JS lit
a year ago
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// Objects // obj = { // name: "Vamsi", // age: 19, // skills: ["JavaScript","Python","TailwindCSS","ReactJS","NextJs"], // basedIN: "India", // hello: function log (){ // console.log("Hey there!"); // } // } // console.log(obj.skills); // constructor functions function student (name,age){ this.name = name; this.age = age ; this.skills = ["JavaScript","Python","TailwindCSS","ReactJS","NextJs"]; } // console.log(student); // let s1 = new student ('rohan',20); // let s2 = new student ('Ajay',20); // console.log(s1,s2) // function ss (name,age) { // let student = name; // let id = age; // return { getter: student, id} // } // let result = ss('vamsi',19); // console.log(result); //IIFE - Immediately invoked functions // var abc = (function (){ // var a = 12; // return { // getter: function (){ // console.log(a) // gets the private value // }, // setter: function(val){ // a = val; // changes the value // } // } // })(); // console.log(abc.getter()) //Prototype Inheritence // let human = { // canTalk: true, // canWalk: true, // canFly : true, // } // let coder = { // canCode : true, // canBuildWebsites : true, // } // coder.__proto__ = human; // Asynchoronus JS async function github(){ let res = await fetch(`https://api.github.com/users/vamsieth`); let data = await res.json(); console.log(data.login,data.followers) } let ans = github(); console.log(ans);