a year ago
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`timescale 1ns/1ps module Parameterized_Ping_Pong_Counter ( input clk, input rst_n, input enable, input flip, input [3:0] max, input [3:0] min, output reg direction, output reg [3:0] out ); // Output signals can be reg or wire // add your design here parameter UP = 1'b1; parameter DOWN = 1'b0; reg [3:0] nxt_out; reg nxt_dir; // Reset signal and deal with output always @(posedge clk) begin if(!rst_n)begin out <= min; nxt_out <= min; direction <= UP; nxt_dir <= UP; end else begin if(enable)begin out <= nxt_out; direction <= nxt_dir; end else begin out <= out; direction <= direction; end end end // Deal with flip // Deal with Cnt always @(*) begin if(max < min) begin nxt_out = out; nxt_dir = direction; end else if(min == out || max == out) begin if(min == max && min == out) begin nxt_out = out; nxt_dir = direction; end else begin case (direction) UP: begin nxt_out = out + 1; end DOWN: begin nxt_out = out - 1; end default: nxt_out = out; endcase if(min <= nxt_out && nxt_out <= max) begin nxt_out = nxt_out; end else begin nxt_dir = !direction; case (nxt_dir) UP: begin nxt_out = out + 1; end DOWN: begin nxt_out = out - 1; end default: nxt_out = out; endcase end end end else if(min < out && out < max) begin if(flip) nxt_dir = !direction; else nxt_dir = direction; case (nxt_dir) UP: begin nxt_out = out + 1; end DOWN: begin nxt_out = out - 1; end default: nxt_out = out; endcase end else if(out == min - 1 && direction == UP || out == max + 1 && direction == DOWN) begin case (direction) UP: begin nxt_out = out + 1; end DOWN: begin nxt_out = out - 1; end default: nxt_out = out; endcase nxt_dir = direction; end else begin nxt_out = out; nxt_dir = direction; end end endmodule