2 years ago
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#include <iostream> #define SIZE 10 using namespace std; class node { long int key; string name; node *next; public: node() { key = 0; name = "HEADER"; next = nullptr; } node(long int key, string name) { this->key = key; this->name = name; next = nullptr; } friend class dictionary; }; class dictionary { node *arr_headers[SIZE]; public: // Allocation space for header nodes //Basically all the header nodes will be empty nodes dictionary() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { arr_headers[i] = new node(); } } // A hash function int hash_function(long int key) { return key % SIZE; } // To insert new data in the hashtable void insert(long int key, string name) { int hcode = hash_function(key); node *obj = new node(key, name); node *curr = arr_headers[hcode]; while (curr->next != nullptr) { if (curr->key == key) { cout << "\nDuplicate data inserted!!!" << endl; delete obj; return; } curr = curr->next; } if (curr->key == key) // Exception only for the lastmost node of chain.. if there are same key value { cout << "\nDuplicate data inserted!!!" << endl; delete obj; return; } else { curr->next = obj; } } // To search for the element in the hashtable void search(long int key) { int cmp = 0; int code = hash_function(key); node *ptr = arr_headers[code]; bool b1 = true; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->key == key) { cout << "\nKEY: " << ptr->key << "----" << ptr->name << endl; cout << "Number of comparisions: " << cmp << endl; b1 = false; break; } ptr = ptr->next; cmp++; } if (b1) { cout << "\nNo data was found in the table" << endl; } } // To check the element present in the hashtable or not int check(long int key) { int code = hash_function(key); node *ptr = arr_headers[code]; bool b1 = true; while (ptr != NULL) { if (ptr->key == key) { return 1; } ptr = ptr->next; } if (b1) { return 0; } } void delete_data(long int key) { if (check(key)) { int code = hash_function(key); node *ptr = arr_headers[code]->next; node *pre = arr_headers[code]; while(ptr->key != key) { ptr = ptr->next; pre = pre->next; } pre->next = ptr->next; delete ptr; cout << "\nData deleted successfully!!!" << endl; } else { cout << "\nNo such data found to delete the element!!!" << endl; } } void display() { for (int i = 0; i < SIZE; i++) { node *curr = arr_headers[i]; cout << "ROW: " << i << "\t---->>>"; while (curr != nullptr) { cout << "| " << curr->key << " " << curr->name << " |--->"; curr = curr->next; } cout << endl; } } }; int main() { dictionary d1; int choice; while (true) { // hashdata *h = new hashdata(); cout << "\n1.To insert new data \n2.To seaach data \n3.To delete data.\n4.Display All" << endl; cout << "Enter your choice: "; cin >> choice; if (choice == 1) { string name; long int key; cout << "\nEnter the number: "; cin >> key; cout << "Enter the name: "; cin.ignore(); getline(cin, name); d1.insert(key, name); } if (choice == 2) { long int search; cout << "Enter the key: "; cin >> search; d1.search(search); } if (choice == 3) { long int key; cout << "\nEnter the key to be deleted: "; cin >> key; d1.delete_data(key); } if (choice == 4) { cout << endl; d1.display(); } if (choice == -1) { cout << "\nProgram Exited Successfully!!" << endl; break; } } return 0; }