
3 months ago
53 kB
#region Using declarations
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Input;
using System.Windows.Media;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
using NinjaTrader.Cbi;
using NinjaTrader.Core;
using NinjaTrader.Gui;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart;
using NinjaTrader.Gui.SuperDom;
using NinjaTrader.Data;
using NinjaTrader.NinjaScript;
using NinjaTrader.Core.FloatingPoint;
using NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.DrawingTools;
using SharpDX.Direct2D1;
using SharpDX;
using SharpDX.DirectWrite;
//using System.Windows.Forms;

using System.Windows.Controls;
using System.Windows.Automation;
using System.Windows.Automation.Provider;

#region Enums
public enum FootPrintBarEnum
public enum FootPrintBarColorEnum
public enum ClosePriceEnum
public enum HighestVolumeEnum
//public enum ZOrderType
//	Normal,
//	AlwaysDrawnFirst

//This namespace holds Indicators in this folder and is required. Do not change it. 
namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators
	public class FootprintChart : Indicator
		#region Variable and Structure Declarations
		private int barSpacing = 90;
		private int barWidth = 43;
		private bool setChartProperties = true;
		private string displayName = null;
		FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType = FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk;
		FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation;
		ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator = ClosePriceEnum.TextColor;
		HighestVolumeEnum highestVolumeIndicator = HighestVolumeEnum.Rectangle;
		NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont = new NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont("Consolas", 12);
		public class FootprintBar
			public double Volume {get; set;}
			public double SessionVolume {get; set;}
			public double Delta {get; set;}
			public double SessionDelta {get;set;}
			public string BarDelta1;// {get;set;}
			public double LastHit {get;set;}
			public bool BidLastHit {get;set;}
			public double MaxVolume {get;set;}
			public double MaxVolumePrice {get;set;}
			public double MaxDelta {get;set;}
			public double MaxDeltaPrice {get;set;}
			public Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume> Footprints {get;set;}
			public FootprintBar(FootprintBar previous)
				Footprints = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>();
				SessionVolume = previous.SessionVolume;
				SessionDelta = previous.SessionDelta;
				Volume = 0;
				Delta = 0;
				LastHit = 0;
			public FootprintBar()
				Footprints = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>();
				SessionVolume = 0;
				Volume = 0;
				Delta = 0;
				BarDelta1 = "Bar Delta";
				LastHit = 0;
			public void AddAskVolume(double price, double volume)
				double currentVolume = 0;
				double deltaVolume = 0;
				BidAskVolume val;
				if (Footprints.TryGetValue(price, out val))
					val.askVolume += volume;
					val.currentVolume += volume;
					currentVolume = val.currentVolume;
			        Footprints.Add(price, new BidAskVolume(volume, volume, 0, price));
					currentVolume = volume;
				if(currentVolume > MaxVolume)
					MaxVolume = currentVolume;
					MaxVolumePrice = price;
				Volume = Volume + volume;
				SessionVolume = SessionVolume + volume;
				Delta = Delta + volume;
				SessionDelta = SessionDelta + volume;		
				LastHit = price;
				BidLastHit = false;
			public void AddBidVolume(double price, double volume)
				double currentVolume = 0;
				double deltaVolume = 0;
				BidAskVolume val;
				if (Footprints.TryGetValue(price, out val))
					val.bidVolume += volume;
					val.currentVolume += volume;
					currentVolume = val.currentVolume;
					Footprints.Add(price, new BidAskVolume(volume, 0, volume, price));
					currentVolume = volume;
				if(currentVolume > MaxVolume)
					MaxVolume = currentVolume;
					MaxVolumePrice = price;
				Volume = Volume + volume;
				SessionVolume = SessionVolume + volume;
				Delta = Delta - volume;
				SessionDelta = SessionDelta - volume;
				LastHit = price;
				BidLastHit = true;
			public double FindMaxDeltaVolume()
				foreach(KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> pair in Footprints)
					if(pair.Value.deltaVolume > MaxDelta)
						MaxDelta = pair.Value.deltaVolume;
						MaxDeltaPrice = pair.Value.Price;
				return MaxDeltaPrice;
		public class BidAskVolume
			public double currentVolume;
			public double askVolume;
			public double bidVolume;
			public double Price;

			public BidAskVolume(double cv, double av, double bv, double price)
				currentVolume = cv;
				askVolume = av;
				bidVolume = bv;
				Price = price;
			public double deltaVolume
				get{ return Math.Abs(bidVolume - askVolume); }
		private FootprintBar CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar();
		private List<FootprintBar> FootprintBars = new List<FootprintBar>();
		private Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume> bidAskVolume = new Dictionary<double, BidAskVolume>();
		double tmpAskVolume;
		double tmpBidVolume;
		double tmpCurrentVolume;
 		int	   chartBarIndex;
		double barVolume;			// bar volume
		double barDelta;			// bar delta
		double lastHit = 0;			// meant to show(text colour) if it was a buy or sell on the close of each bar   ... current bar[0] ok but not previous closes .... under construction
		protected override void OnStateChange()
			if (State == State.SetDefaults)
			if (State == State.Historical)
				Description							= @"Displays candlestick bars with coloured histogram of buy & sell volumes and more...";
				Name								= "FootprintChart";		// by Seth 20.12.2016
				Calculate							= Calculate.OnEachTick;
				IsOverlay							= true;
				DisplayInDataBox					= true;
				DrawOnPricePanel					= true;
				DrawHorizontalGridLines				= true;
				DrawVerticalGridLines				= true;
				PaintPriceMarkers					= true;
				ScaleJustification					= NinjaTrader.Gui.Chart.ScaleJustification.Right;
				IsAutoScale 						= true;
				IsSuspendedWhileInactive			= true;
				// default color values
				BarDeltaDownColor 					= Brushes.Pink;
				BarDeltaUpColor 					= Brushes.LightGreen;
				SessionDeltaDownColor 				= Brushes.Tomato;
				SessionDeltaUpColor 				= Brushes.LimeGreen;
				FooterFontColor 					= Brushes.Black;
				BarVolumeBackgroundColor			= Brushes.LightBlue;
				SessionVolumeBackgroundColor		= Brushes.DodgerBlue;
				FootBrintParClosePriceColor		 	= Brushes.Gold;
				FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor 		= Brushes.LawnGreen;
	            FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor 		= Brushes.Magenta;
				FootBrintParTextColor 				= Brushes.Black;
				FootPrintBarUpColor 				= Brushes.LimeGreen;
				FootPrintBarDownColor 				= Brushes.Red;
				// current price line
				LineSpreadColor						= Brushes.Black;
				LineShortColor						= Brushes.Red;
				LineLongColor						= Brushes.Green;
				LineStyle							= DashStyleHelper.Dot;
				LineWidth							= 2;
				// default boolean values
				ShowCurrentPrice			= false;
				ShowFooter 					= true;							
				ShowCandleStickBars 		= true;
				ShowBodyBar					= false;
				ShowWicks 					= true;
			else if (State == State.Configure)
				setChartProperties = true;

				// create a better display name
				displayName = Name +  " (" + Instrument.FullName + ", " + BarsPeriod.Value + " " + BarsPeriod.BarsPeriodType.ToString() + ", Bar Type: " + footPrintBarType.ToString() + ", Color Type: " + footPrintBarColor.ToString() + ")";

		public override string DisplayName
            get { return (displayName != null ? displayName : Name); }

		protected override void OnMarketData(MarketDataEventArgs e)
			if (e.MarketDataType == MarketDataType.Last){

				if (e.Price >= e.Ask)
					CurrentFootprint.AddAskVolume(e.Price, e.Volume);
					Draw.HorizontalLine(this, "CurrPrice", false, e.Price, LineShortColor, LineStyle, LineWidth);
				else if(e.Price <= e.Bid)
					CurrentFootprint.AddBidVolume(e.Price, e.Volume);
					Draw.HorizontalLine(this, "CurrPrice", false, e.Price, LineLongColor, LineStyle, LineWidth);
		protected override void OnBarUpdate()
			BarBrushes[0] = Brushes.Transparent;
			CandleOutlineBrushes[0] = Brushes.Transparent;
			if (!Bars.IsTickReplay)
				Draw.TextFixed(this, "warning msg", "WARNING: Tick Replay must be enabled for FootPrintChart to display historical values.", TextPosition.TopRight);
			if (IsFirstTickOfBar)
				if (Bars.IsFirstBarOfSession)
					CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar();
					CurrentFootprint = new FootprintBar(CurrentFootprint);

		public override void OnCalculateMinMax()
			// exit if ChartBars has not yet been initialized
			if (ChartBars == null)
            // int barLowPrice and barHighPrice to min and max double vals
            double barLowPrice = double.MaxValue;
            double barHighPrice = double.MinValue;

            // loop through the bars visible on the chart
            for (int index = ChartBars.FromIndex; index <= ChartBars.ToIndex; index++)
                // get min/max of bar high/low values
                barLowPrice = Math.Min(barLowPrice, Low.GetValueAt(index));
                barHighPrice = Math.Max(barHighPrice, High.GetValueAt(index));
			// number of ticks between high/low price
			double priceTicks = (barHighPrice - barLowPrice) * (1 / TickSize);
			// number of ticks on the chart panel based on the chart panel height and text font size
			double panelTicks = ChartPanel.H / (textFont.Size + 4);
			// number of ticks we'll need to add to high and low price to auto adjust the chart
			double ticksNeeded = (panelTicks - priceTicks) / 2;

			// calc min and max chart prices
			MinValue = barLowPrice - (ticksNeeded * TickSize);
            MaxValue = barHighPrice + (ticksNeeded * TickSize);

		protected override void OnRender(ChartControl chartControl, ChartScale chartScale)
			// set the bar spacing and width of the chart, we only want to do this once and not on every render
			if (setChartProperties) {
				chartControl.Properties.BarDistance = barSpacing;
				chartControl.BarWidth = barWidth;
				setChartProperties = false;
			// create the TextFormat structure for the footprint bars
			TextFormat footPrintBarFont = new TextFormat(new SharpDX.DirectWrite.Factory(),
														 textFont.Bold ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Bold : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontWeight.Normal,
														 textFont.Italic ? SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Italic : SharpDX.DirectWrite.FontStyle.Normal,
			for (chartBarIndex = ChartBars.FromIndex; chartBarIndex <= ChartBars.ToIndex; chartBarIndex++)
				// current bar prices
				double barClosePrice = ChartBars.Bars.GetClose(chartBarIndex);
		        double barOpenPrice	 = ChartBars.Bars.GetOpen(chartBarIndex);
				double barHighPrice	 = ChartBars.Bars.GetHigh(chartBarIndex);
		        double barLowPrice	 = ChartBars.Bars.GetLow(chartBarIndex);
				barVolume = ChartBars.Bars.GetVolume(chartBarIndex);
				// current bar X and Y points
				int	x 			= chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex) - (int)chartControl.BarWidth;
				float barX		= chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex);
				float barOpenY	= chartScale.GetYByValue(barOpenPrice);
				float barCloseY	= chartScale.GetYByValue(barClosePrice);
				float barHighY	= chartScale.GetYByValue(barHighPrice);
				float barLowY	= chartScale.GetYByValue(barLowPrice);
				// vectors and rectangle for the candlestick bars
				Vector2	point0	= new Vector2();
				Vector2	point1	= new Vector2();
				RectangleF rect	= new RectangleF();
				// calculate the physical font size for the selected font
				GlyphTypeface gtf = new GlyphTypeface();
				System.Windows.Media.Typeface t_face = new System.Windows.Media.Typeface(new System.Windows.Media.FontFamily(textFont.Family.ToString()), FontStyles.Normal, FontWeights.Normal, FontStretches.Normal);				
				t_face.TryGetGlyphTypeface(out gtf);
				// chart drawing starts from the current price line down, so for our footprint rectangles we need to offset our footprint bar drawings up a bit so they align with the price marker
				double fontOffset = (gtf.CapsHeight * textFont.Size) * 0.6 * 1.8;
				double rectangleOffset = (gtf.CapsHeight * textFont.Size) * 1.8;
				// init totalDelta and maxVolumePrice
				double totalDelta = 0;
				double maxVolumePrice = 0;	
				double sessionDelta = 0;
				double sessionVolume = 0;
				#region FootPrint Bars
				if (chartBarIndex == ChartBars.Count)
					double maxVolume = double.MinValue;;
					double maxAskVolume = double.MinValue;
					double maxBidVolume = double.MinValue;
					double footPrintBarTopVolume = double.MinValue;
					foreach (KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> kvp in CurrentFootprint.Footprints)
						if ((kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume) > maxVolume) {
							maxVolume = kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume;
							maxVolumePrice = kvp.Key;
						if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) {
							maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, kvp.Value.bidVolume);
							maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, kvp.Value.askVolume);
						} else {
							maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, (kvp.Value.askVolume + kvp.Value.bidVolume));
							maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, (kvp.Value.askVolume - kvp.Value.bidVolume));
						int y = chartScale.GetYByValue(kvp.Key) - (int)(fontOffset);							
						// determine the bar opacity
						double curr_percent = 100 * (barVolume / maxVolume);
						double curr_opacity = Math.Round((curr_percent / 100) * 0.8, 1);
						curr_opacity = curr_opacity == 0 ? 0.1 : curr_opacity;

						// set the color based on the volume direction
						SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						if (kvp.Value.askVolume < kvp.Value.bidVolume)
							footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						// draw the background color
						if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.VolumeBar) 
							double ratioAsk = 0;
							double ratioBid = 0;
							if (maxAskVolume != 0)
								ratioAsk = 1f - (kvp.Value.askVolume / maxAskVolume);
							if (maxBidVolume != 0)
								ratioBid = 1f - (kvp.Value.bidVolume / maxBidVolume);
							// determine the width of the rectangle based on the bid/ask volume
							double width = (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid)) + (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioAsk));
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid), y, (float)(width), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation) 
							footPrintBarColor.Opacity = (float)curr_opacity;
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Solid) 
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						// create the bid/ask or volume/delta strings to show on the chart
						string bidStr = null;
						string askStr = null;
						if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) {
							bidStr = kvp.Value.bidVolume.ToString();
							askStr = kvp.Value.askVolume.ToString();
						} else {
							bidStr = barVolume.ToString();
							askStr = barDelta.ToString();

						// draw the bid footprint bar string
						footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Trailing;
						if (kvp.Key == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor && lastHit==1)
							RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
							RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
						// draw the ask footprint bar string
						footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Leading;
						if (kvp.Key == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor && lastHit==2)
							RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
							RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
					double maxVolume = double.MinValue;			
					double maxAskVolume = double.MinValue;
					double maxBidVolume = double.MinValue;						
					foreach (KeyValuePair<double, BidAskVolume> kvp in FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Footprints)
						BidAskVolume t = kvp.Value;
						if ((t.askVolume + t.bidVolume) > maxVolume) {
							maxVolume = t.askVolume + t.bidVolume;
							maxVolumePrice = t.Price;
						if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) {
							maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, t.bidVolume);
							maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, t.askVolume);
						} else {
							maxBidVolume = Math.Max(maxBidVolume, (t.bidVolume + t.askVolume));
							maxAskVolume = Math.Max(maxAskVolume, (t.askVolume - t.askVolume));
						// y value of where our drawing will start minus our fontOffset
						int y = chartScale.GetYByValue(t.Price) - (int)(fontOffset);
						// sum up the totalDelta, currentVolume, and delta values
						totalDelta += t.askVolume;
						totalDelta -= t.bidVolume;
						barVolume = t.askVolume + t.bidVolume;
						double curr_percent = 100 * (barVolume / maxVolume);
						double curr_opacity = Math.Round((curr_percent / 100) * 0.8, 1);
						curr_opacity = curr_opacity == 0 ? 0.1 : curr_opacity;
						// set the color based on the volume direction
						SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						if (t.askVolume < t.bidVolume)
							footPrintBarColor = FootPrintBarDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						// draw the background color
						if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.VolumeBar) 
							double ratioAsk = 0;
							double ratioBid = 0;
							if (maxAskVolume != 0)
								ratioAsk = 1f - (t.askVolume / maxAskVolume);
							if (maxBidVolume != 0)
								ratioBid = 1f - (t.bidVolume / maxBidVolume);
							// determine the width of the rectangle based on the bid/ask volume
							double width = (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid)) + (chartControl.BarWidth - (chartControl.BarWidth * ratioAsk));
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * ratioBid), y, (float)(width), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Saturation) 
							footPrintBarColor.Opacity = (float)curr_opacity;
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						else if (FootPrintBarColor == FootPrintBarColorEnum.Solid) 
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(x, y, (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footPrintBarColor);
						// create the bid/ask or volume/delta strings to show on the chart
						string bidStr = null;
						string askStr = null;
						if (footPrintBarType == FootPrintBarEnum.BidAsk) 
							bidStr = t.bidVolume.ToString();
							askStr = t.askVolume.ToString();
							bidStr = barVolume.ToString();
							askStr = barDelta.ToString();
						// draw the bid footprint bar string
						footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Trailing;
						if (t.Price == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor)
							RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
							RenderTarget.DrawText(bidStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX - 5 - (float)chartControl.BarWidth, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
						// draw the ask footprint bar string
						footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Leading;
						if (t.Price == barClosePrice && closePriceIndicator == ClosePriceEnum.TextColor)
							RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
							RenderTarget.DrawText(askStr, footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(barX + 5, y, (float)chartControl.BarWidth, (float)(rectangleOffset)),
					//Draw rectangle around point of max delta
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footBrintParHighestDeltaColor = FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new RectangleF(x, chartScale.GetYByValue(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].FindMaxDeltaVolume()) - (int)(fontOffset), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footBrintParHighestDeltaColor, 3);
					//Draw rectangle around point of max volume.
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush footBrintParHighestVolumeColor = FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(new RectangleF(x, chartScale.GetYByValue(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].MaxVolumePrice) - (int)(fontOffset), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)(rectangleOffset)), footBrintParHighestVolumeColor, 2);

				#region CandleStick Bars
				if (ShowCandleStickBars || ShowBodyBar)
					if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001) {
						// draw doji bar if no movement between open and close
						if (ShowCandleStickBars) {
							point0.X = x ;
							point0.Y = barCloseY;
							point1.X = x - 1;
							point1.Y = barCloseY;
							RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, 1);
						if (ShowBodyBar) {
							point0.X = barX - 3;
							point0.Y = barCloseY;
							point1.X = barX + 3;
							point1.Y = barCloseY;
							RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, 1);
					} else {
						if (ShowCandleStickBars) {
							rect.X = barX - 2;//(int)chartControl.BarWidth-7;	
							rect.Y = Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY);		
							rect.Width	= 4;
							rect.Height	= Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) - Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY);
							// set the candlestick color based on open and close price
							System.Windows.Media.Brush candleStickColor = barClosePrice >= barOpenPrice ? ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.UpBrush : ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.DownBrush;

							// draw the candlestick
							RenderTarget.FillRectangle(rect, candleStickColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget));
							// draw the candlestick outline color, the color and width come from the main chart properties
							RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke.Width);
						if (ShowBodyBar) {
							rect.X		= barX - (int)chartControl.BarWidth;
							rect.Y		= Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY) ;
							rect.Width	= barWidth * 2;
							rect.Height	= (Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) - Math.Min(barCloseY, barOpenY)) + (float)rectangleOffset;
							// set the candlestick color based on open and close price
							System.Windows.Media.Brush candleStickColor = barClosePrice >= barOpenPrice ? ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.UpBrush : ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.DownBrush;

							// draw the candlestick outline color, the color and width come from the main chart properties
							RenderTarget.DrawRectangle(rect, candleStickColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), 2);
					if (ShowWicks) {						
						// high wick
						if (barHighY < Math.Min(barOpenY, barCloseY)) {
							if (ShowCandleStickBars) {
								point0.X = barX ;
								point0.Y = barHighY;
								point1.X = barX ;
								point1.Y = Math.Min(barOpenY, barCloseY);
								// draw the high wick, the color and width come from the main chart properties
								RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.Width);

							if (ShowBodyBar) {
								point0.X = barX;
								point0.Y = barHighY;
								point1.X = barX;
								if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001)
									point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY);
									point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) + ((float)rectangleOffset / 2);

						// low wick
						if (barLowY > Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY)) {
							if (ShowCandleStickBars) {
								point0.X = barX ;
								point0.Y = barLowY;
								point1.X = barX ;
								point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY);

								// draw the low wick, the color and width come from the main chart properties
								RenderTarget.DrawLine(point0, point1, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.BrushDX, ChartBars.Properties.ChartStyle.Stroke2.Width);
							if (ShowBodyBar) {
								point0.X = barX;
								point0.Y = barLowY;
								point1.X = barX;
								if (Math.Abs(barOpenY - barCloseY) < 0.0000001)
									point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY);
									point1.Y = Math.Max(barOpenY, barCloseY) + ((float)rectangleOffset / 2);

// FOOTER				
				#region Title Box Footer
				if (ShowFooter) {
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor;

					// set the volume background color
					volumeColor = BarVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
				float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth);
//					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
//					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
//					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
//					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
					// draw the Bar Delta text string
//					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
//					RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth), (float)rectangleOffset),
//							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
//					// draw the Session Delta text string
//		//				if(xBar != chartBarIndex)
	// testing ideas
	//				RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].BarDelta1, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);

//					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
//					RenderTarget.DrawText("Session Delta".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset),
//							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
//					// draw the Bar Volume text string
//					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
//					RenderTarget.DrawText("Bar Volume".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset),
//							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
//					// draw the Session Volume text string
//					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
//					RenderTarget.DrawText("Session Volume".ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 4), (float)rectangleOffset),
//							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
				#region Bar Delta Footer
				if (ShowFooter) {
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush deltaColor;
					// set the background color based on the delta number
					if (totalDelta > 0)
						deltaColor = BarDeltaUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						deltaColor = BarDeltaDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4 );
					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), deltaColor);
					// draw the bar delta string
					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
					RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Delta.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 57), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset),
							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);

				#region Session delta Footer
				if (ShowFooter) {
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush deltaColor;

					// set the session delta background color
					if (sessionDelta > 0)
						deltaColor = SessionDeltaUpColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
						deltaColor = SessionDeltaDownColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex-1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4);
					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), deltaColor);
					// draw the session delta string
					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;

					RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].SessionDelta.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 42), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset),
						FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
				#region Bar Volume Footer
				if (ShowFooter) {
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor;

					// set the volume background color
					volumeColor = BarVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4);
					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
					// draw the bar volume string
					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
					RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].Volume.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 27), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset),
							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
				#region Session Volume Footer
				if (ShowFooter) {
					SharpDX.Direct2D1.Brush volumeColor;

					// set the volume background color
					volumeColor = SessionVolumeBackgroundColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget);
					float xBar = chartControl.GetXByBarIndex(ChartBars, chartBarIndex - 1) + (float)(chartControl.BarWidth+4);
					RenderTarget.FillRectangle(new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset), volumeColor);
					// draw the session volume string
					footPrintBarFont.TextAlignment = SharpDX.DirectWrite.TextAlignment.Center;
					RenderTarget.DrawText(FootprintBars[chartBarIndex].SessionVolume.ToString(), footPrintBarFont, new RectangleF(xBar, (float)(ChartPanel.H - 12), (float)(chartControl.BarWidth * 2), (float)rectangleOffset),
							FooterFontColor.ToDxBrush(RenderTarget), DrawTextOptions.None, MeasuringMode.GdiClassic);
		#region Properties
		#region Chart Properties
		[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
		[Display(Name="Bar Spacing", Description="Sets the space between the footprint bars.", Order=1, GroupName="1. Chart Properties")]
		public int BarSpacing
			get { return barSpacing; }
			set {barSpacing = Math.Max(1, value);}
		[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
		[Display(Name="Bar Width", Description="Sets the width of the footprint bars.", Order=2, GroupName="1. Chart Properties")]
		public int BarWidth
			get { return barWidth; }
			set {barWidth = Math.Max(1, value);}
	    [Display(Name = "Bar Font", Description = "Text font for the chart bars.", Order = 4, GroupName = "1. Chart Properties")]
	    public NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont TextFont
	        get { return textFont; }
	        set { textFont = value; }
		#region CandleStick Properties
		[Display(Name="Show CandleStick", Order=1, Description = "Show the CandleStick.", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")]
		public bool ShowCandleStickBars
		{ get; set; }
		[Display(Name="Show Outline in FootPrint Bar", Order=2, Description = "Shows a candlestick outline in the FootPrint bar body.", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")]
		public bool ShowBodyBar
		{ get; set; }

		[Display(Name="Show Bar Wicks", Order=3, Description = "Show High/Low Wicks", GroupName="2. CandleStick Bar Properties")]
		public bool ShowWicks
		{ get; set; }
		#region FootPrint Bar Properties
		[Display(Name="Bar Type", Description="Shows either Bid/Ask volume or Volume/Delta", Order=1, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public FootPrintBarEnum FootPrintBarType
			get { return footPrintBarType; }
			set { footPrintBarType = value; }

		[Display(Name="Bar Color", Description="Shows either a volume bar or a saturation color backgroud.", Order=2, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public FootPrintBarColorEnum FootPrintBarColor
			get { return footPrintBarColor; }
			set { footPrintBarColor = value; }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Text Color", Description = "Color for the text string.", Order = 3, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParTextColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootBrintParTextColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParTextColor); }
   			set { FootBrintParTextColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Volume Up Bar Color", Description = "Color for the up volume bars.", Order = 4, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootPrintBarUpColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootPrintBarUpColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootPrintBarUpColor); }
   			set { FootPrintBarUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Volume Down Bar Color", Description = "Color for the down volume bars.", Order = 5, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootPrintBarDownColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootPrintBarDownColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootPrintBarDownColor); }
   			set { FootPrintBarDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		[Display(Name="Close Indicator", Description="Indicates the close price in text or rectangle.", Order=6, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public ClosePriceEnum ClosePriceIndicator
			get { return closePriceIndicator; }
			set { closePriceIndicator = value; }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Close Color", Description = "Color for the close price.", Order = 7, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParClosePriceColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootBrintParClosePriceColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParClosePriceColor); }
   			set { FootBrintParClosePriceColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

		[Display(Name="High Volume Indicator", Description="Indicates the high volume in text or rectangle.", Order=8, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public HighestVolumeEnum HighVolumeIndicator
			get { return highestVolumeIndicator; }
			set { highestVolumeIndicator = value; }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Highest Volume Indicator Color", Description = "Color for the high volume rectangle.", Order = 9, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootBrintParHighestVolumeBarColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor); }
   			set { FootBrintParHighestVolumeColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Highest Volume Indicator Color", Description = "Color for the high volume rectangle.", Order = 9, GroupName = "3. Candle Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FootBrintParHighestDeltaBarColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor); }
   			set { FootBrintParHighestDeltaColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		#region Footer Properties
		[Display(Name="Show Footer Delta", Order=1, GroupName="4. Footer Properties")]
		public bool ShowFooter
		{ get; set; }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Text Color", Order = 2, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush FooterFontColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string FooterFontColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(FooterFontColor); }
   			set { FooterFontColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Delta Up Background Color", Order = 3, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarDeltaUpColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string BarDeltaUpColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarDeltaUpColor); }
   			set { BarDeltaUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Delta Down Background Color", Order = 4, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarDeltaDownColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string BarDeltaDownColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarDeltaDownColor); }
   			set { BarDeltaDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Delta Up Background Color", Order = 5, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionDeltaUpColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string SessionDeltaUpColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionDeltaUpColor); }
   			set { SessionDeltaUpColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

		[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Delta Down Background Color", Order = 6, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
		public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionDeltaDownColor		
		{ get; set; }
		public string SessionDeltaDownColorSerialize
			get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionDeltaDownColor); }
   			set { SessionDeltaDownColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
				[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Bar Volume Background Color", Order = 7, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
				public System.Windows.Media.Brush BarVolumeBackgroundColor		
				{ get; set; }
				public string BarVolumeBackgroundColorSerialize
					get { return Serialize.BrushToString(BarVolumeBackgroundColor); }
		   			set { BarVolumeBackgroundColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
				[Display(ResourceType = typeof(Custom.Resource), Name = "Session Volume Background Color", Order = 8, GroupName = "4. Footer Properties")]
				public System.Windows.Media.Brush SessionVolumeBackgroundColor		
				{ get; set; }
				public string SessionVolumeBackgroundColorSerialize
					get { return Serialize.BrushToString(SessionVolumeBackgroundColor); }
		   			set { SessionVolumeBackgroundColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
				#region PriceLine
				[Display(Name="Show current price", Order=1, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public bool ShowCurrentPrice
				{ get; set; }
				[Display(Name="Spread Color", Description="Price SPREAD color", Order=2, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineSpreadColor		
				{ get; set; }

				public string LineSpreadColorSerializable
					get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineSpreadColor); }
					set { LineSpreadColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }
				[Display(Name="Short Color", Description="Price SHORT color", Order=3, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineShortColor		
				{ get; set; }

				public string LineShortColorSerializable
					get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineShortColor); }
					set { LineShortColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

				[Display(Name="Long Color", Description="Price LONG color", Order=4, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public System.Windows.Media.Brush LineLongColor		
				{ get; set; }

				public string LineLongColorSerializable
					get { return Serialize.BrushToString(LineLongColor); }
					set { LineLongColor = Serialize.StringToBrush(value); }

				[Display(Name="LineStyle", Description="Price Line Style", Order=5, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public DashStyleHelper LineStyle
				{ get; set; }

				[Range(1, int.MaxValue)]
				[Display(Name="LineWidth", Description="Price Line Width", Order=6, GroupName="7. CurrentPrice")]
				public int LineWidth
				{ get; set; }


#region NinjaScript generated code. Neither change nor remove.

namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Indicators
	public partial class Indicator : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.IndicatorRenderBase
		private FootprintChart[] cacheFootprintChart;
		public FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			return FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth);

		public FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input, int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			if (cacheFootprintChart != null)
				for (int idx = 0; idx < cacheFootprintChart.Length; idx++)
					if (cacheFootprintChart[idx] != null && cacheFootprintChart[idx].BarSpacing == barSpacing && cacheFootprintChart[idx].BarWidth == barWidth && cacheFootprintChart[idx].TextFont == textFont && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowCandleStickBars == showCandleStickBars && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowBodyBar == showBodyBar && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowWicks == showWicks && cacheFootprintChart[idx].FootPrintBarType == footPrintBarType && cacheFootprintChart[idx].FootPrintBarColor == footPrintBarColor && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ClosePriceIndicator == closePriceIndicator && cacheFootprintChart[idx].HighVolumeIndicator == highVolumeIndicator && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowFooter == showFooter && cacheFootprintChart[idx].ShowCurrentPrice == showCurrentPrice && cacheFootprintChart[idx].LineStyle == lineStyle && cacheFootprintChart[idx].LineWidth == lineWidth && cacheFootprintChart[idx].EqualsInput(input))
						return cacheFootprintChart[idx];
			return CacheIndicator<FootprintChart>(new FootprintChart(){ BarSpacing = barSpacing, BarWidth = barWidth, TextFont = textFont, ShowCandleStickBars = showCandleStickBars, ShowBodyBar = showBodyBar, ShowWicks = showWicks, FootPrintBarType = footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColor = footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceIndicator = closePriceIndicator, HighVolumeIndicator = highVolumeIndicator, ShowFooter = showFooter, ShowCurrentPrice = showCurrentPrice, LineStyle = lineStyle, LineWidth = lineWidth }, input, ref cacheFootprintChart);

namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.MarketAnalyzerColumns
	public partial class MarketAnalyzerColumn : MarketAnalyzerColumnBase
		public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			return indicator.FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth);

		public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input , int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			return indicator.FootprintChart(input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth);

namespace NinjaTrader.NinjaScript.Strategies
	public partial class Strategy : NinjaTrader.Gui.NinjaScript.StrategyRenderBase
		public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			return indicator.FootprintChart(Input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth);

		public Indicators.FootprintChart FootprintChart(ISeries<double> input , int barSpacing, int barWidth, NinjaTrader.Gui.Tools.SimpleFont textFont, bool showCandleStickBars, bool showBodyBar, bool showWicks, FootPrintBarEnum footPrintBarType, FootPrintBarColorEnum footPrintBarColor, ClosePriceEnum closePriceIndicator, HighestVolumeEnum highVolumeIndicator, bool showFooter, bool showCurrentPrice, DashStyleHelper lineStyle, int lineWidth)
			return indicator.FootprintChart(input, barSpacing, barWidth, textFont, showCandleStickBars, showBodyBar, showWicks, footPrintBarType, footPrintBarColor, closePriceIndicator, highVolumeIndicator, showFooter, showCurrentPrice, lineStyle, lineWidth);

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