2 years ago
8.7 kB
substitutions: devicename: "kitchen-presence" #Rename the device what you want. upper_devicename: kitchen-presence #Rename the device what you want. esphome: name: ${upper_devicename} on_boot: #LD1115H Initial Setting priority: -200 then: - uart.write: id: LD1115H_UART_BUS data: !lambda |- std::string th1st = "th1=" + str_sprintf("%.0f",id(LD1115H_TH1).state) +" \n"; return std::vector<uint8_t>(th1st.begin(), th1st.end()); - uart.write: id: LD1115H_UART_BUS data: !lambda |- std::string th2st = "th2=" + str_sprintf("%.0f",id(LD1115H_TH2).state) +" \n"; return std::vector<uint8_t>(th2st.begin(), th2st.end()); esp8266: board: esp01_1m external_components: - source: type: git url: https://github.com/ssieb/custom_components #Thanks for @ssieb components. components: [ serial ] # Enable logging logger: level: DEBUG #You Can Use "INFO" Level baud_rate: 0 # Enable Home Assistant API api: encryption: key: "YOUR_ENCRYPTION_KEY" ####### Add your encryption key here ####### ota: wifi: ssid: !secret wifi_ssid password: !secret wifi_password # Enable fallback hotspot (captive portal) in case wifi connection fails ap: ssid: "YOUR_AP_SSID" ####### Add your AP SSID here ####### password: "YOUR_AP_PASSWORD" ####### Add your AP Password here ####### captive_portal: uart: id: LD1115H_UART_BUS rx_pin: GPIO3 #For ESP32, you can use any pin, Recommend Use UART_2, Don't use UART_0, It might Cause Boot Fail or System Hang tx_pin: GPIO1 #For ESP32, you can use any pin, Recommend Use UART_2, Don't use UART_0, It might Cause Boot Fail or System Hang baud_rate: 115200 data_bits: 8 stop_bits: 1 parity: NONE setup_priority: 200 #Set Priority To Prevent Boot Loop or Fail # debug: # direction: BOTH # dummy_receiver: false # after: # delimiter: "\n" # sequence: # - lambda: UARTDebug::log_string(direction, bytes); globals: - id: LD1115H_Last_Time type: time_t restore_value: no initial_value: time(NULL) - id: LD1115H_Last_Mov_Time type: time_t restore_value: no initial_value: time(NULL) - id: LD1115H_Clearence_Status type: bool restore_value: no initial_value: "false" status_led: pin: number: GPIO2 #ESP32 OnBroad LED inverted: false #web_server: #Avoid Using Web Server To Prevent Hang # port: 80 interval: - interval: 1s #Clearance Scan Time setup_priority: -200 then: lambda: |- if ((time(NULL)-id(LD1115H_Last_Time))>id(LD1115H_Clear_Time).state) { if ((id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) == false) || (id(LD1115H_Occupancy).state != "Clearance")) { id(LD1115H_Occupancy).publish_state("Clearance"); id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) = true; } if (id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).state == true) { id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).publish_state(false); } if (id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).state == true) { id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).publish_state(false); } } number: - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H TH1 #TH1 is Movement/Motion Sensitivity id: LD1115H_TH1 icon: "mdi:cogs" optimistic: true restore_value: true #If you don't want to store the setting at ESP, set it to false. initial_value: "120" #Default TH1 Setting min_value: 20 max_value: 1200 step: 10 set_action: then: - uart.write: id: LD1115H_UART_BUS data: !lambda |- std::string th1st = "th1=" + str_sprintf("%.0f",x) +" \n"; return std::vector<uint8_t>(th1st.begin(), th1st.end()); - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H TH2 #TH2 is Occupancy/Presence Sensitivity id: LD1115H_TH2 icon: "mdi:cogs" optimistic: true restore_value: true #If you don't want to store the setting at ESP, set it to false. initial_value: "250" #Default TH2 Setting min_value: 50 max_value: 2500 step: 10 set_action: then: - uart.write: id: LD1115H_UART_BUS data: !lambda |- std::string th2st = "th2=" + str_sprintf("%.0f",x) +" \n"; return std::vector<uint8_t>(th2st.begin(), th2st.end()); - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Clearence Time id: LD1115H_Clear_Time icon: "mdi:cogs" optimistic: true restore_value: true #If you don't want to store the setting at ESP, set it to false. initial_value: "5" #LD1115H Mov/Occ > Clearence Time Here min_value: 0.5 max_value: 20 step: 0.5 - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Movement Time id: LD1115H_Mov_Time icon: "mdi:cogs" optimistic: true restore_value: true #If you don't want to store the setting at ESP, set it to false. initial_value: "1" #LD1115H Mov > Occ Time Here min_value: 0.5 max_value: 10 step: 0.5 sensor: - platform: wifi_signal name: ${upper_devicename} WiFi Signal update_interval: 60s - platform: uptime name: ${upper_devicename} Uptime - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Spectral line id: LD1115H_Spectral icon: "mdi:radar" unit_of_measurement: "" accuracy_decimals: 0 - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Signal Strength id: LD1115H_Signal icon: "mdi:signal-distance-variant" unit_of_measurement: "" accuracy_decimals: 0 filters: # Use Fliter To Debounce - sliding_window_moving_average: window_size: 8 send_every: 2 - heartbeat: 0.2s text_sensor: - platform: wifi_info ip_address: name: ${upper_devicename} IP Address ssid: name: ${upper_devicename} SSID bssid: name: ${upper_devicename} BSSID mac_address: name: ${upper_devicename} Mac Address - platform: serial uart_id: LD1115H_UART_BUS name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H UART Text id: LD1115H_UART_Text icon: "mdi:format-text" internal: False #If Don't Want to See UART Receive Data, Set To True on_value: lambda: |- if (id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(0,3) == "occ") { id(LD1115H_Signal).publish_state(atof(id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(7).c_str())); id(LD1115H_Spectral).publish_state(atof(id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(5,2).c_str())); if ((time(NULL)-id(LD1115H_Last_Mov_Time))>id(LD1115H_Mov_Time).state) { id(LD1115H_Occupancy).publish_state("Occupancy"); if (id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).state == false) { id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).publish_state(true); } if (id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).state == true) { id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).publish_state(false); } } if (id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).state == false) { id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).publish_state(true); } id(LD1115H_Last_Time) = time(NULL); if (id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) == true) { id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) = false; } } else if (id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(0,3) == "mov") { id(LD1115H_Signal).publish_state(atof(id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(7).c_str())); id(LD1115H_Spectral).publish_state(atof(id(LD1115H_UART_Text).state.substr(5,2).c_str())); id(LD1115H_Occupancy).publish_state("Movement"); if (id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).state == false) { id(LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary).publish_state(true); } if (id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).state == false) { id(LD1115H_Mov_Binary).publish_state(true); } id(LD1115H_Last_Mov_Time) = time(NULL); id(LD1115H_Last_Time) = time(NULL); if (id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) == true) { id(LD1115H_Clearence_Status) = false; } } - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Occupancy Status id: LD1115H_Occupancy icon: "mdi:motion-sensor" binary_sensor: - platform: status name: ${upper_devicename} Status - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Occupancy or Movement id: LD1115H_MovOcc_Binary device_class: occupancy - platform: template name: ${upper_devicename} LD1115H Movement id: LD1115H_Mov_Binary device_class: motion
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