Error installing mediasoup on alpine linux avatar
2 years ago
132 kB
0 verbose cli [ '/usr/local/bin/node', '/usr/local/bin/npm', 'i' ]
1 info using npm@8.1.2
2 info using node@v17.1.0
3 timing npm:load:whichnode Completed in 0ms
4 timing config:load:defaults Completed in 0ms
5 timing config:load:file:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/npmrc Completed in 1ms
6 timing config:load:builtin Completed in 1ms
7 timing config:load:cli Completed in 1ms
8 timing config:load:env Completed in 0ms
9 timing config:load:file:/usr/src/example1/.npmrc Completed in 1ms
10 timing config:load:project Completed in 3ms
11 timing config:load:file:/root/.npmrc Completed in 0ms
12 timing config:load:user Completed in 0ms
13 timing config:load:file:/usr/local/etc/npmrc Completed in 2ms
14 timing config:load:global Completed in 2ms
15 timing config:load:validate Completed in 0ms
16 timing config:load:credentials Completed in 0ms
17 timing config:load:setEnvs Completed in 1ms
18 timing config:load Completed in 8ms
19 timing npm:load:configload Completed in 9ms
20 timing npm:load:setTitle Completed in 0ms
21 timing npm:load:setupLog Completed in 0ms
22 timing config:load:flatten Completed in 2ms
23 timing npm:load:cleanupLog Completed in 1ms
24 timing npm:load:configScope Completed in 0ms
25 timing npm:load:projectScope Completed in 4ms
26 timing npm:load Completed in 17ms
27 timing arborist:ctor Completed in 0ms
28 timing idealTree:init Completed in 85ms
29 timing idealTree:userRequests Completed in 0ms
30 silly idealTree buildDeps
31 timing idealTree:#root Completed in 0ms
32 timing idealTree:buildDeps Completed in 1ms
33 timing idealTree:fixDepFlags Completed in 0ms
34 timing idealTree Completed in 89ms
35 timing reify:loadTrees Completed in 91ms
36 timing reify:diffTrees Completed in 3ms
37 silly reify moves {}
38 timing reify:retireShallow Completed in 0ms
39 timing reify:createSparse Completed in 1571ms
40 timing reify:loadBundles Completed in 0ms
41 silly audit bulk request {
41 silly audit   '@sindresorhus/is': [ '0.14.0' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   '@szmarczak/http-timer': [ '1.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   '@types/component-emitter': [ '1.2.11' ],
41 silly audit   '@types/cookie': [ '0.4.1' ],
41 silly audit   '@types/cors': [ '2.8.12' ],
41 silly audit   '@types/node': [ '16.11.10' ],
41 silly audit   abbrev: [ '1.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   accepts: [ '1.3.7' ],
41 silly audit   'ansi-align': [ '3.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'ansi-regex': [ '5.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'ansi-styles': [ '4.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   anymatch: [ '3.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'array-flatten': [ '1.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   backo2: [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'balanced-match': [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'base64-arraybuffer': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   base64id: [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'binary-extensions': [ '2.2.0' ],
41 silly audit   'body-parser': [ '1.19.0' ],
41 silly audit   boxen: [ '5.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'brace-expansion': [ '1.1.11' ],
41 silly audit   braces: [ '3.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   bytes: [ '3.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'cacheable-request': [ '6.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'get-stream': [ '5.2.0', '4.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'lowercase-keys': [ '2.0.0', '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   camelcase: [ '6.2.1' ],
41 silly audit   chalk: [ '4.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'has-flag': [ '4.0.0', '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'supports-color': [ '7.2.0', '9.2.1', '5.5.0' ],
41 silly audit   chokidar: [ '3.5.2' ],
41 silly audit   'ci-info': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'cli-boxes': [ '2.2.1' ],
41 silly audit   'clone-response': [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'color-convert': [ '2.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'color-name': [ '1.1.4' ],
41 silly audit   'component-emitter': [ '1.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   'concat-map': [ '0.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   configstore: [ '5.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'content-disposition': [ '0.5.3' ],
41 silly audit   'content-type': [ '1.0.4' ],
41 silly audit   cookie: [ '0.4.0', '0.4.1' ],
41 silly audit   'cookie-signature': [ '1.0.6' ],
41 silly audit   cors: [ '2.8.5' ],
41 silly audit   'crypto-random-string': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   debug: [ '2.6.9', '4.3.3', '3.2.7' ],
41 silly audit   'decompress-response': [ '3.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   'deep-extend': [ '0.6.0' ],
41 silly audit   'defer-to-connect': [ '1.1.3' ],
41 silly audit   depd: [ '1.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   destroy: [ '1.0.4' ],
41 silly audit   'dot-prop': [ '5.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   duplexer3: [ '0.1.4' ],
41 silly audit   'ee-first': [ '1.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   'emoji-regex': [ '8.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   encodeurl: [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'end-of-stream': [ '1.4.4' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '6.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '6.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   ms: [ '2.1.2', '2.0.0', '2.1.3', '2.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '5.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'escape-goat': [ '2.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   'escape-html': [ '1.0.3' ],
41 silly audit   etag: [ '1.8.1' ],
41 silly audit   express: [ '4.17.1' ],
41 silly audit   'fill-range': [ '7.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   finalhandler: [ '1.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   forwarded: [ '0.2.0' ],
41 silly audit   fresh: [ '0.5.2' ],
41 silly audit   fsevents: [ '2.3.2' ],
41 silly audit   'glob-parent': [ '5.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'global-dirs': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   got: [ '9.6.0' ],
41 silly audit   'graceful-fs': [ '4.2.8' ],
41 silly audit   'h264-profile-level-id': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'has-cors': [ '1.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'has-yarn': [ '2.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'http-cache-semantics': [ '4.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'http-errors': [ '1.7.2' ],
41 silly audit   httpolyglot: [ '0.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'iconv-lite': [ '0.4.24' ],
41 silly audit   'ignore-by-default': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'import-lazy': [ '2.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   imurmurhash: [ '0.1.4' ],
41 silly audit   inherits: [ '2.0.3' ],
41 silly audit   ini: [ '2.0.0', '1.3.8' ],
41 silly audit   'ipaddr.js': [ '1.9.1' ],
41 silly audit   'is-binary-path': [ '2.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-ci': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-extglob': [ '2.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   'is-fullwidth-code-point': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-glob': [ '4.0.3' ],
41 silly audit   'is-installed-globally': [ '0.4.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-npm': [ '5.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-number': [ '7.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-obj': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-path-inside': [ '3.0.3' ],
41 silly audit   'is-typedarray': [ '1.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'is-yarn-global': [ '0.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   'json-buffer': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   keyv: [ '3.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'latest-version': [ '5.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'lru-cache': [ '6.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'make-dir': [ '3.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   semver: [ '6.3.0', '5.7.1', '7.3.5' ],
41 silly audit   'media-typer': [ '0.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   mediasoup: [ '3.9.2' ],
41 silly audit   'merge-descriptors': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   methods: [ '1.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   mime: [ '1.6.0' ],
41 silly audit   'mime-db': [ '1.51.0' ],
41 silly audit   'mime-types': [ '2.1.34' ],
41 silly audit   'mimic-response': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   minimatch: [ '3.0.4' ],
41 silly audit   minimist: [ '1.2.5' ],
41 silly audit   negotiator: [ '0.6.2' ],
41 silly audit   nodemon: [ '2.0.15' ],
41 silly audit   nopt: [ '1.0.10' ],
41 silly audit   'normalize-path': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'normalize-url': [ '4.5.1' ],
41 silly audit   'object-assign': [ '4.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   'on-finished': [ '2.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   once: [ '1.4.0' ],
41 silly audit   'p-cancelable': [ '1.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'package-json': [ '6.5.0' ],
41 silly audit   parseqs: [ '0.0.6' ],
41 silly audit   parseuri: [ '0.0.6' ],
41 silly audit   parseurl: [ '1.3.3' ],
41 silly audit   'path-to-regexp': [ '0.1.7' ],
41 silly audit   picomatch: [ '2.3.0' ],
41 silly audit   'prepend-http': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'proxy-addr': [ '2.0.7' ],
41 silly audit   'pstree.remy': [ '1.1.8' ],
41 silly audit   pump: [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   pupa: [ '2.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   qs: [ '6.7.0' ],
41 silly audit   'random-number': [ '0.0.9' ],
41 silly audit   'range-parser': [ '1.2.1' ],
41 silly audit   'raw-body': [ '2.4.0' ],
41 silly audit   rc: [ '1.2.8' ],
41 silly audit   readdirp: [ '3.6.0' ],
41 silly audit   'registry-auth-token': [ '4.2.1' ],
41 silly audit   'registry-url': [ '5.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   responselike: [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'safe-buffer': [ '5.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'safer-buffer': [ '2.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'semver-diff': [ '3.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   send: [ '0.17.1' ],
41 silly audit   'serve-static': [ '1.14.1' ],
41 silly audit   setprototypeof: [ '1.1.1' ],
41 silly audit   'signal-exit': [ '3.0.6' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '4.4.0' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '2.3.3' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '4.4.0' ],
41 silly audit   '': [ '4.1.1', '4.0.4' ],
41 silly audit   statuses: [ '1.5.0' ],
41 silly audit   'string-width': [ '4.2.3' ],
41 silly audit   'strip-ansi': [ '6.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'strip-json-comments': [ '2.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   'to-readable-stream': [ '1.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'to-regex-range': [ '5.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   toidentifier: [ '1.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   touch: [ '3.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'type-fest': [ '0.20.2' ],
41 silly audit   'type-is': [ '1.6.18' ],
41 silly audit   'typedarray-to-buffer': [ '3.1.5' ],
41 silly audit   undefsafe: [ '2.0.5' ],
41 silly audit   'unique-string': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   unpipe: [ '1.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'update-notifier': [ '5.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'url-parse-lax': [ '3.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'utils-merge': [ '1.0.1' ],
41 silly audit   uuid: [ '8.3.2' ],
41 silly audit   vary: [ '1.1.2' ],
41 silly audit   'widest-line': [ '3.1.0' ],
41 silly audit   'wrap-ansi': [ '7.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   wrappy: [ '1.0.2' ],
41 silly audit   'write-file-atomic': [ '3.0.3' ],
41 silly audit   ws: [ '8.2.3' ],
41 silly audit   'xdg-basedir': [ '4.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   'xmlhttprequest-ssl': [ '2.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   yallist: [ '4.0.0' ],
41 silly audit   yeast: [ '0.1.2' ]
41 silly audit }
42 verbose reify failed optional dependency /usr/src/example1/node_modules/fsevents
43 silly reify mark deleted [ '/usr/src/example1/node_modules/fsevents' ]
44 timing reifyNode:node_modules/fsevents Completed in 89ms
45 silly tarball no local data for yeast@ Extracting by manifest.
46 silly tarball no local data for xmlhttprequest-ssl@ Extracting by manifest.
47 silly tarball no local data for yallist@ Extracting by manifest.
48 silly tarball no local data for xdg-basedir@ Extracting by manifest.
49 silly tarball no local data for write-file-atomic@ Extracting by manifest.
50 silly tarball no local data for ws@ Extracting by manifest.
51 silly tarball no local data for vary@ Extracting by manifest.
52 silly tarball no local data for uuid@ Extracting by manifest.
53 silly tarball no local data for wrap-ansi@ Extracting by manifest.
54 silly tarball no local data for unpipe@ Extracting by manifest.
55 silly tarball no local data for utils-merge@ Extracting by manifest.
56 silly tarball no local data for widest-line@ Extracting by manifest.
57 silly tarball no local data for url-parse-lax@ Extracting by manifest.
58 silly tarball no local data for unique-string@ Extracting by manifest.
59 silly tarball no local data for type-fest@ Extracting by manifest.
60 silly tarball no local data for type-is@ Extracting by manifest.
61 silly tarball no local data for typedarray-to-buffer@ Extracting by manifest.
62 silly tarball no local data for update-notifier@ Extracting by manifest.
63 silly tarball no local data for toidentifier@ Extracting by manifest.
64 silly tarball no local data for touch@ Extracting by manifest.
65 silly tarball no local data for supports-color@ Extracting by manifest.
66 silly tarball no local data for undefsafe@ Extracting by manifest.
67 silly tarball no local data for strip-ansi@ Extracting by manifest.
68 silly tarball no local data for string-width@ Extracting by manifest.
69 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
70 silly tarball no local data for to-readable-stream@ Extracting by manifest.
71 silly tarball no local data for strip-json-comments@ Extracting by manifest.
72 silly tarball no local data for statuses@ Extracting by manifest.
73 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
74 silly tarball no local data for serve-static@ Extracting by manifest.
75 silly tarball no local data for signal-exit@ Extracting by manifest.
76 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
77 silly tarball no local data for semver@ Extracting by manifest.
78 silly tarball no local data for setprototypeof@ Extracting by manifest.
79 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
80 silly tarball no local data for responselike@ Extracting by manifest.
81 silly tarball no local data for registry-auth-token@ Extracting by manifest.
82 silly tarball no local data for semver-diff@ Extracting by manifest.
83 silly tarball no local data for registry-url@ Extracting by manifest.
84 silly tarball no local data for send@ Extracting by manifest.
85 silly tarball no local data for range-parser@ Extracting by manifest.
86 silly tarball no local data for random-number@ Extracting by manifest.
87 silly tarball no local data for raw-body@ Extracting by manifest.
88 silly tarball no local data for pstree.remy@ Extracting by manifest.
89 silly tarball no local data for pupa@ Extracting by manifest.
90 silly tarball no local data for rc@ Extracting by manifest.
91 silly tarball no local data for pump@ Extracting by manifest.
92 silly tarball no local data for prepend-http@ Extracting by manifest.
93 silly tarball no local data for proxy-addr@ Extracting by manifest.
94 silly tarball no local data for qs@ Extracting by manifest.
95 silly tarball no local data for path-to-regexp@ Extracting by manifest.
96 silly tarball no local data for parseurl@ Extracting by manifest.
97 silly tarball no local data for parseuri@ Extracting by manifest.
98 silly tarball no local data for parseqs@ Extracting by manifest.
99 silly tarball no local data for p-cancelable@ Extracting by manifest.
100 silly tarball no local data for on-finished@ Extracting by manifest.
101 silly tarball no local data for normalize-url@ Extracting by manifest.
102 silly tarball no local data for negotiator@ Extracting by manifest.
103 silly tarball no local data for nodemon@ Extracting by manifest.
104 silly tarball no local data for nopt@ Extracting by manifest.
105 silly tarball no local data for package-json@ Extracting by manifest.
106 silly tarball no local data for mime-types@ Extracting by manifest.
107 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
108 silly tarball no local data for merge-descriptors@ Extracting by manifest.
109 silly tarball no local data for methods@ Extracting by manifest.
110 silly tarball no local data for mime-db@ Extracting by manifest.
111 silly tarball no local data for mimic-response@ Extracting by manifest.
112 silly tarball no local data for media-typer@ Extracting by manifest.
113 silly tarball no local data for mediasoup@ Extracting by manifest.
114 silly tarball no local data for mime@ Extracting by manifest.
115 silly tarball no local data for lru-cache@ Extracting by manifest.
116 silly tarball no local data for lowercase-keys@ Extracting by manifest.
117 silly tarball no local data for latest-version@ Extracting by manifest.
118 silly tarball no local data for keyv@ Extracting by manifest.
119 silly tarball no local data for make-dir@ Extracting by manifest.
120 silly tarball no local data for json-buffer@ Extracting by manifest.
121 silly tarball no local data for is-yarn-global@ Extracting by manifest.
122 silly tarball no local data for is-typedarray@ Extracting by manifest.
123 silly tarball no local data for is-npm@ Extracting by manifest.
124 silly tarball no local data for is-obj@ Extracting by manifest.
125 silly tarball no local data for is-path-inside@ Extracting by manifest.
126 silly tarball no local data for is-installed-globally@ Extracting by manifest.
127 silly tarball no local data for is-fullwidth-code-point@ Extracting by manifest.
128 silly tarball no local data for ipaddr.js@ Extracting by manifest.
129 silly tarball no local data for inherits@ Extracting by manifest.
130 silly tarball no local data for is-ci@ Extracting by manifest.
131 silly tarball no local data for ignore-by-default@ Extracting by manifest.
132 silly tarball no local data for ini@ Extracting by manifest.
133 silly tarball no local data for http-cache-semantics@ Extracting by manifest.
134 silly tarball no local data for httpolyglot@ Extracting by manifest.
135 silly tarball no local data for import-lazy@ Extracting by manifest.
136 silly tarball no local data for imurmurhash@ Extracting by manifest.
137 silly tarball no local data for http-errors@ Extracting by manifest.
138 silly tarball no local data for has-flag@ Extracting by manifest.
139 silly tarball no local data for has-cors@ Extracting by manifest.
140 silly tarball no local data for iconv-lite@ Extracting by manifest.
141 silly tarball no local data for graceful-fs@ Extracting by manifest.
142 silly tarball no local data for global-dirs@ Extracting by manifest.
143 silly tarball no local data for has-yarn@ Extracting by manifest.
144 silly tarball no local data for h264-profile-level-id@ Extracting by manifest.
145 silly tarball no local data for fresh@ Extracting by manifest.
146 silly tarball no local data for finalhandler@ Extracting by manifest.
147 silly tarball no local data for get-stream@ Extracting by manifest.
148 silly tarball no local data for forwarded@ Extracting by manifest.
149 silly tarball no local data for got@ Extracting by manifest.
150 silly tarball no local data for etag@ Extracting by manifest.
151 silly tarball no local data for escape-goat@ Extracting by manifest.
152 silly tarball no local data for escape-html@ Extracting by manifest.
153 silly tarball no local data for express@ Extracting by manifest.
154 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
155 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
156 silly tarball no local data for end-of-stream@ Extracting by manifest.
157 silly tarball no local data for emoji-regex@ Extracting by manifest.
158 silly tarball no local data for ee-first@ Extracting by manifest.
159 silly tarball no local data for duplexer3@ Extracting by manifest.
160 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
161 silly tarball no local data for encodeurl@ Extracting by manifest.
162 silly tarball no local data for depd@ Extracting by manifest.
163 silly tarball no local data for dot-prop@ Extracting by manifest.
164 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
165 silly tarball no local data for destroy@ Extracting by manifest.
166 silly tarball no local data for defer-to-connect@ Extracting by manifest.
167 silly tarball no local data for deep-extend@ Extracting by manifest.
168 silly tarball no local data for decompress-response@ Extracting by manifest.
169 silly tarball no local data for crypto-random-string@ Extracting by manifest.
170 silly tarball no local data for cookie-signature@ Extracting by manifest.
171 silly tarball no local data for configstore@ Extracting by manifest.
172 silly tarball no local data for cors@ Extracting by manifest.
173 silly tarball no local data for cookie@ Extracting by manifest.
174 silly tarball no local data for clone-response@ Extracting by manifest.
175 silly tarball no local data for content-disposition@ Extracting by manifest.
176 silly tarball no local data for content-type@ Extracting by manifest.
177 silly tarball no local data for color-convert@ Extracting by manifest.
178 silly tarball no local data for component-emitter@ Extracting by manifest.
179 silly tarball no local data for color-name@ Extracting by manifest.
180 silly tarball no local data for ci-info@ Extracting by manifest.
181 silly tarball no local data for chalk@ Extracting by manifest.
182 silly tarball no local data for bytes@ Extracting by manifest.
183 silly tarball no local data for cli-boxes@ Extracting by manifest.
184 silly tarball no local data for body-parser@ Extracting by manifest.
185 silly tarball no local data for camelcase@ Extracting by manifest.
186 silly tarball no local data for boxen@ Extracting by manifest.
187 silly tarball no local data for cacheable-request@ Extracting by manifest.
188 silly tarball no local data for backo2@ Extracting by manifest.
189 silly tarball no local data for base64id@ Extracting by manifest.
190 silly tarball no local data for base64-arraybuffer@ Extracting by manifest.
191 silly tarball no local data for ansi-styles@ Extracting by manifest.
192 silly tarball no local data for ansi-regex@ Extracting by manifest.
193 silly tarball no local data for array-flatten@ Extracting by manifest.
194 silly tarball no local data for accepts@ Extracting by manifest.
195 silly tarball no local data for ansi-align@ Extracting by manifest.
196 silly tarball no local data for @types/cookie@ Extracting by manifest.
197 silly tarball no local data for @types/cors@ Extracting by manifest.
198 silly tarball no local data for abbrev@ Extracting by manifest.
199 silly tarball no local data for @szmarczak/http-timer@ Extracting by manifest.
200 silly tarball no local data for @types/component-emitter@ Extracting by manifest.
201 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
202 silly tarball no local data for @types/node@ Extracting by manifest.
203 silly tarball no local data for @sindresorhus/is@ Extracting by manifest.
204 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
205 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
206 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
207 silly tarball no local data for Extracting by manifest.
208 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
209 silly tarball no local data for semver@ Extracting by manifest.
210 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
211 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
212 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
213 silly tarball no local data for ini@ Extracting by manifest.
214 silly tarball no local data for semver@ Extracting by manifest.
215 silly tarball no local data for semver@ Extracting by manifest.
216 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
217 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
218 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
219 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
220 silly tarball no local data for supports-color@ Extracting by manifest.
221 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
222 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
223 silly tarball no local data for semver@ Extracting by manifest.
224 silly tarball no local data for cookie@ Extracting by manifest.
225 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
226 silly tarball no local data for ms@ Extracting by manifest.
227 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
228 silly tarball no local data for debug@ Extracting by manifest.
229 silly tarball no local data for has-flag@ Extracting by manifest.
230 http fetch POST 200 880ms
231 timing auditReport:getReport Completed in 883ms
232 silly audit report {}
233 timing auditReport:init Completed in 0ms
234 timing reify:audit Completed in 883ms
235 silly tarball no local data for lowercase-keys@ Extracting by manifest.
236 silly tarball no local data for supports-color@ Extracting by manifest.
237 silly tarball no local data for get-stream@ Extracting by manifest.
238 timing reifyNode:node_modules/wrappy Completed in 1166ms
239 timing reifyNode:node_modules/normalize-path Completed in 1172ms
240 timing reifyNode:node_modules/once Completed in 1207ms
241 timing reifyNode:node_modules/object-assign Completed in 1210ms
242 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-number Completed in 1212ms
243 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-extglob Completed in 1218ms
244 timing reifyNode:node_modules/brace-expansion Completed in 1223ms
245 timing reifyNode:node_modules/to-regex-range Completed in 1268ms
246 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-glob Completed in 1325ms
247 timing reifyNode:node_modules/fill-range Completed in 1325ms
248 timing reifyNode:node_modules/glob-parent Completed in 1326ms
249 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-binary-path Completed in 1327ms
250 timing reifyNode:node_modules/anymatch Completed in 1402ms
251 timing reifyNode:node_modules/minimatch Completed in 1420ms
252 timing reifyNode:node_modules/balanced-match Completed in 1466ms
253 timing reifyNode:node_modules/safe-buffer Completed in 1475ms
254 timing reifyNode:node_modules/readdirp Completed in 1475ms
255 timing reifyNode:node_modules/binary-extensions Completed in 1512ms
256 timing reifyNode:node_modules/concat-map Completed in 1791ms
257 timing reifyNode:node_modules/safer-buffer Completed in 1817ms
258 timing reifyNode:node_modules/braces Completed in 3120ms
259 timing reifyNode:node_modules/picomatch Completed in 3330ms
260 timing reifyNode:node_modules/chokidar Completed in 3386ms
261 http fetch GET 200 3158ms (cache miss)
262 timing reifyNode:node_modules/negotiator Completed in 3612ms
263 http fetch GET 200 3174ms (cache miss)
264 timing reifyNode:node_modules/make-dir Completed in 3677ms
265 http fetch GET 200 3386ms (cache miss)
266 timing reifyNode:node_modules/toidentifier Completed in 3751ms
267 http fetch GET 200 3419ms (cache miss)
268 timing reifyNode:node_modules/widest-line Completed in 3755ms
269 http fetch GET 200 3389ms (cache miss)
270 timing reifyNode:node_modules/string-width Completed in 3767ms
271 http fetch GET 200 3249ms (cache miss)
272 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-ci Completed in 3776ms
273 http fetch GET 200 3482ms (cache miss)
274 timing reifyNode:node_modules/write-file-atomic Completed in 3802ms
275 http fetch GET 200 3370ms (cache miss)
276 timing reifyNode:node_modules/prepend-http Completed in 3803ms
277 http fetch GET 200 3490ms (cache miss)
278 timing reifyNode:node_modules/wrap-ansi Completed in 3819ms
279 http fetch GET 200 3246ms (cache miss)
280 timing reifyNode:node_modules/get-stream Completed in 3819ms
281 http fetch GET 200 3451ms (cache miss)
282 timing reifyNode:node_modules/strip-ansi Completed in 3825ms
283 http fetch GET 200 3530ms (cache miss)
284 timing reifyNode:node_modules/yallist Completed in 3847ms
285 http fetch GET 200 3329ms (cache miss)
286 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-fullwidth-code-point Completed in 3846ms
287 http fetch GET 200 3527ms (cache miss)
288 timing reifyNode:node_modules/url-parse-lax Completed in 3866ms
289 http fetch GET 200 3546ms (cache miss)
290 timing reifyNode:node_modules/unpipe Completed in 3875ms
291 timing reifyNode:node_modules/minimist Completed in 3876ms
292 http fetch GET 200 3499ms (cache miss)
293 timing reifyNode:node_modules/to-readable-stream Completed in 3881ms
294 http fetch GET 200 3252ms (cache miss)
295 timing reifyNode:node_modules/configstore Completed in 3879ms
296 http fetch GET 200 3556ms (cache miss)
297 timing reifyNode:node_modules/utils-merge Completed in 3888ms
298 http fetch GET 200 3224ms (cache miss)
299 timing reifyNode:node_modules/chalk Completed in 3885ms
300 http fetch GET 200 3218ms (cache miss)
301 timing reifyNode:node_modules/boxen Completed in 3887ms
302 http fetch GET 200 3220ms (cache miss)
303 timing reifyNode:node_modules/camelcase Completed in 3890ms
304 http fetch GET 200 3587ms (cache miss)
305 timing reifyNode:node_modules/yeast Completed in 3901ms
306 http fetch GET 200 3479ms (cache miss)
307 timing reifyNode:node_modules/range-parser Completed in 3899ms
308 http fetch GET 200 3516ms (cache miss)
309 timing reifyNode:node_modules/statuses Completed in 3904ms
310 http fetch GET 200 3466ms (cache miss)
311 timing reifyNode:node_modules/parseurl Completed in 3908ms
312 http fetch GET 200 3199ms (cache miss)
313 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@types/cors Completed in 3903ms
314 http fetch GET 200 3197ms (cache miss)
315 timing reifyNode:node_modules/abbrev Completed in 3905ms
316 http fetch GET 200 3568ms (cache miss)
317 timing reifyNode:node_modules/unique-string Completed in 3916ms
318 http fetch GET 200 3364ms (cache miss)
319 timing reifyNode:node_modules/imurmurhash Completed in 3916ms
320 http fetch GET 200 3359ms (cache miss)
321 timing reifyNode:node_modules/has-cors Completed in 3917ms
322 http fetch GET 200 3185ms (cache miss)
323 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 3924ms
324 http fetch GET 200 3190ms (cache miss)
325 timing reifyNode:node_modules/send/node_modules/ms Completed in 3925ms
326 http fetch GET 200 3428ms (cache miss)
327 timing reifyNode:node_modules/lowercase-keys Completed in 3927ms
328 http fetch GET 200 3216ms (cache miss)
329 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@szmarczak/http-timer Completed in 3926ms
330 http fetch GET 200 3216ms (cache miss)
331 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 3927ms
332 http fetch GET 200 3198ms (cache miss)
333 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 3936ms
334 http fetch GET 200 3569ms (cache miss)
335 timing reifyNode:node_modules/undefsafe Completed in 3941ms
336 http fetch GET 200 3515ms (cache miss)
337 timing reifyNode:node_modules/pump Completed in 3946ms
338 http fetch GET 200 3466ms (cache miss)
339 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mime Completed in 3960ms
340 http fetch GET 200 3385ms (cache miss)
341 timing reifyNode:node_modules/escape-goat Completed in 3966ms
342 http fetch GET 200 3397ms (cache miss)
343 timing reifyNode:node_modules/etag Completed in 3974ms
344 http fetch GET 200 3629ms (cache miss)
345 timing reifyNode:node_modules/type-is Completed in 3984ms
346 http fetch GET 200 3625ms (cache miss)
347 timing reifyNode:node_modules/update-notifier Completed in 3985ms
348 http fetch GET 200 3084ms (cache miss)
349 timing reifyNode:node_modules/chalk/node_modules/supports-color Completed in 3981ms
350 http fetch GET 200 3094ms (cache miss)
351 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cacheable-request/node_modules/lowercase-keys Completed in 3985ms
352 http fetch GET 200 3201ms (cache miss)
353 timing reifyNode:node_modules/chalk/node_modules/has-flag Completed in 3986ms
354 http fetch GET 200 3636ms (cache miss)
355 timing reifyNode:node_modules/typedarray-to-buffer Completed in 3995ms
356 http fetch GET 200 3573ms (cache miss)
357 timing reifyNode:node_modules/random-number Completed in 3994ms
358 http fetch GET 200 3506ms (cache miss)
359 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mimic-response Completed in 3995ms
360 http fetch GET 200 3484ms (cache miss)
361 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-path-inside Completed in 3997ms
362 http fetch GET 200 3491ms (cache miss)
363 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-typedarray Completed in 3999ms
364 http fetch GET 200 3636ms (cache miss)
365 timing reifyNode:node_modules/supports-color Completed in 4004ms
366 http fetch GET 200 3494ms (cache miss)
367 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-yarn-global Completed in 4001ms
368 http fetch GET 200 3578ms (cache miss)
369 timing reifyNode:node_modules/pupa Completed in 4006ms
370 http fetch GET 200 3442ms (cache miss)
371 timing reifyNode:node_modules/global-dirs Completed in 4006ms
372 http fetch GET 200 3401ms (cache miss)
373 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cookie-signature Completed in 4027ms
374 http fetch GET 200 3602ms (cache miss)
375 timing reifyNode:node_modules/proxy-addr Completed in 4037ms
376 http fetch GET 200 3414ms (cache miss)
377 timing reifyNode:node_modules/crypto-random-string Completed in 4040ms
378 http fetch GET 200 3587ms (cache miss)
379 timing reifyNode:node_modules/package-json Completed in 4047ms
380 http fetch GET 200 3667ms (cache miss)
381 timing reifyNode:node_modules/strip-json-comments Completed in 4053ms
382 http fetch GET 200 3642ms (cache miss)
383 timing reifyNode:node_modules/semver-diff Completed in 4055ms
384 http fetch GET 200 3742ms (cache miss)
385 timing reifyNode:node_modules/xdg-basedir Completed in 4061ms
386 http fetch GET 200 3740ms (cache miss)
387 timing reifyNode:node_modules/vary Completed in 4063ms
388 http fetch GET 200 3419ms (cache miss)
389 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cookie Completed in 4061ms
390 http fetch GET 200 3431ms (cache miss)
391 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cors Completed in 4063ms
392 http fetch GET 200 3442ms (cache miss)
393 timing reifyNode:node_modules/decompress-response Completed in 4066ms
394 http fetch GET 200 3414ms (cache miss)
395 timing reifyNode:node_modules/color-name Completed in 4072ms
396 http fetch GET 200 3409ms (cache miss)
397 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cli-boxes Completed in 4074ms
398 http fetch GET 200 3564ms (cache miss)
399 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-installed-globally Completed in 4079ms
400 http fetch GET 200 3585ms (cache miss)
401 timing reifyNode:node_modules/lru-cache Completed in 4082ms
402 http fetch GET 200 3406ms (cache miss)
403 timing reifyNode:node_modules/base64id Completed in 4081ms
404 http fetch GET 200 3465ms (cache miss)
405 timing reifyNode:node_modules/deep-extend Completed in 4087ms
406 http fetch GET 200 3650ms (cache miss)
407 timing reifyNode:node_modules/parseuri Completed in 4093ms
408 http fetch GET 200 3407ms (cache miss)
409 timing reifyNode:node_modules/array-flatten Completed in 4089ms
410 http fetch GET 200 3397ms (cache miss)
411 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@types/cookie Completed in 4091ms
412 http fetch GET 200 3421ms (cache miss)
413 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cacheable-request Completed in 4093ms
414 http fetch GET 200 3704ms (cache miss)
415 http fetch GET 200 3600ms (cache miss)
416 timing reifyNode:node_modules/latest-version Completed in 4101ms
417 http fetch GET 200 3353ms (cache miss)
418 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mediasoup/node_modules/ms Completed in 4102ms
419 http fetch GET 200 3337ms (cache miss)
420 timing reifyNode:node_modules/h264-profile-level-id/node_modules/ms Completed in 4103ms
421 http fetch GET 200 3337ms (cache miss)
422 timing reifyNode:node_modules/h264-profile-level-id/node_modules/debug Completed in 4104ms
423 http fetch GET 200 3699ms (cache miss)
424 timing reifyNode:node_modules/registry-auth-token Completed in 4110ms
425 http fetch GET 200 3332ms (cache miss)
426 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4107ms
427 http fetch GET 200 3332ms (cache miss)
428 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4108ms
429 http fetch GET 200 3750ms (cache miss)
430 timing reifyNode:node_modules/touch Completed in 4117ms
431 http fetch GET 200 3342ms (cache miss)
432 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4114ms
433 http fetch GET 200 3655ms (cache miss)
434 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ms Completed in 4119ms
435 http fetch GET 200 3655ms (cache miss)
436 timing reifyNode:node_modules/methods Completed in 4129ms
437 http fetch GET 200 3579ms (cache miss)
438 timing reifyNode:node_modules/has-yarn Completed in 4144ms
439 http fetch GET 200 3608ms (cache miss)
440 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ini Completed in 4156ms
441 http fetch GET 200 3624ms (cache miss)
442 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ignore-by-default Completed in 4160ms
443 http fetch GET 200 3712ms (cache miss)
444 timing reifyNode:node_modules/normalize-url Completed in 4165ms
445 http fetch GET 200 3700ms (cache miss)
446 timing reifyNode:node_modules/merge-descriptors Completed in 4168ms
447 http fetch GET 200 3554ms (cache miss)
448 timing reifyNode:node_modules/depd Completed in 4168ms
449 http fetch GET 200 3517ms (cache miss)
450 timing reifyNode:node_modules/content-type Completed in 4169ms
451 http fetch GET 200 3666ms (cache miss)
452 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-obj Completed in 4177ms
453 http fetch GET 200 3670ms (cache miss)
454 timing reifyNode:node_modules/is-npm Completed in 4179ms
455 http fetch GET 200 3770ms (cache miss)
456 timing reifyNode:node_modules/registry-url Completed in 4186ms
457 http fetch GET 200 3763ms (cache miss)
458 timing reifyNode:node_modules/raw-body Completed in 4188ms
459 http fetch GET 200 3785ms (cache miss)
460 timing reifyNode:node_modules/setprototypeof Completed in 4192ms
461 http fetch GET 200 3621ms (cache miss)
462 timing reifyNode:node_modules/finalhandler Completed in 4191ms
463 http fetch GET 200 3508ms (cache miss)
464 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ansi-align Completed in 4197ms
465 http fetch GET 200 3518ms (cache miss)
466 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ansi-regex Completed in 4199ms
467 http fetch GET 200 3491ms (cache miss)
468 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@types/component-emitter Completed in 4201ms
469 http fetch GET 200 3656ms (cache miss)
470 timing reifyNode:node_modules/import-lazy Completed in 4207ms
471 http fetch GET 200 3655ms (cache miss)
472 timing reifyNode:node_modules/http-errors Completed in 4210ms
473 http fetch GET 200 3839ms (cache miss)
474 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4219ms
475 http fetch GET 200 3641ms (cache miss)
476 timing reifyNode:node_modules/forwarded Completed in 4215ms
477 http fetch GET 200 3827ms (cache miss)
478 timing reifyNode:node_modules/signal-exit Completed in 4221ms
479 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4221ms
480 http fetch GET 200 3652ms (cache miss)
481 timing reifyNode:node_modules/fresh Completed in 4220ms
482 http fetch GET 200 3788ms (cache miss)
483 timing reifyNode:node_modules/path-to-regexp Completed in 4227ms
484 http fetch GET 200 3498ms (cache miss)
485 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4231ms
486 http fetch GET 200 3507ms (cache miss)
487 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4232ms
488 http fetch GET 200 3673ms (cache miss)
489 timing reifyNode:node_modules/has-flag Completed in 4231ms
490 http fetch GET 200 3744ms (cache miss)
491 timing reifyNode:node_modules/media-typer Completed in 4235ms
492 http fetch GET 200 3736ms (cache miss)
493 timing reifyNode:node_modules/keyv Completed in 4239ms
494 http fetch GET 200 3621ms (cache miss)
495 timing reifyNode:node_modules/dot-prop Completed in 4237ms
496 http fetch GET 200 3779ms (cache miss)
497 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mime-types Completed in 4242ms
498 http fetch GET 200 3837ms (cache miss)
499 timing reifyNode:node_modules/responselike Completed in 4247ms
500 http fetch GET 200 3803ms (cache miss)
501 timing reifyNode:node_modules/parseqs Completed in 4248ms
502 http fetch GET 200 3491ms (cache miss)
503 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mediasoup/node_modules/supports-color Completed in 4250ms
504 http fetch GET 200 3479ms (cache miss)
505 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4249ms
506 http fetch GET 200 3807ms (cache miss)
507 timing reifyNode:node_modules/p-cancelable Completed in 4255ms
508 http fetch GET 200 3603ms (cache miss)
509 timing reifyNode:node_modules/content-disposition Completed in 4254ms
510 http fetch GET 200 3649ms (cache miss)
511 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ee-first Completed in 4256ms
512 http fetch GET 200 3648ms (cache miss)
513 timing reifyNode:node_modules/encodeurl Completed in 4260ms
514 http fetch GET 200 3653ms (cache miss)
515 timing reifyNode:node_modules/duplexer3 Completed in 4262ms
516 http fetch GET 200 3765ms (cache miss)
517 timing reifyNode:node_modules/json-buffer Completed in 4270ms
518 http fetch GET 200 3829ms (cache miss)
519 timing reifyNode:node_modules/on-finished Completed in 4279ms
520 http fetch GET 200 3770ms (cache miss)
521 timing reifyNode:node_modules/inherits Completed in 4291ms
522 http fetch GET 200 3630ms (cache miss)
523 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ci-info Completed in 4290ms
524 http fetch GET 200 3621ms (cache miss)
525 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ansi-styles Completed in 4301ms
526 http fetch GET 200 3618ms (cache miss)
527 timing reifyNode:node_modules/accepts Completed in 4302ms
528 http fetch GET 200 3704ms (cache miss)
529 timing reifyNode:node_modules/end-of-stream Completed in 4306ms
530 http fetch GET 200 3659ms (cache miss)
531 timing reifyNode:node_modules/clone-response Completed in 4308ms
532 http fetch GET 200 3581ms (cache miss)
533 timing reifyNode:node_modules/rc/node_modules/ini Completed in 4321ms
534 http fetch GET 200 3893ms (cache miss)
535 timing reifyNode:node_modules/rc Completed in 4323ms
536 http fetch GET 200 3932ms (cache miss)
537 timing reifyNode:node_modules/serve-static Completed in 4325ms
538 http fetch GET 200 3725ms (cache miss)
539 timing reifyNode:node_modules/emoji-regex Completed in 4329ms
540 http fetch GET 200 3685ms (cache miss)
541 timing reifyNode:node_modules/bytes Completed in 4348ms
542 http fetch GET 200 3458ms (cache miss)
543 timing reifyNode:node_modules/cacheable-request/node_modules/get-stream Completed in 4360ms
544 http fetch GET 200 3801ms (cache miss)
545 timing reifyNode:node_modules/graceful-fs Completed in 4363ms
546 http fetch GET 200 3771ms (cache miss)
547 timing reifyNode:node_modules/escape-html Completed in 4364ms
548 http fetch GET 200 3746ms (cache miss)
549 timing reifyNode:node_modules/defer-to-connect Completed in 4366ms
550 http fetch GET 200 3634ms (cache miss)
551 timing reifyNode:node_modules/nodemon/node_modules/ms Completed in 4378ms
552 http fetch GET 200 3665ms (cache miss)
553 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@sindresorhus/is Completed in 4381ms
554 http fetch GET 200 3880ms (cache miss)
555 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ipaddr.js Completed in 4398ms
556 http fetch GET 200 3786ms (cache miss)
557 timing reifyNode:node_modules/destroy Completed in 4405ms
558 http fetch GET 200 3877ms (cache miss)
559 timing reifyNode:node_modules/httpolyglot Completed in 4425ms
560 http fetch GET 200 3889ms (cache miss)
561 timing reifyNode:node_modules/http-cache-semantics Completed in 4437ms
562 http fetch GET 200 3783ms (cache miss)
563 timing reifyNode:node_modules/color-convert Completed in 4436ms
564 http fetch GET 200 3719ms (cache miss)
565 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4445ms
566 http fetch GET 200 4027ms (cache miss)
567 timing reifyNode:node_modules/send Completed in 4446ms
568 http fetch GET 200 4135ms (cache miss)
569 timing reifyNode:node_modules/xmlhttprequest-ssl Completed in 4451ms
570 http fetch GET 200 3909ms (cache miss)
571 timing reifyNode:node_modules/h264-profile-level-id Completed in 4476ms
572 http fetch GET 200 3726ms (cache miss)
573 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mediasoup/node_modules/debug Completed in 4480ms
574 http fetch GET 200 3822ms (cache miss)
575 timing reifyNode:node_modules/component-emitter Completed in 4477ms
576 http fetch GET 200 3707ms (cache miss)
577 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4484ms
578 http fetch GET 200 4067ms (cache miss)
579 timing reifyNode:node_modules/pstree.remy Completed in 4493ms
580 http fetch GET 200 4095ms (cache miss)
581 timing reifyNode:node_modules/semver Completed in 4495ms
582 http fetch GET 200 3817ms (cache miss)
583 timing reifyNode:node_modules/backo2 Completed in 4490ms
584 http fetch GET 200 3838ms (cache miss)
585 timing reifyNode:node_modules/body-parser Completed in 4504ms
586 http fetch GET 200 3772ms (cache miss)
587 timing reifyNode:node_modules/package-json/node_modules/semver Completed in 4513ms
588 http fetch GET 200 4061ms (cache miss)
589 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mime-db Completed in 4541ms
590 http fetch GET 200 4089ms (cache miss)
591 timing reifyNode:node_modules/nopt Completed in 4548ms
592 http fetch GET 200 3850ms (cache miss)
593 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4577ms
594 http fetch GET 200 3843ms (cache miss)
595 timing reifyNode:node_modules/semver-diff/node_modules/semver Completed in 4586ms
596 http fetch GET 200 3841ms (cache miss)
597 timing reifyNode:node_modules/nodemon/node_modules/debug Completed in 4587ms
598 http fetch GET 200 3818ms (cache miss)
599 timing reifyNode:node_modules/make-dir/node_modules/semver Completed in 4589ms
600 http fetch GET 200 3909ms (cache miss)
601 timing reifyNode:node_modules/base64-arraybuffer Completed in 4586ms
602 http fetch GET 200 4079ms (cache miss)
603 timing reifyNode:node_modules/got Completed in 4654ms
604 http fetch GET 200 4071ms (cache miss)
605 timing reifyNode:node_modules/debug Completed in 4689ms
606 http fetch GET 200 4178ms (cache miss)
607 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4778ms
608 http fetch GET 200 4124ms (cache miss)
609 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4854ms
610 http fetch GET 200 4549ms (cache miss)
611 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ws Completed in 4872ms
612 http fetch GET 200 4443ms (cache miss)
613 timing reifyNode:node_modules/qs Completed in 4881ms
614 http fetch GET 200 4311ms (cache miss)
615 timing reifyNode:node_modules/express Completed in 4910ms
616 http fetch GET 200 4316ms (cache miss)
617 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 4927ms
618 http fetch GET 200 4724ms (cache miss)
619 timing reifyNode:node_modules/type-fest Completed in 5076ms
620 http fetch GET 200 4531ms (cache miss)
621 timing reifyNode:node_modules/iconv-lite Completed in 5091ms
622 http fetch GET 200 4669ms (cache miss)
623 timing reifyNode:node_modules/nodemon Completed in 5142ms
624 http fetch GET 200 4416ms (cache miss)
625 timing reifyNode:node_modules/update-notifier/node_modules/semver Completed in 5150ms
626 http fetch GET 200 4930ms (cache miss)
627 timing reifyNode:node_modules/uuid Completed in 5255ms
628 http fetch GET 200 5024ms (cache miss)
629 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 5445ms
630 http fetch GET 200 5080ms (cache miss)
631 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 5479ms
632 http fetch GET 200 4875ms (cache miss)
633 timing reifyNode:node_modules/ Completed in 5482ms
634 http fetch GET 200 4970ms (cache miss)
635 timing reifyNode:node_modules/@types/node Completed in 5686ms
636 http fetch GET 200 7368ms (cache miss)
637 timing reifyNode:node_modules/mediasoup Completed in 7865ms
638 timing reify:unpack Completed in 7869ms
639 timing reify:unretire Completed in 0ms
640 timing build:queue Completed in 74ms
641 timing build:link:node_modules/is-ci Completed in 68ms
642 timing build:link:node_modules/semver Completed in 68ms
643 timing build:link:node_modules/package-json/node_modules/semver Completed in 68ms
644 timing build:link:node_modules/rc Completed in 68ms
645 timing build:link:node_modules/semver-diff/node_modules/semver Completed in 69ms
646 timing build:link:node_modules/nodemon Completed in 69ms
647 timing build:link:node_modules/make-dir/node_modules/semver Completed in 69ms
648 timing build:link:node_modules/uuid Completed in 69ms
649 timing build:link:node_modules/update-notifier/node_modules/semver Completed in 68ms
650 timing build:link:node_modules/mime Completed in 69ms
651 timing build:link:node_modules/touch Completed in 71ms
652 timing build:link:node_modules/nopt Completed in 72ms
653 timing build:link Completed in 73ms
654 info run mediasoup@3.9.2 postinstall node_modules/mediasoup node npm-scripts.js postinstall
655 info run nodemon@2.0.15 postinstall node_modules/nodemon node bin/postinstall || exit 0
656 info run nodemon@2.0.15 postinstall { code: 0, signal: null }
657 timing build:run:postinstall:node_modules/nodemon Completed in 305ms
658 info run mediasoup@3.9.2 postinstall { code: 1, signal: null }
659 timing reify:rollback:createSparse Completed in 18169ms
660 timing reify:rollback:retireShallow Completed in 0ms
661 timing command:install Completed in 435511ms
662 verbose stack Error: command failed
662 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/@npmcli/promise-spawn/index.js:64:27)
662 verbose stack     at ChildProcess.emit (node:events:390:28)
662 verbose stack     at maybeClose (node:internal/child_process:1062:16)
662 verbose stack     at Process.ChildProcess._handle.onexit (node:internal/child_process:301:5)
663 verbose pkgid mediasoup@3.9.2
664 verbose cwd /usr/src/example1
665 verbose Linux 5.10.47-linuxkit
666 verbose argv "/usr/local/bin/node" "/usr/local/bin/npm" "i"
667 verbose node v17.1.0
668 verbose npm  v8.1.2
669 error code 1
670 error path /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup
671 error command failed
672 error command sh -c node npm-scripts.js postinstall
673 error npm-scripts.js [INFO] running task "postinstall"
673 error npm-scripts.js [INFO] executing command: node npm-scripts.js worker:build
673 error npm-scripts.js [INFO] running task "worker:build"
673 error npm-scripts.js [INFO] executing command: make -C worker
673 error make: Entering directory '/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker'
673 error # Updated pip and setuptools are needed for meson
673 error # `--system` is not present everywhere and is only needed as workaround for
673 error # Debian-specific issue (copied from
673 error #, fallback to command without
673 error # `--system` if the first one fails.
673 error /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --system --target=/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip pip setuptools || \
673 error 	/usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --target=/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip pip setuptools || \
673 error 	echo "Installation failed, likely because PIP is unavailable, if you are on Debian/Ubuntu or derivative please install the python3-pip package"
673 error Collecting pip
673 error   Downloading pip-21.3.1-py3-none-any.whl (1.7 MB)
673 error Collecting setuptools
673 error   Downloading setuptools-59.4.0-py3-none-any.whl (952 kB)
673 error Installing collected packages: setuptools, pip
673 error Successfully installed pip-21.3.1 setuptools-59.4.0
673 error # Install `meson` and `ninja` using `pip` into custom location, so we don't
673 error # depend on system-wide installation.
673 error /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install --upgrade --target=/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip  meson ninja
673 error Collecting meson
673 error   Downloading meson-0.60.2-py3-none-any.whl (838 kB)
673 error Collecting ninja
673 error   Downloading ninja- (645 kB)
673 error Installing collected packages: ninja, meson
673 error Successfully installed meson-0.60.2 ninja-
673 error /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip/bin/meson setup \
673 error 	--buildtype release \
673 error 	-Db_ndebug=true \
673 error 	-Db_pie=true \
673 error 	-Db_staticpic=true \
673 error 	--reconfigure \
673 error 	"" \
673 error 	/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release || \
673 error 	/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip/bin/meson setup \
673 error 		--buildtype release \
673 error 		-Db_ndebug=true \
673 error 		-Db_pie=true \
673 error 		-Db_staticpic=true \
673 error 		"" \
673 error 		/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release
673 error The Meson build system
673 error Version: 0.60.2
673 error Source dir: /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker
673 error Build dir: /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release
673 error Build type: native build
673 error Project name: mediasoup-worker
673 error Project version: undefined
673 error C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 10.3.1 "cc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 10.3.1 "c++ (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error Host machine cpu family: aarch64
673 error Host machine cpu: aarch64
673 error Downloading openssl source from
673 error Download size: 9834044
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error Downloading openssl patch from
673 error Download size: 10613607
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error
673 error Executing subproject openssl
673 error
673 error openssl| Project name: openssl
673 error openssl| Project version: 1.1.1l
673 error openssl| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 10.3.1 "cc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error openssl| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error openssl| Run-time dependency threads found: YES
673 error openssl| Program as found: YES 2.35.2 (/usr/bin/as)
673 error openssl| Message: OpenSSL is configured with ASM support
673 error openssl| Library dl found: YES
673 error openssl| Build targets in project: 3
673 error openssl| Subproject openssl finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading nlohmann_json source from
673 error Download size: 309315
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error Downloading nlohmann_json patch from
673 error Download size: 792
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error
673 error Executing subproject nlohmann_json
673 error
673 error nlohmann_json| Project name: nlohmann_json
673 error nlohmann_json| Project version: 3.9.1
673 error nlohmann_json| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 10.3.1 "c++ (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error nlohmann_json| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error nlohmann_json| Build targets in project: 3
673 error nlohmann_json| Subproject nlohmann_json finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading libuv source from
673 error Download size: 1284534
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error Downloading libuv patch from
673 error Download size: 5146
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error
673 error Executing subproject libuv
673 error
673 error libuv| Project name: libuv
673 error libuv| Project version: 1.42.0
673 error libuv| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 10.3.1 "cc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error libuv| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error libuv| Fetching value of define "__QNX__" :
673 error libuv| Fetching value of define "_AIX" :
673 error libuv| Message: System: linux
673 error libuv| Compiler for C supports arguments -fno-strict-aliasing: YES
673 error libuv| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
673 error libuv| Library dl found: YES
673 error libuv| Library rt found: YES
673 error libuv| Build targets in project: 4
673 error libuv| Subproject libuv finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading libsrtp2 source from
673 error Downloading file of unknown size.
673 error
673 error Executing subproject libsrtp2
673 error
673 error libsrtp2| Project name: libsrtp2
673 error libsrtp2| Project version: 2.4.2
673 error libsrtp2| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 10.3.1 "cc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error libsrtp2| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "arpa/inet.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "byteswap.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "inttypes.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "machine/types.h" : NO
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "netinet/in.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "stdint.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "stdlib.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "sys/int_types.h" : NO
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "sys/socket.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "sys/types.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "sys/uio.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "unistd.h" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for function "sigaction" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for function "inet_aton" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for function "usleep" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for function "socket" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Has header "stdint.h" : YES (cached)
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for type "size_t" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for type "unsigned long" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for size of "unsigned long" : 8
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for type "unsigned long long" : YES
673 error libsrtp2| Checking for size of "unsigned long long" : 8
673 error libsrtp2| Checking if "inline keyword check" : compiles: YES
673 error libsrtp2| Dependency openssl from subproject subprojects/openssl-1.1.1l found: YES 1.1.1l
673 error libsrtp2| Configuring config.h using configuration
673 error libsrtp2| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES
673 error libsrtp2| Compiler for C supports arguments -funroll-loops: YES
673 error libsrtp2| Program doxygen found: NO
673 error libsrtp2| Build targets in project: 5
673 error libsrtp2| Subproject libsrtp2 finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading usrsctp source from
673 error Downloading file of unknown size.
673 error
673 error Executing subproject usrsctp
673 error
673 error usrsctp| Project name: usrsctplib
673 error usrsctp| Project version:
673 error usrsctp| C compiler for the host machine: cc (gcc 10.3.1 "cc (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error usrsctp| C linker for the host machine: cc ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -pedantic: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wfloat-equal: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wshadow: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wpointer-arith: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Winit-self: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-function: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unused-parameter: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wno-unreachable-code: YES
673 error usrsctp| Compiler for C supports arguments -Wstrict-prototypes: YES (cached)
673 error usrsctp| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
673 error usrsctp| Has header "sys/queue.h" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Has header "sys/socket.h" : YES (cached)
673 error usrsctp| Has header "linux/if_addr.h" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Has header "linux/rtnetlink.h" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Has header "sys/types.h" : YES (cached)
673 error usrsctp| Has header "netinet/in.h" : YES (cached)
673 error usrsctp| Has header "netinet/ip.h" : YES
673 error usrsctp| Has header "netinet/ip_icmp.h" : YES
673 error usrsctp| Has header "net/route.h" : YES
673 error usrsctp| Has header "stdatomic.h" : YES
673 error usrsctp| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr" has member "sa_len" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_in" has member "sin_len" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_in6" has member "sin6_len" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Checking whether type "struct sockaddr_conn" has member "sconn_len" : NO
673 error usrsctp| Build targets in project: 6
673 error usrsctp| Subproject usrsctp finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading abseil-cpp source from
673 error Download size: 1774172
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error Downloading abseil-cpp patch from
673 error Download size: 3296
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error
673 error Executing subproject abseil-cpp
673 error
673 error abseil-cpp| Project name: abseil-cpp
673 error abseil-cpp| Project version: 20210324.1
673 error abseil-cpp| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 10.3.1 "c++ (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error abseil-cpp| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error abseil-cpp| Checking for size of "void*" : 8
673 error abseil-cpp| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -Wno-sign-compare: YES
673 error abseil-cpp| Compiler for C++ supports arguments -march=armv8-a+crypto: YES
673 error abseil-cpp| Checking if "GCC atomic builtins" : links: YES
673 error abseil-cpp| Dependency threads found: YES unknown (cached)
673 error abseil-cpp| Did not find pkg-config by name 'pkg-config'
673 error abseil-cpp| Found Pkg-config: NO
673 error abseil-cpp| Did not find CMake 'cmake'
673 error abseil-cpp| Found CMake: NO
673 error abseil-cpp| Run-time dependency corefoundation found: NO (tried pkgconfig and cmake)
673 error abseil-cpp| Build targets in project: 18
673 error abseil-cpp| Subproject abseil-cpp finished.
673 error
673 error Downloading catch2 source from
673 error Downloading file of unknown size.
673 error Downloading catch2 patch from
673 error Download size: 1133
673 error Downloading: ..........
673 error
673 error Executing subproject catch2
673 error
673 error catch2| Project name: catch2
673 error catch2| Project version: 2.13.7
673 error catch2| C++ compiler for the host machine: c++ (gcc 10.3.1 "c++ (Alpine 10.3.1_git20210424) 10.3.1 20210424")
673 error catch2| C++ linker for the host machine: c++ ld.bfd 2.35.2
673 error catch2| Build targets in project: 18
673 error catch2| Subproject catch2 finished.
673 error
673 error WARNING: Project targeting '>= 0.58' but tried to use feature deprecated since '0.56.0': meson.source_root. use meson.project_source_root() or meson.global_source_root() instead.
673 error Build targets in project: 23
673 error WARNING: Deprecated features used:
673 error  * 0.56.0: {'meson.source_root'}
673 error
673 error mediasoup-worker undefined
673 error
673 error   Subprojects
673 error     abseil-cpp   : YES
673 error     catch2       : YES
673 error     libsrtp2     : YES
673 error     libuv        : YES
673 error     nlohmann_json: YES
673 error     openssl      : YES
673 error     usrsctp      : YES
673 error
673 error   User defined options
673 error     buildtype    : release
673 error     b_ndebug     : true
673 error     b_pie        : true
673 error     b_staticpic  : true
673 error
673 error Found ninja-1.10.2.git.kitware.jobserver-1 at /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip/bin/ninja
673 error /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/pip/bin/meson compile -j 5 -C /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release mediasoup-worker
673 error ninja: Entering directory `/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release'
673 error [1/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_main.cpp.o
673 error [2/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_XrReceiverReferenceTime.cpp.o
673 error [3/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_SenderReport.cpp.o
673 error [4/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_ReceiverReport.cpp.o
673 error [5/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_CompoundPacket.cpp.o
673 error [6/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_Bye.cpp.o
673 error [7/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_Sdes.cpp.o
673 error [8/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsRemb.cpp.o
673 error [9/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_Feedback.cpp.o
673 error [10/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPs.cpp.o
673 error [11/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_XrDelaySinceLastRr.cpp.o
673 error [12/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpNack.cpp.o
673 error [13/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_XR.cpp.o
673 error [14/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtp.cpp.o
673 error [15/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpTmmb.cpp.o
673 error [16/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpSrReq.cpp.o
673 error [17/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpEcn.cpp.o
673 error [18/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpTllei.cpp.o
673 error [19/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackRtpTransport.cpp.o
673 error [20/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsPli.cpp.o
673 error [21/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsSli.cpp.o
673 error [22/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsRpsi.cpp.o
673 error [23/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsFir.cpp.o
673 error [24/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsTst.cpp.o
673 error [25/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsVbcm.cpp.o
673 error [26/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsLei.cpp.o
673 error [27/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_FeedbackPsAfb.cpp.o
673 error [28/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TcpConnection.cpp.o
673 error [29/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TcpServer.cpp.o
673 error [30/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TrendCalculator.cpp.o
673 error [31/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TransportTuple.cpp.o
673 error [32/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TransportCongestionControlClient.cpp.o
673 error [33/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_TransportCongestionControlServer.cpp.o
673 error [34/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Transport.cpp.o
673 error [35/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtcpFeedback.cpp.o
673 error [36/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtcpParameters.cpp.o
673 error [37/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpCodecMimeType.cpp.o
673 error [38/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpCodecParameters.cpp.o
673 error [39/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_UdpSocket.cpp.o
673 error [40/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Codecs_VP8.cpp.o
673 error [41/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Codecs_H264.cpp.o
673 error [42/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Codecs_VP9.cpp.o
673 error [43/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_Media.cpp.o
673 error [44/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_WebRtcTransport.cpp.o
673 error [45/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_Parameters.cpp.o
673 error [46/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpRtxParameters.cpp.o
673 error [47/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SctpDictionaries_SctpStreamParameters.cpp.o
673 error [48/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RTCP_Packet.cpp.o
673 error [49/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpHeaderExtensionUri.cpp.o
673 error [50/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpHeaderExtensionParameters.cpp.o
673 error [51/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpEncodingParameters.cpp.o
673 error [52/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpDictionaries_RtpParameters.cpp.o
673 error [53/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RateCalculator.cpp.o
673 error [54/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_PortManager.cpp.o
673 error [55/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_PlainTransport.cpp.o
673 error [56/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Producer.cpp.o
673 error [57/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpObserver.cpp.o
673 error [58/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Router.cpp.o
673 error [59/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpListener.cpp.o
673 error [60/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpPacket.cpp.o
673 error [61/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpProbationGenerator.cpp.o
673 error [62/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpStream.cpp.o
673 error [63/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpStreamSend.cpp.o
673 error [64/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtxStream.cpp.o
673 error [65/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SctpAssociation.cpp.o
673 error [66/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_RtpStreamRecv.cpp.o
673 error [67/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SctpListener.cpp.o
673 error [68/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SrtpSession.cpp.o
673 error [69/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SimulcastConsumer.cpp.o
673 error [70/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_StunPacket.cpp.o
673 error [71/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SvcConsumer.cpp.o
673 error [72/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SenderBandwidthEstimator.cpp.o
673 error [73/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SeqManager.cpp.o
673 error [74/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_SimpleConsumer.cpp.o
673 error [75/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_TcpConnectionHandler.cpp.o
673 error [76/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_Timer.cpp.o
673 error [77/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_UdpSocketHandler.cpp.o
673 error [78/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_TcpServerHandler.cpp.o
673 error [79/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Settings.cpp.o
673 error [80/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Utils_Crypto.cpp.o
673 error [81/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Utils_File.cpp.o
673 error [82/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Worker.cpp.o
673 error In file included from ../../src/Worker.cpp:8:
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp: In member function 'virtual void Worker::OnPayloadChannelRequest(PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelSocket*, PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelRequest*)':
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:49:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    49 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:379:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR'
673 error   379 |   MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:383:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   383 |   MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp: In member function 'virtual void Worker::OnPayloadChannelNotification(PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelSocket*, PayloadChannel::Notification*)':
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:49:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    49 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:352:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR'
673 error   352 |   MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR("%s [event:%s]", error.buffer, notification->event.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:356:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   356 |   MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, notification->event.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp: In member function 'virtual void Worker::_ZThn8_N6Worker28OnPayloadChannelNotificationEPN14PayloadChannel20PayloadChannelSocketEPNS0_12NotificationE(PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelSocket*, PayloadChannel::Notification*)':
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:49:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    49 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:352:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR'
673 error   352 |   MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR("%s [event:%s]", error.buffer, notification->event.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:356:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   356 |   MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, notification->event.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp: In member function 'virtual void Worker::_ZThn8_N6Worker23OnPayloadChannelRequestEPN14PayloadChannel20PayloadChannelSocketEPNS0_21PayloadChannelRequestE(PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelSocket*, PayloadChannel::PayloadChannelRequest*)':
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:49:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    49 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:379:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR'
673 error   379 |   MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:383:3: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   383 |   MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |   ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp: In member function 'virtual void Worker::OnChannelRequest(Channel::ChannelSocket*, Channel::ChannelRequest*)':
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:262:5: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   262 |     MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:286:5: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   286 |     MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:33:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    33 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:315:5: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_ERROR'
673 error   315 |     MS_THROW_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:49:16: warning: 'snprintf' argument 4 overlaps destination object 'MediaSoupError::buffer' [-Wrestrict]
673 error    49 |   std::snprintf(MediaSoupError::buffer, MediaSoupError::bufferSize, desc, ##__VA_ARGS__); \
673 error       |   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../src/Worker.cpp:311:5: note: in expansion of macro 'MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR'
673 error   311 |     MS_THROW_TYPE_ERROR("%s [method:%s]", error.buffer, request->method.c_str());
673 error       |     ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../include/MediaSoupErrors.hpp:17:27: note: destination object referenced by 'restrict'-qualified argument 1 was declared here
673 error    17 |  thread_local static char buffer[];
673 error       |                           ^~~~~~
673 error [83/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_PayloadChannel_PayloadChannelSocket.cpp.o
673 error [84/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_AudioLevelObserver.cpp.o
673 error [85/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_ActiveSpeakerObserver.cpp.o
673 error [86/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_DepLibUV.cpp.o
673 error [87/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_DepLibWebRTC.cpp.o
673 error [88/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_Consumer.cpp.o
673 error [89/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_NackGenerator.cpp.o
673 error [90/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_PipeConsumer.cpp.o
673 error [91/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_DataProducer.cpp.o
673 error [92/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_DataConsumer.cpp.o
673 error [93/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_PipeTransport.cpp.o
673 error [94/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_IceCandidate.cpp.o
673 error [95/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_DtlsTransport.cpp.o
673 error [96/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_IceServer.cpp.o
673 error [97/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_KeyFrameRequestManager.cpp.o
673 error [98/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_RTC_DirectTransport.cpp.o
673 error [99/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Utils_IP.cpp.o
673 error [100/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Utils_String.cpp.o
673 error [101/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_SignalsHandler.cpp.o
673 error [102/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_DepLibSRTP.cpp.o
673 error [103/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_lib.cpp.o
673 error [104/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_handles_UnixStreamSocket.cpp.o
673 error [105/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Channel_ChannelNotifier.cpp.o
673 error [106/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Channel_ChannelRequest.cpp.o
673 error [107/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Channel_ChannelSocket.cpp.o
673 error [108/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_PayloadChannel_Notification.cpp.o
673 error [109/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_PayloadChannel_PayloadChannelNotifier.cpp.o
673 error [110/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_DepOpenSSL.cpp.o
673 error [111/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_PayloadChannel_PayloadChannelRequest.cpp.o
673 error [112/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_Logger.cpp.o
673 error [113/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_DepUsrSCTP.cpp.o
673 error [114/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [115/980] Compiling C++ object mediasoup-worker.p/src_MediaSoupErrors.cpp.o
673 error [116/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [117/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [118/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [119/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [120/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [121/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error ../../deps/libwebrtc/libwebrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/ In member function 'void webrtc::RemoteBitrateEstimatorAbsSendTime::IncomingPacketInfo(int64_t, uint32_t, size_t, uint32_t)':
673 error ../../deps/libwebrtc/libwebrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/ warning: variable 'send_delta_ms' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
673 error   290 |         int send_delta_ms = -1;
673 error       |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../deps/libwebrtc/libwebrtc/modules/remote_bitrate_estimator/ warning: variable 'recv_delta_ms' set but not used [-Wunused-but-set-variable]
673 error   291 |         int recv_delta_ms = -1;
673 error       |             ^~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error [122/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [123/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [124/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [125/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [126/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [127/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [128/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [129/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [130/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [131/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [132/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [133/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [134/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [135/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_types.a.p/
673 error [136/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [137/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_types.a.p/
673 error [138/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_types.a.p/
673 error [139/980] Linking static target subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_types.a
673 error [140/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [141/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [142/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [143/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [144/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [145/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [146/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [147/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [148/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [149/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [150/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [151/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [152/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [153/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [154/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [155/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [156/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [157/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [158/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [159/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [160/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [161/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [162/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [163/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [164/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [165/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [166/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [167/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [168/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [169/980] Compiling C++ object deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a.p/
673 error [170/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [171/980] Linking static target deps/libwebrtc/liblibwebrtc.a
673 error [172/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [173/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [174/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [175/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [176/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [177/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [178/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [179/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [180/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [181/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [182/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [183/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [184/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [185/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_cipher_cipher_test_cases.c.o
673 error [186/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_cipher_cipher.c.o
673 error [187/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_strings.a.p/
673 error [188/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_cipher_null_cipher.c.o
673 error [189/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_hash_auth_test_cases.c.o
673 error [190/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_cipher_aes_icm_ossl.c.o
673 error [191/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/srtp_srtp.c.o
673 error [192/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_hash_auth.c.o
673 error [193/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_cipher_aes_gcm_ossl.c.o
673 error [194/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_hash_null_auth.c.o
673 error [195/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_kernel_err.c.o
673 error [196/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_kernel_key.c.o
673 error [197/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_kernel_alloc.c.o
673 error [198/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_math_datatypes.c.o
673 error [199/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_hash_hmac_ossl.c.o
673 error [200/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_replay_rdb.c.o
673 error [201/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_kernel_crypto_kernel.c.o
673 error [202/980] Compiling C object subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a.p/crypto_replay_rdbx.c.o
673 error [203/980] Linking static target subprojects/libsrtp-2.4.2/libsrtp2.a
673 error [204/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_user_recv_thread.c.o
673 error [205/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_user_environment.c.o
673 error [206/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_asconf.c.o
673 error [207/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_user_mbuf.c.o
673 error [208/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_user_socket.c.o
673 error [209/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_bsd_addr.c.o
673 error [210/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_auth.c.o
673 error [211/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_callout.c.o
673 error [212/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_crc32.c.o
673 error [213/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_cc_functions.c.o
673 error [214/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_peeloff.c.o
673 error [215/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_ss_functions.c.o
673 error [216/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_input.c.o
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c: In function 'sctp_handle_stream_reset_response':
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c:3898:64: warning: taking address of packed member of 'struct sctp_stream_reset_out_request' may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error  3898 |      sctp_reset_out_streams(stcb, number_entries, req_out_param->list_of_streams);
673 error       |                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c:3911:66: warning: taking address of packed member of 'struct sctp_stream_reset_out_request' may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error  3911 |      sctp_reset_clear_pending(stcb, number_entries, req_out_param->list_of_streams);
673 error       |                                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c: In function 'sctp_handle_str_reset_request_out':
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_input.c:4189:50: warning: taking address of packed member of 'struct sctp_stream_reset_out_request' may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error  4189 |    sctp_reset_in_stream(stcb, number_entries, req->list_of_streams);
673 error       |                                               ~~~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error [217/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_sha1.c.o
673 error [218/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_indata.c.o
673 error [219/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_pcb.c.o
673 error [220/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_userspace.c.o
673 error [221/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_sysctl.c.o
673 error [222/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctputil.c.o
673 error [223/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet6_sctp6_usrreq.c.o
673 error [224/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_output.c.o
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c: In function 'send_forward_tsn':
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:11037:22: warning: converting a packed 'struct sctp_forward_tsn_chunk' pointer (alignment 1) to a 'struct sctp_strseq_mid' pointer (alignment 4) may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error 11037 |   strseq_m = (struct sctp_strseq_mid *)fwdtsn;
673 error       |                      ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:46:
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_header.h:394:8: note: defined here
673 error   394 | struct sctp_forward_tsn_chunk {
673 error       |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_header.h:405:8: note: defined here
673 error   405 | struct sctp_strseq_mid {
673 error       |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c: In function 'sctp_send_sack':
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:11426:3: warning: converting a packed 'struct sctp_gap_ack_block' pointer (alignment 1) to a 'uint32_t' {aka 'unsigned int'} pointer (alignment 4) may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error 11426 |   dup = (uint32_t *) gap_descriptor;
673 error       |   ^~~
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:46:
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_header.h:258:8: note: defined here
673 error   258 | struct sctp_gap_ack_block {
673 error       |        ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c: In function 'sctp_send_resp_msg':
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:11833:17: warning: converting a packed 'struct sctphdr' pointer (alignment 1) to a 'struct udphdr' pointer (alignment 2) may result in an unaligned pointer value [-Waddress-of-packed-member]
673 error 11833 |   udp = (struct udphdr *)shout;
673 error       |                 ^~~~~~
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_os_userspace.h:1039,
673 error                  from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_os.h:73,
673 error                  from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:40:
673 error ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp.h:58:8: note: defined here
673 error    58 | struct sctphdr {
673 error       |        ^~~~~~~
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/usrsctplib/netinet/sctp_output.c:67:
673 error /usr/include/netinet/udp.h:18:8: note: defined here
673 error    18 | struct udphdr {
673 error       |        ^~~~~~
673 error [225/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error [226/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error [227/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_timer.c.o
673 error [228/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error [229/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error FAILED: subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error c++ -Isubprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p -Isubprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2 -I../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2 -fdiagnostics-color=always -DNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -std=c++11 -O3 -Wno-sign-compare -march=armv8-a+crypto -fPIC -pthread -MD -MQ subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -MF subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -o subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -c ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/
673 error ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/direct_mmap.h:36:10: fatal error: linux/unistd.h: No such file or directory
673 error    36 | #include <linux/unistd.h>
673 error       |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error compilation terminated.
673 error [230/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error FAILED: subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error c++ -Isubprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p -Isubprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2 -I../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2 -fdiagnostics-color=always -DNDEBUG -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -std=c++11 -O3 -Wno-sign-compare -march=armv8-a+crypto -fPIC -pthread -MD -MQ subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -MF subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -o subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/ -c ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/
673 error In file included from ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/
673 error ../../subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/absl/base/internal/ fatal error: linux/futex.h: No such file or directory
673 error    17 | #include <linux/futex.h>
673 error       |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
673 error compilation terminated.
673 error [231/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error [232/980] Compiling C++ object subprojects/abseil-cpp-20210324.2/libabsl_base.a.p/
673 error [233/980] Compiling C object subprojects/usrsctp-9d6b99b10a70f7a63d21cd80d03c353da9ac19d3/libusrsctp.a.p/usrsctplib_netinet_sctp_usrreq.c.o
673 error ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
673 error make: Leaving directory '/usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker'
674 error Usage:
674 error   /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ...
674 error   /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ...
674 error   /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ...
674 error   /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] [-e] <local project path> ...
674 error   /usr/bin/python3 -m pip install [options] <archive url/path> ...
674 error
674 error no such option: --system
674 error WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
674 error Directory does not contain a valid build tree:
674 error /usr/src/example1/node_modules/mediasoup/worker/out/Release
674 error make: *** [Makefile:128: mediasoup-worker] Error 1
675 verbose exit 1