40.971 12445  7829 E OplusFeatureCache: invalid oplus feature oplus.software.exserviceui_fold_screen_mode
09-07 10:35:40.973  4108  4108 D OpNotificationController: OIMC update uri: content://settings/system/game_mode_status mBlockedByBrick: false mBlockedByGame: false
09-07 10:35:40.978  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:40.980  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(712.4164, 584.47766), currentWindowRect = [712.4164,584.47766][1597.3533,1038.2516]
09-07 10:35:40.980  1787  5244 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 168936375; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:40.980  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:40.984  1787  5244 D CompatibilityChangeReporter: Compat change id reported: 73144566; UID 10194; state: ENABLED
09-07 10:35:40.996  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(826.12634, 677.76715), currentWindowRect = [826.12634,677.76715][1469.2415,1031.5881]
09-07 10:35:41.011  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.015  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.018  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(905.51416, 742.8982), currentWindowRect = [905.51416,742.8982][1379.7988,1026.9358]
09-07 10:35:41.027  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.032  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.037  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(955.0167, 783.51086), currentWindowRect = [955.0167,783.51086][1324.0265,1024.0349]
09-07 10:35:41.039 11131 11217 W SystemServiceRegistry: No service published for: wifirtt
09-07 10:35:41.044  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.049  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.049  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(990.82983, 812.8926), currentWindowRect = [990.82983,812.8926][1283.6775,1021.9363]
09-07 10:35:41.060  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.065  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.066  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1015.3988, 833.0492), currentWindowRect = [1015.3988,833.0492][1255.997,1020.49646]
09-07 10:35:41.073  1012  1012 I Zygote  : Process 19777 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
09-07 10:35:41.073  1787 13805 W Process : Unable to open /proc/19777/status
09-07 10:35:41.073  1787 13805 I ActivityManager: Process com.avito.android:Metrica (pid 19777) has died: cch+5 CEM
09-07 10:35:41.073  1787 13805 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1175 com.android.server.am.OplusExtraActivityManagerService.setKeyLockModeNormal:51 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerServiceExtImpl.setKeyLockModeNormal:841 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked:3389 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1531
09-07 10:35:41.073  1787  2122 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10369 pid 19777 in 0ms
09-07 10:35:41.076   704   704 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
09-07 10:35:41.077  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.079  1787 13805 W ActivityManager: Scheduling restart of crashed service com.avito.android/com.yandex.metrica.MetricaService in 1000ms for connection
09-07 10:35:41.082  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1033.0894, 847.5629), currentWindowRect = [1033.0894,847.5629][1236.0657,1019.4598]
09-07 10:35:41.082 11977 11994 V DeepThinker: ProcessManager: onProcessDied pid:19777, uid:10369
09-07 10:35:41.082  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.093  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.097  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.100 14359 14359 I GoogleTTSServiceImpl: Cache enabled: true
09-07 10:35:41.100  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1045.073, 857.3944), currentWindowRect = [1045.073,857.3944][1222.5645,1018.75757]
09-07 10:35:41.099 12550 12550 I ONet:Application: (ActivityThread.java:6620)onTrimMemory
09-07 10:35:41.104 11800 11800 I yAF.TPLog.FrameworkService: onTrimMemory(5): clearing caches...
09-07 10:35:41.104 11800 11800 V e       : ClearCache[5] : Cache Size BEFORE = 0
09-07 10:35:41.104 11800 11800 W e       : ClearCache : Current cache size is lesser than the threshold of 1048576
09-07 10:35:41.110  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.113  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.115  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1052.3367, 863.35364), currentWindowRect = [1052.3367,863.35364][1214.3806,1018.3319]
09-07 10:35:41.117  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:41.118  1787  3851 D WifiActiveModeWarden: there is no primary client manager, return the default one
09-07 10:35:41.119  6209  6209 W oros.alarmcloc: Accessing hidden method Landroid/graphics/Canvas;->freeTextLayoutCaches()V (max-target-r, reflection, denied)
09-07 10:35:41.126  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.128 11949 11949 I AppBase : AppBase.onTrimMemory():760 onTrimMemory(): 5
09-07 10:35:41.129 11949 11949 I GoogleInputMethodService: GoogleInputMethodService.onTrimMemory():4475 onTrimMemory(): 5
09-07 10:35:41.129  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.131  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1056.5535, 866.81335), currentWindowRect = [1056.5535,866.81335][1209.6296,1018.0847]
09-07 10:35:41.143  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.149  4476  4476 D OplusQuickstepTransitionManagerImpl: getClosingWindowAnimators: transPoint: PointF(1058.0, 868.0), currentWindowRect = [1058.0,868.0][1208.0,1018.0]
09-07 10:35:41.150  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.151  1787 11597 V OplusZoomWindowManagerService: onAnimationFinished:  r = ActivityRecord{60351e u0 com.goplaytoday.guildofheroes/com.unity3d.player.UnityPlayerActivity t9716 f}}
09-07 10:35:41.152  4476  4476 D AllAppsContainerView: onDraw at = 1662536141152
09-07 10:35:41.154  1787 11597 V OplusZoomWindowManagerService: onAnimationFinished:  r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}
09-07 10:35:41.154  1787 11597 I OplusAppSwitchManagerService:  handleAppVisible , r = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}
09-07 10:35:41.158  1787 11597 D OplusGameRotationService: stopRotationInGame: check windowContainer = ActivityRecord{463ce1e u0 com.android.launcher/.Launcher t5}
09-07 10:35:41.158  1787 11597 D OplusGameRotationService: stopRotationInGame: stop lock rotation, another app request the rotation.
09-07 10:35:41.160  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.162  4108  4108 D OneHandedDisplayAreaOrganizer: onRotateDisplay: called!!!
09-07 10:35:41.164  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.176  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.177 11977 11994 V DeepThinker: ProcessManager: onForegroundActivitiesChanged pid:16200, uid:10532, foregroundActivities:false
09-07 10:35:41.177 23487  1612 D OplusAtlas.OplusAtlasEventDispatch: setEvent:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed info:pid:16200,uid:10532,hasForegroundActivities:0
09-07 10:35:41.178 23487 23533 D OplusAtlas.OplusAudioScene: callback success event:atlas_event_on_foreground_activities_changed eventInfo:pid:16200,uid:10532,hasForegroundActivities:0
09-07 10:35:41.180 23487 23557 D OplusAtlas.OplusMessageHandler: handleMessage: Msg { when=0 what=2 obj=com.oplus.atlas.OplusAtlasEvent@bdb6032 target=com.oplus.atlas.OplusMessageHandler$MyHandler }
09-07 10:35:41.181  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.187  1787 11597 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(uid/pid:10143/19545, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28781, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10143 RequestorUid: 10143 RequestorPkg: com.android.vending UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]], android.os.BinderProxy@9a372b6)
09-07 10:35:41.188  1012  1012 I Zygote  : Process 19545 exited due to signal 9 (Killed)
09-07 10:35:41.188  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28781, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10143 RequestorUid: 10143 RequestorPkg: com.android.vending UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request)
09-07 10:35:41.188  1787  2021 W Process : Unable to open /proc/19545/status
09-07 10:35:41.188  1787  2021 W ActivityManager: Process 19545 does not match uid 10143 ignore setting hits oom adj
09-07 10:35:41.193  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.197  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.198  1787 11333 W Process : Unable to open /proc/19545/status
09-07 10:35:41.198  1787 11333 I ActivityManager: Process com.android.vending:background (pid 19545) has died: cch+25 CEM
09-07 10:35:41.198  1787 11333 W ContextImpl: Calling a method in the system process without a qualified user: android.app.ContextImpl.sendBroadcast:1175 com.android.server.am.OplusExtraActivityManagerService.setKeyLockModeNormal:51 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerServiceExtImpl.setKeyLockModeNormal:841 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService.appDiedLocked:3389 com.android.server.am.ActivityManagerService$AppDeathRecipient.binderDied:1531
09-07 10:35:41.202  1787  2122 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10143 pid 19545 in 4ms
09-07 10:35:41.203   704   704 I hwservicemanager: getTransport: Cannot find entry vendor.qti.hardware.iop@2.0::IIop/default in either framework or device VINTF manifest.
09-07 10:35:41.206 11977 11994 V DeepThinker: ProcessManager: onProcessDied pid:19545, uid:10143
09-07 10:35:41.209  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.212  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.226  1167  1238 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.227  1787  2021 I ActivityTaskManager: Config changes=20000480 {1.0 ??mcc??mnc [ru_RU,en_AU] ldltr sw360dp w360dp h719dp 480dpi nrml long hdr widecg port finger -keyb/v/h -nav/h winConfig={ mBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) mAppBounds=Rect(0, 110 - 1080, 2268) mMaxBounds=Rect(0, 0 - 1080, 2400) mWindowingMode=fullscreen mDisplayWindowingMode=fullscreen mActivityType=undefined mAlwaysOnTop=undefined mRotation=ROTATION_0} as.2 s.4049 fontWeightAdjustment=0mThemeChanged= 0, mThemeChangedFlags= 0, mFlipFont= 0, mAccessibleChanged= -1, mUxIconConfig= 3479899189218378049, mMaterialColor= 0, mUserId= 0, mFontUserId= 0, mFontVariationSettings= 226, mFoldingAngle = -1.0, mIconPackName= , mDarkModeBackgroundMaxL= 8.0, mDarkModeDialogBgMaxL= 27.0, mDarkModeForegroundMinL= 100.0, mOplusConfigType= 1, mOplusChangedConfigs= 0, OpSans= 0}
09-07 10:35:41.230  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.242  1167  1167 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.244  1787 13779 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(uid/pid:10143/19414, [NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28776, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10143 RequestorUid: 10143 RequestorPkg: com.android.vending UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]], android.os.BinderProxy@64f7bb7)
09-07 10:35:41.244  1787  3882 D ConnectivityService: releasing NetworkRequest [ REQUEST id=28776, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10143 RequestorUid: 10143 RequestorPkg: com.android.vending UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ] (release request)
09-07 10:35:41.244  1787 13779 D ConnectivityService: ConnectivityService NetworkRequestInfo binderDied(uid/pid:10143/19414, [NetworkRequest [ LISTEN id=28777, [ Capabilities: INTERNET&NOT_RESTRICTED&TRUSTED&NOT_VCN_MANAGED Uid: 10143 RequestorUid: 10143 RequestorPkg: com.android.vending UnderlyingNetworks: Null] ]], android.os.BinderProxy@e139f24)
09-07 10:35:41.246  1787  2122 I libprocessgroup: Successfully killed process cgroup uid 10143 pid 19414 in 0ms
09-07 10:35:41.246 11104 11104 W BillingClient: Billing service disconnected.
09-07 10:35:41.248  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.257  1787  3976 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid start module:custom-icc uid:1000  time 448283253159us
09-07 10:35:41.257  1618 21979 D MMListService: getPackageNameByUid uid:1000, procName:
09-07 10:35:41.257  1787  3976 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid end module:custom-icc uid:1000  time 448283253610us
09-07 10:35:41.257  1787  3976 D ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:custom-icc uid:1000 cost 450us return 0
09-07 10:35:41.257  1618 21979 D MMListService: getListValueByUid module:image-processing, uid:1000
09-07 10:35:41.257  1618 21979 D MMListService: getPackageNameByUid uid:1000, procName:
09-07 10:35:41.257  1787  3976 V ListServiceUtils: checkInListByUid module:image-processing uid:1000 cost 145us return (null)
09-07 10:35:41.257  1787  3976 V JpegEncoderExtImpl: Resolution: 2400 x 1080,support: 0;
09-07 10:35:41.259  1167  1167 I SDM     : DisplayBase::HandlePendingPowerState: HandlePendingPowerState Doze = 0 power = 0
09-07 10:35:41.264  1787  5244 D OplusWindowManagerServiceTransactionHelper: setInsetAnimationTid: pid 4476 tid 6336 enable false
09-07 10:35:41.265  1239  1239 D OplusMovieIdle: updateLayerStacks,mOmiSupport is not supoort
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: Failed to schedule configuration change
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:635)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy.scheduleTransaction(IApplicationThread.java:2891)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction.schedule(ClientTransaction.java:136)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ClientLifecycleManager.scheduleTransaction(ClientLifecycleManager.java:47)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ClientLifecycleManager.scheduleTransaction(ClientLifecycleManager.java:100)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.dispatchConfiguration(WindowProcessController.java:1426)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.updateConfiguration(WindowProcessController.java:1399)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.onConfigurationChanged(WindowProcessController.java:1347)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService.updateGlobalConfigurationLocked(ActivityTaskManagerService.java:4312)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateDisplayOverrideConfigurationLocked(DisplayContent.java:5969)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateDisplayOverrideConfigurationLocked(DisplayContent.java:5946)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.sendNewConfiguration(DisplayContent.java:1447)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.continueRotation(DisplayRotation.java:767)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.access$200(DisplayRotation.java:102)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation$2.lambda$continueRotateDisplay$0(DisplayRotation.java:256)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation$2$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.accept(Unknown Source:10)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.doInvoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:295)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.invoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:204)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.OmniFunction.run(OmniFunction.java:97)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:233)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:344)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
09-07 10:35:41.268  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:44)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: Failed to schedule configuration change
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: android.os.DeadObjectException
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transactNative(Native Method)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.BinderProxy.transact(BinderProxy.java:635)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.app.IApplicationThread$Stub$Proxy.scheduleTransaction(IApplicationThread.java:2891)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.app.servertransaction.ClientTransaction.schedule(ClientTransaction.java:136)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ClientLifecycleManager.scheduleTransaction(ClientLifecycleManager.java:47)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ClientLifecycleManager.scheduleTransaction(ClientLifecycleManager.java:100)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.dispatchConfiguration(WindowProcessController.java:1426)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.updateConfiguration(WindowProcessController.java:1399)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.WindowProcessController.onConfigurationChanged(WindowProcessController.java:1347)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.ActivityTaskManagerService.updateGlobalConfigurationLocked(ActivityTaskManagerService.java:4312)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateDisplayOverrideConfigurationLocked(DisplayContent.java:5969)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.updateDisplayOverrideConfigurationLocked(DisplayContent.java:5946)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayContent.sendNewConfiguration(DisplayContent.java:1447)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.continueRotation(DisplayRotation.java:767)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation.access$200(DisplayRotation.java:102)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation$2.lambda$continueRotateDisplay$0(DisplayRotation.java:256)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.wm.DisplayRotation$2$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.accept(Unknown Source:10)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.doInvoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:295)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.PooledLambdaImpl.invoke(PooledLambdaImpl.java:204)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.internal.util.function.pooled.OmniFunction.run(OmniFunction.java:97)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Handler.handleCallback(Handler.java:938)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Handler.dispatchMessage(Handler.java:99)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loopOnce(Looper.java:233)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.Looper.loop(Looper.java:344)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at android.os.HandlerThread.run(HandlerThread.java:67)
09-07 10:35:41.269  1787  2021 E ActivityTaskManager: 	at com.android.server.ServiceThread.run(ServiceThread.java:44)
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