2 years ago
2.9 kB
import os from time import sleep, time try: from ujson import loads, dumps import asyncio import aiofiles from nextcord import Embed, Interaction from nextcord.ext import commands import nextcord except ImportError: os.system("pip install -U nextcord aiofiles asyncio ujson") from ujson import loads, dumps import asyncio import aiofiles from nextcord import Embed, Interaction from nextcord.ext import commands import nextcord intents = nextcord.Intents.default() intents.message_content = True intents.members = False bot = commands.Bot(command_prefix = "/", intents = intents) users: dict = None async def getusers(): global users async with aiofiles.open("./users.json", "r+", encoding="utf-8", errors="ignore") as file: users = loads(await file.read()) async def appendUser(): global users async with aiofiles.open("./users.json", "w+", encoding='utf-8', errors='ignore') as file: await file.seek(0) await file.truncate() await file.write(dumps(users, indent = 4, ensure_ascii=False)) class verificationButton(nextcord.ui.View): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() @nextcord.ui.button(label = "Verify", style = nextcord.ButtonStyle.green, custom_id = "verify_button") async def onVerifyClicked(self, button = nextcord.ui.Button, interaction = Interaction): global users await interaction.response.defer() role = nextcord.utils.get(interaction.guild.roles, name = "Verified") if interaction.user.id == users.get(interaction.user.name, None) or role in interaction.user.roles: await interaction.followup.send("You are already verified", ephemeral = True) return try: users.update({interaction.user.name: interaction.user.id}) await appendUser() await interaction.user.add_roles(role) await interaction.followup.send("Verification Success", ephemeral = True) except Exception as e: print(e) del users[interaction.user.name] await interaction.followup.send("Verification Failed", ephemeral = True) @bot.slash_command(name = "verify", description = "Shows an embed that has a button to verify the user") async def verify(interaction: Interaction): if not interaction.permissions.administrator: await interaction.response.send_message("This command is only or admins") return embed = Embed( title = "Verification", description = "Click the button to verify your account.", color = 0x00ff00) view = verificationButton() await interaction.send(embed = embed, view = view) if __name__ == "__main__": Token = "" print("Running") asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(getusers()) asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(bot.start(Token))
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