2 months ago
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>TOP GAMEPLAY ISSUES (In no particular order) *PETMASTERS Petmasters fucking suck. People hate playing against them, people hate playing as them, people only play them because "duhhh we need a petmaster doughbeitever". The 'spend 70+ AP and a trillion mana to get a wall going' meta is a cancer. Get this. What the fuck are you going to use a petmaster for? Certainly not offensively in a raid situation because raiding today is a game of minutes. "uhh let me get my pets to attack random people and pets slowly and inaccurately every 10 seconds" in a game where people are shitting out 100+ damage every second, yeah see you there. that leaves defensive petwall usage, which either works and is a "haha epic" moment for the petmaster and makes the tank splat against the petwall, have an aneurysm and everyone else flame him, or it doesn't work, the tank clicks the petmaster like 5 times and your 100+ pet wall which you've spent 100+ ap and a billion mana to get going evaporates in 2 seconds. great gameplay. The other option is having a smaller pet force camp in random resource buildings and just going "teehee xD" when you kill a mortal that's trying to search for books. Thrilling gameplay, consider terminating self though. *FIX man I don't fucking know. have pets be very limited, but powerful, and give the petmaster agency on how they attack. 3 hellhounds, 1 wrackwyrm and 4 imps, but have them actually able to hit shit that dodges and give the WM an "attack" that makes them attack shit? or you can just delete petmasters lol, good fucking riddance *ADVERSARIAL GAMEPLAY CHANGES quit fucking nerfing shit people figure out because the people who figured them out are not "the dev clique". If you're not sure about how something is going to interact with other stuff, stop. think. consider what the fuck you're doing. Don't just 'lol me make skill for my favorite class' without considering the consequences and how skills interact with items etc. TEST SHIT. "b-b-but volunteer" fucking stop. *FIX yeah that's never happening *CLASS BALANCING BY THE NUMBERS boy I sure do love paying 180 cp for a shit innate weapon when other classes get better innates for a fraction of the cp cost *FIX Effort. work out how much CP 1 point of damage, 5% accuracy, 5% dodge etc is worth, and balance accordingly. "but that's what cucksura did and it was BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING" it's time to stop using the tek boogeyman and admitting he was right about some things. *COMBAT TREES FUCKING SUCK Having a STEEP CP tax for being able to do basic shit like clicking attack without wanting to gouge your eyes out with a rusty spoon sucks *FIX just get rid of them. hit chance is a global value and scales with levels. add more mortal skills if you're worried about that *ACTUALLY JUST GET RID OF MORTALS Or at least start them at level 7 who doesn't LOVE being a subhuman who misses more than they hit? *FIX it's right there dude *INFUSION of all the shitty mechanics this remains the shittiest. me punch dirt lol xD it's not as bad as it used to be but it's still shit *FIX hasn't there been a thousand threads on what to do about the infusion situation? just start coding lol *THE GRIND SITUATION is insane :) forcing players to do dumb shit no one would ever do for a scrap of CP is evil. No one has ever said "I actually really enjoyed my 2000 pills popped grind, it was super interactive and I'd gladly do it again if neither CP nor bragging rights were on the line". you might say no one is FORCING you to grind but that's peak fucking bad faith arguing and if you ever thought that, again, consider terminating self for real *FIX experience for ranks. have badges do cosmetic shit idgaf. or small boosts related to the subject, like if you have the booze drunk badge you no longer lose accuracy when under the drunk effect *FONTS AND TRAPS *clicks button* *gets instakilled with no counterplay* *terminally autistic man snorts at your misfortune a few hours later* *FIX "probe font" button. Spend X AP and Y MP to scope the font out without getting blown up. Can disarm any trap while probing the font, at a greater MP and AP cost. probably more shit but I'm not feeling as maniac as I was like 20 minutes ago
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