using UnityEngine; using Photon.Pun; using MarsFPSKit.ZombieWaveSurvival; namespace MarsFPSKit { public class ExplodeToggle : Kit_InteractableObject { public Kit_PvE_ZombieWaveSurvival zws; [HideInInspector] public Kit_IngameMain main; [Header("Settings")] public int explosionPrice; // Price to purchase the explosion action private bool isExplosionPurchased = false; // Flag to track if explosion is purchased public Kit_ExplodeableBarrelExtended barrel; // Reference to the explosive barrel private void Start() { main = FindObjectOfType<Kit_IngameMain>(); } public override bool CanInteract(Kit_PlayerBehaviour who) { if (!isExplosionPurchased) { if (zws.localPlayerData.money >= explosionPrice) { interactionText = "Purchase Explosion [$" + explosionPrice + "]"; return true; } } else { interactionText = "Explode"; return true; } return false; } public override void Interact(Kit_PlayerBehaviour who) { if (!isExplosionPurchased) { if (zws.localPlayerData.money >= explosionPrice) { zws.localPlayerData.SpendMoney(explosionPrice); isExplosionPurchased = true; interactionText = "Explode"; // Change interaction text to indicate explosion action } } else { // Trigger the explosion without causing damage when interacting barrel.TriggerExplosionWithoutDamage(); // Simulate the damage by directly calling the DamageBarrel method float damage = 9999f; bool shotBot = false; int shotId = 0; barrel.DamageBarrel(damage, shotBot, shotId); } } } } using UnityEngine; using Photon.Pun; using System.Collections; namespace MarsFPSKit { public class Kit_ExplodeableBarrelExtended : MonoBehaviourPun, IKitDamageable, IPunObservable { public GameObject explosion; public float startHitPoints = 100f; private float hitPoints = 100f; public float decreaseHitPointsAfterDamaged = 10f; public ParticleSystem playWhenDamaged; private bool destroyedByBot; private int destroyedById = -1; private bool isExploding = false; void Start() { if (photonView.IsMine) { hitPoints = startHitPoints; } } void Update() { if (hitPoints < startHitPoints) { if (photonView.IsMine) { if (decreaseHitPointsAfterDamaged > 0) { hitPoints -= Time.deltaTime * decreaseHitPointsAfterDamaged; if (hitPoints <= 0) { StartCoroutine(RepeatExplosion()); } } } if (playWhenDamaged) { if (!playWhenDamaged.isPlaying) { playWhenDamaged.Play(true); } } } } private IEnumerator RepeatExplosion() { if (!isExploding) { isExploding = true; int explosionCount = 15; for (int i = 0; i < explosionCount; i++) { Vector3 explosionOffset = new Vector3(Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f), Random.Range(-1f, 1f)); GameObject go = Instantiate(explosion, transform.position + explosionOffset, transform.rotation); if (go.GetComponent<Kit_Explosion>()) { go.GetComponent<Kit_Explosion>().Explode(photonView.IsMine, destroyedByBot, destroyedById, "Barrel"); } yield return new WaitForSeconds(1f); // Wait for 1 second before the next explosion } isExploding = false; PhotonNetwork.Destroy(gameObject); } } bool IKitDamageable.LocalDamage(float dmg, int gunID, Vector3 shotPos, Vector3 forward, float force, Vector3 hitPos, bool shotBot, int shotId) { if (photonView.Owner == null) photonView.RPC("DamageBarrel", RpcTarget.MasterClient, dmg, shotBot, shotId); else photonView.RPC("DamageBarrel", photonView.Owner, dmg, shotBot, shotId); return true; } [PunRPC] public void DamageBarrel(float dmg, bool shotBot, int shotId) { if (photonView.IsMine) { hitPoints -= dmg; destroyedByBot = shotBot; destroyedById = shotId; if (hitPoints <= 0) { StartCoroutine(RepeatExplosion()); } } } // Add a method to trigger the explosion without damage public void TriggerExplosionWithoutDamage() { if (!isExploding) { StartCoroutine(RepeatExplosion()); } } void OnDestroy() { // No need for this part in the OnDestroy method } void IPunObservable.OnPhotonSerializeView(PhotonStream stream, PhotonMessageInfo info) { if (stream.IsWriting) { stream.SendNext(hitPoints); } else { hitPoints = (float)stream.ReceiveNext(); } } } }
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