a month ago
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def parse_violations(conn): # Function to split violations and extract information def split_violations(x): if not x: return [] violations = [] current_violation = "" for part in x.split('|'): if re.match(r'^\s*\d+\.', part): if current_violation: violations.append(current_violation.strip()) current_violation = part else: current_violation += " | " + part if current_violation: violations.append(current_violation.strip()) return violations conn.create_function('split_violations', split_violations, ['VARCHAR'], 'VARCHAR[]') # Updated function to extract violation ID conn.create_function('extract_violation_id', lambda x: int(re.match(r'^(\d+)\.', x).group(1)) if x and re.match(r'^(\d+)\.', x) else None, ['VARCHAR'], 'INTEGER') conn.create_function('extract_description', lambda x: re.sub(r'^\d+\.\s*', '', x.split(' - Comments:')[0]).strip() if x else '', ['VARCHAR'], 'VARCHAR') conn.create_function('extract_comments', lambda x: x.split(' - Comments:')[1].strip() if x and ' - Comments:' in x else None, ['VARCHAR'], 'VARCHAR') conn.execute(""" INSERT INTO VIOLATIONS (violation_id, violation_description) SELECT DISTINCT extract_violation_id(violation) AS violation_id, extract_description(violation) AS violation_description FROM ( SELECT unnest(split_violations(violations)) AS violation FROM INSPECTIONS WHERE violations IS NOT NULL ) subquery WHERE violation_id IS NOT NULL ON CONFLICT (violation_id) DO UPDATE SET violation_description = EXCLUDED.violation_description WHERE VIOLATIONS.violation_description != EXCLUDED.violation_description """) # Populate INSPECTION_VIOLATIONS table conn.execute(""" INSERT INTO INSPECTION_VIOLATIONS (inspection_id, violation_id, comments) SELECT DISTINCT inspection_id, extract_violation_id(violation) AS violation_id, extract_comments(violation) AS comments FROM ( SELECT unnest(split_violations(violations)) AS violation, inspection_id FROM INSPECTIONS WHERE violations IS NOT NULL ) ON CONFLICT (inspection_id, violation_id, comments) DO NOTHING """)
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