a year ago
11 kB
{ "event_id": 230, "iter": 1, "status": "ACTIVE", "description": "Расширьте таргетинг по времени", "service": "DIRECT", "slots": [ 5, 6, 8, 13, 29, 38, 45 ], "properties": { "is_event_affects_money": "true" }, "event_instances_source": { "prod": { "cluster": "hahn", "table_path": "//home/inventori/prod/events/recommendations/230_expand_time_targeting/230_expand_time_targeting_actual" }, "test": { "cluster": "hahn", "table_path": "//home/inventori/test/events/recommendations/230_expand_time_targeting/230_expand_time_targeting_actual" } }, "check_actual": "DUMMY", "param_suppliers": [ "CAMPAIGN" ], "target_entity_type": "CAMPAIGN", "ttl_by_status": { "APPLY": 0, "REJECT": 604800 }, "data_container": { "type": "TABLE", "sub_data": [ { "type": "TEXT", "field_name": "profit_text", "text_config": { "ru": { "simple": "Прогноз конверсий за${common.whitespace}7${common.whitespace}дней" }, "en": { "simple": "Estimated conversions for 7 days" } } }, { "type": "TEXT", "field_name": "spending_text", "text_config": { "ru": { "simple": " " }, "en": { "simple": " " } } }, { "type": "TEXT", "field_name": "profit_value", "text": "+${yql.additional_actions}" }, { "type": "TEXT", "field_name": "spending_value", "text": " " } ] }, "view_by_slots": { "[5, 6, 8, 29, 45]": { "header": { "ru": { "simple": "Рекомендация" }, "en": { "simple": "Recommendation" } }, "title_config": { "ru": { "simple": "Расширьте настройки временного таргетинга" }, "en": { "simple": "Expand your time targeting settings" } }, "text_config": { "ru": { "simple": "${yql.recommendation_text}${common.whitespace}С новыми настройками ваша кампания сможет приносить дополнительные конверсии." }, "en": { "simple": "${yql.recommendation_text}${common.whitespace}With the new settings, your campaign can bring more conversions." } }, "button_configs": [ { "log_action": "REJECT", "handler_name": "REJECT", "view_type": "KEBAB", "action_type": "REJECT", "disable_without_write_access": true, "text_config": { "ru": { 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