class Node: def __init__(self, order_id, item, due_time): self.order_id = order_id self.item = item self.due_time = due_time self.next = None class Delivery: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None def place_order(self, order_id, item, due_time): node = Node(order_id, item, due_time) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: self.rear.next = node self.rear = node def place_order_front(self, order_id, item, due_time): node = Node(order_id, item, due_time) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: node.next = self.front self.front = node def delete(self, order_id): current = self.front if current.order_id == order_id: self.front = self.front.next return while current.next: if current.next.order_id == order_id: if current.next is None: current.next = None return current.next = current.next.next current = current.next def dispatch_front(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: current = self.front while current: current.due_time -= 1 current = current.next order_id = self.front.order_id item = self.front.item due_time = self.front.due_time self.front = self.front.next print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} is dispatched!') def dispatch_rear(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet!') else: current = self.front while current: prev = current current.due_time -= 1 current = current.next order_id = self.rear.order_id item = self.rear.item due_time = self.rear.due_time prev.next = None print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} dispatched!') def late_order(self): current = self.front while current: if current.due_time < 0: order_id = current.order_id item = current.item due_time = current.due_time self.delete(order_id) self.place_order_front(order_id, item, due_time) print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} ') current = current.next def process_order(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: self.dispatch_front() self.dispatch_rear() def deliver_time(self, order_id): time = 1 current = self.front if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: while current: if current.order_id == order_id: print(f'deliver order and time : {current.order_id} {time}') else: time+=1 current = current.next print(f'{order_id} not in the queue') def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.order_id, current.item, current.due_time, ' ', end='\n') current = current.next deliver = Delivery() print('Orders:') deliver.place_order(1,'item1',3) deliver.place_order(2,'item2',2) deliver.place_order(4,'item2',1) deliver.place_order(5,'item2',0) deliver.place_order(3,'item3',7) deliver.display() print('\nOrder dispatched front:') deliver.dispatch_front() print('\nOrder dispatched rear') deliver.dispatch_rear() print('Late orders') deliver.late_order() print() deliver.display() print() print('Processed order from front and rear:') deliver.process_order() deliver.display() print() deliver.deliver_time(3) ############## Priority class Node: def __init__(self, data, priority=None): self.data = data self.priority = priority self.next = None class Prio: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None def enqueue(self, data, priority=None): node = Node(data, priority) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: if self.front.priority is None or self.rear.priority and priority < self.front.priority: node.next = self.front self.front = node elif priority is None or self.rear.priority is not None and priority > self.rear.priority: self.rear.next = node self.rear = node else: current = self.front while current.next: if current.next.priority is None or current.next.priority > priority: node.next = current.next current.next = node break current = current.next def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.data, current.priority, ' ', end='') current = current.next p = Prio() p.enqueue(12,2) p.enqueue(13,3) p.enqueue(132,1) p.enqueue(1324,4) p.enqueue(13214,0) p.display() ######## BackTrack class Node: def __init__(self,data): self.data = data self.next = None class Backtrack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) if self.top is None: self.top = node else: node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None else: popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def bt(self, data): if data >= 0: self.push(data) else: for i in range(5): print(self.pop(), end=' > ') b = Backtrack() b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) b.bt(-1) b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) b.bt(6) b.bt(7) b.bt(8) b.bt(9) b.bt(10) b.bt(-2) b.bt(11) b.bt(12) b.bt(-3) b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) ####### Final exam class Node: def __init__(self, title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification): self.title = title self.comp_name = comp_name self.job_desc = job_desc self.qualification = qualification self.next = None class Node2: def __init__(self, job_title, name, age, degree, address): self.job_title = job_title self.name = name self.age = age self.degree = degree self.address = address self.next = None class Job: #stack for job post def __init__(self): self.top = None def post_job(self, title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification): node = Node(title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification) node.next = self.top #add new application to top self.top = node def view_latest_job_posting(self): latest_job = self.top.title #get the latest job in the top print(latest_job) def close_job_opening(self): close_job = self.top.title self.top = self.top.next # rmove job from the top return close_job def display(self): #display all the job posting current = self.top while current: print(current.title, current.comp_name, current.job_desc, current.qualification, '\n', end='') current = current.next class Stack2: #stack for application def __init__(self): self.top = None def apply_for_job(self, job_title, name, age, degree, address): node = Node2(job_title, name, age, degree, address) node.next = self.top #adding new application and assign to top self.top = node def process_job_application(self): popped = self.top.name self.top = self.top.next return popped def view_latest_job_application(self): #get the application in the top job_title = self.top.job_title #assign job title to job_title name = self.top.name print(job_title, name) #display job title and application name def check_job_application_status(self, name): current = self.top while current: #check the application if qualified if current.name == name and current.degree == 'College graduate': print(f'{current.name}\'s Application', 'Accepted') #execute if qualified return else: print('Not accepted') #else execute this break def display(self): #display all applications current = self.top while current: print(current.job_title, current.name, current.age, current.degree, current.address, '\n', end='') current = current.next posting = Job() posting.post_job('Cyber Security', 'Evil Corp', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') posting.post_job('Cyber Security 2', 'Evil Corp 2', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') posting.post_job('Cyber Security 3', 'Evil Corp 3', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') print('All Jobs') posting.display() print('\nLatest job posting') posting.view_latest_job_posting() print() application = Stack2() print('All Applications') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security', 'Kenneth', 21, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security 2', 'James', 41, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security 3', 'James', 32, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.process_job_application() application.display() print('\nLatest job application') application.view_latest_job_application() print('\nApplication status') application.check_job_application_status('James') ########## Stack and Queue Quino class Node: def __init__(self, order_id, item, due_time): self.order_id = order_id self.item = item self.due_time = due_time self.next = None class Delivery: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None def place_order(self, order_id, item, due_time): node = Node(order_id, item, due_time) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: self.rear.next = node self.rear = node def place_order_front(self, order_id, item, due_time): node = Node(order_id, item, due_time) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: node.next = self.front self.front = node def delete(self, order_id): current = self.front if current.order_id == order_id: self.front = self.front.next return while current.next: if current.next.order_id == order_id: if current.next is None: current.next = None return current.next = current.next.next current = current.next def dispatch_front(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: current = self.front while current: current.due_time -= 1 current = current.next order_id = self.front.order_id item = self.front.item due_time = self.front.due_time self.front = self.front.next print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} is dispatched!') def dispatch_rear(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet!') else: current = self.front while current: prev = current current.due_time -= 1 current = current.next order_id = self.rear.order_id item = self.rear.item due_time = self.rear.due_time prev.next = None print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} dispatched!') def late_order(self): current = self.front while current: if current.due_time < 0: order_id = current.order_id item = current.item due_time = current.due_time self.delete(order_id) self.place_order_front(order_id, item, due_time) print(f'{order_id} {item} {due_time} ') current = current.next def process_order(self): if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: self.dispatch_front() self.dispatch_rear() def deliver_time(self, order_id): time = 1 current = self.front if self.front is None: print('no order yet') else: while current: if current.order_id == order_id: print(f'deliver order and time : {current.order_id} {time}') else: time+=1 current = current.next print(f'{order_id} not in the queue') def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.order_id, current.item, current.due_time, ' ', end='\n') current = current.next deliver = Delivery() print('Orders:') deliver.place_order(1,'item1',3) deliver.place_order(2,'item2',2) deliver.place_order(4,'item2',1) deliver.place_order(5,'item2',0) deliver.place_order(3,'item3',7) deliver.display() print('\nOrder dispatched front:') deliver.dispatch_front() print('\nOrder dispatched rear') deliver.dispatch_rear() print('Late orders') deliver.late_order() print() deliver.display() print() print('Processed order from front and rear:') deliver.process_order() deliver.display() print() deliver.deliver_time(3) ############## Priority class Node: def __init__(self, data, priority=None): self.data = data self.priority = priority self.next = None class Prio: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None def enqueue(self, data, priority=None): node = Node(data, priority) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node else: if self.front.priority is None or self.rear.priority and priority < self.front.priority: node.next = self.front self.front = node elif priority is None or self.rear.priority is not None and priority > self.rear.priority: self.rear.next = node self.rear = node else: current = self.front while current.next: if current.next.priority is None or current.next.priority > priority: node.next = current.next current.next = node break current = current.next def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.data, current.priority, ' ', end='') current = current.next p = Prio() p.enqueue(12,2) p.enqueue(13,3) p.enqueue(132,1) p.enqueue(1324,4) p.enqueue(13214,0) p.display() ######## BackTrack class Node: def __init__(self,data): self.data = data self.next = None class Backtrack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) if self.top is None: self.top = node else: node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None else: popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def bt(self, data): if data >= 0: self.push(data) else: for i in range(5): print(self.pop(), end=' > ') b = Backtrack() b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) b.bt(-1) b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) b.bt(6) b.bt(7) b.bt(8) b.bt(9) b.bt(10) b.bt(-2) b.bt(11) b.bt(12) b.bt(-3) b.bt(1) b.bt(2) b.bt(3) b.bt(4) b.bt(5) ####### Final exam class Node: def __init__(self, title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification): self.title = title self.comp_name = comp_name self.job_desc = job_desc self.qualification = qualification self.next = None class Node2: def __init__(self, job_title, name, age, degree, address): self.job_title = job_title self.name = name self.age = age self.degree = degree self.address = address self.next = None class Job: #stack for job post def __init__(self): self.top = None def post_job(self, title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification): node = Node(title, comp_name, job_desc, qualification) node.next = self.top #add new application to top self.top = node def view_latest_job_posting(self): latest_job = self.top.title #get the latest job in the top print(latest_job) def close_job_opening(self): close_job = self.top.title self.top = self.top.next # rmove job from the top return close_job def display(self): #display all the job posting current = self.top while current: print(current.title, current.comp_name, current.job_desc, current.qualification, '\n', end='') current = current.next class Stack2: #stack for application def __init__(self): self.top = None def apply_for_job(self, job_title, name, age, degree, address): node = Node2(job_title, name, age, degree, address) node.next = self.top #adding new application and assign to top self.top = node def process_job_application(self): popped = self.top.name self.top = self.top.next return popped def view_latest_job_application(self): #get the application in the top job_title = self.top.job_title #assign job title to job_title name = self.top.name print(job_title, name) #display job title and application name def check_job_application_status(self, name): current = self.top while current: #check the application if qualified if current.name == name and current.degree == 'College graduate': print(f'{current.name}\'s Application', 'Accepted') #execute if qualified return else: print('Not accepted') #else execute this break def display(self): #display all applications current = self.top while current: print(current.job_title, current.name, current.age, current.degree, current.address, '\n', end='') current = current.next posting = Job() posting.post_job('Cyber Security', 'Evil Corp', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') posting.post_job('Cyber Security 2', 'Evil Corp 2', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') posting.post_job('Cyber Security 3', 'Evil Corp 3', 'penetration testing', 'college graduate') print('All Jobs') posting.display() print('\nLatest job posting') posting.view_latest_job_posting() print() application = Stack2() print('All Applications') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security', 'Kenneth', 21, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security 2', 'James', 41, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.apply_for_job('Cyber Security 3', 'James', 32, 'College graduate', 'Lilo-an') application.process_job_application() application.display() print('\nLatest job application') application.view_latest_job_application() print('\nApplication status') application.check_job_application_status('James') ####### Stack and Queue Coquilla # class to store the name, sched, details, and the reminders class Node: def __init__(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): self.name = name self.schedule = schedule self.details = details self.reminders = reminders self.next = None # class for queue class Queue: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None # method to enqueue a candidate def enqueue(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): node = Node(name, schedule, details, reminders) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node return else: self.rear.next = node self.rear = self.rear.next # method to dequeue a candidate def dequeue(self): if self.front is None: return None else: dequeue_data = self.front.name self.front = self.front.next return dequeue_data # method to display the name of a candidate def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.name, end=" - ") current = current.next print() # method to display the detailed information of a candidate def detailed_display(self): current = self.front while current: print(f'Name: {current.name}\tSchedule: {current.schedule}\tDetails: {current.details}\tReminders: {current.reminders}') current = current.next # class for stack class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None # method to push a candidate def push(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): node = Node(name, schedule, details, reminders) if self.top is None: self.top = node return else: node.next = self.top self.top = node # method to pop a candidate def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None else: pop_data = self.top.name self.top = self.top.next return pop_data # method to display the name of a candidate def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.name, end=" - ") current = current.next print() # method to display the detailed information a candidate def detailed_display(self): current = self.top while current: print(f'Name: {current.name}\tSchedule: {current.schedule}\tDetails: {current.details}\tReminders: {current.reminders}') current = current.next # class for the barista. this class is where the processes will take place class Barista: # method to transfer the promising candidates from queue to stacks def review_stack(self, inbox, review, promising_candidate): current = inbox.front while current.next: if promising_candidate in current.next.name: review.push(current.next.name) current.next = current.next.next continue current = current.next # method to move the chosen candidates from stacks to queue def interview_queue(self, review, interview): current = review.top while current: interview.enqueue(review.pop()) current = current.next # method to add the schedule, details, and reminders to the interview candidates def schedule_interviews(self, interview, sched_interview, schedule, details, reminders): current = interview.front while current: sched_interview.push(current.name, schedule, details, reminders) interview.dequeue() current = current.next # method to select a candidate then it through the stacks def hiring_decision(self, sched_interview, hiring, name): current = sched_interview.top while current: if current.name == name: hiring.enqueue(current.name, current.schedule, current.details, current.reminders) sched_interview.pop() break sched_interview.pop() current = current.next bar = Barista() inbox = Queue() review = Stack() interview = Queue() sched_interview = Stack() hiring = Queue() print() print('Inbox: ') inbox.enqueue('aivy') inbox.enqueue('jomary') inbox.enqueue('kay shamir') inbox.enqueue('denise') inbox.enqueue('kenny') inbox.enqueue('shamenamena') inbox.display() print() print('Review:') bar.review_stack(inbox, review, 'sham') review.display() print() print('Interview:') bar.interview_queue(review, interview) interview.display() print() print('Schedule:') bar.schedule_interviews(interview, sched_interview, '10am', 'Cebu City', 'Bring Valid ID') sched_interview.detailed_display() print() print('Hire:') bar.hiring_decision(sched_interview, hiring, 'kay shamir') hiring.display() ####### concatenate, palindrome class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def is_palindrome(self, str1): for i in str1: self.push(i) for i in str1: if i == self.peek(): self.pop() else: self.pop() return False return True def backtrack(self): current = self.top while current: if current.data < 0: for i in range(5): self.pop() current = current.next def concatenate(self, other_stack): if other_stack.top is None: return # Traverse to the end of the current stack current = self.top while current.next: current = current.next # Concatenate the other stack to the end of the current stack current.next = other_stack.top # Clear the other stack after concatenation other_stack.top = None def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def min(self): current = self.top minimum = self.top.data while current: if minimum < current.data: minimum = minimum else: minimum = current.data current = current.next return minimum def max(self): current = self.top maximum = self.top.data while current: if maximum > current.data: maximum = maximum else: maximum = current.data current = current.next return maximum def is_empty(self): return self.top is None def size(self): count = 0 current = self.top while current: count += 1 current = current.next return count def clear(self): self.top = None def search(self, data): current = self.top position = 0 while current: if current.data == data: return position position += 1 current = current.next return None def reverse(self): temp_stack = Stack() while self.top: temp_stack.push(self.pop()) self.top = temp_stack.top def copy(self): copied_stack = Stack() current = self.top while current is not None: copied_stack.push(current.data) current = current.next return copied_stack stack = Stack() stack1 = Stack() stack.push(0) stack.push(2) stack.push(4) stack.push(8) stack.display() print() print('Minimum', stack.min()) print('Maximum', stack.max()) ######## Is Balance class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def is_balanced_parentheses(s): stack = Stack() # Iterate through each character in the string for char in s: if char in "({[": stack.push(char) elif char in ")}]": # Check if the stack is empty (unmatched closing parenthesis) if stack.peek() is None: return False # Check if the current closing parenthesis matches the top of the stack if (char == ")" and stack.peek() == "(") or \ (char == "}" and stack.peek() == "{") or \ (char == "]" and stack.peek() == "["): stack.pop() else: return False # Check if there are unmatched opening parentheses return stack.peek() is None # Test cases print(is_balanced_parentheses("()")) # True print(is_balanced_parentheses("()[]{}")) # True print(is_balanced_parentheses("(]")) # False print(is_balanced_parentheses("([)]")) # False print(is_balanced_parentheses("{[]}")) # True ##### infix to postfix class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def is_balance(self, str1): open_brackets = '[{(' close_brackets = ']})' for i in str1: if i in open_brackets: self.push(i) elif i in close_brackets: if i == ')' and self.peek() == '(' or i == '}' and self.peek() == '{' or i == ']' and self.peek() == '[': self.pop() else: return False if self.peek() is None: return True else: return False def remove_wspace(self, str1): new = '' for i in str1: if i != ' ': new += i return new def infix_postfix(self, str1): if self.is_balance(str1): nospace = self.remove_wspace(str1) operator = '+-*/()^' expression = '' for i in nospace: if i in operator: if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == ')': while self.peek() is not None and self.peek() != '(': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() # Pop the open parenthesis elif (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif (i == '*' or i == '/') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == '^' and self.peek() == '^': self.push(i) else: self.push(i) else: expression += i while self.peek() is not None: temp = self.pop() expression += temp return expression else: print('Not balance') return False stack = Stack() print(stack.infix_postfix('((f*g-h)+(i*(j/k-l))+(m*n/o)')) ###### infix to postfix class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def is_balance(self, str1): open_brackets = '[{(' close_brackets = ']})' for i in str1: if i in open_brackets: self.push(i) elif i in close_brackets: if i == ')' and self.peek() == '(' or i == '}' and self.peek() == '{' or i == ']' and self.peek() == '[': self.pop() else: return False if self.peek() is None: return True else: return False def reverse(self, str1): new = '' prev = '' for i in str1: if prev == ')' and i == '(': new = i + '*' +new else: new = i + new prev = i return new def remove_space(self, str1): new = '' for i in str1: if i != ' ': new += i return new def infix_prefix(self, str1): if self.is_balance(str1): final = self.remove_space(str1) reverse = self.reverse(final) operator = '+-*/()^[]{}' expression = '' for i in reverse: if i in operator: if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif (i == '*' or i == '/' or i == '^') and (self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == '(': while self.peek() != ')': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() elif i == '[': while self.peek() != ']': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() elif i == '{': while self.peek() != '}': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() else: self.push(i) else: expression += i while self.peek() is not None: temp = self.pop() expression += temp return self.reverse(expression) else: print('Not balance') return False stack = Stack() print('Infix to Prefix\n', stack.infix_prefix('((a+b)*c)-(d*e/(f+g))-(h*i)')) stack.display() ####### Stack and Queue Coquilla # class to store the name, sched, details, and the reminders class Node: def __init__(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): self.name = name self.schedule = schedule self.details = details self.reminders = reminders self.next = None # class for queue class Queue: def __init__(self): self.front = self.rear = None # method to enqueue a candidate def enqueue(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): node = Node(name, schedule, details, reminders) if self.front is None: self.front = self.rear = node return else: self.rear.next = node self.rear = self.rear.next # method to dequeue a candidate def dequeue(self): if self.front is None: return None else: dequeue_data = self.front.name self.front = self.front.next return dequeue_data # method to display the name of a candidate def display(self): current = self.front while current: print(current.name, end=" - ") current = current.next print() # method to display the detailed information of a candidate def detailed_display(self): current = self.front while current: print(f'Name: {current.name}\tSchedule: {current.schedule}\tDetails: {current.details}\tReminders: {current.reminders}') current = current.next # class for stack class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None # method to push a candidate def push(self, name, schedule=None, details=None, reminders=None): node = Node(name, schedule, details, reminders) if self.top is None: self.top = node return else: node.next = self.top self.top = node # method to pop a candidate def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None else: pop_data = self.top.name self.top = self.top.next return pop_data # method to display the name of a candidate def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.name, end=" - ") current = current.next print() # method to display the detailed information a candidate def detailed_display(self): current = self.top while current: print(f'Name: {current.name}\tSchedule: {current.schedule}\tDetails: {current.details}\tReminders: {current.reminders}') current = current.next # class for the barista. this class is where the processes will take place class Barista: # method to transfer the promising candidates from queue to stacks def review_stack(self, inbox, review, promising_candidate): current = inbox.front while current.next: if promising_candidate in current.next.name: review.push(current.next.name) current.next = current.next.next continue current = current.next # method to move the chosen candidates from stacks to queue def interview_queue(self, review, interview): current = review.top while current: interview.enqueue(review.pop()) current = current.next # method to add the schedule, details, and reminders to the interview candidates def schedule_interviews(self, interview, sched_interview, schedule, details, reminders): current = interview.front while current: sched_interview.push(current.name, schedule, details, reminders) interview.dequeue() current = current.next # method to select a candidate then it through the stacks def hiring_decision(self, sched_interview, hiring, name): current = sched_interview.top while current: if current.name == name: hiring.enqueue(current.name, current.schedule, current.details, current.reminders) sched_interview.pop() break sched_interview.pop() current = current.next bar = Barista() inbox = Queue() review = Stack() interview = Queue() sched_interview = Stack() hiring = Queue() print() print('Inbox: ') inbox.enqueue('aivy') inbox.enqueue('jomary') inbox.enqueue('kay shamir') inbox.enqueue('denise') inbox.enqueue('kenny') inbox.enqueue('shamenamena') inbox.display() print() print('Review:') bar.review_stack(inbox, review, 'sham') review.display() print() print('Interview:') bar.interview_queue(review, interview) interview.display() print() print('Schedule:') bar.schedule_interviews(interview, sched_interview, '10am', 'Cebu City', 'Bring Valid ID') sched_interview.detailed_display() print() print('Hire:') bar.hiring_decision(sched_interview, hiring, 'kay shamir') hiring.display() ####### concatenate, palindrome class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def is_palindrome(self, str1): for i in str1: self.push(i) for i in str1: if i == self.peek(): self.pop() else: self.pop() return False return True def backtrack(self): current = self.top while current: if current.data < 0: for i in range(5): self.pop() current = current.next def concatenate(self, other_stack): if other_stack.top is None: return # Traverse to the end of the current stack current = self.top while current.next: current = current.next # Concatenate the other stack to the end of the current stack current.next = other_stack.top # Clear the other stack after concatenation other_stack.top = None def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def min(self): current = self.top minimum = self.top.data while current: if minimum < current.data: minimum = minimum else: minimum = current.data current = current.next return minimum def max(self): current = self.top maximum = self.top.data while current: if maximum > current.data: maximum = maximum else: maximum = current.data current = current.next return maximum def is_empty(self): return self.top is None def size(self): count = 0 current = self.top while current: count += 1 current = current.next return count def clear(self): self.top = None def search(self, data): current = self.top position = 0 while current: if current.data == data: return position position += 1 current = current.next return None def reverse(self): temp_stack = Stack() while self.top: temp_stack.push(self.pop()) self.top = temp_stack.top def copy(self): copied_stack = Stack() current = self.top while current is not None: copied_stack.push(current.data) current = current.next return copied_stack stack = Stack() stack1 = Stack() stack.push(0) stack.push(2) stack.push(4) stack.push(8) stack.display() print() print('Minimum', stack.min()) print('Maximum', stack.max()) ######## Is Balance class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): if self.top is None: return None popped_data = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped_data def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def is_balanced_parentheses(s): stack = Stack() # Iterate through each character in the string for char in s: if char in "({[": stack.push(char) elif char in ")}]": # Check if the stack is empty (unmatched closing parenthesis) if stack.peek() is None: return False # Check if the current closing parenthesis matches the top of the stack if (char == ")" and stack.peek() == "(") or \ (char == "}" and stack.peek() == "{") or \ (char == "]" and stack.peek() == "["): stack.pop() else: return False # Check if there are unmatched opening parentheses return stack.peek() is None # Test cases print(is_balanced_parentheses("()")) # True print(is_balanced_parentheses("()[]{}")) # True print(is_balanced_parentheses("(]")) # False print(is_balanced_parentheses("([)]")) # False print(is_balanced_parentheses("{[]}")) # True ##### infix to postfix class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def is_balance(self, str1): open_brackets = '[{(' close_brackets = ']})' for i in str1: if i in open_brackets: self.push(i) elif i in close_brackets: if i == ')' and self.peek() == '(' or i == '}' and self.peek() == '{' or i == ']' and self.peek() == '[': self.pop() else: return False if self.peek() is None: return True else: return False def remove_wspace(self, str1): new = '' for i in str1: if i != ' ': new += i return new def infix_postfix(self, str1): if self.is_balance(str1): nospace = self.remove_wspace(str1) operator = '+-*/()^' expression = '' for i in nospace: if i in operator: if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == ')': while self.peek() is not None and self.peek() != '(': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() # Pop the open parenthesis elif (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '-' or self.peek() == '+'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif (i == '*' or i == '/') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() is not None and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == '^' and self.peek() == '^': self.push(i) else: self.push(i) else: expression += i while self.peek() is not None: temp = self.pop() expression += temp return expression else: print('Not balance') return False stack = Stack() print(stack.infix_postfix('((f*g-h)+(i*(j/k-l))+(m*n/o)')) ###### infix to postfix class Node: def __init__(self, data): self.data = data self.next = None class Stack: def __init__(self): self.top = None def push(self, data): node = Node(data) node.next = self.top self.top = node def pop(self): popped = self.top.data self.top = self.top.next return popped def peek(self): if self.top is None: return None else: return self.top.data def display(self): current = self.top while current: print(current.data, '', end='') current = current.next def is_balance(self, str1): open_brackets = '[{(' close_brackets = ']})' for i in str1: if i in open_brackets: self.push(i) elif i in close_brackets: if i == ')' and self.peek() == '(' or i == '}' and self.peek() == '{' or i == ']' and self.peek() == '[': self.pop() else: return False if self.peek() is None: return True else: return False def reverse(self, str1): new = '' prev = '' for i in str1: if prev == ')' and i == '(': new = i + '*' +new else: new = i + new prev = i return new def remove_space(self, str1): new = '' for i in str1: if i != ' ': new += i return new def infix_prefix(self, str1): if self.is_balance(str1): final = self.remove_space(str1) reverse = self.reverse(final) operator = '+-*/()^[]{}' expression = '' for i in reverse: if i in operator: if (i == '-' or i == '+') and (self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^'): while self.peek() == '*' or self.peek() == '/' or self.peek() == '^': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif (i == '*' or i == '/' or i == '^') and (self.peek() == '^'): temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.push(i) elif i == '(': while self.peek() != ')': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() elif i == '[': while self.peek() != ']': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() elif i == '{': while self.peek() != '}': temp = self.pop() expression += temp self.pop() else: self.push(i) else: expression += i while self.peek() is not None: temp = self.pop() expression += temp return self.reverse(expression) else: print('Not balance') return False stack = Stack() print('Infix to Prefix\n', stack.infix_prefix('((a+b)*c)-(d*e/(f+g))-(h*i)')) stack.display()
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