
a year ago
16 kB

$c[ Below you can set the default limit of options a person can add in their polls, it must be atleast 2 and maximum 9, default is 9 ]

$if[$checkContains[$customID || $message;poll_vote;poll_send-$authorID;poll_mng]==true]

$c[ Below you can change the formatting of the poll embed, using several placeholders available. ]
> :bar_chart: There are **{options_amount}** options available in this poll.

$c[ Below you can change the formatting of the options list, using {option-name} and {option-votes} placeholders, this formatting will only apply if the poll has a minimum of 1 vote, if it has no votes yet it will show a raw list instead till someone votes. ]
$var[list_format;``• {option-name} - {option-votes} votes``]

$c[ Below you can pick the embed color, must be a valid color hexcode value. ]




$newModal[poll_modal;Poll settings]
$addTextInput[title;short;Poll Title;3;40;no;;Title will be shown in the poll embed title.]
$addTextInput[description;short;Poll Description;2;180;no;;Description will be shown in the poll embed description.]
$addTextInput[options;paragraph;Options (One per line, max $var[poll_options_limit]);2;200;yes;Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4...;List each option on a new line.]
$addTextInput[channel;short;Channel ID or Name;3;40;no;$var[def_channel];Channel ID/name where the poll will start, or leave empty.]





$title[Minimum 2 options.]
$description[Hey <@$authorID>, you must add atleast 2 options in order to start a poll, please list each option on a new line, one under other, you can add up to **$var[poll_options_limit]** poll options.]

$title[Options limit exceeded.]
$description[Sorry <@$authorID>, but there's a limit of how many options you can add in a poll, the maximal amount of options you can add is of **$var[poll_options_limit]**, in your poll you included **$getTextSplitLength** options, you must remove atleast **$sub[$getTextSplitLength;$var[poll_options_limit]]** options to continue. ]


$var[title;Title not given.]
$var[description;Description not given.]



$title[Settings successfully saved!]
$description[> You can change these settings by pressing the **settings** button back, if you don't want to change anything else you can press the **Send Poll** button.]


$if[$checkContains[$customID || $message;poll_mng]==true]

$if[$checkContains[$customID || $message;$authorID]==true]

$textSplit[$customID $message;-]







$addButton[no;poll_switch-$messageID;Reopen Poll;success;no;;]
$addButton[no;poll_switch-$messageID;Close Poll;danger;no;;]


$title[Poll Information]
$description[> :bar_chart: This poll was initiated on ``$creationDate[$messageID;January 2, 2006 3:04 PM]`` by $var[by]!]
$addField[Started by;<@$var[poll_author]> ``( $username[$var[poll_author]]#$discriminator[$var[poll_author]] )``;yes]
$addField[Poll State;```$var[poll_state]```;yes]
$addField[Creation date;```$creationDate[$messageID;January 2, 2006 3:04 PM]```;no]
$addField[You voted?;```$var[voted]```;yes]
$addField[You voted for...;```Option $var[voted_option]```;yes]
$addField[Voted Timestamp;<t:$var[voted_unix]:F> (<t:$var[voted_unix]:R>);yes]


Poll ``$var[poll_title]`` has been **closed**! Members are not able to vote anymore, you can open it again using the **Reopen again** button below.
$addButton[no;poll_switch-$var[msg_id];Reopen again;success;no;;]
$setUserVar[poll_system;$getUserVar[poll_system;$botID] $var[msg_id];$botID]
$description[Poll ``$var[poll_title]`` has been **reopened**! Members are able to vote again, you can close it back using the **Close again** button below.]
$addButton[no;poll_switch-$var[msg_id];Close again;danger;no;;]



$title[Not ready yet!]
$description[Hey, it seems you didn't modify the settings for this poll yet, please hit the **Settings** button and add atleast 2 options for your poll before sending it.]

$var[channel;$replaceText[$splitText[2]; ;;-1]]


$var[poll_title;$username[$authorID]#$discriminator[$authorID]'s Poll]
$var[poll_description;This poll doesn't have a description set.]

$c[ ... ]




%{DOL}%var[labels\;%{DOL}%var[labels\]%0A %{DOL}%url[decode\;%{DOL}%splitText[%{DOL}%var[n\]\]\]\]
%{DOL}%var[chart_labels\;%{DOL}%var[chart_labels\],"%{DOL}%splitText[%{DOL}%var[n\]\] - "\]


$c[ ... ] 



$var[dataset;$replaceText[  $var[dataset];  ,;;-1]]

$var[chart_labels;$replaceText[  $var[chart_labels];  ,;;-1]]

 "type": "outlabeledPie",
 "data": {
 "labels": [ $var[labels_output] \],
 "datasets": [{
 "backgroundColor": ["#FF3784", "#36A2EB", "#4BC0C0", "#F77825", "#9966FF", "#08B278", "#BBC103", "#6674FF", "#007EDA", "#DC0752"\],
 "data": [$var[dataset]\]
 "options": {
 "plugins": {
 "legend": false,
 "outlabels": {
 "text": "%l %p",
 "color": "white",
 "stretch": 35,
 "font": {
 "resizable": true,
 "minSize": 12,
 "maxSize": 18

;New Poll!
;$c[author icon]
;Poll started by $username[$authorID]#$discriminator[$authorID]$c[footer]
;$c[footer icon]
$title[Unexpected error!]
$description[Hey <@$authorID>, there has been an unexpected error. Please ensure that you have set everything up correctly. Remember, polls must have a minimum of two and a maximum of ten valid options, listed one underneath the other. If the error persists, please notify a developer.]

$newSelectMenu[pollmenu_vote;1;1;Click here to vote!;$var[msg_id]]
$addSelectMenuOption[pollmenu_vote;Manage;poll_mng-$var[msg_id]-$authorID;Pick this option to manage this poll!;;;$var[msg_id]]


%{DOL}%addSelectMenuOption[pollmenu_vote\;%{DOL}%cropText[%{DOL}%url[decode\;%{DOL}%splitText[%{DOL}%var[n2\]\]\]\;58\;...\]\;poll_vote-%{DOL}%var[correct_2\]\;Vote for option number %{DOL}%var[correct_2\]\;\;\;%{DOL}%var[msg_id\]\]



$title[Successfully sent!]
$description[Hey <@$authorID>, your poll has been successfully sent to <#$var[channel]>]

$if[$checkContains[$customID || $message;poll_vote]==true]

$title[This poll is closed!]
$description[Sorry **$username**, but you can't vote in this poll since it has been flagged as **closed** by its author, you can ask the author to reopen it at anytime.]

$description[Hey **$username**, you will be able to change your vote <t:$sum[$getTimestamp;$getCooldown[normal]]:R>!]

$textSplit[$customID $message;-]






$textSplit[$var[json];"data": ]


$var[final_json;$replaceText[$var[json]; "data": $var[raw]; "data": [$var[changed_output]\];1]]









$var[dm_msg;You successfully **removed** your vote from the ``$var[title]`` poll in the server ``$serverName[$guildID]``!]
$var[dm_msg;You successfully **changed** your vote from option **$var[last_voted]** to option **$var[voted_option]** for the ``$var[title]`` poll in the server ``$serverName[$guildID]``!]
$var[dm_msg;You successfully **voted** for the option number **$var[voted_option]** in the "``$var[title]``" poll in the server ``$serverName[$guildID]``!]

