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///SEMINAR 1: 24/2/2024 #include <iostream> #include <vector> // Some questions: ///Seminar 1 - Time Complexity /// What is an algorithm ? ///==>Algorithm: Input ===> |Algorithm| ===> Output /// Time complexity ? Why ? ///==> Because computers have different configuration, it's not useful to judge a program by running time. /// For example : int SumUp(int size) { int sum = 0; // 1 for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { //2n sum = sum + i; //3n } return sum; // 1 } /// ===> T(n) = 2 + 5n ==> O(n) = ?? /// The dominant term is the term the one that gets biggest (i.e. dominates) as N gets bigger. /// Example: n^3 grow faster than n^2 /// Big O notation: f(n) = O(g(n)) ==> limit of f(n)/g(n) with n tend to infinity < infinity or exist n_0, c > 0 /// such that for all n > n_0 f(n) <= c*g(n) /// Ex: f(n) = n^5 + n^4 + n^3 ===> f(n) ~ O(n^5) /// Ex: f(n) = n*log(n) + n ===> f(n) ~ O(n*log(n)) /// Ex: f(n) = 2*n + n^(0,5) + n ^ (1,5) ===> f(n) ~ O(n^(1,5)) /// Let's calculate time complexity of following code: //code 1: bool isEven(int value) { return (value % 2 == 0); } /// O(1) Because you're only ever taking one value, there is no "loop" to go through. ///Even as the value gets bigger, you simply divide it by 2 and see whether it returns an integer or a float. //code 2: bool areYouHere(const std::vector<int>& arr1, const std::vector<int>& arr2) { for (size_t i = 0; i < arr1.size(); i++) { for (size_t j = 0; j < arr2.size(); j++) { if (arr1[i] == arr2[j]) return true; } } return false; } /// O(n^2) because u will go through each array once. /// //Code 3: void doubleArrayValues(std::vector<int>& array) { for (size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { array[i] *= 2; } } /// O(n) Reasoning: As `array.length` increases, the number of iterations increases at the same rate. ///This is because you don't have to loop any more than once: however many items are in the array ///is how many times you run the function. //Code 4: int naiveSearch(const std::vector<int>& array, int item) { for (size_t i = 0; i < array.size(); i++) { if (array[i] == item) { return i; } } return -1; } ///O(n) Answer: O(n). Linear run time complexity. ///Reasoning: Same as above with the doubler. You have to check each and every item once and only once ///in order to determine whether you've got a match. //Code 5: int calculateY(int n) { int y = 0; for (int j = 1; j * j <= n; j++) { y++; } return y; } ///O(√n) because /// j is still growing linearly, but the loop runs as long as j2 ≤ n. This means that as soon as j exceeds √ n, it will stop ///Therefore, there will only be O(√n) iterations of the loop, and since each one does O(1) work, the total work done is O(√n). //Code 6: int efficientSearch(const std::vector<int>& array, int item) { int minIndex = 0; int maxIndex = static_cast<int>(array.size()) - 1; int currentIndex; int currentElement; while (minIndex <= maxIndex) { currentIndex = (minIndex + maxIndex) / 2; currentElement = array[currentIndex]; if (currentElement < item) { minIndex = currentIndex + 1; } else if (currentElement > item) { maxIndex = currentIndex - 1; } else { return currentIndex; } } return -1; } ///O(logn) //Code 7: void nestedLoopsFunction(int n) { int b = 0; // constant for (int i = n; i > 0; i--) { // n iterations for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) { // runs i times in each iteration b = b + 5; } } std::cout << b << std::endl; } /// The outer loop runs from n to 1, decrementing i by 1 in each iteration. /// The inner loop runs i times in each iteration of the outer loop. /// The total number of iterations for the inner loop can be expressed as the sum of the first n positive integers: n+(n−1)+(n−2)+…+1 /// This sum is known as the arithmetic series sum and is equal to n*(n+1)/2 /// the inner loop has a time complexity of O(n^2) //Code 8: ///You are given two arrays a and b sorted in non-decreasing order and a number S. ///Find such i and j such that the sum a[i] + b[j] = S. Time O(n). std::pair<int, int> findPairsWithSum(const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& b, int S) { int i = 0; // Pointer for array a (starting from the beginning) int j = b.size() - 1; // Pointer for array b (starting from the end) while (i < a.size() && j >= 0) { int currentSum = a[i] + b[j]; if (currentSum == S) { // Found a pair with the given sum return std::make_pair(a[i], b[j]); } else if (currentSum < S) { // Move the pointer in array a to the right to increase the sum i++; } else { // Move the pointer in array b to the left to decrease the sum j--; } } // No pair found with the given sum return std::make_pair(-1, -1); } //Code 9: /// You are given two arrays a and b sorted in non-decreasing order. Find the number of pairs (i, j) ///such that a[i] = b[j] . Time O(n). int countEqualPairs(const std::vector<int>& a, const std::vector<int>& b) { int count = 0; int i = 0; // Pointer for array a int j = 0; // Pointer for array b while (i < a.size() && j < b.size()) { if (a[i] == b[j]) { // Found a pair (i, j) with ai = bj count++; // Move both pointers to the next elements i++; j++; } else if (a[i] < b[j]) { // Move the pointer in array a to the right i++; } else { // Move the pointer in array b to the right j++; } } return count; }
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