Index Toolbox
a year ago
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// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // © EB //@version=5 indicator("Index Toolbox", overlay=true, max_bars_back=500, max_labels_count=500, max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500) //INPUTS i_tz = input.string('America/New_York', title='Timezone: ', tooltip='e.g. \'America/New_York\', \'Asia/Tokyo\', \'GMT-4\', \'GMT+9\'...', group='Session') sessionFiveRange = input.session(title='H/L/O Range: ', defval='0000-0830', inline='e', group='Session') sessionOneRange = input.session(title='Open of Day: ', defval='0830-0831', inline='a', group='Session') sessionTwoRange = input.session(title='NY Lunch: ', defval='1200-1300', inline='b', group='Session') sessionThreeRange = input.session(title='Algorithm: ', defval='1330-1331', inline='c', group='Session') sessionFourRange = input.session(title='End of Day: ', defval='1630-1631', inline='d', group='Session') colorOne = input.color(,65),title="Open of Day:",inline="s_1",group="Style") lineStyleOne = input.string(title="-", defval=line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid],inline="s_1",group="Style") colorTwo = input.color(,65),title="Ny Lunch:",inline="s_2",group="Style") colorTwoFill = input.color(,90),title="-",inline="s_2",group="Style") lineStyleTwo = input.string(title="-", defval=line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid],inline="s_2",group="Style") colorThree = input.color(,65),title="Algorithm:",inline="s_3",group="Style") lineStyleThree = input.string(title="-", defval=line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid],inline="s_3",group="Style") colorFour = input.color(,65),title="End of Day:",inline="s_4",group="Style") lineStyleFour = input.string(title="-", defval=line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid],inline="s_4",group="Style") colorFiveHL = input.color(,65),title="H/L:",inline="s_5",group="Style") colorFiveOpen = input.color(,0),title="Open:",inline="s_5",group="Style") activeFive = input.color(,95),title="-",inline="s_5",group="Style") passiveFive = input.color(,95),title="/",inline="s_5",group="Style") lineStyleFive = input.string(title="-", defval=line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid],inline="s_5",group="Style") //Sessions in_session_one = time(timeframe.period, sessionOneRange,i_tz) sessionOneActive = in_session_one and timeframe.multiplier <= 30 in_session_two = time(timeframe.period, sessionTwoRange,i_tz) sessionTwoActive = in_session_two and timeframe.multiplier <= 30 in_session_three = time(timeframe.period, sessionThreeRange,i_tz) sessionThreeActive = in_session_three and timeframe.multiplier <= 30 in_session_four = time(timeframe.period, sessionFourRange,i_tz) sessionFourActive = in_session_four and timeframe.multiplier <= 30 in_session_five = time(timeframe.period, sessionFiveRange,i_tz) sessionFiveActive = in_session_five and timeframe.multiplier <= 30 f_resInMinutes() => _resInMinutes = timeframe.multiplier * ( timeframe.isseconds ? 1. / 60 : timeframe.isminutes ? 1. : timeframe.isdaily ? 60. * 24 : timeframe.isweekly ? 60. * 24 * 7 : timeframe.ismonthly ? 60. * 24 * 30.4375 : na) barHour = hour(time,i_tz) barMin = minute(time,i_tz) checkLastBar(sessionRange)=> splitSessionOne = str.split(sessionRange,'') hour1 = array.get(splitSessionOne,5) hour2 = array.get(splitSessionOne,6) hourSessionOne = str.tonumber(hour1+hour2) min1 = array.get(splitSessionOne,7) min2 = array.get(splitSessionOne,8) minSessionOne = str.tonumber(min1+min2) if hourSessionOne == 0 hourSessionOne := 24 if minSessionOne == 0 minSessionOne := 60 hourSessionOne := hourSessionOne -1 _islastBarSession = (barHour == hourSessionOne) and (barMin >= minSessionOne - f_resInMinutes()) islastBarSession = _islastBarSession and _islastBarSession[1] == false islastBarSessionFive = checkLastBar(sessionFiveRange) var float highVal = na, var float lowVal = na, var float openVal = na var line hLine = na, var line lLine = na, var line oLine = na var line tempHLine = na, var line tempLLine = na var linefill fill1 = na if sessionFiveActive if sessionFiveActive[1] == false openVal := open if high >= nz(highVal, 0) highVal := high else highVal := highVal if low <= nz(lowVal, high) lowVal := low else lowVal := lowVal else highVal := na lowVal := na openVal := na startIndexH = ta.valuewhen(na(highVal[1]) and highVal, bar_index, 0) startIndexL = ta.valuewhen(na(lowVal[1]) and lowVal, bar_index, 0) //Plot H/L lines if sessionFiveActive oLine :=, openVal, bar_index, openVal, color=colorFiveOpen, width=1, style=lineStyleFive) tempHLine :=, highVal, bar_index, highVal, color=colorFiveHL, width=1, style=lineStyleFive) tempLLine :=, lowVal, bar_index, lowVal, color=colorFiveHL, width=1, style=lineStyleFive) fill1 :=, tempLLine, activeFive) linefill.delete(fill1[1]) line.delete(tempHLine[1]), line.delete(tempLLine[1]) if islastBarSessionFive hLine :=, highVal, bar_index, highVal, color=colorFiveHL, width=1, style=lineStyleFive) lLine :=, lowVal, bar_index, lowVal, color=colorFiveHL, width=1, style=lineStyleFive), lLine, passiveFive) var line openLine = na if sessionOneActive and sessionOneActive[1] == false openLine :=,high,bar_index,low,extend=extend.both,color=colorOne, style=lineStyleOne) var line lunchOpen = na, var line lunchClose = na if sessionTwoActive and sessionTwoActive[1] == false lunchOpen :=,high,bar_index,low,extend=extend.both,color=colorTwo , style=lineStyleTwo) if sessionTwoActive==false and sessionTwoActive[1] lunchClose :=,high,bar_index,low,extend=extend.both,color=colorTwo, style=lineStyleTwo), lunchClose, colorTwoFill) var line algoLine = na if sessionThreeActive and sessionThreeActive[1] == false algoLine :=,high,bar_index,low,extend=extend.both,color=colorThree, style=lineStyleThree) var line endLine = na if sessionFourActive and sessionFourActive[1] == false endLine :=,high,bar_index,low,extend=extend.both,color=colorFour, style=lineStyleFour) //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Trading Checklist //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ _titleGrp = "Title" _TitleTxt = input.string("Trading Checklist", "Title", inline="1", group=_titleGrp) title_text_color = input.color(#14a9e4b0, "", inline="1", group=_titleGrp) _titleTextSize = input.string('Large', 'Text Size', options=['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], group=_titleGrp) titleTextSize = _titleTextSize == 'Auto' ? : _titleTextSize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : _titleTextSize == 'Small' ? size.small : _titleTextSize == 'Normal' ? size.normal : _titleTextSize == 'Large' ? size.large : size.huge _title_alignment = input.string('Center', 'Text Alignment ', group=_titleGrp, options=['Left', 'Center', 'Right']) title_alignment = _title_alignment == "Left" ? text.align_left : _title_alignment == "Center" ? text.align_center : text.align_right _bodyGrp = "Body" _midTxt = input.text_area("TRADING PLAN\n✅ Trend Direction\n✅ Check London Fix\n\n✅9:30 to 10am reversal\n✅ Risk 1%\n\nPSYCHOLOGY\n✅ Don't Chase!", "Body", group=_bodyGrp) body_text_color = input.color(#d6d6d6b0, "Text Color", group=_bodyGrp) bg_color = input.color(#00000000, "Background Color", group=_bodyGrp) _bodyTextSize = input.string('Normal', 'Text Size', options=['Auto', 'Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal', 'Large', 'Huge'], group=_bodyGrp) bodyTextSize = _bodyTextSize == 'Auto' ? : _bodyTextSize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : _bodyTextSize == 'Small' ? size.small : _bodyTextSize == 'Normal' ? size.normal : _bodyTextSize == 'Large' ? size.large : size.huge _txt_alignment = input.string('Left', 'Text Alignment ', group=_bodyGrp, options=['Left', 'Center', 'Right']) txt_alignment = _txt_alignment == "Left" ? text.align_left : _txt_alignment == "Center" ? text.align_center : text.align_right _tableGrp = "Position" _tableYpos = input.string('Top', '↕ ', inline='01', group=_tableGrp, options=['Top', 'Middle', 'Bottom']) tableYpos = _tableYpos == "Top" ? "top" : _tableYpos == "Bottom" ? "bottom" : "middle" _tableXpos = input.string('Right', ' ↔', inline='01', group=_tableGrp, options=['Left', 'Center', 'Right'], tooltip='Position on the chart.') tableXpos = _tableXpos == "Right" ? "right" : _tableXpos == "Center" ? "center" : "left" // Draw Table var tradingPanel = tableYpos + '_' + tableXpos , columns=1, rows=3, bgcolor=bg_color, border_width = 0) if barstate.islast // Title table.cell(table_id=tradingPanel, column=0, row=0, text=_TitleTxt, text_size=titleTextSize, text_color=title_text_color, text_halign = title_alignment) // Body table.cell(table_id=tradingPanel, column=0, row=1, text=_midTxt, text_size=bodyTextSize, text_color=body_text_color, text_halign = txt_alignment) var GRP1 = "Settings" showLines = input(title='Show Lines ?', defval=true, group=GRP1) showBackground = input(title='Show Background ?', defval=true, group=GRP1) showMiddleLine = input(title='Show Middle Line ?', defval=true, group=GRP1) extendLines = input(title='Extend Lines ?', defval=true, group=GRP1) rangeTime = input.session(title='Session Time', defval='0530-0900', group=GRP1) extendTime = input.session(title='Extended Lines Time', defval='0900-1659', group=GRP1) var GRP2 = "Styles" linesWidth =, 'Box And Lines Width ?', minval=1, maxval=4, group=GRP2) boxLineColor = input(, 'Box and H/L Line Color', group=GRP2) middleLineColor = input(, 'Middle Line Color', group=GRP2) backgroundColor = input(, 90), 'Box Background Color', group=GRP2) inSession = not na(time(timeframe.period, rangeTime)) inExtend = not na(time(timeframe.period, extendTime)) startTime = 0 startTime := inSession and not inSession[1] ? time : startTime[1] //Box lines var line lowHLine = na var line topHLine = na var line leftVLine = na var line rightVLine = na var line middleHLine = na var box bgBox = na var low_val = 0.0 var high_val = 0.0 if inSession and not inSession[1] low_val := low high_val := high high_val // Plot lines if inSession and timeframe.isintraday if inSession[1] line.delete(lowHLine) line.delete(topHLine) line.delete(leftVLine) line.delete(rightVLine) line.delete(middleHLine) box.delete(bgBox) if low < low_val low_val := low low_val if high > high_val high_val := high high_val //Create Box //x1, y1, x2, y2 if showBackground bgBox :=, high_val, time, low_val, xloc=xloc.bar_time, bgcolor=backgroundColor, border_width=0) if showLines lowHLine :=, low_val, time, low_val, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) topHLine :=, high_val, time, high_val, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) leftVLine :=, high_val, startTime, low_val, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) rightVLine :=, high_val, time, low_val, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) //Create Middle line if showMiddleLine middleHLine :=, (high_val + low_val) / 2, time, (high_val + low_val) / 2, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=middleLineColor, style=line.style_dotted, width=linesWidth) else if inExtend and extendLines and not inSession and timeframe.isintraday time1 = line.get_x1(lowHLine) time2 = line.get_x2(lowHLine) price = line.get_y1(lowHLine) line.delete(lowHLine) lowHLine :=, price, time, price, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) time1 := line.get_x1(topHLine) time2 := line.get_x2(topHLine) price := line.get_y1(topHLine) line.delete(topHLine) topHLine :=, price, time, price, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=boxLineColor, style=line.style_solid, width=linesWidth) time1 := line.get_x1(middleHLine) time2 := line.get_x2(middleHLine) price := line.get_y1(middleHLine) line.delete(middleHLine) middleHLine :=, price, time, price, xloc=xloc.bar_time, color=middleLineColor, style=line.style_dotted, width=linesWidth) middleHLine //////////////////////SMT/////////////////////////////////// length =, 'Pivot Lookback', minval = 2) //Symbol A useSym1 = input(true, 'Comparison Symbol', inline = 'symA') sym1 = input.symbol('CME_MINI_DL:ES1!', '', inline = 'symA') //Symbol B useSym2 = input(true, 'Comparison Symbol', inline = 'symB') sym2 = input.symbol('CBOT_MINI_DL:YM1!', '', inline = 'symB') //Style bullDivCss = input.color(#ff1100, 'Swing High', group = 'Style') bearDivCss = input.color(#2157f3, 'Swing Low', group = 'Style') //Dashboard showDash = input(false, 'Show Dashboard' , group = 'Dashboard') dashLoc = input.string('Top Right', 'Location', options = ['Top Right', 'Bottom Right', 'Bottom Left'], group = 'Dashboard') textSize = input.string('Small', 'Size' , options = ['Tiny', 'Small', 'Normal'] , group = 'Dashboard') //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Function //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ n = bar_index get_hl() => [high, low, close] //Swing highs divergences get_divergence(ph, y2, sym_y2, css)=> var float y1 = na var float sym_y1 = na var int x1 = na var smt = 0 if y2 != y2[1] and sym_y2 != sym_y2[1] //Test for SMT if (y2 - y1) * (sym_y2 - sym_y1) < 0[length], y2, x1, y1, color = css) smt += 1 sym_y1 := sym_y2 y1 := y2 x1 := n[length] else if (ph and y2 > y2[1]) or (not ph and y2 < y2[1]) sym_y1 := na y1 := y2 x1 := n[length] smt //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Main variables //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var phN = 0, var plN = 0 var ph_smt1 = 0. var pl_smt1 = 0. var ph_smt2 = 0. var pl_smt2 = 0. ticker1 = syminfo.ticker(sym1) ticker2 = syminfo.ticker(sym2) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Detect swing highs/lows and divergences //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ ph = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(length, length)) pl = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(length, length)) phN += ph != ph[1] ? 1 : 0 plN += pl != pl[1] ? 1 : 0 //Comparison symbol pivots [h1, l1, c1] =, timeframe.period, get_hl()) [h2, l2, c2] =, timeframe.period, get_hl()) //Detect swing high divergences if useSym1 sym_ph1 = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(h1, length, length)) sym_pl1 = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(l1, length, length)) ph_smt1 := get_divergence(true, ph, sym_ph1, bullDivCss) pl_smt1 := get_divergence(false, pl, sym_pl1, bearDivCss) if useSym2 sym_ph2 = fixnan(ta.pivothigh(h2, length, length)) sym_pl2 = fixnan(ta.pivotlow(l2, length, length)) ph_smt2 := get_divergence(true, ph, sym_ph2, bullDivCss) pl_smt2 := get_divergence(false, pl, sym_pl2, bearDivCss) txt = '' if ph != ph[1] if ph_smt1 > ph_smt1[1] txt += ticker1 if ph_smt2 > ph_smt2[1] txt += txt != '' ? ' | ' : '' txt += ticker2 if txt != ''[length], ph, txt , color = bullDivCss , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = color.white , size = size.tiny) else if pl_smt1 > pl_smt1[1] txt += ticker1 if pl_smt2 > pl_smt2[1] txt += txt != '' ? ' | ' : '' txt += ticker2 if txt != ''[length], pl, txt , color = bearDivCss , style = label.style_label_up , textcolor = color.white , size = size.tiny) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //Tables //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------{ var table_position = dashLoc == 'Bottom Left' ? position.bottom_left : dashLoc == 'Top Right' ? position.top_right : position.bottom_right var table_size = textSize == 'Tiny' ? size.tiny : textSize == 'Small' ? size.small : size.normal var tb =, 3, 3 , bgcolor = #1e222d , border_color = #373a46 , border_width = 1 , frame_color = #373a46 , frame_width = 1) if barstate.isfirst and showDash tb.cell(1, 0, 'Swing High', text_color = color.white) tb.cell(2, 0, 'Swing Low', text_color = color.white) tb.cell(0, 1, ticker1, text_color = color.white) tb.cell(0, 2, ticker2, text_color = color.white) if barstate.islast and showDash //Symbol 1 tb.cell(1, 1, str.format('{0} ({1, number, percent})', ph_smt1, ph_smt1 / phN) , text_color = bullDivCss) tb.cell(2, 1, str.format('{0} ({1, number, percent})', pl_smt1, pl_smt1 / plN) , text_color = bearDivCss) //Symbol 2 tb.cell(1, 2, str.format('{0} ({1, number, percent})', ph_smt2, ph_smt2 / phN) , text_color = bullDivCss) tb.cell(2, 2, str.format('{0} ({1, number, percent})', pl_smt2, pl_smt2 / plN) , text_color = bearDivCss) //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------} //****************************************************************************// // Define User Input Variables nATRPeriod = input(50, 'ATR Period') nATRMultip = input.float(3.5, 'Multiplier', minval=0.5, maxval=1000, step=0.25) len2 = 20 //input(20, minval=1, title="Smooth") src = close out = ta.vwma(src, len2) xsrc = close xprd1 = 12 xsrc2 = close xprd2 = 26 xsmooth = 1 fillSW = input(title='Mumları Renkli Kullan', defval=true) fillSW1 = input(title='Mumları Yeşil Kullan - Red', defval=false) fastSW = input(title='Fast Moving Avarage Göster', defval=true) slowSW = input(title='Slow Moving Avarage Göster', defval=true) labelSwitch = input(title='Trend Asistan', defval=true) plotSigsw = input(title='Al/Sat Sinyaller? ', defval=true) plotRibsw = input(title='Al/Sat Ribbon', defval=true) plotRibbonPos = input.string(title='Ribbon', options=['Top', 'Bottom'], defval='Top') xfixtf = input(title='** Sabit Zaman Dilimi) **', defval=false) xtf = input.timeframe(title='** Hangi zaman dilimine sabitlensin ? **)', defval='D') plotSig2sw = input(title='Momentum Al/Sat Sinyalleri? ', defval=true) plotSig2lv ='Sinyal Aralığı (yüksek = daha detaylı)', defval=1, minval=0, maxval=1) //****************************************************************************// //Calculate Indicators stop = ta.ema(xsrc, xprd1) wavy_h = ta.ema(high, 14) wavy_c = ta.ema(close, 14) wavy_l = ta.ema(low, 14) tunnel1 = ta.ema(close, 144) tunnel2 = ta.ema(close, 169) plot(stop, title='TP EMA',, 0), linewidth=2) plot(wavy_h, title='EB 14 High',, 0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_cross) plot(wavy_c, title='EB 14 Mid',, 0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_cross) plot(wavy_l, title='EB 14 Low',, 0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_cross) plot(tunnel1, title='Tunnel 144',, 0), linewidth=1, style=plot.style_line) plot(tunnel2, title='Tunnel 169',, 0), linewidth=2, style=plot.style_line) xPrice = ta.ema(xsrc, xsmooth) FastMA = xfixtf ? ta.ema(, xtf, ta.ema(xsrc, xprd1)), xsmooth) : ta.ema(xPrice, xprd1) xPrice2 = ta.ema(xsrc2, xsmooth) SlowMA = xfixtf ? ta.ema(, xtf, ta.ema(xsrc2, xprd2)), xsmooth) : ta.ema(xPrice2, xprd2) Bull = FastMA > SlowMA Bear = FastMA < SlowMA //****************************************************************************// // Define Color Zones Green = Bull and xPrice > FastMA // Buy Blue = Bear and xPrice > FastMA and xPrice > SlowMA //Pre Buy 2 (Strong dip) Consider adding long position LBlue = Bear and xPrice > FastMA and xPrice < SlowMA //Pre Buy 1 (Weak Dip) Red = Bear and xPrice < FastMA // Sell Orange = Bull and xPrice < FastMA and xPrice < SlowMA // Pre Sell 2 (Strong Rally) Consider adding short position Yellow = Bull and xPrice < FastMA and xPrice > SlowMA // Pre Sell 1 (Weak Rally) //****************************************************************************// // Display color on chart //****************************************************************************// // Display MA lines FastL = plot(fastSW ? FastMA : na, 'Fast EMA',, 100)) SlowL = plot(slowSW ? SlowMA : na, 'Slow EMA',, 100)) fillcolor = Bull ? : Bear ? : fill(FastL, SlowL, fillcolor, transp=70) //****************************************************************************// // Define Buy and Sell condition // This is only for thebasic usage of CDC Actionzone (EMA Crossover) // ie. Buy on first green bar and sell on first red bar buycond = Green and Green[1] == 0 sellcond = Red and Red[1] == 0 bullish = ta.barssince(buycond) < ta.barssince(sellcond) bearish = ta.barssince(sellcond) < ta.barssince(buycond) buy = bearish[1] and buycond sell = bullish[1] and sellcond bColor_BullBear = bullish ? : bearish ? : na //****************************************************************************// // Plot Buy and Sell point on chart plotshape(plotSigsw ? buy : na,, title='Buy Signal', location=location.belowbar, size=size.tiny,, 0)) plotshape(plotSigsw ? sell : na,, title='Sell Signal', location=location.abovebar, size=size.tiny,, 0)) // Display Buy/Sell Ribbon plotshape(plotRibsw ? plotRibbonPos == 'Top' ? close : na : na, style=shape.square, title='Buy/Sell Ribbon',, color=bColor_BullBear) plotshape(plotRibsw ? plotRibbonPos == 'Bottom' ? close : na : na, style=shape.square, title='Buy/Sell Ribbon', location=location.bottom, color=bColor_BullBear) //****************************************************************************// // Label labelstyle = close > SlowMA ? label.style_label_down : label.style_label_up labelyloc = close > SlowMA ? yloc.abovebar : yloc.belowbar labeltcolor = buy ? : sell ? color.white : close > close[1] ? : labelbgcolor = buy ? : sell ? : color.silver labeltext = buy ? 'BUY next bar\n' : sell ? 'SELL next bar\n' : ' ' trendText = bullish ? 'bullish' : bearish ? 'bearish' : 'sideways' // Momentum Signal using StochRSI // Adds a momentum based signal following trends to the script // Default is hidden, only use with caution // Parameters for STOCH RSI is hard-coded to avoid cluttering the input screen further // If you need to change anything, make a copy of the code and change it. // Inputs are commented out, to enable them comment out the hard coded variables first! // fixed inputs // smoothK = 3 smoothD = 3 RSIlen = 14 STOlen = 14 SRsrc = close OSlevel = 30 OBlevel = 70 // User inputs // // COMMENT ABOVE VARIABLES FIRST!! // smoothK = input(3,"StochRSI smooth K",type=input.integer,minval=1) // smoothD = input(3,"StochRSI smooth D",type=input.integer,minval=1) // RSIlen = input(14,"RSI length",type=input.integer,minval=1) // STOlen = input(14,"Stochastic length",type=input.integer,minval=1) // SRsrc = input(close,"Source for StochasticRSI",type=input.source) // OSlevel = input(30,"Oversold Threshold",type=input.float,minval=0.00) // OBlevel = input(70,"Oversold Threshold",type=input.float,minval=0.00) // calculations // rsi1 = ta.rsi(SRsrc, RSIlen) k = ta.sma(ta.stoch(rsi1, rsi1, rsi1, STOlen), smoothK) d = ta.sma(k, smoothD) // storsiBuySig = if bullish // if (d < OSlevel and crossover(k,d)) // 3 // else if crossover(k,OSlevel) // 2 // else if d > OSlevel and crossover(k,d) // 1 // else // 0 // else // 0 crossover_1 = ta.crossover(k, d) crossover_2 = ta.crossover(k, d) iff_1 = d > OSlevel and crossover_2 ? 1 : 0 iff_2 = d < OSlevel and crossover_1 ? 2 : iff_1 storsiBuySig = bullish ? iff_2 : 0 crossunder_1 = ta.crossunder(k, d) crossunder_2 = ta.crossunder(k, d) iff_3 = d < OBlevel and crossunder_2 ? 1 : 0 iff_4 = d > OBlevel and crossunder_1 ? 2 : iff_3 storsiSellSig = bearish ? iff_4 : 0 buymore = plotSig2sw ? storsiBuySig > plotSig2lv ? storsiBuySig : na : na sellmore = plotSig2sw ? storsiSellSig > plotSig2lv ? storsiSellSig : na : na plotshape(buymore, 'Buy more signals', style=shape.triangleup, location=location.belowbar,, 0), size=size.small) plotshape(sellmore, 'Sell more signals', style=shape.triangledown, location=location.abovebar,, 0), size=size.small) //****************************************************************************// // Alert conditions alertcondition(buy, title='*Bullish Alarm*', message='Long {{exchange}}:{{ticker}}') alertcondition(sell, title='*Bearish Alarm*', message='Short {{exchange}}:{{ticker}}') alertcondition(bullish, title='is Bullish') alertcondition(bearish, title='is Bearish') alertcondition(Green, title='is Green') alertcondition(Blue, title='is Blue (Strong Rally)') alertcondition(LBlue, title='is Light Blue (Rally)') alertcondition(Red, title='is Red') alertcondition(Orange, title='is Orange (Strong Dip)') alertcondition(Yellow, title='is Yellow (Dip)') //****************************************************************************// [supertrend, direction] = ta.supertrend(nATRMultip, nATRPeriod) LONG = ta.change(direction) < 0 SHORT = ta.change(direction) > 0 //Bar Color Gradient Version bColor = Green ? : Blue ? : LBlue ? color.aqua : Red ? : Orange ? : Yellow ? color.yellow : na barcolor(color=fillSW ? bColor : na) // Show Break Alerts plotshape(SHORT, title='ATR Sell', style=shape.labeldown, location=location.abovebar, size=size.normal, text='Sell',, 0),, 0)) plotshape(LONG, title='ATR Buy', style=shape.labelup, location=location.belowbar, size=size.normal, text='Buy',, 0),, 0)) // === /PLOTTING === // Send alert to TV alarm sub-system alertcondition(LONG, title='Buy', message='Buy') alertcondition(SHORT, title='Sell', message='Sell') alertcondition(buymore, title='Buy more signals', message='Buy more') alertcondition(sellmore, title='Sell more signals', message='Sell more') ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////VWMA