
2 years ago
7.7 kB
from datetime import date, timedelta # TODO(alaurens): just you import datetime
import hashlib
from api.fitbit_client import FitbitApiClient # TODO(alaurens): just import fitbit_client
import pymongo

class FitbitMongoClient:
  """A class to import sleep and heart rate data from Fitbit API into a MongoDB database."""

  def __init__(
      # TODO(alaurens):  Here you should be adding types
      connection_string: str,
      database: str,
      collection,  # : ??? what type is this,
    """Initialize the FitbitMongoClient with the given parameters.
    # TODO(alaurens): Here you should put the arguments like this
      connection_string: MongoDB connection string
      database: MongoDB database name 
      collection: MongoDB collection name 
      fitbit_client_id: Fitbit API client ID 
      fitbit_client_secret: Fitbit API client secret
      # Connect to MongoDB
      self.mongo_client = pymongo.MongoClient(connection_string)
      self.db = self.mongo_client[database]
      self.collection = self.db[collection]

      # Initialize Fitbit API client
      self.fitbit_api_client = FitbitApiClient(
          fitbit_client_id, fitbit_client_secret
    except Exception as e:
      # If any error occurs, set objects to None and raise an exception
      # TODO(alaurens): Why do you need to raise to None here?
      self.mongo_client = None
      self.db = None
      self.collection = None
      self.fitbit_api_client = None
      raise Exception(e)

  def import_sleep_data_for_daterange(self, startTime=None, endTime=None):
    # TODO(alaurens): This is a public api you should have both typing and 
    # also a docstring
    sleep_data = self.fitbit_api_client.get_sleep_data_for_data_range(
        startTime, endTime
    user_id = hashlib.sha256(

    # TODO(alaurens): These comments don't always bring a lot of value # Iterate through sleep data
    # TODO(alaurens): Where do you get this schema? It would be good to either
    # build a dataclass to use it or some proto for example?
    for item in sleep_data['sleep']:
      # Create document for each data record
      document = {
          'id': user_id,
          'type': 'sleep',
          'dateOfSleep': item['dateOfSleep'],
          'metrics': {
              'startTime': item['startTime'],
              'endTime': item['endTime'],
              'duration': item['duration'],
              'efficiency': item['efficiency'],
              'minutesAsleep': item['minutesAsleep'],
              'minutesAwake': item['minutesAwake'],
              'minutesToFallAsleep': item['minutesToFallAsleep'],
              'timeInBed': item['timeInBed'],
          'summary': item['levels']['summary'],
          'data': item['levels']['data'],
      # Insert document into MongoDB


  # TODO(alaurens): For any date and time data use the datetime library
  # TODO(alaurens): For the detail level you should use an enum here and not a str, prone too error and hard to read
  def import_heart_data_for_daterange(
      startTime: Optional[str] = None,
      endTime: Optional[str] = None,
      detail_level: DetailLevel = fitbit_client.DetailLevel.ONE_MINUTE
    """The function imports heart rate data from the Fitbit API for a given date range and saves it to a MongoDB collection.
    # TODO(alaurens): You don't need to add the type here if you add it to the function signature
    # TODO(alaurens): Make sure you are consistent in the way you define arguments and that you indent properly
    startTime (str): Start date for data import in yyyy-MM-dd format. Defaults
      to None.
    endTime (str): End date for data import in yyyy-MM-dd format. Defaults to
    detail_level (str): Detail level for heart rate data. Must be one of "1sec",
      "1min", or "15min". Defaults to "1min".

      bool: Returns True if data was successfully imported and saved to the
    # Retrieve heart rate data from Fitbit API for specified date range and detail level
    # TODO(alaurens): If the fitbit API expect a string for all of these you can easily make some convertions
    multiple_heart_data = (
            startTime, endTime, detail_level.value

    # Hash user ID to maintain anonymity
    user_id = hashlib.sha256(

    # Iterate through each heart rate data point
    for heart_data in multiple_heart_data:
      # Extract relevant data and create a document to be inserted into the database
      # TODO(alaurens): Don't have magic numbers in your code, define constants at the top
      document = {
          'id': user_id,
          'type': 'heart',
          'date': heart_data['activities-heart'][0]['dateTime'],  # what is 0 here?
          'heartRateZones': heart_data['activities-heart'][0]['value'][
          'heartIntraday': heart_data['activities-heart-intraday']['dataset'],

      # TODO(alaurens): This comment again doesn't really add much.
      # Check if resting heart rate data is present and add to document if available
      if 'restingHeartRate' in heart_data['activities-heart'][0]['value']:
        document['restingHeartrate'] = heart_data['activities-heart'][0][

      # Insert document into database collection

    # Return True to indicate successful data import
    return True

  def import_hrv_data_for_daterange(self, startTime=None, endTime=None):
    """The function imports Heart Rate Variability (HRV) from the Fitbit API for a given date range and saves it to a MongoDB collection.

    startTime (str): Start date for data import in yyyy-MM-dd format. Defaults
      to None.
    endTime (str): End date for data import in yyyy-MM-dd format. Defaults to

    bool: Returns True if data was successfully imported and saved to the
    # Retrieve heart rate data from Fitbit API for specified date range and detail level
    multiple_hrv_data = self.fitbit_api_client.get_hrv_data_for_data_range(
        startTime, endTime

    # Hash user ID to maintain anonymity
    user_id = hashlib.sha256(

    # Iterate through each heart rate data point
    for hrv in multiple_hrv_data['hrv']:
      # Extract relevant data and create a document to be inserted into the database
      document = {
          'id': user_id,
          'type': 'hrv',
          'date': hrv['dateTime'],
          'dailyRmssd': hrv['value']['dailyRmssd'],
          'deepRmssd': hrv['value']['deepRmssd'],

      # Insert document into database collection

    # Return True to indicate successful data import
    return True

# client = FitbitMongoClient(
#     connection_string = "mongodb://localhost:27017/",
#     database="local",
#     collection="fitbit",
#     fitbit_client_id= "23QRJ6",
#     fitbit_client_secret= "abb49f0cdfcfd2605f02fcae11dda3b4",
# )
# startTime = date(year = 2023, month = 4, day = 22)
# endTime =
# client.import_sleep_data_for_daterange()
# client.import_heart_data_for_daterange()
# client.import_hrv_data_for_daterange()
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