a year ago
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--select * from laptop; DROP TABLE if exists Laptop; DROP TABLE if exists PC; DROP TABLE if exists Printer; DROP TABLE if exists Product; CREATE TABLE Laptop ( code int NOT NULL , model varchar (50) NOT NULL , speed smallint NOT NULL , ram smallint NOT NULL , hd real NOT NULL , price decimal(12,2) NULL , screen smallint NOT NULL ) ; CREATE TABLE PC ( code int NOT NULL , model varchar (50) NOT NULL , speed smallint NOT NULL , ram smallint NOT NULL , hd real NOT NULL , cd varchar (10) NOT NULL , price decimal(12,2) NULL ) ; CREATE TABLE Product ( maker varchar (10) NOT NULL , model varchar (50) NOT NULL , type varchar (50) NOT NULL ) ; CREATE TABLE Printer ( code int NOT NULL , model varchar (50) NOT NULL , color char (1) NOT NULL , type varchar (10) NOT NULL , price decimal(12,2) NULL ) ; ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD CONSTRAINT PK_Laptop PRIMARY KEY ( code ) ; ALTER TABLE PC ADD CONSTRAINT PK_pc PRIMARY KEY ( code ) ; ALTER TABLE Product ADD CONSTRAINT PK_product PRIMARY KEY ( model ) ; ALTER TABLE Printer ADD CONSTRAINT PK_printer PRIMARY KEY ( code ) ; ALTER TABLE Laptop ADD CONSTRAINT FK_Laptop_product FOREIGN KEY ( model ) REFERENCES Product ( model ) ; ALTER TABLE PC ADD CONSTRAINT FK_pc_product FOREIGN KEY ( model ) REFERENCES Product ( model ) ; ALTER TABLE Printer ADD CONSTRAINT FK_printer_product FOREIGN KEY ( model ) REFERENCES Product ( model ) ; ----Product------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ insert into Product values('B','1121','PC'); insert into Product values('A','1232','PC'); insert into Product values('A','1233','PC'); insert into Product values('E','1260','PC'); insert into Product values('A','1276','Printer'); insert into Product values('D','1288','Printer'); insert into Product values('A','1298','Laptop'); insert into Product values('C','1321','Laptop'); insert into Product values('A','1401','Printer'); insert into Product values('A','1408','Printer'); insert into Product values('D','1433','Printer'); insert into Product values('E','1434','Printer'); insert into Product values('B','1750','Laptop'); insert into Product values('A','1752','Laptop'); insert into Product values('E','2113','PC'); insert into Product values('E','2112','PC'); ----PC------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ insert into PC values(1,'1232',500,64,5,'12x','600'); insert into PC values(2,'1121',750,128,14,'40x','850'); insert into PC values(3,'1233',500,64,5,'12x','600'); insert into PC values(4,'1121',600,128,14,'40x','850'); insert into PC values(5,'1121',600,128,8,'40x','850'); insert into PC values(6,'1233',750,128,20,'50x','950'); insert into PC values(7,'1232',500,32,10,'12x','400'); insert into PC values(8,'1232',450,64,8,'24x','350'); insert into PC values(9,'1232',450,32,10,'24x','350'); insert into PC values(10,'1260',500,32,10,'12x','350'); insert into PC values(11,'1233',900,128,40,'40x','980'); insert into PC values(12,'1233',800,128,20,'50x','970'); ----Laptop------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ insert into Laptop values(1,'1298',350,32,4,'700',11); insert into Laptop values(2,'1321',500,64,8,'970',12); insert into Laptop values(3,'1750',750,128,12,'1200',14); insert into Laptop values(4,'1298',600,64,10,'1050',15); insert into Laptop values(5,'1752',750,128,10,'1150',14); insert into Laptop values(6,'1298',450,64,10,'950',12); ----Printer------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ insert into Printer values(1,'1276','n','Laser','400'); insert into Printer values(2,'1433','y','Jet','270'); insert into Printer values(3,'1434','y','Jet','290'); insert into Printer values(4,'1401','n','Matrix','150'); insert into Printer values(5,'1408','n','Matrix','270'); insert into Printer values(6,'1288','n','Laser','400'); select distinct product.maker from product join pc on product.model = pc.model where pc.speed >= 750 and maker in (select maker from product join laptop on product.model = laptop.model where laptop.speed >= 750) with minPcRam as (select * from pc where ram = (SELECT MIN(ram) FROM PC)), MaxSpeedPc as (select * from minPcRam where speed = (SELECT max(speed) FROM minPcRam)), PrinterMakers as (select maker from product join printer on printer.model = product.model) select distinct maker from MaxSpeedPc join product on product.model = MaxSpeedPc.model where maker in (select maker from PrinterMakers); with minPcRam as (select * from pc where ram = (SELECT MIN(ram) FROM PC)), MaxSpeedPc as (select * from minPcRam where speed = (SELECT max(speed) FROM minPcRam)) select product.maker from product join printer on product.model = printer.model where maker in (select maker from MaxSpeedPc) select price from product join pc on pc.model = product.model where product.maker = 'A' union all (select price from product join laptop on laptop.model = product.model where product.maker = 'A') select maker, avg(pc.hd) from pc, product where product.model = pc.model and product.maker in (select distinct product.maker from product where product.type='printer') group by maker WITH MakerModelCount AS ( SELECT maker, COUNT(model) AS model_count FROM Product GROUP BY maker ) SELECT count(*) FROM MakerModelCount WHERE model_count = 1;