
3 years ago
6.0 kB
// Java program to implement Round Robin 
// Scheduling with different arrival time 
class roundrobin { 
    public static void roundRobin(String p[], int a[], 
                                  int b[], int n) 
        // result of average times 
        int res = 0; 
        int resc = 0; 
        // for sequence storage 
        String seq = new String(); 
        // copy the burst array and arrival array 
        // for not effecting the actual array 
        int res_b[] = new int[b.length]; 
        int res_a[] = new int[a.length]; 
        for (int i = 0; i < res_b.length; i++) { 
            res_b[i] = b[i]; 
            res_a[i] = a[i]; 
        // critical time of system 
        int t = 0; 
        // for store the waiting time 
        int w[] = new int[p.length]; 
        // for store the Completion time 
        int comp[] = new int[p.length]; 
        while (true) { 
            boolean flag = true; 
            for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { 
                // these condition for if 
                // arrival is not on zero 
                // check that if there come before qtime 
                if (res_a[i] <= t) { 
                    if (res_a[i] <= n) { 
                        if (res_b[i] > 0) { 
                            flag = false; 
                            if (res_b[i] > n) { 
                                // make decrease the b time 
                                t = t + n; 
                                res_b[i] = res_b[i] - n; 
                                res_a[i] = res_a[i] + n; 
                                seq += "->" + p[i]; 
                            else { 
                                // for last time 
                                t = t + res_b[i]; 
                                // store comp time 
                                comp[i] = t - a[i]; 
                                // store wait time 
                                w[i] = t - b[i] - a[i]; 
                                res_b[i] = 0; 
                                // add sequence 
                                seq += "->" + p[i]; 
                    else if (res_a[i] > n) { 
                        // is any have less arrival time 
                        // the coming process then execute them 
                        for (int j = 0; j < p.length; j++) { 
                            // compare 
                            if (res_a[j] < res_a[i]) { 
                                if (res_b[j] > 0) { 
                                    flag = false; 
                                    if (res_b[j] > n) { 
                                        t = t + n; 
                                        res_b[j] = res_b[j] - n; 
                                        res_a[j] = res_a[j] + n; 
                                        seq += "->" + p[j]; 
                                    else { 
                                        t = t + res_b[j]; 
                                        comp[j] = t - a[j]; 
                                        w[j] = t - b[j] - a[j]; 
                                        res_b[j] = 0; 
                                        seq += "->" + p[j]; 
                        // now the previous porcess according to 
                        // ith is process 
                        if (res_b[i] > 0) { 
                            flag = false; 
                            // Check for greaters 
                            if (res_b[i] > n) { 
                                t = t + n; 
                                res_b[i] = res_b[i] - n; 
                                res_a[i] = res_a[i] + n; 
                                seq += "->" + p[i]; 
                            else { 
                                t = t + res_b[i]; 
                                comp[i] = t - a[i]; 
                                w[i] = t - b[i] - a[i]; 
                                res_b[i] = 0; 
                                seq += "->" + p[i]; 
                // if no process is come on thse critical 
                else if (res_a[i] > t) { 
            // for exit the while loop 
            if (flag) { 
        System.out.println("name  ctime  wtime"); 
        for (int i = 0; i < p.length; i++) { 
            System.out.println(" " + p[i] + "    " + comp[i] 
                               + "    " + w[i]); 
            res = res + w[i]; 
            resc = resc + comp[i]; 
        System.out.println("Average waiting time is "
                           + (float)res / p.length); 
        System.out.println("Average compilation  time is "
                           + (float)resc / p.length); 
        System.out.println("Sequence is like that " + seq); 
    // Driver Code 
    public static void main(String args[]) 
        // name of the process 
        String name[] = { "p1", "p2", "p3", "p4" }; 
        // arrival for every process 
        int arrivaltime[] = { 0, 1, 2, 3 }; 
        // burst time for every process 
        int bursttime[] = { 10, 4, 5, 3 }; 
        // quantum time of each process 
        int q = 3; 
        // cal the function for output 
        roundRobin(name, arrivaltime, bursttime, q); 
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