3 years ago
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import pyodbc import textwrap import datetime class SQL_Server: def __init__(self): server = 'DESKTOP-LAD9OQG\SQLEXPRESS' database = 'emotionDB' username = 'sa' password = '123456' self.cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password) def insert(self, query): cursor = self.cnxn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) self.cnxn.commit() def select(self, query): cursor = self.cnxn.cursor() cursor.execute(query) data = [] for row in cursor: data.append([x for x in row]) # or simply data.append(list(row)) note phải append list return data if __name__ == "__main__": query = 'SELECT * FROM dbo.Emotion' # query2 = "INSERT INTO dbo.DienThoai (MaDienThoai,TenDienThoai,MaHang ,DonGia,SoLuongConLai) VALUES ('DT000045', 'iphone 15', 'HANG002', 1000000, 100)" query2 = textwrap.dedent(''' INSERT INTO dbo.Emotion (image,LoaiCamXuc ,ThietBi,Ngay,Kip) VALUES ('huyinit',1,1, DATETIMEFROMPARTS(2019,12,20,9,36,0,0),2); ''') #(53, 'huyinit', 1, 1, datetime.datetime(2019, 12, 20, 9, 36), 2) sql = SQL_Server() #sql.insert(query2) cursor = sql.select(query) ''' for row in cursor: row_to_list = [elem for elem in row] print(row) ''' # ''' # in số lần xuất hiện của các cảm xúc , theo kíp và theo thiết bị thietbi=1 kip=2 f={ 1:0 ,2:0 ,3:0 ,4:0 ,5:0 ,6:0 } for entity in cursor: if entity[3]==thietbi and entity[5]==kip : f[entity[2]] += 1 for i in f: print("cam xuc",i,"xuat hien", f[i]) print(type(cursor) , type(cursor[0]) ) ''' thietbi=1 kip=2 # f=[] f = [] for i in range(7): f.append([]) for entity in cursor: if entity[3]==thietbi and entity[5]==kip : f[entity[2]].append( entity[1]) print(f[1])
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