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/*coded by [punpun]. do not steal the characters. do not remove this. do not remove the credits.*/
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<div id="ufuk"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/qFmTKZb.png"></div>
<a href="#1"><div id="tofu" style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 200; right: 0; top:198; bottom: 0px;"><div id="tofu-content"> <i>I</div></div></a>
<a href="#2"><div id="tofu" style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 230; right: 0; top:198; bottom: 0px;"><div id="tofu-content"> <i>II</div></div></a>
<a href="#3"><div id="tofu" style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 260; right: 0; top:198; bottom: 0px;"><div id="tofu-content"> <i>III</div></div></a>
<a href="#"><div id="tofu" style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 290; right: 0; top:198; bottom: 0px;"><div id="tofu-content"> <i>IV</div></div></a>
<div class="align-correction">
<div id="head">Priest</div><div id="head2">Terrible</div>
<img style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 123; right: 0; top:70; bottom: 0px; width:50;" src="http://i.imgur.com/YII5FYB.png">
<img style="position: fixed; margin:auto; left: 53; right: 0; top:70; bottom: 0px; width:50;z-index:10;" src="http://i.imgur.com/YII5FYB.png">
<div class="dicks"></div>
<div class="ooc">
[00] <b>Don't</b>; start a dm with a post.<br>
[01] <b>I Am</b>; Dm Friendly.<br>
[02] <b>Blank / Multi Character</b>; will rarely get a response from me,<br>
[03] <b>I may</b>; Disappear due to RL situations. Apologies .<br>
[04] <b>Smut</b>; is ok, but is best when story is involved as well.<br>
[05] <b>Forgive</b>; Me Father For I Have Sinned <br>
[06] <b>Not</b>; Sorry Daddy, I've Been Naughty.<br>
[07] <b>Code</b>; Is Not Mine.<br>
<div class="for"></div>
<div id="1" class="harambe">
<div class="out" style="overflow:disabled;">Name <font style="float:right;"><b>Jaime Luis Cristobal</b></font><br>
Age <font style="float:right;"><b>27</b></font><br>
Gender <font style="float:right;"><b>Male</b></font><br>
Marital <font style="float:right;"><b>Single-ish</b></font><br>
Height/Weight <font style="float:right;"><b>220 cm / 112 kg</b></font><br>
Orientation <font style="float:right;"><b> Mostly Straight</b></font><br>
Occupation <font style="float:right;"><b> Priest / Hunter</b></font><br>
Home <font style="float:right;"><b>Madrid, Spain</b></font><br>
Affiliation <font style="float:right;"><b>The Church</b></font><br>
<div id="2" class="harambe">
<div class="out">
<div id="3" class="harambe">
<div class="out"><br>
Bio here, will fill it out later.
</div> </div>