3 months ago
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% opti_lab_2.m %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % tikslo funkcijos ir tt. % tikslo funkcija f = @(X) -1 * X(1) * X(2) * X(3); % lygybinis apribojimas g1 (2xy+2yz+2xz-1) g1 = @(X) 2*X(1)*X(2) + 2*X(2)*X(3) + 2*X(1)*X(3) - 1; % kvadratine bauda b_h1 = @(X) (max(0, -X(1)))^2; % -X(1) yra h1 b_h2 = @(X) (max(0, -X(2)))^2; b_h3 = @(X) (max(0, -X(3)))^2; b_g1 = @(X) (g1(X))^2; kvadratinebauda = @(X) b_h1(X) + b_h2(X) + b_h3(X) + b_g1(X); % baudos funkcija baudosf = @(X,r) f(X) + 1/r * kvadratinebauda(X); % tikslo funkcijos ir tt. %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % nelder mead simplex function result = nelderMeadSimplex(point_0, f, r, epsilon) result = Result(); % consts alpha = r/100; delta_1 = alpha*(sqrt(2+1)+2-1)/(2*sqrt(2)); delta_2 = alpha*(sqrt(2+1)-1)/(2*sqrt(2)); coeff_base = 1; coeff_expand = 2; coeff_shrink = 0.5; coeff_shrink_max = -0.5; % create base simplex simplex = [ point_0(1) , point_0(2) , point_0(3) , NaN; point_0(1) + delta_2, point_0(2) + delta_1, point_0(3) + delta_1, NaN; point_0(1) + delta_1, point_0(2) + delta_2, point_0(3) + delta_1, NaN; point_0(1) + delta_1, point_0(2) + delta_1, point_0(3) + delta_2, NaN; ]; % fill base simplex 4th column with func values for i = 1:4 simplex(i, 4) = f(simplex(i, 1:3), r); result.incFuncCallCount(); result.addIterSimplex(simplex(i, :)); result.addSimplex(simplex); end % sort descending based on function result simplex = sortrows(simplex, -4); % function for generating new simplex point function point = nextPoint(coeff, simplex) centroid = 0.5 * (simplex(3, 1:3) + simplex(4, 1:3)); % X_naujas = X_h + (1 + coeff)(X_c - X_h) new_x_y = simplex(1, 1:3) + (1 + coeff) * (centroid - simplex(1, 1:3)); point = [new_x_y(1), new_x_y(2), new_x_y(3), f(new_x_y, r)]; result.incFuncCallCount(); end % iteration loop maxiter = 20; counter = 0; while vecnorm(simplex(4, 1:3) - simplex(3, 1:3)) > epsilon && counter <= maxiter counter = counter + 1; % create new point old_point = simplex(1, :); new_point = nextPoint(coeff_base, simplex); % adjust new point if new_point(4) > simplex(1, 4) % higher than highest new_point = nextPoint(coeff_shrink_max, simplex); elseif new_point(4) > simplex(2, 4) % between high and mid new_point = nextPoint(coeff_shrink, simplex); elseif new_point(4) > simplex(4, 4) % between mid and low else % lower than lowest new_point = nextPoint(coeff_expand, simplex); end simplex(1, :) = new_point; result.addIterSimplex(simplex(1, :)); result.addSimplex(simplex); result.addArrow(old_point, new_point); simplex = sortrows(simplex, -4); end end % nelder mead simplex %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % main start_points = {[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [0.4, 0.5, 0.2]}; epsilon = 0.0001; r = 50; result = nelderMeadSimplex(start_points{1}, baudosf, r, epsilon); while vecnorm(result.simplexes{end}(4, 1:3) - result.simplexes{end}(3, 1:3)) > epsilon r = r/2; result = nelderMeadSimplex(result.simplexes{end}(4, 1:3), baudosf, r, epsilon); end
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