3 months ago
53 kB
#region Using declarations using System; using System.Drawing; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.ComponentModel; using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading.Tasks; using System.Windows; using System.Windows.Input; using System.Windows.Media; using System.Xml.Serialization; using NinjaTrader.Cbi; using NinjaTrader.Core; using NinjaTrader.Gui; using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart; using NinjaTrader.Gui.SuperDom; using NinjaTrader.Data; using NinjaTrader.NinjaScript; using NinjaTrader.Core.FloatingPoint; using NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.DrawingTools; using SharpDX.Direct2D1; using SharpDX; using SharpDX.DirectWrite; //using System.Windows.Forms; using System.Windows.Controls; using System.Windows.Automation; using System.Windows.Automation.Provider; #endregion #region Enums public enum FootPrintBarEnum { BidAsk, VolumeDelta } public enum FootPrintBarColorEnum { Saturation, VolumeBar, Solid, None } public enum ClosePriceEnum { TextColor, Rectangle, None } public enum HighestVolumeEnum { Rectangle, None } //public enum ZOrderType //{ // Normal, // AlwaysDrawnFirst //} #endregion //This namespace holds Indicators in this folder and is required. Do not change it. namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators { public class FootprintChart : Indicator { #region Variable and Structure Declarations private int barSpacing = 90; private int barWidth = 43; private bool setChartProperties = true; private string displayName = null; FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType = FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk; FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation; ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator = ClosePriceEnum.TextColor; HighestVolumeEnum highestVolumeIndicator = HighestVolumeEnum.Rectangle; NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont = new NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Consolas", 12); public class FootprintBar { public double Volume {get; set;} public double SessionVolume {get; set;} public double Delta {get; set;} public double SessionDelta {get;set;} public string BarDelta1;// {get;set;} public double LastHit {get;set;} public bool BidLastHit {get;set;} public double MaxVolume {get;set;} public double MaxVolumePrice {get;set;} public double MaxDelta {get;set;} public double MaxDeltaPrice {get;set;} public Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume> Footprints {get;set;} public FootprintBar(FootprintBar previous) { Footprints = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>(); SessionVolume = previous.SessionVolume; SessionDelta = previous.SessionDelta; Volume = 0; Delta = 0; LastHit = 0; } public FootprintBar() { Footprints = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>(); SessionVolume = 0; Volume = 0; Delta = 0; BarDelta1 = "Bar Delta"; LastHit = 0; } public void AddAskVolume(double price, double volume) { double currentVolume = 0; double deltaVolume = 0; BidAskVolume val; if (Footprints.TryGetValue(price, out val)) { val.askVolume += volume; val.currentVolume += volume; currentVolume = val.currentVolume; } else { Footprints.Add(price, new BidAskVolume(volume, volume, 0, price)); currentVolume = volume; } if(currentVolume > MaxVolume) { MaxVolume = currentVolume; MaxVolumePrice = price; } Volume = Volume + volume; SessionVolume = SessionVolume + volume; Delta = Delta + volume; SessionDelta = SessionDelta + volume; LastHit = price; BidLastHit = false; } public void AddBidVolume(double price, double volume) { double currentVolume = 0; double deltaVolume = 0; BidAskVolume val; if (Footprints.TryGetValue(price, out val)) { val.bidVolume += volume; val.currentVolume += volume; currentVolume = val.currentVolume; } else { Footprints.Add(price, new BidAskVolume(volume, 0, volume, price)); currentVolume = volume; } if(currentVolume > MaxVolume) { MaxVolume = currentVolume; MaxVolumePrice = price; } Volume = Volume + volume; SessionVolume = SessionVolume + volume; Delta = Delta - volume; SessionDelta = SessionDelta - volume; LastHit = price; BidLastHit = true; } public double FindMaxDeltaVolume() { foreach(KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> pair in Footprints) { if(pair.Value.deltaVolume > MaxDelta) { MaxDelta = pair.Value.deltaVolume; MaxDeltaPrice = pair.Value.Price; } } return MaxDeltaPrice; } } public class BidAskVolume { public double currentVolume; public double askVolume; public double bidVolume; public double Price; public BidAskVolume(double cv, double av, double bv, double price) { currentVolume = cv; askVolume = av; bidVolume = bv; Price = price; } public double deltaVolume { get{ return Math.Abs(bidVolume - askVolume); } } } private FootprintBar CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar(); private List<FootprintBar> FootprintBars = new List<FootprintBar>(); private Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume> bidAskVolume = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>(); double tmpAskVolume; double tmpBidVolume; double tmpCurrentVolume; int chartBarIndex; double barVolume; // bar volume double barDelta; // bar delta double lastHit = 0; // meant to show(text colour) if it was a buy or sell on the close of each bar ... current bar[0] ok but not previous closes .... under construction #endregion protected override void OnStateChange() { if (State == State.SetDefaults) { if (State == State.Historical) { } Description = @"Displays candlestick bars with coloured histogram of buy & sell volumes and more..."; Name = "FootprintChart"; // by Seth 20.12.2016 Calculate = Calculate.OnEachTick; IsOverlay = true; DisplayInDataBox = true; DrawOnPricePanel = true; DrawHorizontalGridLines = true; DrawVerticalGridLines = true; PaintPriceMarkers = true; ScaleJustification = NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right; IsAutoScale = true; IsSuspendedWhileInactive = true; // default color values BarDeltaDownColor = Brushes.Pink; BarDeltaUpColor = Brushes.LightGreen; SessionDeltaDownColor = Brushes.Tomato; SessionDeltaUpColor = Brushes.LimeGreen; FooterFontColor = Brushes.Black; BarVolumeBackgroundColor = Brushes.LightBlue; SessionVolumeBackgroundColor = Brushes.DodgerBlue; FootBrintParClosePriceColor = Brushes.Gold; FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor = Brushes.LawnGreen; FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor = Brushes.Magenta; FootBrintParTextColor = Brushes.Black; FootPrintBarUpColor = Brushes.LimeGreen; FootPrintBarDownColor = Brushes.Red; // current price line LineSpreadColor = Brushes.Black; LineShortColor = Brushes.Red; LineLongColor = Brushes.Green; LineStyle = DashStyleHelper.Dot; LineWidth = 2; // default boolean values ShowCurrentPrice = false; ShowFooter = true; ShowCandleStickBars = true; ShowBodyBar = false; ShowWicks = true; } else if (State == State.Configure) { setChartProperties = true; // create a better display name displayName = Name + " (" + Instrument.FullName + ", " + BarsPeriod.Value + " " + BarsPeriod.BarsPeriodType.ToString() + ", Bar Type: " + footPrintBarType.ToString() + ", Color Type: " + footPrintBarColor.ToString() + ")"; } } public override string DisplayName { get { return (displayName != null ? displayName : Name); } } protected override void OnMarketData(MarketDataEventArgs e) { if (e.MarketDataType == MarketDataType.Last){ lastHit=0; if (e.Price >= e.Ask) { CurrentFootprint.AddAskVolume(e.Price, e.Volume); if(ShowCurrentPrice) Draw.HorizontalLine(this, "CurrPrice", false, e.Price, LineShortColor, LineStyle, LineWidth); } else if(e.Price <= e.Bid) { CurrentFootprint.AddBidVolume(e.Price, e.Volume); if(ShowCurrentPrice) Draw.HorizontalLine(this, "CurrPrice", false, e.Price, LineLongColor, LineStyle, LineWidth); } } } protected override void OnBarUpdate() { BarBrushes[0] = Brushes.Transparent; CandleOutlineBrushes[0] = Brushes.Transparent; if (!Bars.IsTickReplay) Draw.TextFixed(this, "warning msg", "WARNING: Tick Replay must be enabled for FootPrintChart to display historical values.", TextPosition.TopRight); if (IsFirstTickOfBar) { if (Bars.IsFirstBarOfSession) { CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar(); FootprintBars.Add(CurrentFootprint); } else { CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar(CurrentFootprint); FootprintBars.Add(CurrentFootprint); } } } public override void OnCalculateMinMax() { // exit if ChartBars has not yet been initialized if (ChartBars == null) return; // int barLowPrice and barHighPrice to min and max double vals double barLowPrice = double.MaxValue; double barHighPrice = double.MinValue; // loop through the bars visible on the chart for (int index = ChartBars.FromIndex; index <= ChartBars.ToIndex; index++) { // get min/max of bar high/low values barLowPrice = Math.Min(barLowPrice, Low.GetValueAt(index)); barHighPrice = Math.Max(barHighPrice, High.GetValueAt(index)); } // number of ticks between high/low price double priceTicks = (barHighPrice - barLowPrice) * (1 / TickSize); // number of ticks on the chart panel based on the chart panel height and text font size double panelTicks = ChartPanel.H / (textFont.Size + 4); // number of ticks we'll need to add to high and low price to auto adjust the chart double ticksNeeded = (panelTicks - priceTicks) / 2; // calc min and max chart prices MinValue = barLowPrice - (ticksNeeded * TickSize); MaxValue = barHighPrice + (ticksNeeded * TickSize); } protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale) { // set the bar spacing and width of the chart, we only want to do this once and not on every render if (setChartProperties) { chartControl.Properties.BarDistance = barSpacing; chartControl.BarWidth = barWidth; setChartProperties = false; } // create the TextFormat structure for the footprint bars TextFormat footPrintBarFont = new TextFormat(new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(), textFont.Family.ToString(), textFont.Bold ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Bold : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Normal, textFont.Italic ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Italic : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Normal, (float)textFont.Size); for (chartBarIndex = ChartBars.FromIndex; chartBarIndex <= ChartBars.ToIndex; chartBarIndex++) { // current bar prices double barClosePrice = ChartBars.Bars.GetClose(chartBarIndex); double barOpenPrice = ChartBars.Bars.GetOpen(chartBarIndex); double barHighPrice = ChartBars.Bars.GetHigh(chartBarIndex); double barLowPrice = ChartBars.Bars.GetLow(chartBarIndex); barVolume = ChartBars.Bars.GetVolume(chartBarIndex); // current bar X and Y points int x = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex) - (int)chartControl.BarWidth; float barX = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex); float barOpenY = chartScale.GetYByValue(barOpenPrice); float barCloseY = chartScale.GetYByValue(barClosePrice); float barHighY = chartScale.GetYByValue(barHighPrice); float barLowY = chartScale.GetYByValue(barLowPrice); // vectors and rectangle for the candlestick bars Vector2 point0 = new Vector2(); Vector2 point1 = new Vector2(); RectangleF rect = new RectangleF(); // calculate the physical font size for the selected font GlyphTypeface gtf = new GlyphTypeface(); System.Windows.Media.Typeface t_face = new System.Windows.Media.Typeface(new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(textFont.Family.ToString()), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal); t_face.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out gtf); // chart drawing starts from the current price line down, so for our footprint rectangles we need to offset our footprint bar drawings up a bit so they align with the price marker double fontOffset = (gtf.CapsHeight * textFont.Size) * 0.6 * 1.8; double rectangleOffset = (gtf.CapsHeight * textFont.Size) * 1.8; // init totalDelta and maxVolumePrice double totalDelta = 0; double maxVolumePrice = 0; double sessionDelta = 0; double sessionVolume = 0; // BARS #region FootPrint Bars if (chartBarIndex == ChartBars.Count) { double maxVolume = double.MinValue;; double maxAskVolume = double.MinValue; double maxBidVolume = double.MinValue; double footPrintBarTopVolume = double.MinValue; foreach (KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> kvp in CurrentFootprint.Footprints) { if ((kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume) > maxVolume) { maxVolume = kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume; maxVolumePrice = kvp.Key; } if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) { maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, kvp.Value.bidVolume); maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, kvp.Value.askVolume); } else { maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, (kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume)); maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, (kvp.Value.askVolume - kvp.Value.bidVolume)); } int y = chartScale.GetYByValue(kvp.Key) - (int)(fontOffset); // determine the bar opacity double curr_percent = 100 * (barVolume / maxVolume); double curr_opacity = Math.Round((curr_percent / 100) * 0.8, 1); curr_opacity = curr_opacity == 0 ? 0.1 : curr_opacity; // set the color based on the volume direction SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); if (kvp.Value.askVolume < kvp.Value.bidVolume) footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); // draw the background color if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.VolumeBar) { double ratioAsk = 0; double ratioBid = 0; if (maxAskVolume != 0) ratioAsk = 1f - (kvp.Value.askVolume / maxAskVolume); if (maxBidVolume != 0) ratioBid = 1f - (kvp.Value.bidVolume / maxBidVolume); // determine the width of the rectangle based on the bid/ask volume double width = (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid)) + (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioAsk)); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid), y, (float)(width), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation) { footPrintBarColor.Opacity = (float)curr_opacity; RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Solid) { RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } // create the bid/ask or volume/delta strings to show on the chart string bidStr = null; string askStr = null; if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) { bidStr = kvp.Value.bidVolume.ToString(); askStr = kvp.Value.askVolume.ToString(); } else { bidStr = barVolume.ToString(); askStr = barDelta.ToString(); } // draw the bid footprint bar string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Trailing; if (kvp.Key == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor && lastHit==1) RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParClosePriceColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); else RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParTextColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); // draw the ask footprint bar string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Leading; if (kvp.Key == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor && lastHit==2) RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParClosePriceColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); else RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParTextColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); } } else { double maxVolume = double.MinValue; double maxAskVolume = double.MinValue; double maxBidVolume = double.MinValue; foreach (KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> kvp in FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Footprints) { BidAskVolume t = kvp.Value; if ((t.askVolume + t.bidVolume) > maxVolume) { maxVolume = t.askVolume + t.bidVolume; maxVolumePrice = t.Price; } if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) { maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, t.bidVolume); maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, t.askVolume); } else { maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, (t.bidVolume + t.askVolume)); maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, (t.askVolume - t.askVolume)); } // y value of where our drawing will start minus our fontOffset int y = chartScale.GetYByValue(t.Price) - (int)(fontOffset); // sum up the totalDelta, currentVolume, and delta values totalDelta += t.askVolume; totalDelta -= t.bidVolume; barVolume = t.askVolume + t.bidVolume; double curr_percent = 100 * (barVolume / maxVolume); double curr_opacity = Math.Round((curr_percent / 100) * 0.8, 1); curr_opacity = curr_opacity == 0 ? 0.1 : curr_opacity; // set the color based on the volume direction SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); if (t.askVolume < t.bidVolume) footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); // draw the background color if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.VolumeBar) { double ratioAsk = 0; double ratioBid = 0; if (maxAskVolume != 0) ratioAsk = 1f - (t.askVolume / maxAskVolume); if (maxBidVolume != 0) ratioBid = 1f - (t.bidVolume / maxBidVolume); // determine the width of the rectangle based on the bid/ask volume double width = (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid)) + (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioAsk)); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid), y, (float)(width), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation) { footPrintBarColor.Opacity = (float)curr_opacity; RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Solid) { RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor); } // create the bid/ask or volume/delta strings to show on the chart string bidStr = null; string askStr = null; if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) { bidStr = t.bidVolume.ToString(); askStr = t.askVolume.ToString(); } else { bidStr = barVolume.ToString(); askStr = barDelta.ToString(); } // draw the bid footprint bar string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Trailing; if (t.Price == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor) RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParClosePriceColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); else RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParTextColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); // draw the ask footprint bar string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Leading; if (t.Price == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor) RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParClosePriceColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); else RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)), FootBrintParTextColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); } //Draw rectangle around point of max delta SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footBrintParHighestDeltaColor = FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new RectangleF(x, chartScale.GetYByValue(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].FindMaxDeltaVolume()) - (int)(fontOffset), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footBrintParHighestDeltaColor, 3); //Draw rectangle around point of max volume. SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footBrintParHighestVolumeColor = FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new RectangleF(x, chartScale.GetYByValue(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].MaxVolumePrice) - (int)(fontOffset), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footBrintParHighestVolumeColor, 2); } #endregion #region CandleStick Bars if (ShowCandleStickBars || ShowBodyBar) { if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001) { // draw doji bar if no movement between open and close if (ShowCandleStickBars) { point0.X = x ; point0.Y = barCloseY; point1.X = x - 1; point1.Y = barCloseY; RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, 1); } if (ShowBodyBar) { point0.X = barX - 3; point0.Y = barCloseY; point1.X = barX + 3; point1.Y = barCloseY; RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, 1); } } else { if (ShowCandleStickBars) { rect.X = barX - 2;//(int)chartControl.BarWidth-7; rect.Y = Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY); rect.Width = 4; rect.Height = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) - Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY); // set the candlestick color based on open and close price System.Windows.Media.Brush candleStickColor = barClosePrice >= barOpenPrice ? ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.UpBrush : ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.DownBrush; // draw the candlestick RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, candleStickColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget)); // draw the candlestick outline color, the color and width come from the main chart properties RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.Width); } if (ShowBodyBar) { rect.X = barX - (int)chartControl.BarWidth; rect.Y = Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY) ; rect.Width = barWidth * 2; rect.Height = (Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) - Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY)) + (float)rectangleOffset; // set the candlestick color based on open and close price System.Windows.Media.Brush candleStickColor = barClosePrice >= barOpenPrice ? ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.UpBrush : ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.DownBrush; // draw the candlestick outline color, the color and width come from the main chart properties RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, candleStickColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), 2); } } if (ShowWicks) { // high wick if (barHighY < Math.Min(barOpenY, barCloseY)) { if (ShowCandleStickBars) { point0.X = barX ; point0.Y = barHighY; point1.X = barX ; point1.Y = Math.Min(barOpenY, barCloseY); // draw the high wick, the color and width come from the main chart properties RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.Width); } if (ShowBodyBar) { point0.X = barX; point0.Y = barHighY; point1.X = barX; if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001) point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY); else point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) + ((float)rectangleOffset / 2); } } // low wick if (barLowY > Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY)) { if (ShowCandleStickBars) { point0.X = barX ; point0.Y = barLowY; point1.X = barX ; point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY); // draw the low wick, the color and width come from the main chart properties RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.Width); } if (ShowBodyBar) { point0.X = barX; point0.Y = barLowY; point1.X = barX; if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001) point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY); else point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) + ((float)rectangleOffset / 2); } } } } #endregion // FOOTER #region Title Box Footer if (ShowFooter) { SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor; // set the volume background color volumeColor = BarVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth); // // RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // draw the Bar Delta text string // footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; // RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth), (float)rectangleOffset), // FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); // // draw the Session Delta text string // // if(xBar != chartBarIndex) // testing ideas // RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].BarDelta1, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; // RenderTarget.DrawText("Session Delta".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), // FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); // // draw the Bar Volume text string // footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; // RenderTarget.DrawText("Bar Volume".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), // FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); // // draw the Session Volume text string // footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; // RenderTarget.DrawText("Session Volume".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), // FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); } #endregion #region Bar Delta Footer if (ShowFooter) { SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush deltaColor; // set the background color based on the delta number if (totalDelta > 0) deltaColor = BarDeltaUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); else deltaColor = BarDeltaDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4 ); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), deltaColor); // draw the bar delta string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Delta.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); } #endregion #region Session delta Footer if (ShowFooter) { SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush deltaColor; // set the session delta background color if (sessionDelta > 0) deltaColor = SessionDeltaUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); else deltaColor = SessionDeltaDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex-1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), deltaColor); // draw the session delta string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].SessionDelta.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); } #endregion #region Bar Volume Footer if (ShowFooter) { SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor; // set the volume background color volumeColor = BarVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // draw the bar volume string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Volume.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); } #endregion #region Session Volume Footer if (ShowFooter) { SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor; // set the volume background color volumeColor = SessionVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget); float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4); RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor); // draw the session volume string footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center; RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].SessionVolume.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic); } #endregion } } #region Properties #region Chart Properties [Range(1, int.MaxValue)] [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Bar Spacing", Description="Sets the space between the footprint bars.", Order=1, GroupName="1. Chart Properties")] public int BarSpacing { get { return barSpacing; } set {barSpacing = Math.Max(1, value);} } [Range(1, int.MaxValue)] [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Bar Width", Description="Sets the width of the footprint bars.", Order=2, GroupName="1. Chart Properties")] public int BarWidth { get { return barWidth; } set {barWidth = Math.Max(1, value);} } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name = "Bar Font", Description = "Text font for the chart bars.", Order = 4, GroupName = "1. Chart Properties")] public NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont TextFont { get { return textFont; } set { textFont = value; } } #endregion #region CandleStick Properties [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Show CandleStick", Order=1, Description = "Show the CandleStick.", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")] public bool ShowCandleStickBars { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Show Outline in FootPrint Bar", Order=2, Description = "Shows a candlestick outline in the FootPrint bar body.", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")] public bool ShowBodyBar { get; set; } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Show Bar Wicks", Order=3, Description = "Show High/Low Wicks", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")] public bool ShowWicks { get; set; } #endregion #region FootPrint Bar Properties [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Bar Type", Description="Shows either Bid/Ask volume or Volume/Delta", Order=1, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public FootPrintBarEnum FootPrintBarType { get { return footPrintBarType; } set { footPrintBarType = value; } } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Bar Color", Description="Shows either a volume bar or a saturation color backgroud.", Order=2, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public FootPrintBarColorEnum FootPrintBarColor { get { return footPrintBarColor; } set { footPrintBarColor = value; } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Text Color", Description = "Color for the text string.", Order = 3, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParTextColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootBrintParTextColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParTextColor); } set { FootBrintParTextColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Volume Up Bar Color", Description = "Color for the up volume bars.", Order = 4, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootPrintBarUpColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootPrintBarUpColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootPrintBarUpColor); } set { FootPrintBarUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Volume Down Bar Color", Description = "Color for the down volume bars.", Order = 5, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootPrintBarDownColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootPrintBarDownColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootPrintBarDownColor); } set { FootPrintBarDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Close Indicator", Description="Indicates the close price in text or rectangle.", Order=6, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public ClosePriceEnum ClosePriceIndicator { get { return closePriceIndicator; } set { closePriceIndicator = value; } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Close Color", Description = "Color for the close price.", Order = 7, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParClosePriceColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootBrintParClosePriceColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParClosePriceColor); } set { FootBrintParClosePriceColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="High Volume Indicator", Description="Indicates the high volume in text or rectangle.", Order=8, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public HighestVolumeEnum HighVolumeIndicator { get { return highestVolumeIndicator; } set { highestVolumeIndicator = value; } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Highest Volume Indicator Color", Description = "Color for the high volume rectangle.", Order = 9, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootBrintParHighestVolumeBarColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor); } set { FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Highest Volume Indicator Color", Description = "Color for the high volume rectangle.", Order = 9, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FootBrintParHighestDeltaBarColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor); } set { FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } #endregion #region Footer Properties [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Show Footer Delta", Order=1, GroupName="4. Footer Properties")] public bool ShowFooter { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Text Color", Order = 2, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush FooterFontColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string FooterFontColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FooterFontColor); } set { FooterFontColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Delta Up Background Color", Order = 3, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarDeltaUpColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string BarDeltaUpColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarDeltaUpColor); } set { BarDeltaUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Delta Down Background Color", Order = 4, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarDeltaDownColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string BarDeltaDownColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarDeltaDownColor); } set { BarDeltaDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Delta Up Background Color", Order = 5, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionDeltaUpColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string SessionDeltaUpColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionDeltaUpColor); } set { SessionDeltaUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Delta Down Background Color", Order = 6, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionDeltaDownColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string SessionDeltaDownColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionDeltaDownColor); } set { SessionDeltaDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } #endregion [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Volume Background Color", Order = 7, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarVolumeBackgroundColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string BarVolumeBackgroundColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarVolumeBackgroundColor); } set { BarVolumeBackgroundColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Volume Background Color", Order = 8, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionVolumeBackgroundColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string SessionVolumeBackgroundColorSerialize { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionVolumeBackgroundColor); } set { SessionVolumeBackgroundColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } #endregion #region PriceLine [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="Show current price", Order=1, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public bool ShowCurrentPrice { get; set; } [XmlIgnore] [Display(Name="Spread Color", Description="Price SPREAD color", Order=2, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineSpreadColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string LineSpreadColorSerializable { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineSpreadColor); } set { LineSpreadColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(Name="Short Color", Description="Price SHORT color", Order=3, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineShortColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string LineShortColorSerializable { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineShortColor); } set { LineShortColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [XmlIgnore] [Display(Name="Long Color", Description="Price LONG color", Order=4, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineLongColor { get; set; } [Browsable(false)] public string LineLongColorSerializable { get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineLongColor); } set { LineLongColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); } } [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="LineStyle", Description="Price Line Style", Order=5, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public DashStyleHelper LineStyle { get; set; } [Range(1, int.MaxValue)] [NinjaScriptProperty] [Display(Name="LineWidth", Description="Price Line Width", Order=6, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")] public int LineWidth { get; set; } #endregion } } #region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove. namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators { public partial class Indicator : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.IndicatorRenderBase { private FootprintChart[] cacheFootprintChart; public FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { return FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth); } public FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input, int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { if (cacheFootprintChart != null) for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheFootprintChart.Length; idx++) if (cacheFootprintChart[idx] != null && cacheFootprintChart[idx].BarSpacing == barSpacing && cacheFootprintChart[idx].BarWidth == barWidth && cacheFootprintChart[idx].TextFont == textFont && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowCandleStickBars == showCandleStickBars && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowBodyBar == showBodyBar && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowWicks == showWicks && cacheFootprintChart[idx].FootPrintBarType == footPrintBarType && cacheFootprintChart[idx].FootPrintBarColor == footPrintBarColor && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ClosePriceIndicator == closePriceIndicator && cacheFootprintChart[idx].HighVolumeIndicator == highVolumeIndicator && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowFooter == showFooter && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowCurrentPrice == showCurrentPrice && cacheFootprintChart[idx].LineStyle == lineStyle && cacheFootprintChart[idx].LineWidth == lineWidth && cacheFootprintChart[idx].EqualsInput(input)) return cacheFootprintChart[idx]; return CacheIndicator<FootprintChart>(new FootprintChart(){ BarSpacing = barSpacing, BarWidth = barWidth, TextFont = textFont, ShowCandleStickBars = showCandleStickBars, ShowBodyBar = showBodyBar, ShowWicks = showWicks, FootPrintBarType = footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColor = footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceIndicator = closePriceIndicator, HighVolumeIndicator = highVolumeIndicator, ShowFooter = showFooter, ShowCurrentPrice = showCurrentPrice, LineStyle = lineStyle, LineWidth = lineWidth }, input, ref cacheFootprintChart); } } } namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.MarketAnalyzerColumns { public partial class MarketAnalyzerColumn : MarketAnalyzerColumnBase { public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { return indicator.FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth); } public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input , int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { return indicator.FootprintChart(input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth); } } } namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Strategies { public partial class Strategy : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.StrategyRenderBase { public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { return indicator.FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth); } public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input , int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth) { return indicator.FootprintChart(input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth); } } } #endregion
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