def Householder_step(A):
#Dimensions of A
m,n = np.shape(A)
#Take out the first column in A. We want to mirror it to get ahat.
a = A[:,0]
#Calculate ahat=H*a
#Calculate v
v = a - ahat
#Calculate H for this step
H = eye(m)-2*outer(v,v)
return H
def QRH(A):
#Get dimensions of A
m,n = np.shape(A)
tempA = A
#The Q matrix we will change after every step to the the final Q.
Q = np.eye(m)
for i in range(n):
#Get the H matrix for every step
Hi = Householder_step(tempA)
#Get the matrix A which will be the input in the next step
tempA = Hi@tempA
# remove first row and column
tempA = np.delete(tempA,0,0)
tempA = np.delete(tempA,0,1)
#Calculate the accumulated Q
Q = Q@np.block([[np.eye(i), np.zeros((i,m-i))],[np.zeros((m-i,i)), Hi]])
#Calculate R
R = Q.T@A
return Q,R