3 years ago
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DEFINE MACRO trailing_average AVG($1) OVER ( PARTITION BY country_code ORDER BY UNIX_DATE(date) RANGE BETWEEN $2 PRECEDING AND $3 ) AS avg_$1_$4; DEFINE MACRO time_metrics $trailing_average($1, 6, CURRENT ROW, cw), $trailing_average($1, 15, 7 PRECEDING, lw), $trailing_average($1, 60, 30 PRECEDING, lm), $trailing_average($1, 90, 60 PRECEDING, l2m); DEFINE MACRO select_time avg_$1_cw, avg_$1_lw, avg_$1_lm, avg_$1_l2m; DEFINE MACRO rev_weighted SUM(avg_$1_cw * revenue) / SUM(revenue) AS avg_$1_rev_weighted_cw, SUM(avg_$1_lw * revenue) / SUM(revenue) AS avg_$1_rev_weighted_lw, SUM(avg_$1_lm * revenue) / SUM(revenue) AS avg_$1_rev_weighted_lm, SUM(avg_$1_l2m * revenue) / SUM(revenue) AS avg_$1_rev_weighted_l2m; DEFINE MACRO pop_weighted SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(avg_$1_cw), SUM(population)) * $2 AS avg_$1_$3_cw, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(avg_$1_lw), SUM(population)) * $2 AS avg_$1_$3_lw, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(avg_$1_lm), SUM(population)) * $2 AS avg_$1_$3_lm, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(avg_$1_l2m), SUM(population)) * $2 AS avg_$1_$3_l2m; DEFINE MACRO create_report WITH AggCovidData AS ( SELECT CAST(date AS DATE) AS date, region, subregion, a.country_code AS country_code, country_name, stringency_index, retail_and_recreation_mobility AS retail_mobility, total_persons_vaccinated, total_persons_fully_vaccinated, new_confirmed_cases AS new_daily_cases, total_confirmed_cases, new_deaths, total_deaths, population, revenue FROM finance_analysts.GlobalCovidDasnav a INNER JOIN ( SELECT service_country_code AS country_code, SUM(revenue) AS revenue FROM finance_analysts.GlobalDasnav WHERE date > '2021-01-01' GROUP BY 1 ) b ON b.country_code = a.country_code -- Each country code weighted by their YTD Revenue LEFT JOIN ( SELECT country_code2, subregion_name AS subregion, region_name AS region FROM Ads_Countries_D GROUP BY 1, 2, 3 ) AS c ON a.country_code = c.country_code2 WHERE date > '2020-01-01' AND population > 1e5 ), time_series AS ( SELECT *, $time_metrics(stringency_index), $time_metrics(retail_mobility), $time_metrics(total_persons_vaccinated), $time_metrics(new_daily_cases), $time_metrics(total_confirmed_cases), $time_metrics(new_deaths), $time_metrics(total_deaths) FROM AggCovidData ), pre_rev_weighted AS ( SELECT date, region, subregion, country_code, country_name, population, revenue, total_confirmed_cases, new_deaths, total_deaths, $select_time(stringency_index), $select_time(retail_mobility), $select_time(total_persons_vaccinated), $select_time(new_daily_cases), $select_time(total_confirmed_cases), $select_time(new_deaths), $select_time(total_deaths) FROM time_series ) SELECT date, $1 AS geo_type, $2 AS geo, IF($1 = 'country_name', country_code, NULL) AS country_code, SUM(population) AS population, SUM(revenue) AS revenue, SUM(new_deaths) AS new_deaths, SUM(total_deaths) AS total_deaths, $rev_weighted(stringency_index), $rev_weighted(retail_mobility), $pop_weighted(total_persons_vaccinated, 1, percentage), $pop_weighted(new_daily_cases, 100000, per100k), $pop_weighted(total_confirmed_cases, 100000, per100k), $pop_weighted(new_deaths, 100000, per100k), $pop_weighted(total_deaths, 100000, per100k), (SUM(avg_total_persons_vaccinated_cw * revenue) / SUM(revenue * population)) AS avg_revweighted_total_persons_vaccinated_percentage_cw -- Revenue weighted vaccination rate FROM pre_rev_weighted GROUP BY 1, 2, 3, 4; CREATE OR REPLACE TABLE finance_analysts.covidstats AS ( $create_report('region', region) UNION ALL ($create_report('subregion',subregion)) UNION ALL ($create_report('country_name',country_name)) );
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