void main() {
int i=0;
List<int> anyList=[1,3,5,7];
class Alaa extends Alaa1{
int age = 30;
static String name = "alaa";
double height = 195.5;
double weight = 110;
String noSalt(bool isSalt) {
height1 =0;
if (isSalt) {
return "Angry";
return "Happy";
class Alaa1 {
int age1 = 30;
static String name1 = "alaa";
double height1 = 195.5;
double weight1 = 110;
String noSalt1(bool isSalt) {
if (isSalt) {
return "Angry";
return "Happy";
// double bmr =
// (88.362 + (13.397 * weight) + (4.799 * height!) - (5.677 * age!)) * 1.725;
String function3(String name) {
if (name == "omar") {
return name;
return "no name";
int function4(int number) {
return number;
void bmrFunction({required double weight, double? height, double? age}) {
if (height == null && age == null) {
height = 157;
age = 20;
if (height != null && age == null) {
age = 20;
if (height != null && age != null) {
print('all done');
} else {
print('no data');
double bmr =
(88.362 + (13.397 * weight) + (4.799 * height!) - (5.677 * age!)) * 1.725;
// one of theme is enter age or height
// two of theme are entered
// check if age or height ar null
// resolve the error
// if(height == null && age == null){
// height = 88;
// age = 30;
// }
// if(height != null && age == null){
// age = 30;
// }
// if(height == null && age != null){
// height = 88;
// }
// void function1( String name, int last){
// print(name);
// print(last);
// }
// void function({required String firstName,String? last}){
// String fullName ='';
// print(last);
// if(last == null)
// {
// fullName = firstName ;
// }
// else
// {
// fullName = firstName +' '+ last;
// }
// print(fullName);
// }