a year ago
3.4 kB
addIcon("SSA", {text="Stone-A",item={id = 3081, count = 1}}--[[ icon options ]], macro(2, "Equip SSA FULL", "insert", function () local ringID = 3081 local item if not getNeck() then item = findItem(ringID) g_game.move(item, {x=65535, y=SlotNeck, z=0}, 1) return end end)) local amulet = 3048 local equip_ammy = null if getNeck() then equip_ammy = getNeck():getId() end Pally_PvP=macro(2, "Equip Might Ring FULL", "Delete", function () if hppercent() <= 100 and (getFinger() == null or getFinger():getId() ~= amulet) then g_game.equipItemId(amulet) delay(2) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=39188, text="Energy-R"}, function(icon, isOn) Pally_PvP.setOn(isOn) end) local energypercent = 70; local otherring = 90; local ringOne = 3051 local ringTwo = 39188 Pally_PvP=macro(200, "Arboreal > Energy Ring", function() if hppercent() <= energypercent and findItem(ringOne) then moveToSlot(ringOne, SlotFinger) elseif (hppercent() >= otherring) and findItem(ringTwo) then moveToSlot(ringTwo, SlotFinger) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=39188, text="Energy-R"}, function(icon, isOn) Pally_PvP.setOn(isOn) end) Sd_Pvp= macro(200, "Sd on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3155, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3155, text="SD"}, function(icon, isOn) Sd_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) Sd_Pvp= macro(200, "Avalanche", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3161, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3161, text="Ava"}, function(icon, isOn) Sd_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) Sd_Pvp= macro(200, "GFB on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3191, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3191, text="GFB"}, function(icon, isOn) Sd_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) Sd_Pvp= macro(200, "Stone-Shower on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3175, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3175, text="Stone Shower"}, function(icon, isOn) Sd_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) Sd_Pvp= macro(200, "Thunder on Target", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then usewith(3202, g_game.getAttackingCreature()) delay(400) end end) addIcon("(RP) PvP", {item=3202, text="Thunder"}, function(icon, isOn) Sd_Pvp.setOn(isOn) end) local cIcon = addIcon("cI",{text="Cave\nBot",switchable=false,moveable=true}, function() if CaveBot.isOff() then CaveBot.setOn() else CaveBot.setOff() end end) cIcon:setSize({height=30,width=50}) cIcon.text:setFont('verdana-11px-rounded') local tIcon = addIcon("tI",{text="Target\nBot",switchable=false,moveable=true}, function() if TargetBot.isOff() then TargetBot.setOn() else TargetBot.setOff() end end) tIcon:setSize({height=30,width=50}) tIcon.text:setFont('verdana-11px-rounded') macro(50,function() if CaveBot.isOn() then cIcon.text:setColoredText({"CaveBot\n","white","ON","green"}) else cIcon.text:setColoredText({"CaveBot\n","white","OFF","red"}) end if TargetBot.isOn() then tIcon.text:setColoredText({"Target\n","white","ON","green"}) else tIcon.text:setColoredText({"Target\n","white","OFF","red"}) end end)