3 years ago
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# __ Imports # ## ___Standered imports__ import os import sys ## __ non statered imports from flask import Flask import secrets import hashlib from FileWrite import FileWrite push = FileWrite.FileWriter.push # End of __imports__ hashedKeys = [] for file in os.scandir('keys/API_KEYS'): file = open(file, 'r') hashedKeys.append(file.read(1)) file.close() app = Flask('app') @app.route('/api/<string:key>/<string:username>') def Api(Key, username): key = checkkey(Key, username) if key: return 'Welcome to the api' @app.route('/api/User/<string:status>/<string:username>/<string:password>') def user(status, username, password): #return "broken" folder = 'keys/Accounts' if status == "temp": for file in os.scander(folder): if file.isfile: if username in file: file = open(folder + file, 'r') pswd_hsh = file.read(1) if hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac(user, password, file.read(2)) == pswd_hsh: userfound = True temp_Api_Key = generate_api_key return temp_Api_Key else: return "wrong username or password" if not (userfound): return "wrong username or password" elif status == "sign_up": salt = secrets.token_hex(16) psw_hash = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', password.encode(), salt.encode(),5) push(folder + username, psw_hash, '.psw') push(folder + username, salt, '.psw') apikey = generate_api_key() api_hash = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', apikey.encode(), salt.encode(),5) push('keys/API_KEYS/' + username + psw_hash, api_hash, 'psw') global hashedKeys hashedKeys.append(api_hash) return apikey def checkkey(key, username): salt = open('.keys.Accounts.' + username + '.psw') key = hashlib.pbkdf2_hmac('sha256', key, salt.read(2).encode('utf-8'),5) salt.close if key in hashedKeys: return True else: return False def generate_api_key(): return secrets.token_urlsafe(16) app.debug = True app.run(host='', port=8080,debug = True) import datetime import os class functionsclass: global path path = os.path.realpath('') def __init__(self): #functions.__init startup function print("functions active") def log1( self, What, Where, ): #log1 is a function that writes log messages to the log file tim = datetime.time().__str__() try: with open(os.path.join(path + "log.txt"), "x") as f: f.write("time:" + tim + " " + What + " at " + Where + "\n") except: with open(os.path.join(path + "log.txt"), 'r') as f : f.write("time:" + tim + " " + What + " at " + Where + "\n") def push(self,filename,send,exention): try: with open(os.path.join(path + "/" + filename + "." + exention ), 'x') as f: f.write(send + "\n") functionsclass.log1("created and wrote " + send, " at " + filename) except: with open(os.path.join(path + "/" + filename + "." + exention), 'a') as f: f.append(send + "\n") f.close() functionsclass.log1("wrote " + send, " at " + path + "/" + filename) from functions1.funtions import functionsclass functions = functionsclass(functionsclass) class FileWriter: # ---------------------------------------------------------------- # front class Log push , and file push def push(filename,Content,exention): functions.push(filename,Content,exention) def logs1(What,Where,): functions.logs1(What,Where) def __init__(self): #setup the file writer self.__filename self.logs1("init", "logs1.txt") self.push("start", "Welcome to file writer",".txt") def Start(self): print("Started")