For Hire roles
2 years ago
1.9 kB
TEAM_BODYGUARD = DarkRP.createJob("Bodyguard", { color = Color(74, 45, 105), model = { "models/byan7259/bodian_player/segular_rodian_player.mdl" }, description = [[Bodyguards are a must for all the bigwigs and people of interest down here; hired by individuals, your job is to protect them any means necessary, if you want to get paid that is...]], weapons = {"weapons_fists", "rw_sw_scattershotgun", "weaponchecker", "stunstick"}, command = "bodyguard", max = 8, salary = 125, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = true, candemote = true, category = "For Hire", sortOrder = 23, }) TEAM_MEDIC = DarkRP.createJob("Medic", { color = Color(201, 54, 40), model = { "models/player/Group03m/male_01.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/male_03.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/male_05.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/male_07.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/male_09.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/female_02.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/female_04.mdl", "models/player/Group03m/female_06.mdl" }, description = [[Medics are uncommon on these lower levels, professional ones that is; but beggers can't be choosers.]], weapons = {"weapons_fists", "weapon_bactainjector", "weapon_armorkit"}, command = "medic", max = 8, salary = 125, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = false, candemote = true, category = "For Hire", sortOrder = 24, }) TEAM_WOOKIE = DarkRP.createJob("Wookie", { color = Color(183, 142, 111), model = { "models/player/chewie.mdl" }, description = [[Wookies are known for their strength and durability, perfect attributes for a valiant guard. I've heard they are also great companions!]], weapons = {"weapons_fists", "rw_sw_bowcaster", "rw_sw_bowcaster"}, command = "wookie", max = 4, salary = 125, admin = 0, vote = false, hasLicense = true, category = "For Hire", sortOrder = 25, })