
mail@pastecode.io avatar
8 months ago
17 kB

    create temporary table target_values as (
        with target2023 as (
              cast(skb.yearmonth as date)            as month_dt,

                  when skb.country in ('AU', 'NZ') then 'ANZ'
                  when skb.country in ('BE', 'LU') then 'BEL'
                  else skb.country
              end                                    as country,

                  when skb.country in ('AT', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'NL', 'PL', 'SK')
                      then 'North'
                  when skb.country in ('GB', 'IE') 
                      then 'UKI'
                  when skb.country in ('AU', 'NZ', 'BG', 'ES', 'FR', 'IL', 'IT') 
                      then 'South'
                      else 'Other' end               as segment,

                  when skb.chain in ('Non-Chain', 'non-chain') then 'SMB'
                  when skb.chain in ('Chain', 'chain') then 'SA'
                end, 'No data')                      as sales_pillar,

              coalesce(skb.partner_type, 'No data')  as partner_type,

              'Not Specified'                        as order_bucket,

                  when skb.kpi_name = 'Offline Partners'
                      then 'Net Churn'
                      else skb.kpi_name 
              end                                    as metric_name,

              'Target'                               as value_type,

              sum(cast(skb.metric_value as decimal)) as value
          from `just-data.production_reference_sales_analytics.sales_kpi_budget_2022` as skb
          where skb.yearmonth >= '2023-01-01'
              and cast(skb.yearmonth as date) < '2024-01-01'
              and skb.kpi_name in ('New Partners', 'Online Partners', 'Offline Partners', 'Orders')
              and skb.metric_name = 'Country Input'
              and skb.partner_type in ('Restaurant', 'Grocery')
          group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
          order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),

        target2024 as (
              cast(skb.yearmonth as date)                               as month_dt,
                  when skb.country in ('BE', 'LU') then 'BEL'
                  when skb.country in ('NZ', 'AU') then 'ANZ'
              else skb.country
              end                                                       as country,
                when skb.country in ('AT', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'NL', 'PL', 'SK')
                  then 'NE'
                when skb.country in ('GB', 'IE') 
                  then 'UKI'
                when skb.country in ('AU', 'NZ', 'BG', 'ES', 'FR', 'IL', 'IT') 
                  then 'SEANZ'
                  else 'Other' 
              end                                                       as segment,

                  when skb.chain in ('Non-Chain', 'non-chain') then 'SMB'
                  when skb.chain in ('Chain', 'chain') then 'SA'
                end, 'No data')                                         as sales_pillar,

              coalesce(skb.partner_type, 'No data')                     as partner_type,

              'Not Specified'                                           as order_bucket,
                when skb.kpi_name = 'Offline Partners' then 'Net Churn'
                          else skb.kpi_name end                         as metric_name,
              'Target'                                                  as value_type,
              sum(coalesce(cast(skb.metric_value as decimal), 0))       as value
          from `just-data.production_reference_sales_analytics.sales_kpi_budget_2022` as skb
          where skb.yearmonth >= '2024-01-01'
              and cast(skb.yearmonth as date) < date_trunc(cast(current_date as date), month)
              and skb.kpi_name in ('New Partners', 'Online Partners', 'Offline Partners', 'Orders')
              and skb.metric_name = 'Budget'
              and skb.partner_type in ('Restaurant', 'Grocery')
          group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
          order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7),

        target2022 as (
            select cast(skb.yearmonth as date)                         as month_dt,

                        when skb.country in ('BE', 'LU') then 'BEL'
                        when skb.country in ('NZ', 'AU') then 'ANZ'
                        else skb.country
                        end                                             as country,

                        when skb.country in ('AT', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'NL', 'PL', 'SK')
                            then 'NE'
                        when skb.country in ('GB', 'IE')
                            then 'UKI'
                        when skb.country in ('AU', 'NZ', 'BG', 'ES', 'FR', 'IL', 'IT')
                            then 'SEANZ'
                        else 'Other'
                        end                                             as segment,

                        when skb.chain in ('Non-Chain', 'non-chain') then 'SMB'
                        when skb.chain in ('Chain', 'chain') then 'SA'
                        end, 'No data')                                 as sales_pillar,

                    coalesce(skb.partner_type, 'No data')               as partner_type,

                    'Not Specified'                                     as order_bucket,
                        when skb.kpi_name = 'Offline Partners' then 'Net Churn'
                        else skb.kpi_name end                           as metric_name,

                    'Target'                                            as value_type,
                    sum(coalesce(cast(skb.metric_value as decimal), 0)) as value
            from `just-data.production_reference_sales_analytics.sales_kpi_budget_2022` as skb
            where skb.yearmonth >= '2022-01-01'
                and cast(skb.yearmonth as date) < '2023-01-01'
                and skb.kpi_name in ('New Partners', 'Online Partners', 'Offline Partners', 'Orders')
                and skb.metric_name = 'RFC 10+14'
            group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
            order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)

        select * from target2022
            union all (select * from target2023)
            union all (select * from target2024));

    create temporary table orders_partner_id as (
            ttl_rp_orders as (
                select date_trunc(cast(frds.snapshot_dt as date), month) as month_dt,
                       frds.restaurantid                                 as restaurant_id,
                       sum(coalesce(frds.nr_of_orders, 0))               as orders,
                       sum(coalesce(frds.total_gmv, 0))                  as gmv
                from `just-data-warehouse.dwh.fact_restaurant_daily_snapshot` as frds
                where frds.snapshot_dt >= '2022-06-01'
                group by 1, 2),

            orders_dta_temp as (
                select tro.restaurant_id           as restaurant_id,
                       tro_temp.month_dt_temp      as month_dt,
                       sum(tro.orders)             as orders_3month,
                       sum(tro.gmv)                as gmv_3month
                from ttl_rp_orders as tro
                         cross join (select distinct month_dt as month_dt_temp from ttl_rp_orders) as tro_temp
                where tro_temp.month_dt_temp > tro.month_dt
                    and date_diff(tro_temp.month_dt_temp, tro.month_dt, month) <= 3
                    and tro_temp.month_dt_temp >= '2022-06-01'
                group by 1, 2)

        select odt.restaurant_id         as restaurant_id,
               odt.month_dt              as month_dt,
               odt.orders_3month         as orders_3month,
               odt.gmv_3month            as gmv_3month
        from orders_dta_temp as odt);

    create temporary table achieved_values as (
        with t as (
            with achieved_churn as (
                    date_trunc(cast(cndm.status_change_date as date), month) as month_dt,

                        when dr.country in ('AU', 'NZ') then 'ANZ'
                        when dr.country in ('BE', 'LU') then 'BEL'
                        else dr.country
                        end                                                  as country,

                        when dr.country in ('AT', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'NL', 'PL', 'SK')
                            then 'NE'
                        when dr.country in ('GB', 'IE')
                            then 'UKI'
                        when dr.country in ('AU', 'NZ', 'BG', 'ES', 'FR', 'IL', 'IT')
                            then 'SEANZ'
                        else 'Other' end                                     as segment,

                        when dr.chain = '(Not available)' then 'SMB'
                        when dr.chain <> '(Not available)' then 'SA'
                        end                                                  as sales_pillar,

                    dr.partner_type                                          as partner_type,

                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) = 0 then '0 orders'
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) between 1 and 100 then '1-100 orders'
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) between 101 and 500 then '101-500 orders'
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) > 500 then '500+ orders'
                        else 'Error'
                        end                                                  as order_bucket,

                    -- Churned & Reactivations
                    count(distinct (case
                                        when cndm.churn_no_oc_ind = 1 then cndm.restaurantid
                                        else null end))               as num_churns

                from `just-data-warehouse.sales_analytics_datamarts.churn_new_def_mart` as cndm

                        inner join `just-data-warehouse.dwh.dim_restaurant` as dr
                                    on cast(cndm.restaurantid as string) = cast(dr.restaurantid as string)

                        left join orders_partner_id as opi on opi.restaurant_id = cndm.restaurantid
                            and opi.month_dt = date_trunc(cast(cndm.status_change_date as date), month)

                where cast(cndm.status_change_date as date) >= '2022-01-01'
                  and cast(cndm.status_change_date as date) < date_trunc(cast(current_date as date), month)
                  and dr.deliverytype <> 'Vending'
                  and dr.testrestaurant <> 'Is Test Restaurant'
                  and dr.partner_type in ('Restaurant', 'Grocery')
                group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
                order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6),

            achieved_op as (
                    date_trunc(cast(frds.snapshot_dt as date), month) as month_dt,
                        when dr.country in ('AU', 'NZ') then 'ANZ'
                        when dr.country in ('BE', 'LU') then 'BEL'
                        else dr.country
                    end                                               as country,
                        when dr.country in ('AT', 'BE', 'LU', 'CH', 'DE', 'DK', 'NL', 'PL', 'SK')
                            then 'NE'
                        when dr.country in ('GB', 'IE') 
                            then 'UKI'
                        when dr.country in ('AU', 'NZ', 'BG', 'ES', 'FR', 'IL', 'IT') 
                            then 'SEANZ'
                            else 'Other' end                          as segment,
                        when dr.chain = '(Not available)' then 'SMB'
                        when dr.chain <> '(Not available)' then 'SA'
                    end                                               as sales_pillar,

                    dr.partner_type                                   as partner_type,
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) = 0 then '0 orders' 
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) between 1 and 100 then '1-100 orders'
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) between 101 and 500 then '101-500 orders'
                        when coalesce(opi.orders_3month, 0) > 500 then '500+ orders'
                        else 'Error'
                    end                                               as order_bucket,
                    -- Active Partners
                    count(distinct (case when ((frds.end_of_month_flag = 1) and (frds.online_status_id in (4, 6)))
                                        then frds.restaurantid
                                    else null end))                   as online_partners

                from `just-data-warehouse.dwh.fact_restaurant_daily_snapshot` as frds

                    inner join `just-data-warehouse.dwh.dim_restaurant` as dr
                        on cast(frds.restaurantid as string) = cast(dr.restaurantid as string)
                    left join orders_partner_id as opi on opi.restaurant_id = frds.restaurantid 
                        and opi.month_dt = date_trunc(cast(frds.snapshot_dt as date), month)

                    cast(frds.snapshot_dt as date) >= '2022-01-01'
                    and cast(frds.snapshot_dt as date) < date_trunc(cast(current_date as date), month)
                    and dr.deliverytype <> 'Vending'
                    and dr.testrestaurant <> 'Is Test Restaurant'
                    and dr.partner_type in ('Restaurant', 'Grocery')

                group by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
                order by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

                ae.month_dt                 as month_dt,
                ae.country                  as country,
                ae.segment                  as segment,
                ae.sales_pillar             as sales_pillar,
                ae.partner_type             as partner_type,
                ae.order_bucket             as order_bucket,
                ae.num_churns               as num_churns,
                ao.online_partners          as online_partners,
            from achieved_churn as ae
                left join achieved_op as ao 
                    on ae.month_dt = ao.month_dt            and
                       ae.country = ao.country              and
                       ae.segment = ao.segment              and 
                       ae.sales_pillar = ao.sales_pillar    and 
                       ae.partner_type = ao.partner_type    and
                       ae.order_bucket = ao.order_bucket)

        select t2.month_dt      as month_df,
               t2.country       as country,
               t2.segment       as segment,
               t2.sales_pillar  as sales_pillar,
               t2.partner_type  as partner_type,
               t2.order_bucket  as order_bucket,
               metric.metric_name  as metric_name,
               'Achieved'          as value_type,
               metric.value        as value
        from (
                [struct ('Online Partners' as metric_name, t.online_partners as value),
                 struct ('Churns' as metric_name, coalesce(t.num_churns, 0) as value)] as metrics,
            from t) as t2
                cross join unnest(t2.metrics) as metric);

    select *
    from target_values
    union all
    (select * from achieved_values);

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