proc rebuild_project {fpga version git_sha timestamp} { global myScript global myProject # Wrap the whole process in a catch block if {[catch { project close # Heartbeat puts "\n$myScript: Rebuilding ($myProject)...\n" set proj_exts [list ise xise gise] foreach ext $proj_exts { set proj_name "${myProject}.$ext" if {[file exists $proj_name]} { file delete $proj_name } } project new $myProject puts "Created Project $myProject: FPGA: $fpga and Version#: $version" set_project_props $fpga $version $git_sha $timestamp add_source_files create_libraries puts "$myScript: project rebuild completed." run_process } err]} { # Handle the error and exit puts "Error encountered: $err" exit 1 } }
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