#!/bin/sh # # csb_patcher.sh: coreboot and SeaBIOS patcher script, 18 Dec 2022. # # Conveniently and securely gets, checks SHA256 and installs some of my # patches from this page - https://review.coreboot.org/q/status:open+banon # and also gets a collection of useful floppy-based operating systems. # Please send your feedback to Mike Banon <mikebdp2@gmail.com>. # # Released under the terms of GNU GPL v3 by Free Software Foundation. # # Keys enter=$( printf '\015' ) ctrl_c=$( printf '\003' ) ctrl_x=$( printf '\030' ) ctrl_z=$( printf '\032' ) # Formatting bold="\e[1m" bred="\e[1;31m" bgreen="\e[1;32m" byellow="\e[1;33m" bend="\e[0m" # Asks a question '$1' and waits for Y/N user input, printing a decision - with '$2' message if Y. yesno () { printf "$1 [Y/N] " yesno_old_stty_cfg=$( stty -g ) stty raw -echo while true ; do yesno_answer=$( head -c 1 ) case "$yesno_answer" in *"$ctrl_c"*|"$ctrl_x"*|"$ctrl_z"*) stty "$yesno_old_stty_cfg" printf "${bred}TERMINATED${bend}\n" exit 1 ;; *"y"*|"Y"*) stty "$yesno_old_stty_cfg" printf "${bgreen}YES${bend}$2\n" return 0 ;; *"n"*|"N"*) stty "$yesno_old_stty_cfg" printf "${byellow}NO${bend}\n" return 1 ;; esac done } # Waits until a user presses Enter. encontinue () { printf "\npress [ENTER] to continue... " encontinue_old_stty_cfg=$( stty -g ) stty raw -echo while true ; do encontinue_answer=$( head -c 1 ) case "$encontinue_answer" in *"$ctrl_c"*|"$ctrl_x"*|"$ctrl_z"*) stty "$encontinue_old_stty_cfg" printf "${bred}TERMINATED${bend}\n" exit 1 ;; *"$enter"*) stty "$encontinue_old_stty_cfg" printf "\n" return 0 ;; esac done } # Checks if a command '$1' exists. command_exists() { if [ ! -x "$( command -v $1 )" ] ; then printf "\n${bred}ERROR${bend}: command ${bold}$1${bend} is not found !\n" encontinue return 1 else return 0 fi } # Checks if a file '$1' exists. file_exists () { if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: file ${bold}$1${bend} is not found !\n" encontinue return 1 else return 0 fi } # Force removes a file '$2' and then copies a file '$1' to '$2'. copier () { if file_exists "$1" ; then rm -f "$2" cp "$1" "$2" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Force removes a file '$2' and then moves a file '$1' to '$2'. mover () { if file_exists "$1" ; then rm -f "$2" mv "$1" "$2" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Checks if line '$1' contains the text '$2'. checker () { case "$1" in *"$2"*) return 0 ;; *) return 1 ;; esac } # Prints the lines of a file '$2' which contain the text '$1'. grepper () { if file_exists "$2" ; then while IFS= read -r grepper_line do case "$grepper_line" in *"$1"*) printf '%s\n' "$grepper_line" ;; esac done < "$2" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Checks if a file '$2' contains the text '$1'. grepcheck () { if file_exists "$2" ; then while IFS= read -r grepcheck_line do case "$grepcheck_line" in *"$1"*) return 0 ;; esac done < "$2" return 1 else return 1 fi } # Replaces the lines containing the text '$2' of a file '$1' with a line '$3'. sedder () { if file_exists "$1" ; then csb_sedder_tmp="./.csb_sedder" rm -f "$csb_sedder_tmp" while IFS= read -r sedder_line do case "$sedder_line" in *"$2"*) if [ ! -z "$3" ] ; then printf '%s\n' "$3" >> "$csb_sedder_tmp" fi ;; *) printf '%s\n' "$sedder_line" >> "$csb_sedder_tmp" ;; esac done < "$1" mover "$csb_sedder_tmp" "$1" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Downloads a file '$1' from a link '$2' using the options '$3' and checks if this was successful. wgetter () { rm -f "$1" if [ -z "$3" ] ; then wget "$2" else wget "$3" "$2" fi if [ -f "$1" ] ; then wgetter_file_size=$(($( wc -c < "$1" ))) if [ "$wgetter_file_size" -eq "0" ] ; then rm -f "$1" fi fi if [ ! -f "$1" ] ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: can't download a ${bold}$1${bend} file !" printf "\n Please check your Internet connection and try again.\n" encontinue return 1 else sleep 1 return 0 fi } # Unzips the archive '$1', optional '$2' for -j path inside the archive, and then force removes it. unzipper () { if file_exists "$1" ; then if [ -z "$2" ] ; then unzip "$1" else unzip -j "$1" "$2" fi rm -f "$1" return 0 else return 1 fi } # Expands a file '$1' with zeroes using a dd to '$2' size - e.g. to a standard floppy size 1474560. expander () { if file_exists "$1" && [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then expander_file_size=$(($( wc -c < "$1" ))) if [ "$expander_file_size" -lt "$2" ] ; then dd if=/dev/zero of=$1 bs=1 count=1 seek="$(( $2 - 1 ))" conv=notrunc iflag=nocache fi return 0 else return 1 fi } # Compares sha256sum of '$1.img' floppy image with '$2' and creates a hidden '.$1' file if matches. floppy_verifier () { rm -f "./.$1" cd "./../" if [ ! -z "$2" ] ; then if file_exists "./floppies/$1.img" ; then floppy_verifier_sha256sum_correct="$2 ./floppies/$1.img" floppy_verifier_sha256sum_my=$( sha256sum "./floppies/$1.img" ) printf "\n=== sha256sum should be:\n${bold}$floppy_verifier_sha256sum_correct${bend}\n" if [ "$floppy_verifier_sha256sum_my" = "$floppy_verifier_sha256sum_correct" ] ; then printf "^^^ this is correct, ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} is verified and could be added.\n\n" cd "./floppies/" touch "./.$1" return 0 else printf "${bold}^^^ ! MISMATCH for ./floppies/$1.img ! Check sha256sum manually: sha256sum ./floppies/$1.img${bend}\n" encontinue cd "./floppies/" return 1 fi else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: cannot find ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} !\n" printf "\n Please re-download a set of floppies.\n" encontinue return 1 fi else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} - is a rolling release, its' SHA256 checksum" printf "\n is changing constantly and not provided by $1 project, so not checked.\n" encontinue cd "./floppies/" touch "./.$1" return 0 fi } # Downloads a collection of floppies, for the purpose of adding them later to a coreboot ROM image. floppy_mass_downloader () { printf "\n" if [ ! -d "./floppies/" ]; then mkdir "./floppies/" fi cd "./floppies/" # KOLIBRI if command_exists "7za" ; then if wgetter "./latest-img.7z" "https://builds.kolibrios.org/eng/latest-img.7z" ; then rm -f "./kolibri.img" 7za x "./latest-img.7z" rm -f "./INSTALL.TXT" rm -f "./latest-img.7z" floppy_verifier "kolibri" "" # IS A ROLLING RELEASE, NO SHA256 VERIFICATION fi else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: cannot get ./floppies/${bold}kolibri.img${bend} without ${bold}7za${bend}\n" encontinue fi # FREEDOS printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: getting ./floppies/${bold}freedos.img${bend} could take a couple of minutes...\n\n" if wgetter "./FD13-FloppyEdition.zip" "https://www.ibiblio.org/pub/micro/pc-stuff/freedos/files/distributions/1.3/official/FD13-FloppyEdition.zip" ; then unzipper "./FD13-FloppyEdition.zip" "144m/x86BOOT.img" mover "./x86BOOT.img" "./freedos.img" floppy_verifier "freedos" "3f7834ea4575ba05d106e4b8f59f886da7bfb1979ee386be2a2deba8df518925" fi # MICHALOS if wgetter "./michalos.img" "https://github.com/mikebdp2/MichalOS/raw/master/build/images/michalos.flp" "--output-document=michalos.img" ; then floppy_verifier "michalos" "67d7d1568c98fbfb452ec2b5c796f2ee678d55b17d15220cad75191b6f956542" fi # SNOWDROP if wgetter "./snowdrop.img" "http://sebastianmihai.com/downloads/snowdrop/snowdrop.img" ; then floppy_verifier "snowdrop" "" # IS A ROLLING RELEASE, NO SHA256 VERIFICATION fi # FIWIX if wgetter "./fiwix.img" "https://www.fiwix.org/FiwixOS-3.2-initrd-i386.img" "--output-document=fiwix.img" ; then floppy_verifier "fiwix" "dfd597e5e1fa796c9b780e3c9ea484dce59694af255aab181c88d44334e8aebc" fi # MEMTEST86+ 6.00 if wgetter "./memtest.img" "https://github.com/mikebdp2/memtest86plus/raw/main/build32/memtest.img" ; then floppy_verifier "memtest" "4c1642467dfae961791db05ced10f8f988b0de63a2cbe335046f955f274dab06" fi # TATOS if wgetter "./tatos.img" "https://github.com/tatimmer/tatOS/raw/master/tatOS.img" "--output-document=tatos.img" ; then expander "./tatos.img" "1474560" floppy_verifier "tatos" "2c66f884498a4fe7b469bc213aebfccd84a09fd7ace1b3b4b3e747e2392c35d1" fi # PLOP if wgetter "./plpbt-5.0.15.zip" "https://download.plop.at/files/bootmngr/plpbt-5.0.15.zip" ; then unzipper "./plpbt-5.0.15.zip" "plpbt-5.0.15/plpbt.img" mover "./plpbt.img" "./plop.img" floppy_verifier "plop" "f170759966ec4efe60c8531158344a234d7543c8de81e54c8c1bb9d2d69eaf27" fi # FLOPPYBIRD - IMPROVED FORK if wgetter "./floppybird.img" "https://github.com/mikebdp2/floppybird/raw/master/build/img/floppybird.img" ; then floppy_verifier "floppybird" "249f77da69ba5d3295ed0c9180e4ffc646fb24f545630448fd55d5de2aec1455" fi # Some floppies have the weird permissions after their extraction floppy_mass_downloader_floppies=$( find . -name "*.img" ) if [ ! -z "$floppy_mass_downloader_floppies" ] ; then chmod 755 "./"*".img" fi # Return back to ./coreboot/ cd "./../" return 0 } # Adds a './pci1002,$1.rom' to coreboot '$3' ROM using '$2' cbfstool, printing '$4'/'$5'/'$6' info. atombios_adder () { if file_exists "$2" && file_exists "$3" ; then if [ -f "./pci1002,$1.rom" ] ; then atombios_adder_cbfs=$( "$2" "$3" print ) if checker "$atombios_adder_cbfs" "pci1002,$1.rom" ; then printf "\n${bgreen}NOTE${bend}: ./${bold}pci1002,$1.rom${bend} for ${bold}$5 : $6${bend} is already at your $3.\n" else if yesno "\nAdd a ./${bold}pci1002,$1.rom${bend} for ${bold}$5 : $6${bend} to your $3 now? ${bold}~$4${bend}" ", adding..." ; then "$2" "$3" add -f "./pci1002,$1.rom" -n "pci1002,$1.rom" -t optionrom else printf "\n${bold}You can add it later by running:${bend}" printf "\n${bold} $2 $3 add -f ./pci1002,$1.rom -n pci1002,$1.rom -t optionrom${bend}\n\n" fi fi return 0 else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: cannot find ./${bold}pci1002,$1.rom${bend} ," printf "\n please re-apply ${bold}AMD atombios${bend} patch.\n" encontinue return 1 fi else return 1 fi } # Adds a '$1.img' floppy image to coreboot '$3' ROM using '$2' cbfstool, printing '$4' size info. floppy_adder () { if file_exists "$2" && file_exists "$3" ; then if [ -f "./floppies/$1.img" ] ; then if [ -f "./floppies/.$1" ] ; then floppy_adder_cbfs=$( "$2" "$3" print ) if checker "$floppy_adder_cbfs" "floppyimg/$1.lzma" ; then printf "\n${bgreen}NOTE${bend}: ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} is already at your $3.\n" else if checker "$1" "plop" ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} - is proprietary: all its' source code is closed !" printf "\n Add it only if you really need it and trust the author of $1 project.\n" encontinue fi if yesno "\nAdd a ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} to your $3 now? ${bold}~$4${bend}" ", adding..." ; then "$2" "$3" add -f "./floppies/$1.img" -n "floppyimg/$1.lzma" -t raw -c lzma else printf "\n${bold}You can add it later by running:${bend}" printf "\n${bold} $2 $3 add -f ./floppies/$1.img -n floppyimg/$1.lzma -t raw -c lzma${bend}\n\n" fi fi return 0 else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: there was a SHA256 mismatch for ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} -" printf "\n check sha256sum manually: sha256sum ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend}\n" encontinue return 1 fi else printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: cannot find ./floppies/${bold}$1.img${bend} !\n" printf "\n Please re-download a set of floppies.\n" encontinue return 1 fi else return 1 fi } # Adds a set of AtomBIOS/floppies ('$1') to coreboot '$3' ROM copied to '$4', using '$2' cbfstool. cbfs_mass_adder () { if ! grepcheck "how to submit coreboot changes" ./MAINTAINERS ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: not sure if I am inside the coreboot directory," printf "\n trying to add a ${bold}$1${bend} set from here - could fail.\n\n" fi if file_exists "$2" && file_exists "$3" ; then if checker "$1" "atom" || checker "$1" "flop" ; then copier "$3" "$4" printf "\n${bold}=== $4 - initial memory map${bend}\n\n" "$2" "$4" print printf "\n" if checker "$1" "atom" ; then ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/58748 ### G505S AtomBIOS ROMs: known good binaries with a script to check their SHA256 ### csb_patcher "atombios" "58748" "2" "d3c12c8" "f6a0d71ef0ceef69e74419e0f8c90b4ac9c121d8d283f5605ad6c652cd1ab3d2" "$1" "AMD " atombios_adder "990b" "$2" "$4" "62K" "Lenovo G505S with A10-5750M" "iGPU HD-8650G" atombios_adder "6663" "$2" "$4" "33K" "Lenovo G505S with A10-5750M" "dGPU HD-8570M" atombios_adder "6665" "$2" "$4" "32K" "Lenovo G505S with A10-5750M" "dGPU R5-M230" atombios_adder "9830" "$2" "$4" "59K" "ASUS AM1I-A with Athlon-5370" "iGPU HD-8400 / R3-Series" atombios_adder "990c" "$2" "$4" "62K" "ASUS A88XM-E with A10-6700" "iGPU HD-8670D" fi if checker "$1" "flop" ; then if [ ! -d "./floppies/" ] ; then printf "\n" floppy_mass_downloader fi # Default boot order: the last floppy added - is the first floppy to boot! floppy_adder "floppybird" "$2" "$4" "3K" floppy_adder "plop" "$2" "$4" "75K" floppy_adder "tatos" "$2" "$4" "60K" floppy_adder "memtest" "$2" "$4" "53K" floppy_adder "fiwix" "$2" "$4" "499K" floppy_adder "snowdrop" "$2" "$4" "182K" floppy_adder "michalos" "$2" "$4" "605K" floppy_adder "freedos" "$2" "$4" "368K" floppy_adder "kolibri" "$2" "$4" "1297K" fi printf "\n${bold}=== $4 - final memory map${bend}\n\n" "$2" "$4" print printf "\nYou can use ./build/${bold}coreflop.rom${bend} now !\n\n" return 0 else return 1 fi else return 1 fi } # Finds the files of '$1' extension, saves the result to '$2' log and prints a message with '$3'. csb_finder () { csb_finder_files=$( find . -name "*.$1" ) if [ ! -z "$csb_finder_files" ] ; then printf "%25s\n" "*.$1 - YES" >> "$2" printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: found ${bold}*.$1${bend} files at these locations :\n" printf "$csb_finder_files" printf "\n That means - Some patches $3\n" encontinue return 0 else printf "%24s\n" "*.$1 - NO" >> "$2" return 1 fi } # Prints a csb_patcher_log '$1' with a custom highlighting. csb_printer () { if ! file_exists "$1" ; then return 1 fi while IFS= read -r csb_printer_line do case "$csb_printer_line" in *"orig - YES"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%???}${byellow}YES" # YELLOW ;; *"rej - YES"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%???}${bred}YES" # RED ;; *"YES"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%???}${bgreen}YES" # GREEN ;; *"orig - NO"*|*"rej - NO"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%??}${bgreen}NO" # GREEN ;; *"NO"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%??}${byellow}NO" # YELLOW ;; *"FAILURE_1"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%?????????}${bred}FAILURE_1" # RED ;; *"FAILURE_2"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%?????????}${bred}FAILURE_2" # RED ;; *"FAILURE_3"*) printf "${csb_printer_line%?????????}${bred}FAILURE_3" # RED ;; *"\\\\"*) printf "${bold}${csb_printer_line%?????}\\\\\!//" # ALIEN HAIR ;; *) printf "${bold}$csb_printer_line" ;; esac printf "${bend}\n" done < "$1" return 0 } # Configure some popular options of a config file '$1'. csb_configurer () { if file_exists "$1" ; then csb_configurer_tmp="./.csb_configurer" rm -f "$csb_configurer_tmp" # Check if the configuration of this board is supported. grepper "CONFIG_BOARD_" "$1" > "$csb_configurer_tmp" if grepcheck "_LENOVO_G505S=y" "$csb_configurer_tmp" ; then printf "\n\n${bgreen}[CONFIG]${bend} Questions about your Lenovo G505S\n\n" else if grepcheck "_ASUS_AM1I_A=y" "$csb_configurer_tmp" ; then printf "\n\n${bgreen}[CONFIG]${bend} Questions about your ASUS AM1I-A\n\n" else if grepcheck "_ASUS_A88XM_E=y" "$csb_configurer_tmp" ; then printf "\n\n${bgreen}[CONFIG]${bend} Questions about your ASUS A88XM-E\n\n" else printf "\n\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: sorry, I don't know how to configure a board of ${bold}$1${bend}\n" encontinue return 1 fi fi fi # Common part both for LENOVO G505S and ASUS AM1I-A / A88XM-E. sedder "$1" "### CSB_CONFIGURER OPTIONS" "" printf "### CSB_CONFIGURER OPTIONS\n" >> "$1" sedder "$1" "# CONFIG_DRIVERS_INTEL_WIFI is not set" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_DRIVERS_INTEL_WIFI=y" "" if yesno "Do you have an Intel WiFi adapter?" "" ; then printf "CONFIG_DRIVERS_INTEL_WIFI=y\n" >> "$1" else printf "# CONFIG_DRIVERS_INTEL_WIFI is not set\n" >> "$1" fi # This part is only for LENOVO G505S. if grepcheck "_LENOVO_G505S=y" "$csb_configurer_tmp" ; then sedder "$1" "# CONFIG_AMD_DGPU_WITHOUT_EEPROM is not set" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_AMD_DGPU_WITHOUT_EEPROM=y" "" sedder "$1" "# CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU is not set" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU=y" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_FILE=\"pci1002,6663.rom\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_ID=\"1002,6663\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_FILE=\"pci1002,6665.rom\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_ID=\"1002,6665\"" "" if yesno "Do you have a Discrete GPU?" "" ; then printf "CONFIG_AMD_DGPU_WITHOUT_EEPROM=y\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU=y\n" >> "$1" if yesno "No for HD-8570M, Yes for R5-M230" "" ; then printf "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_FILE=\"pci1002,6665.rom\"\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_ID=\"1002,6665\"\n" >> "$1" else printf "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_FILE=\"pci1002,6663.rom\"\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU_ID=\"1002,6663\"\n" >> "$1" fi else printf "# CONFIG_AMD_DGPU_WITHOUT_EEPROM is not set\n" >> "$1" printf "# CONFIG_VGA_BIOS_DGPU is not set\n" >> "$1" fi fi # Common part both for LENOVO G505S and ASUS AM1I-A / A88XM-E. # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=0 sedder "$1" "# NATIVE" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=0" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=1 sedder "$1" "# RAID" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=1" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_RAID_ROM_ID=\"1022,7802\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_RAID_ROM_FILE=\"src/southbridge/amd/agesa/hudson/raid.bin\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_RAID_MISC_ROM_FILE=\"src/southbridge/amd/agesa/hudson/misc.bin\"" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_RAID_MISC_ROM_POSITION=0xFFF00000" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=2 sedder "$1" "# AHCI" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=2" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_AHCI_ROM_ID=\"1022,7801\"" "" sedder "$1" "# CONFIG_HUDSON_AHCI_ROM is not set" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=3 sedder "$1" "# LEGACY IDE" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=3" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=4 sedder "$1" "# IDE to AHCI" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=4" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=5 sedder "$1" "# AHCI7804" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=5" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_AHCI_ROM_ID=\"1022,7804\"" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE=6 sedder "$1" "# IDE to AHCI7804" "" sedder "$1" "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=6" "" sedder "$1" "# CONFIG_HUDSON_AHCI_ROM is not set" "" # HUDSON_SATA_MODE SETUP if yesno "Do you have a SSD? (enable AHCI if Y)" "" ; then printf "# AHCI\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=2\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_AHCI_ROM_ID=\"1022,7801\"\n" >> "$1" printf "# CONFIG_HUDSON_AHCI_ROM is not set\n" >> "$1" else printf "# NATIVE\n" >> "$1" printf "CONFIG_HUDSON_SATA_MODE=0\n" >> "$1" fi # Board has been configured. printf "\n" rm -f "$csb_configurer_tmp" return 0 else return 1 fi } # # Conveniently and securely gets, checks SHA256 and installs a patch. # Arguments are the patch properties: # $1 - new diff name, could be also a part of extracted scripts' filename # $2 - change ID number, part of download link to review.coreboot.org # $3 - change revision number, part of download link to review.coreboot.org # $4 - diff filename inside the downloaded archive, will be renamed to $1 # $5 - diff known good SHA256 checksum, will be used for SHA256 verification # $6 - filepath where to save a csb_patcher_log which will be printed later # $7 - info about the target of a patch, if not specified ("") it is common # csb_patcher () { if ! wgetter "./patch?zip" "https://review.coreboot.org/changes/$2/revisions/$3/patch?zip" ; then printf "${bold}^^^ ! Can't download a $7$1 patch ! Check your Internet.${bend}\n" printf "%31s\n" "$7$1 - FAILURE_1" >> "$6" csb_printer "$6" exit 1 fi unzipper "./patch?zip" mover "./$4.diff" "./$1.diff" csb_patcher_sha256sum_correct="$5 ./$1.diff" csb_patcher_sha256sum_my=$( sha256sum "./$1.diff" ) printf "\n=== sha256sum should be:\n${bold}$csb_patcher_sha256sum_correct${bend}\n" if [ "$csb_patcher_sha256sum_my" = "$csb_patcher_sha256sum_correct" ] ; then printf "^^^ this is correct, " csb_patcher_patch_title=$( grepper "Subject" "./$1.diff" ) csb_patcher_patch_title=${csb_patcher_patch_title#?????????????????} if [ "$1" = "dgpu" ] || [ "$1" = "irq" ] || [ "$1" = "cfgsb" ] ; then printf "will extract a ${bold}$7$1${bend} patch now...\n" rm -f "./sha256sums_$1_correct.txt" rm -f "./"*"_$1_patches.sh" patch -p1 < "./$1.diff" chmod +x "./"*"_$1_patches.sh" "./get_$1_patches.sh" if ! "./check_$1_patches.sh" ; then printf "%31s\n" "$7$1 - FAILURE_3" >> "$6" csb_printer "$6" exit 1 fi else printf "${bold}$7$1${bend} patch could be applied now...\n" fi if [ "$1" = "dgpu" ] || [ "$1" = "atombios" ] || [ "$1" = "irq" ] || \ [ "$1" = "A88XM-E" ] || [ "$1" = "seabios" ] || [ "$1" = "cfgsb" ] ; then printf "\n\n${bgreen}[PATCH]${bend} $csb_patcher_patch_title\n\n" if ! grepcheck "how to submit coreboot changes" ./MAINTAINERS ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: not sure if I am inside the coreboot directory," printf "\n trying to add a ${bold}$1${bend} set from here - could fail.\n\n" fi if [ -f "./.$1" ] ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: found a '.$1' hidden file at the current directory," printf "\n maybe you have applied this patch already.\n\n" fi if yesno "Apply a ${bold}$7$1${bend} patch now?" "" ; then if [ "$1" = "dgpu" ] || [ "$1" = "irq" ] || [ "$1" = "cfgsb" ] ; then "./apply_$1_patches.sh" else if [ "$1" = "atombios" ] ; then rm -f "./sha256sums_$1_correct.txt" rm -f "./"*"_$1_roms.sh" rm -f "./pci1002\,"*".rom" rm -f "./pci1002\,"*".rom.txt" fi if [ "$1" = "seabios" ] ; then rm -f "./payloads/external/SeaBIOS/"*".patch" fi patch -p1 < "./$1.diff" if [ "$1" = "atombios" ] ; then chmod +x "./"*"_$1_roms.sh" "./extract_$1_roms.sh" printf "\n" if ! "./check_$1_roms.sh" ; then printf "%31s\n" "$7$1 - FAILURE_3" >> "$6" csb_printer "$6" exit 1 fi fi fi touch ".$1" printf "%25s\n" "$7$1 - YES" >> "$6" if [ "$1" = "atombios" ] ; then encontinue fi else printf "%24s\n" "$7$1 - NO" >> "$6" printf "\n${bold}You can apply it later by running:${bend}" if [ "$1" = "dgpu" ] || [ "$1" = "irq" ] || [ "$1" = "cfgsb" ]; then printf "\n${bold} ./apply_$1_patches.sh${bend}\n" else printf "\n${bold} patch -p1 < ./$1.diff${bend}\n" fi encontinue fi fi if checker "$1" "config" ; then rm -f "./configs/$1"* patch -p1 < "./$1.diff" printf "\n\n${bgreen}[PATCH]${bend} $csb_patcher_patch_title\n\n" ls "./configs" > "./.csb_configs" csb_patcher_config_name=$( grepper "$1" "./.csb_configs" ) rm -f "./.csb_configs" printf "\n${bold}$csb_patcher_config_name could now be found at ./configs/${bend}" printf "\n${bold}To use it, it should be copied to '.config' of your ./coreboot directory.${bend}\n\n" if [ -f "./.config" ] ; then printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: copying it to ./.config will overwrite your current '.config'\n\n" fi if yesno "Copy it to ./.config now?" "" ; then copier "./configs/$csb_patcher_config_name" "./.config" printf "\n" printf "%25s\n" "$7$1 - YES" >> "$6" if yesno "Configure this ./.config now?" "" ; then csb_configurer "./.config" else printf "\n${bold}You can configure it later by running:${bend}" printf "\n${bold} ./csb_patcher.sh config${bend}\n\n" fi else printf "%24s\n" "$7$1 - NO" >> "$6" printf "\n${bold}You can copy it later by running:${bend}" printf "\n${bold} cp ./configs/$csb_patcher_config_name ./.config${bend}\n" fi printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: important README at the beginning of ./$1.diff\n" encontinue fi printf "\n\n" return 0 else printf "${bold}^^^ ! MISMATCH for a $7$1 patch ! Check sha256sum manually: sha256sum ./$1.diff${bend}\n" printf "%31s\n" "$7$1 - FAILURE_2" >> "$6" csb_printer "$6" exit 1 fi } # Prints the currently-known errata: what you might need to do to ensure a stable coreboot build. csb_errata () { printf "\n${byellow}WARNING${bend}: to ensure a stable coreboot build, you might need to" printf "\n ${bold}downgrade the GCC${bend} of a coreboot toolchain with three commands:\n" printf "\n ${bold}1)${bend} git revert ce134ababd6a444082962ccdfcd34415a647f41e" printf "\n ${bold}2)${bend} git revert b0d87f753c9c517ba906115362d32aa4422fd188" printf "\n ${bold}3)${bend} make crossgcc-i386\n\n" if yesno "This should be manually done before patching. ${bold}Continue patching?${bend}" "" ; then return 0 else exit 1 fi } # # Conveniently and securely gets, checks SHA256 and applies my collection of unofficial patches. # $1 - filepath where to save a csb_patcher_log which will be printed later # csb_mass_patcher () { ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/58745 ### G505S dGPU support: scripts for applying the unofficial (not-merged-yet) patches ### csb_patcher "dgpu" "58745" "3" "0cf99e4" "d6b3328b2c58debed96ba9f8c71f6b9fa7673ce5c01c6c96492dab2ba6377af7" "$1" "G505S " ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/58748 ### G505S AtomBIOS ROMs: known good binaries with a script to check their SHA256 ### csb_patcher "atombios" "58748" "2" "d3c12c8" "f6a0d71ef0ceef69e74419e0f8c90b4ac9c121d8d283f5605ad6c652cd1ab3d2" "$1" "AMD " ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/48427 ### AMD good IRQs: scripts for applying the unofficial (not-merged-yet) patches ### csb_patcher "irq" "48427" "16" "99330dd" "a89ba28425b5d149af1a9c902132f23c926d7c4a9e00b78fc9307cdad75b6a22" "$1" "AMD good " ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/32351 ### SeaBIOS patches: advanced_bootmenu, multiple_floppies, smbios_mptable_768 ### csb_patcher "seabios" "32351" "16" "726e469" "be7f432355f30f7a6220059a558d4fc0ce1b6f1f84a238020983190764f52935" "$1" "" ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/44638 ### Disable SeaBIOS options unsupported by hardware: scripts to apply the patches ### csb_patcher "cfgsb" "44638" "1" "fc98bfa" "dae0ff00c5b3aa69d1a205b0e53f3a6c11437e24439bf5b936594506a3ed9d44" "$1" "for-configs " ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/64829 ### configs: add Lenovo G505S sample configuration (use with dGPU patches) ### csb_patcher "config.lenovo_g505s" "64829" "1" "941b5c7" "d1ebfb0df3f6fa237b0f61a4236f30652bcd3606ae659ff3e958944081cdafe8" "$1" "" ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/64831 ### configs: add ASUS AM1I-A sample configuration ### csb_patcher "config.asus_am1i-a" "64831" "1" "6c178df" "86fee19e7e87d2b6ab36547259bf955a05680b60ccdcdc9999978397a2f2c794" "$1" "" ### ### https://review.coreboot.org/c/coreboot/+/64832 ### configs: add ASUS A88XM-E sample configuration ### csb_patcher "config.asus_a88xm-e" "64832" "1" "0afd75d" "c9945bc94963dc40129b043c5d8b164cf7e74a115976d7a4af2991e15cb64e66" "$1" "" return 0 } # Prints a usage info for this ./csb_patcher.sh script. csb_usage () { printf "${bold}===============${bend} ${bgreen}USAGE${bend} ${bold}================${bend}\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh${bend}\n" printf " patch your coreboot source code\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh${bend} ${byellow}help${bend} ${bold}|${bend} ${byellow}usage${bend}\n" printf " print this usage info\n\n" printf "${bold}==================== Before building :${bend}\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh ${byellow}config${bend}\n" printf " configure some popular options\n\n" printf "${bold}==================== After building :${bend}\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh ${byellow}atom${bend}\n" printf " add the AtomBIOS to coreboot.rom\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh ${byellow}flop${bend}\n" printf " add the floppies to coreboot.rom\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh ${byellow}atomflop${bend}\n" printf " both AtomBIOS VGA ROMs and floppies\n\n" printf "${bold}./csb_patcher.sh${bend} ${byellow}print${bend}\n" printf " print a ./.csb_patcher log\n\n" return 0 } # # MAIN PART OF A CSB_PATCHER SCRIPT # if [ -z "$1" ] ; then csb_patcher_log="./.csb_patcher" rm -f "$csb_patcher_log" if ! command_exists "wget" || \ ! command_exists "unzip" || \ ! command_exists "sha256sum" || \ ! command_exists "patch" || \ ! command_exists "xxd" ; then exit 1 fi printf '\n\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf ' \\\\!//\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf ' (o o)\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf ' oOOo-(_)-oOOo\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf 'Hi! I am coreboot and SeaBIOS patcher\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf 'Please send your feedback to\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" printf ' Mike Banon <mikebdp2@gmail.com>\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" csb_printer "$csb_patcher_log" encontinue csb_errata printf '\n=== CSB_PATCHER LOG. Patches applied?\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" csb_mass_patcher "$csb_patcher_log" if yesno "Download a ${bold}floppies${bend} collection?" "" ; then floppy_mass_downloader printf "%25s\n" "floppies - YES" >> "$csb_patcher_log" else printf "\n" printf "%24s\n" "floppies - NO" >> "$csb_patcher_log" fi printf '==================== Bad files found?\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" csb_finder "orig" "$csb_patcher_log" "applied correctly although at slightly different lines, can ignore it." csb_finder "rej" "$csb_patcher_log" "perhaps failed to apply, could result in a broken build! ${bred}Please report${bend}" printf '\n' >> "$csb_patcher_log" csb_printer "$csb_patcher_log" csb_usage else case "$1" in *"print"*) csb_patcher_log="./.csb_patcher" csb_printer "$csb_patcher_log" ;; *"config"*) csb_configurer "./.config" ;; *"atom"*|*"flop"*) if ! command_exists "wget" || \ ! command_exists "unzip" || \ ! command_exists "sha256sum" || \ ! command_exists "patch" || \ ! command_exists "xxd" ; then exit 1 fi cbfs_mass_adder "$1" "./build/cbfstool" "./build/coreboot.rom" "./build/coreflop.rom" ;; *"help"*|*"usage"*) printf "\n" csb_usage ;; *) printf "\n${bred}ERROR${bend}: unknown argument ${bold}$1${bend} !\n\n" csb_usage exit 1 ;; esac fi exit 0 #
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