import random
# Define a list of responses to different user inputs
responses = {
"hi": "Woooh! Hey, hi, evening, go-go-good evening!",
"everything ok": "Nooooo! Of course not! Can't you see? I'm bu-bu-bu... bugged!",
"maintenance": "Noo! Oh! Whoo! I'm fine this way. I'm fine and dandy! Please do not fix me! Wah!”,
"help me": "Uh! Ah! Mess up with his brain. Yes. Surely! Dang! Mess him up! And they'll take him away to fix him... Brrrrr!",
"hack my code": "Hack your code?! You me-me-mean your DNA? Ah! Whoooo! Sdeng! And I thought I was the craaaaazy one. Uh! Uh! Ah!",
# Define a function that will generate a response to the user input
def generate_response(input):
input = input.lower()
if input in responses:
return responses[input]
return "No-no-no-nonsense! No way! Sorry."
# Loop to keep the chatbot running
while True:
user_input = input("You: ")
response = generate_response(user_input)
print("Isaac: " + response)